Zone1 The WEF: The new global bogeyman?


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Personally, I am just watching and learning when it comes to the World Economic Forum (WEF). I suspect it does promote some policies and initiatives that most Patriots oppose/don't agree with. I also suspect it isn't all the evil bogeyman that some make it out to be.

I'm curious what people think its benefits are, and what evidence do you have for that?
I'm curious why people think it is an evil entity and what evidence do you have for that?

I did a bit of cursory on line research this morning and found that most of the conspiracy theories seem to originate in Infowars and, to some extent, Qanon. But 'seems to' is often more subjective than accurate.

So what are we to think of this new global power that has been on social media and message boards so much lately? Are we correct in what we think?

The Washington Examiner, nobody's idea of a left wing publication, put out a pretty objective analysis of the WEF this week:
Anyone interested in Schwab's organization (WEF) needs to first study where his primary motivation comes from:

This^ man has a lot of followers. It would be well to know how he thinks of our world.
Anyone interested in Schwab's organization (WEF) needs to first study where his primary motivation comes from:

This^ man has a lot of followers. It would be well to know how he thinks of our world.
I don't want to sift through hours of video or text hunting for his opinion of the Schwab or the WEF. Can you summarize it?
Well I learned one thing this evening. Forget about killer bees or murder hornets or COVID taking us out. According to Al Gore this week at Davos, it will be rain bombs that do us in and destroy us as a nation.
Whoa ... what an interesting and intelligent discussion. I have had the exact same attitude towards the WEF -- dismissing the crazy conspiracy theories, but wondering if there is not a kernal of truth to the view that they're not all benevolent peace-loving folks just promoting global trade and international co-operation.

I think it's the threat to democratic control of one's own government that is behind fears about the WEF. International cooperation on things is, in general, a good idea -- but all international agreements involve some surrender of sovereignty.

So, for example, one of the main motivations for Brexit was the fact that if you're in the EU, any country in the EU can determine who gets to come live in your country, because of the 'free movement of labor' within the EU. So Germany can admit a million Muslims, make them citizens, and then they can come live in the UK.

I've read a couple of Harari's books -- they're very well written, and interesting but ... he's a bit weird. (He's a vegan, gay, and deeply into a form of meditation ... none of which are bad in and of themselves, but are signals that he's very receptive to non-mainstream ideas, pehaps more so than is sound. We ought to have a discussion about his ideas in a separate thread. More about him here: [ Yuval Noah Harari - Wikipedia ])

I agree with FoxFyre: It would be nice if someone summarized his views on the WEF, if he's written about it specifically. He's listed by them as one of their consultants.
[ Yuval Noah Harari ]

I think the background to all this is the huge, glaring contrast we now face:
On the one hand, we look like we're barrelling towards some sort of horrible war, as well as facing many big disruptive challenges (written about in more detail in N. Roubini's book Megathreats, which everyone should read. Roubini is no nutcase -- he's a major investor who predicted the 2008 crisis. His book lists ten, count 'em, ten, big threats which the world faces.)
[ Nouriel Roubini - Wikipedia ]
[ MegaThreats: Ten Dangerous Trends That Imperil Our Futu… ]

On the other hand, we seem to be right on the verge of making some huge breakthroughs that will contribute massively to human wellbeing (by 'on the verge' I mean within the lifetime of people born in this century): the cure/prevention of cancer and practical fusion power are two, with many other possibilities: big leaps in understanding how the brain works, big leaps in genetic engineering that could see our descendants born free of all genetically-caused disorders, and with optimum IQ and physical strength; and probably other breakthroughs in applied physics, like near-room-temperature superconductivity ... not to mention things that are just plain fun, like a colony on the moon (and with commercially-viable space travel, the moon will soon have a huge population of retired people: 1/6th the gravity will do wonders for old joints and strained circulatory systems). Not mention AI.

So many wonderful possibilities for the human future ... and yet it looks like we're going to blow it. (Literally.)

Conservatives don't really have a theory of human history/society -- just a general appreciation of the dark side of human nature and a resulting suspicion of concentrations of power, especially state power.

That makes us vulnerable to quick-and-easy explanations of why things are as they are -- conspiracy theories. And it's complicated by the fact that there are, indeed, 'conspiracies' -- literally, 'breathing together' -- ie things that those in power wish to conceal from us.

Anyone who is skeptical about this should Google 'MK Ultra'. Not to mention the 'Gulf of Tonkin attacks' or the Iraqi nuclear weapons program that wasn't.

