The way Chelsea Clinton just justified the murder of unborn babies is SICK

You don’t see anything wrong with comparing US increased economic success to killing a baby as sick?
Abortion has been an important economic stimulus ever since it was legalized by the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, Chelsea Clinton claimed at a “Rise Up for Roe” event on Saturday.

At the event promoting opposition to President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the former First Daughter of President Bill Clinton credited legalized abortion for helping add trillions of dollars to the U.S economy because women who had abortions were more inclined to enter the labor force:

“Whether you fundamentally care about reproductive rights and access right, because these are not the same thing, if you care about social justice or economic justice, agency – you have to care about this.

“It is not a disconnected fact – to address this t-shirt of 1973 – that American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy. Right? \

The way Chelsea Clinton just justified the murder of unborn babies is SICK

You can't this stuff up.
I'm not sure why pointing to the positive economic impact of women free to work is "sick." The Right doesn't seem to see anything wrong with cutting millions off healthcare and foodstamps because it's too expensive. Maybe some people think that's kinda "sick," too.

Having an abortion is not “killing a baby” no matter how may times you say it. There is no baby. A baby is a living, BREATHING, human being.

A fetus is NOT a baby. It has the potential to become a baby. But it is not yet a baby.

When you kill a baby, you’re charged with murder.

Savages like you hide behind a twisting of the terminology.

Here's a query you'll be afraid to answer: what would the result of conception be if you murders kept your hands off it???
None of you are attempting to answer my question. Why are you so insistent on bringing unwanted children into the world to unprepared or unable parents? Why do you want children to suffer?

This has NOTHING to with OP, it's about Chelsea trying to equate abortion with economic stimulus. As I have shown you.
Sorry Doc. I let myself be led. However, explain why it is "sick" to show the positive economic impact of women in the workforce?
None of you are attempting to answer my question. Why are you so insistent on bringing unwanted children into the world to unprepared or unable parents? Why do you want children to suffer?

Why do you want to murder them? Any reasonable argument you care to make regarding abortion shatters on the rocks of dismembering the unborn. Unless you possess zero humanity. If life is a maze, then birth is entry into it--the starting line. An infinite number of possibilities exist after birth for the born. Sounds very much to me like it is your side who believes a child born without parents who want to raise them should be cast into the dumpster. Really ought to listen to your own argument. You would rathe kill a child rather than allow them the right to be enter this world and become anything, anyone. Who the hell gave you that right?
birth is entry into it--the starting line.
Exactly. A termination of a fetus at six or eight weeks or ten, is not "murder." It is not a viable life and nowhere close to being at "the starting line."
Quality of life matters.
Why you insist on forcing unwanted children onto parents who are financially, socially or emotionally unprepared to raise them,
Why do people who can’t afford children act responsibly and NOT get pregnant?
Most of them do. No birth control is perfect. And no one is 100% perfect 100% of the time. Not even you or me.
None of you are attempting to answer my question. Why are you so insistent on bringing unwanted children into the world to unprepared or unable parents? Why do you want children to suffer?

This has NOTHING to with OP, it's about Chelsea trying to equate abortion with economic stimulus. As I have shown you.
Sorry Doc. I let myself be led. However, explain why it is "sick" to show the positive economic impact of women in the workforce?

Its not, it's "sick" to reduce life/death to a monetary benefit/drain.
You don’t see anything wrong with comparing US increased economic success to killing a baby as sick?
Abortion has been an important economic stimulus ever since it was legalized by the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, Chelsea Clinton claimed at a “Rise Up for Roe” event on Saturday.

At the event promoting opposition to President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the former First Daughter of President Bill Clinton credited legalized abortion for helping add trillions of dollars to the U.S economy because women who had abortions were more inclined to enter the labor force:

“Whether you fundamentally care about reproductive rights and access right, because these are not the same thing, if you care about social justice or economic justice, agency – you have to care about this.

“It is not a disconnected fact – to address this t-shirt of 1973 – that American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy. Right? \

The way Chelsea Clinton just justified the murder of unborn babies is SICK

You can't this stuff up.
I'm not sure why pointing to the positive economic impact of women free to work is "sick." The Right doesn't seem to see anything wrong with cutting millions off healthcare and foodstamps because it's too expensive. Maybe some people think that's kinda "sick," too.

Having an abortion is not “killing a baby” no matter how may times you say it. There is no baby. A baby is a living, BREATHING, human being.

A fetus is NOT a baby. It has the potential to become a baby. But it is not yet a baby.

When you kill a baby, you’re charged with murder.
The ant-abortion idiots don't know that.
You don’t see anything wrong with comparing US increased economic success to killing a baby as sick?
Abortion has been an important economic stimulus ever since it was legalized by the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, Chelsea Clinton claimed at a “Rise Up for Roe” event on Saturday.

At the event promoting opposition to President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the former First Daughter of President Bill Clinton credited legalized abortion for helping add trillions of dollars to the U.S economy because women who had abortions were more inclined to enter the labor force:

“Whether you fundamentally care about reproductive rights and access right, because these are not the same thing, if you care about social justice or economic justice, agency – you have to care about this.

“It is not a disconnected fact – to address this t-shirt of 1973 – that American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy. Right? \

The way Chelsea Clinton just justified the murder of unborn babies is SICK

You can't this stuff up.
I'm not sure why pointing to the positive economic impact of women free to work is "sick." The Right doesn't seem to see anything wrong with cutting millions off healthcare and foodstamps because it's too expensive. Maybe some people think that's kinda "sick," too.

Having an abortion is not “killing a baby” no matter how may times you say it. There is no baby. A baby is a living, BREATHING, human being.

A fetus is NOT a baby. It has the potential to become a baby. But it is not yet a baby.

When you kill a baby, you’re charged with murder.
The ant-abortion idiots don't know that.
Why do liberals hate innocent children so much?

You got it twisted. Liberals don't want children bought into a world where a mother is unprepared and they're raised in poverty or worse sent to the system where they may or may not get a good home.

Conservatives don't give a shit about children. They are constantly cutting social programs that help children, against universal healthcare so these children can stay healthy and against public and affordable university that would give these children a chance a decent career and life.

Conservatives obsessions to saving fetuses stems from controlling women's bodies. If men could get pregnant abortion wouldn't be even a discussion. It would be easily and widely available everywhere.

Have you ever met anyone that said they grew up so poor they wish they were just dead instead?

I think it’s safe to say poor kids would rather be alive than to have been savagely murdered before they were even born.

You are one sick individual.

I'm the sick one, but you support a party that takes away school lunches for those poor children you pretend to have sympathy for. That drags their feet on renewing funding for Healthcare for children.

Again, if you are pro-life you won't just care about the child before being born. You would support laws and policies that support that child until they are an adult. You also support laws that make it easier for women to receive birth control pills from insurance companies.
Speaking of the hypocrisy of these pro-life fraudsters, you have a Republican governor in Georgia shutting down the medicaid expansion, while nine rural hospitals close, and turn away pregnant women at the hospital about to have a baby, because they don't have health insurance. It would more believable that I ride on the backs of dinosaurs, before anyone would believe these goons are pro-life; Georgia's Deal: Tighten ER access
Last edited:
You don’t see anything wrong with comparing US increased economic success to killing a baby as sick?
Abortion has been an important economic stimulus ever since it was legalized by the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, Chelsea Clinton claimed at a “Rise Up for Roe” event on Saturday.

At the event promoting opposition to President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the former First Daughter of President Bill Clinton credited legalized abortion for helping add trillions of dollars to the U.S economy because women who had abortions were more inclined to enter the labor force:

“Whether you fundamentally care about reproductive rights and access right, because these are not the same thing, if you care about social justice or economic justice, agency – you have to care about this.

“It is not a disconnected fact – to address this t-shirt of 1973 – that American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy. Right? \

The way Chelsea Clinton just justified the murder of unborn babies is SICK

You can't this stuff up.
I'm not sure why pointing to the positive economic impact of women free to work is "sick." The Right doesn't seem to see anything wrong with cutting millions off healthcare and foodstamps because it's too expensive. Maybe some people think that's kinda "sick," too.