And now, even what we used to think of as neutral sources of authority have proven to be fallible -- thus the over-reaction to Covid-19, and the corruption of the academy which has seen the Left -- which used to be the side of Science and Reason -- rapidly retreating into post-modernist scorn for the very concept of truth.

Interesting times!
Personally, I am just watching and learning when it comes to the World Economic Forum (WEF). I suspect it does promote some policies and initiatives that most Patriots oppose/don't agree with. I also suspect it isn't all the evil bogeyman that some make it out to be.

I'm curious what people think its benefits are, and what evidence do you have for that?
I'm curious why people think it is an evil entity and what evidence do you have for that?

I did a bit of cursory on line research this morning and found that most of the conspiracy theories seem to originate in Infowars and, to some extent, Qanon. But 'seems to' is often more subjective than accurate.

So what are we to think of this new global power that has been on social media and message boards so much lately? Are we correct in what we think?

The Washington Examiner, nobody's idea of a left wing publication, put out a pretty objective analysis of the WEF this week:

Yeah, me too. I read up a little on Hitler, Stalin and Mao and think they might have been up to something. It's highly likely that they were just boogeymen too
I don't want to sift through hours of video or text hunting for his opinion of the Schwab or the WEF. Can you summarize it?

To get you started

Schwab as publisher of the World Economic Forum’s 2010 “Global Redesign” report postulates that a globalized world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including through the UN system), and select civil society organizations (CSOs). He argues that governments are no longer “the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage” and that “the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm of international governance”. The WEF’s vision includes a “public-private” UN, in which certain specialized agencies would operate under joint state and non-state governance systems.

According to the Transnational Institute (TNI), the Forum is hence planning to replace a recognised democratic model with a model where a self-selected group of “stakeholders” make decisions on behalf of the people. The think tank summarises that we are increasingly entering a world where gatherings such as Davos are “a silent global coup d’état” to capture governance.”
It is beyond evil. BEYOND EVIL. They plan on getting rid of billions of what they call "useless eaters".

They've openly discussed implementing digital government currencies AND microchip people brains to make sure everyone is thinking the right things.

What's the problem with that?
Whoa ... what an interesting and intelligent discussion. I have had the exact same attitude towards the WEF -- dismissing the crazy conspiracy theories, but wondering if there is not a kernal of truth to the view that they're not all benevolent peace-loving folks just promoting global trade and international co-operation.

I think it's the threat to democratic control of one's own government that is behind fears about the WEF. International cooperation on things is, in general, a good idea -- but all international agreements involve some surrender of sovereignty.

So, for example, one of the main motivations for Brexit was the fact that if you're in the EU, any country in the EU can determine who gets to come live in your country, because of the 'free movement of labor' within the EU. So Germany can admit a million Muslims, make them citizens, and then they can come live in the UK.

I've read a couple of Harari's books -- they're very well written, and interesting but ... he's a bit weird. (He's a vegan, gay, and deeply into a form of meditation ... none of which are bad in and of themselves, but are signals that he's very receptive to non-mainstream ideas, pehaps more so than is sound. We ought to have a discussion about his ideas in a separate thread. More about him here: [ Yuval Noah Harari - Wikipedia ])

I agree with FoxFyre: It would be nice if someone summarized his views on the WEF, if he's written about it specifically. He's listed by them as one of their consultants.
[ Yuval Noah Harari ]

I think the background to all this is the huge, glaring contrast we now face:
On the one hand, we look like we're barrelling towards some sort of horrible war, as well as facing many big disruptive challenges (written about in more detail in N. Roubini's book Megathreats, which everyone should read. Roubini is no nutcase -- he's a major investor who predicted the 2008 crisis. His book lists ten, count 'em, ten, big threats which the world faces.)
[ Nouriel Roubini - Wikipedia ]
[ MegaThreats: Ten Dangerous Trends That Imperil Our Futu… ]

On the other hand, we seem to be right on the verge of making some huge breakthroughs that will contribute massively to human wellbeing (by 'on the verge' I mean within the lifetime of people born in this century): the cure/prevention of cancer and practical fusion power are two, with many other possibilities: big leaps in understanding how the brain works, big leaps in genetic engineering that could see our descendants born free of all genetically-caused disorders, and with optimum IQ and physical strength; and probably other breakthroughs in applied physics, like near-room-temperature superconductivity ... not to mention things that are just plain fun, like a colony on the moon (and with commercially-viable space travel, the moon will soon have a huge population of retired people: 1/6th the gravity will do wonders for old joints and strained circulatory systems). Not mention AI.