Having an abortion is not “killing a baby” no matter how may times you say it. There is no baby. A baby is a living, BREATHING, human being.

A fetus is NOT a baby. It has the potential to become a baby. But it is not yet a baby.

When you kill a baby, you’re charged with murder.
The ant-abortion idiots don't know that.

"The ant-abortion idiots don't know that."

How very tolerant of you.
  • Thanks
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Why do liberals hate innocent children so much?

You got it twisted. Liberals don't want children bought into a world where a mother is unprepared and they're raised in poverty or worse sent to the system where they may or may not get a good home.

Conservatives don't give a shit about children. They are constantly cutting social programs that help children, against universal healthcare so these children can stay healthy and against public and affordable university that would give these children a chance a decent career and life.

Conservatives obsessions to saving fetuses stems from controlling women's bodies. If men could get pregnant abortion wouldn't be even a discussion. It would be easily and widely available everywhere.

Have you ever met anyone that said they grew up so poor they wish they were just dead instead?

I think it’s safe to say poor kids would rather be alive than to have been savagely murdered before they were even born.

You are one sick individual.

I'm the sick one, but you support a party that takes away school lunches for those poor children you pretend to have sympathy for. That drags their feet on renewing funding for Healthcare for children.

Again, if you are pro-life you won't just care about the child before being born. You would support laws and policies that support that child until they are an adult. You also support laws that make it easier for women to receive birth control pills from insurance companies.
Speaking of the hypocrisy of these pro-life fraudsters, you have a Republican governor in Georgia shutting down the medicaid expansion, while nine rural hospitals close, and turn away pregnant women at the hospital about to have a baby, because they don't have health insurance. It would more believable that I ride on the backs of dinosaurs, before anyone would believe these goons are pro-life; Georgia's Deal: Tighten ER access

I think there should be laws against this kind of stuff. How do you turn down a pregnant woman in labor? That's just sick.

But these fools claim to be prolife.
None of you are attempting to answer my question. Why are you so insistent on bringing unwanted children into the world to unprepared or unable parents? Why do you want children to suffer?
It’s the irresponsible twats who get pregnant knowing they don’t want or can’t afford a child who you should be lecturing, dear.
Oh no! We can’t expect them to take any personal responsibility!
God forbid :eek:

50% of the women who get abortions, were using birth control the month they got pregnant. So they were behaving responsibly. Their birth control failed to protect them.

I have a handsome young grandson who turns one next week whose mother was taking the pill when he was conceived.

If, like my daughter, you’re financially secure and can afford to raise this child, or you were planning on getting pregnant, just not yet, you smile and says “Well it’s not quite what we planned, but we’re thrilled!”.

If getting pregnant means you’ll lose your low wage job, and you’ll have no way of supporting your existing family, much less providing for your new baby, the decision isn’t that easy.

As a Canadian, my daughter and her family have government funded healthcare. Her pre-natal care, and delivery resulted in no out of pocket expenses for the family. Copayments for doctors’ visits and hospital stays are illegal in Canada. You can buy upgrades to semi-private or private rooms, or TV rentals for rooms, but basic expenses are fully funded.

If my daughter works outside the home, she would have 1 year’s paid maternity leave during which time her employer must keep her job open for her return. She would be paid 55% of her employment through the Employment Insurance program which is funded by premiums paid by both the employer and the workers. The USA is the only first world country in the world which doesn’t have mandated maternity leave and job protections for pregnant women.

And unlike the US, she can’t be fired because she’s pregnant. In fact, it is virtually impossible to fire a pregnant woman. No joke. Even for cause.

My law firm hired a really useless woman. Lazy and incompetent would be the best description. The day before she was to be fired (they had her separation papers all drawn up), she announced she was pregnant. We were stuck with her until after she came back from mat leave.

Once the baby arrives, she will also receive a “baby bonus” of up to $6400 a year per child under the age of 6. To receive the maximum, your family earnings must be less than $30,000 per year.