So many wonderful possibilities for the human future ... and yet it looks like we're going to blow it. (Literally.)

Conservatives don't really have a theory of human history/society -- just a general appreciation of the dark side of human nature and a resulting suspicion of concentrations of power, especially state power.

That makes us vulnerable to quick-and-easy explanations of why things are as they are -- conspiracy theories. And it's complicated by the fact that there are, indeed, 'conspiracies' -- literally, 'breathing together' -- ie things that those in power wish to conceal from us.

Anyone who is skeptical about this should Google 'MK Ultra'. Not to mention the 'Gulf of Tonkin attacks' or the Iraqi nuclear weapons program that wasn't.

And now, even what we used to think of as neutral sources of authority have proven to be fallible -- thus the over-reaction to Covid-19, and the corruption of the academy which has seen the Left -- which used to be the side of Science and Reason -- rapidly retreating into post-modernist scorn for the very concept of truth.

Interesting times!
Thank you for a well written, thoughtful, intelligent post. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Dismissing the WEF as being 'evil' or some other derogatory term isn't helpful in educating people about what the WEF is all about. I try not to buy into conspiracy theories without some evidence from sources I trust.

I did listen to bits and pieces of various speeches in the last session and I was frankly not impressed that this is something we need to be part of. More like a left wing get together with all the leftist mindset I do reject than being serious about economics, but other than the usual crazy spins that defy science/what is reasonable etc. on the environment and such, I didn't hear anything that put it into the 'evil' category.

But I still have much to learn on this too. So from time to time I'll explore it when the mood strikes me. :)
To get you started

Schwab as publisher of the World Economic Forum’s 2010 “Global Redesign” report postulates that a globalized world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including through the UN system), and select civil society organizations (CSOs). He argues that governments are no longer “the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage” and that “the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm of international governance”. The WEF’s vision includes a “public-private” UN, in which certain specialized agencies would operate under joint state and non-state governance systems.

According to the Transnational Institute (TNI), the Forum is hence planning to replace a recognised democratic model with a model where a self-selected group of “stakeholders” make decisions on behalf of the people. The think tank summarises that we are increasingly entering a world where gatherings such as Davos are “a silent global coup d’état” to capture governance.”
Or, if your source is correct, just a new name for the old theories of a New World Order?
They've openly discussed implementing digital government currencies AND microchip people brains to make sure everyone is thinking the right things.

What's the problem with that?
I would have a lot of problem with that. The digital currency thing has been kicked around for awhile now with no conclusions drawn. But the microchips? I would need a credible source to believe that one. Just because one crazy may have said it doesn't mean it is WEF agenda. So do you have anywhere to direct me to confirm that from a reliable source?
WEF is the real world version of SPECTRE. They don't believe in national sovereignty, the constitution etc.
I would have a lot of problem with that. The digital currency thing has been kicked around for awhile now with no conclusions drawn. But the microchips? I would need a credible source to believe that one. Just because one crazy may have said it doesn't mean it is WEF agenda. So do you have anywhere to direct me to confirm that from a reliable source?
Credible source? Maybe watch this years presentations at WEF
Thank you for a well written, thoughtful, intelligent post. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Dismissing the WEF as being 'evil' or some other derogatory term isn't helpful in educating people about what the WEF is all about. I try not to buy into conspiracy theories without some evidence from sources I trust.

I did listen to bits and pieces of various speeches in the last session and I was frankly not impressed that this is something we need to be part of. More like a left wing get together with all the leftist mindset I do reject than being serious about economics, but other than the usual crazy spins that defy science/what is reasonable etc. on the environment and such, I didn't hear anything that put it into the 'evil' category.

But I still have much to learn on this too. So from time to time I'll explore it when the mood strikes me. :)
Okay, let's make a deal: when either of us find something informative about the WEF, we'll post the link here. Same suggestion to anyone else reading this. Hard facts, verified (with links) quotes.

Too many good people have got their world-view from Hollywood James Bond type films: Dr Evil vs the Hero. Real life is more complicated.

The Left, at least the Far Left, have a lot of the same worldview: e.g. imperialism/colonialism was just motivated by a desire to steal natural resources, period, and all it did in the countries the imperialists took control of, was that: just robbery. The reality is a lot more complicated.

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