Here’s how much the new Canada Child Benefit will give you each month

So poor women are being given income, supports and protections to help them keep their babies. Our abortion rate is half that of the USA, and abortions are free here, and unrestricted.
You don’t see anything wrong with comparing US increased economic success to killing a baby as sick?
Abortion has been an important economic stimulus ever since it was legalized by the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, Chelsea Clinton claimed at a “Rise Up for Roe” event on Saturday.

At the event promoting opposition to President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the former First Daughter of President Bill Clinton credited legalized abortion for helping add trillions of dollars to the U.S economy because women who had abortions were more inclined to enter the labor force:

“Whether you fundamentally care about reproductive rights and access right, because these are not the same thing, if you care about social justice or economic justice, agency – you have to care about this.

“It is not a disconnected fact – to address this t-shirt of 1973 – that American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy. Right? \

The way Chelsea Clinton just justified the murder of unborn babies is SICK

You can't this stuff up.
I'm not sure why pointing to the positive economic impact of women free to work is "sick." The Right doesn't seem to see anything wrong with cutting millions off healthcare and foodstamps because it's too expensive. Maybe some people think that's kinda "sick," too.

Having an abortion is not “killing a baby” no matter how may times you say it. There is no baby. A baby is a living, BREATHING, human being.

A fetus is NOT a baby. It has the potential to become a baby. But it is not yet a baby.

When you kill a baby, you’re charged with murder.

Savages like you hide behind a twisting of the terminology.

Here's a query you'll be afraid to answer: what would the result of conception be if you murders kept your hands off it???

What would be the result? We don’t know. There is a 1/3 chance the fetus will spontaneously abort.

What happens to the fetus if it is allowed to develop isn’t the issue. The issue is a fetus is NOT a baby. An abortion doesn’t “kill a baby”. It prevents a fetus from becoming a baby.

1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Doctors tell us most miscarriages are the result of fetal abnormalities, so a large percentage of these fetuses will never become babies even if the mother chooses to continue the pregnancy.

Idiots like you, keep pretending that your abortion rates aren’t fuelled by conservative employment policies. You continually refuse to mandate maternity leaves or job protections for pregnant women, and then call people who can’t afford to raise more children “baby killers”.

Hypocrites all.
Why do liberals hate innocent children so much?

You got it twisted. Liberals don't want children bought into a world where a mother is unprepared and they're raised in poverty or worse sent to the system where they may or may not get a good home.

Conservatives don't give a shit about children. They are constantly cutting social programs that help children, against universal healthcare so these children can stay healthy and against public and affordable university that would give these children a chance a decent career and life.

Conservatives obsessions to saving fetuses stems from controlling women's bodies. If men could get pregnant abortion wouldn't be even a discussion. It would be easily and widely available everywhere.

Have you ever met anyone that said they grew up so poor they wish they were just dead instead?

I think it’s safe to say poor kids would rather be alive than to have been savagely murdered before they were even born.

You are one sick individual.

I'm the sick one, but you support a party that takes away school lunches for those poor children you pretend to have sympathy for. That drags their feet on renewing funding for Healthcare for children.

Again, if you are pro-life you won't just care about the child before being born. You would support laws and policies that support that child until they are an adult. You also support laws that make it easier for women to receive birth control pills from insurance companies.
Speaking of the hypocrisy of these pro-life fraudsters, you have a Republican governor in Georgia shutting down the medicaid expansion, while nine rural hospitals close, and turn away pregnant women at the hospital about to have a baby, because they don't have health insurance. It would more believable that I ride on the backs of dinosaurs, before anyone would believe these goons are pro-life; Georgia's Deal: Tighten ER access

I think there should be laws against this kind of stuff. How do you turn down a pregnant woman in labor? That's just sick.

But these fools claim to be prolife.
So you do believe I ride on the backs of dinosaurs? Lol!

I know, it isn't funny, and you are right. It's sick. But the only logical narrative behind the sick joke of claiming to be pro-life, is to counter the sick joke by mocking their own sickness. Because the debate itself, comes from a form of sickness called mental illness.

If the science cannot back up a claim that the growing fetus is a fully developed baby, then there is a mental block restricting these folks from debating this subject with any kind of formidable intelligence.
You don’t see anything wrong with comparing US increased economic success to killing a baby as sick?
Abortion has been an important economic stimulus ever since it was legalized by the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, Chelsea Clinton claimed at a “Rise Up for Roe” event on Saturday.

At the event promoting opposition to President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the former First Daughter of President Bill Clinton credited legalized abortion for helping add trillions of dollars to the U.S economy because women who had abortions were more inclined to enter the labor force:

“Whether you fundamentally care about reproductive rights and access right, because these are not the same thing, if you care about social justice or economic justice, agency – you have to care about this.

“It is not a disconnected fact – to address this t-shirt of 1973 – that American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy. Right? \

The way Chelsea Clinton just justified the murder of unborn babies is SICK

You can't this stuff up.
I'm not sure why pointing to the positive economic impact of women free to work is "sick." The Right doesn't seem to see anything wrong with cutting millions off healthcare and foodstamps because it's too expensive. Maybe some people think that's kinda "sick," too.
If someone suggested the positive economic impact of gassing black Americans, she'd get it.
You don’t see anything wrong with comparing US increased economic success to killing a baby as sick?
Abortion has been an important economic stimulus ever since it was legalized by the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, Chelsea Clinton claimed at a “Rise Up for Roe” event on Saturday.

At the event promoting opposition to President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the former First Daughter of President Bill Clinton credited legalized abortion for helping add trillions of dollars to the U.S economy because women who had abortions were more inclined to enter the labor force:

“Whether you fundamentally care about reproductive rights and access right, because these are not the same thing, if you care about social justice or economic justice, agency – you have to care about this.

“It is not a disconnected fact – to address this t-shirt of 1973 – that American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy. Right? \

The way Chelsea Clinton just justified the murder of unborn babies is SICK

You can't this stuff up.
I'm not sure why pointing to the positive economic impact of women free to work is "sick." The Right doesn't seem to see anything wrong with cutting millions off healthcare and foodstamps because it's too expensive. Maybe some people think that's kinda "sick," too.
If someone suggested the positive economic impact of gassing black Americans, she'd get it.

False equivalency.
You don’t see anything wrong with comparing US increased economic success to killing a baby as sick?
Abortion has been an important economic stimulus ever since it was legalized by the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, Chelsea Clinton claimed at a “Rise Up for Roe” event on Saturday.

At the event promoting opposition to President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the former First Daughter of President Bill Clinton credited legalized abortion for helping add trillions of dollars to the U.S economy because women who had abortions were more inclined to enter the labor force:

“Whether you fundamentally care about reproductive rights and access right, because these are not the same thing, if you care about social justice or economic justice, agency – you have to care about this.

“It is not a disconnected fact – to address this t-shirt of 1973 – that American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy. Right? \

The way Chelsea Clinton just justified the murder of unborn babies is SICK

You can't this stuff up.
I'm not sure why pointing to the positive economic impact of women free to work is "sick." The Right doesn't seem to see anything wrong with cutting millions off healthcare and foodstamps because it's too expensive. Maybe some people think that's kinda "sick," too.

Having an abortion is not “killing a baby” no matter how may times you say it. There is no baby. A baby is a living, BREATHING, human being.

A fetus is NOT a baby. It has the potential to become a baby. But it is not yet a baby.

When you kill a baby, you’re charged with murder.

Savages like you hide behind a twisting of the terminology.

Here's a query you'll be afraid to answer: what would the result of conception be if you murders kept your hands off it???

What would be the result? We don’t know. There is a 1/3 chance the fetus will spontaneously abort.

What happens to the fetus if it is allowed to develop isn’t the issue. The issue is a fetus is NOT a baby. An abortion doesn’t “kill a baby”. It prevents a fetus from becoming a baby.

1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Doctors tell us most miscarriages are the result of fetal abnormalities, so a large percentage of these fetuses will never become babies even if the mother chooses to continue the pregnancy.

Idiots like you, keep pretending that your abortion rates aren’t fuelled by conservative employment policies. You continually refuse to mandate maternity leaves or job protections for pregnant women, and then call people who can’t afford to raise more children “baby killers”.

Hypocrites all.

But we do know the result when you murderers take over, don't we.

Even when the child is born alive, after a botched simply throw the nascent human being onto a platter to die.

Jewish World Review
April 24, 2008 / 19 Nissan 5768

Infanticide candidate for president

By Nat Hentoff


Jewish World Review: The intersection of faith, culture and politics | I was once strongly inclined to vote for Barack Obama for president (assuming he won his party's nomination) based on his record as a community organizer in Chicago and in the Illinois state legislature. He's had nitty-gritty street experiences absent in the resumes of most aspirants for the Oval Office: He worked in poor neighborhoods to get job training for the unemployed and found ways to reach school dropouts. And in the legislature, he got a bill passed to mandate electronic police recording of interrogations in homicide cases. But then I learned Obama's voting record on abortion.

I am a nonreligious pro-lifer, my only religion being the Constitution.

....on abortion, Obama is an extremist. He has opposed the Supreme Court decision that finally upheld the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act against that form of infanticide. Most startlingly, for a professed humanist, Obama – in the Illinois Senate – also voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. I have reported on several of those cases when, before the abortion was completed, an alive infant was suddenly in the room. It was disposed of as a horrified nurse who was not necessarily pro-life followed the doctors’ orders to put the baby in a pail or otherwise get rid of the child.

As a longtime columnist, John Leo, has written of this form of fatal discrimination, these “mistakes” during an abortion, once born, cannot be “killed or allowed to die simply because they are unwanted.”

.... Obama’s actual votes on abortion, he “voted to kill a bill that would have required an abortionist to notify at least one parent before performing an abortion on a minor girl from another state.”

“But if they make a mistake,” Obama continued, “I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

Among my children and grandchildren are two daughters and three granddaughters; and when I hear anyone, including a presidential candidate, equate having a baby as punishment, I realize with particular force the impact that the millions of legal abortions in this country have had on respect for human life."

Infanticide candidate for president

Gingrich: Obama Voted For Infanticide
You don’t see anything wrong with comparing US increased economic success to killing a baby as sick?
Abortion has been an important economic stimulus ever since it was legalized by the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, Chelsea Clinton claimed at a “Rise Up for Roe” event on Saturday.

At the event promoting opposition to President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the former First Daughter of President Bill Clinton credited legalized abortion for helping add trillions of dollars to the U.S economy because women who had abortions were more inclined to enter the labor force:

“Whether you fundamentally care about reproductive rights and access right, because these are not the same thing, if you care about social justice or economic justice, agency – you have to care about this.

“It is not a disconnected fact – to address this t-shirt of 1973 – that American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy. Right? \

The way Chelsea Clinton just justified the murder of unborn babies is SICK

You can't this stuff up.
I'm not sure why pointing to the positive economic impact of women free to work is "sick." The Right doesn't seem to see anything wrong with cutting millions off healthcare and foodstamps because it's too expensive. Maybe some people think that's kinda "sick," too.
If someone suggested the positive economic impact of gassing black Americans, she'd get it.

False equivalency.
Exactly the same
14 weeks
  1. Your baby can squint, frown, and grimace. His facial muscles are getting a serious workout thanks to brain impulses.
  2. The neck is easier to find. His body is growing faster than his head, which now sits upon a distinct neck.
  3. His body is adding length. From head to rump, your baby measures 3 ½ inches, about the size of a lemon, and weighs 1½ ounces.
  4. He also pees. The kidneys are producing urine, which is released into the amniotic fluid.
  5. upload_2018-8-16_12-54-52.jpeg

  6. And of course, has a heart beat.
Why you insist on forcing unwanted children onto parents who are financially, socially or emotionally unprepared to raise them,
Why do people who can’t afford children act responsibly and NOT get pregnant?
Most of them do. No birth control is perfect. And no one is 100% perfect 100% of the time. Not even you or me.
And too many don’t, when it’s such an easy thing to get right.

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