Zone1 The WEF: The new global bogeyman?

To get you started

Schwab as publisher of the World Economic Forum’s 2010 “Global Redesign” report postulates that a globalized world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including through the UN system), and select civil society organizations (CSOs). He argues that governments are no longer “the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage” and that “the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm of international governance”. The WEF’s vision includes a “public-private” UN, in which certain specialized agencies would operate under joint state and non-state governance systems.

According to the Transnational Institute (TNI), the Forum is hence planning to replace a recognised democratic model with a model where a self-selected group of “stakeholders” make decisions on behalf of the people. The think tank summarises that we are increasingly entering a world where gatherings such as Davos are “a silent global coup d’état” to capture governance.”
Interesting, but isn't that already happening? Don't the major money makers and multi millionaires & billionaires Make policy with huge donations and masses of lobbyists & disinformation propaganda?
Okay, let's make a deal: when either of us find something informative about the WEF, we'll post the link here. Same suggestion to anyone else reading this. Hard facts, verified (with links) quotes.

Too many good people have got their world-view from Hollywood James Bond type films: Dr Evil vs the Hero. Real life is more complicated.

The Left, at least the Far Left, have a lot of the same worldview: e.g. imperialism/colonialism was just motivated by a desire to steal natural resources, period, and all it did in the countries the imperialists took control of, was that: just robbery. The reality is a lot more complicated.
Works for me. There is so much gossip, misinformation, disinformation, pure propaganda, cancel culture mentality, etc. etc. etc. about all this stuff, both things promoted and things condemned, to make it easy to find the truth, all the truth, nothing but the truth so to speak. . .

The hype and information distortion has become so rampant, it's difficult to believe much of anything without some serious verification.

The politics of personal destruction has become so rampant I tend not to believe anything anybody says about anybody any more until I've heard it from the person directly or through a source I tend to believe is fair, reliable and trustworthy.
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Well in the realm of stupid stuff, this certainly was the opposite. What a wonderfully intelligent, informative, exciting, well delivered presentation!

She not only described existing exciting technology but that which is in development and the possibilities that could be realized: epileptics and diabetics could inform themselves in advance when an attack was imminent. Alzheimers could be cured. She didn't mention it, but in the area of retraining our brains I thought maybe the pedophile and sociopath and such could be cured. The machines measuring emotions were pretty much no different than your average lie detector machine or pacemaker.

There was not a single reference to a microchip or anything else implanted in the brain but only the possibility of beneficial drugs enhancing the receptors in our brain, i.e. much similar but more effective than the caffeinated cup of coffee we started our day with. (I also thought to myself that millions already are taking dubious OTC drugs to improve memory and brain function.)

And she very explicitly spelled out the dangers of all of this too and how it could be misused and abused and we should think about what limits or laws should be included to deal with that. She closed with the comment of how exciting the possibilities are but also they are somewhat terrifying.

Certainly in a world with communications, technology, trade,. etc. as fluid as ours, it is appropriate for the global community to be aware of these things and coordinate checks and balances to encourage the good and deal with any bad.
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Well in the realm of stupid stuff, this certainly was the opposite. What a wonderfully intelligent, informative, exciting, well delivered presentation!

She not only described existing exciting technology but that which is in development and the possibilities that could be realized: epileptics and diabetics could inform themselves in advance when an attack was imminent. Alzheimers could be cured. She didn't mention it, but in the area of retraining our brains I thought maybe the pedophile and sociopath and such could be cured. The machines measuring emotions were pretty much no different than your average lie detector machine or pacemaker.

There was not a single reference to a microchip or anything else implanted in the brain but only the possibility of beneficial drugs enhancing the receptors in our brain, i.e. much similar but more effective than the caffeinated cup of coffee we started our day with. (I also thought to myself that millions already are taking dubious OTC drugs to improve memory and brain function.)

And she very explicitly spelled out the dangers of all of this too and how it could be misused and abused and we should think about what limits or laws should be included to deal with that. She closed with the comment of how exciting the possibilities are but also they are somewhat terrifying.

Certainly in a world with communications, technology, trade,. etc. as fluid as ours, it is appropriate for the global community to be aware of these things and coordinate checks and balances to encourage the good and deal with any bad.

The same way Fauxi and Bill Gates both "warned" Trump about pandemics immediately after he was elected
The same way Fauxi and Bill Gates both "warned" Trump about pandemics immediately after he was elected
Look. I listened to the presentation.
You obviously did not.
I heard what the lady said.
You obviously did not.
I didn't hear her make a single proposal but just explain the technology that has been developed and is being developed and none of it has ANYTHING to do the the WEF other than than there should be considerations of what checks and balances should be in place.

And none of that had ANYTHING to do with or was in any way similar to Fauci, Gates, Trump and the Pandemic.
Here is what is definitely true: despite the WEF being the summit of capitalist power, its leaders are strongly behind the 'woke' nonsense:

Now, maybe they are rubbing their hands together and cackling as they finish sacrificing a baby to Satan, laughing about how the 'woke' hysteria is destroying civilization. But I reckon they're just going with the flow and saying all the right, meaningless nonsense, which will keep them in well with the BLM etc.

Note that large billion-dollar corporations can afford to hire a few token relatives of BLM and similar groups to sit behind desks with meaningless jobs as 'diversity advisors', whereas smaller companies cannot, thus aiding the monopolization of the economy.

This trend started with the New Deal: big, wealthy companies can afford to hire people to make sure they are compliant with government regulations, and/or hire lobbyists to craft exceptions to the rules for them ... small family-owned businesses cannot.
Look. I listened to the presentation.
You obviously did not.
I heard what the lady said.
You obviously did not.
I didn't hear her make a single proposal but just explain the technology that has been developed and is being developed and none of it has ANYTHING to do the the WEF other than than there should be considerations of what checks and balances should be in place.

And none of that had ANYTHING to do with or was in any way similar to Fauci, Gates, Trump and the Pandemic.
She laid out how the technology will make people slaves 24/7/365 with EVERY THOUGHT monitored

But keep whistling past the graveyard
You know, this really shouldn't be THIS hard to figure out.

We simply need to ask the question as to whether we wish to place the control of our lives at the most immediate and local level or at a remote, centralized level towards which we have absolutely no influence.

Instead of discussing the particulars of the schemes being constructed, we should be worried about this unprecedented consolidation of power and influence in the hands of global elites.
She laid out how the technology will make people slaves 24/7/365 with EVERY THOUGHT monitored

But keep whistling past the graveyard
I still don't think you really listened to what she was saying. I didn't hear anything approaching that. The technology exists and/or is being developed--she wasn't proposing it but describing it--and she clearly indicated the known realities, the possibilities and how it might be misused. Nothing sinister about it.
Are you just pretending to be thick as two planks , as we say here in God's Garden, or , are you that and really incapable of DYOFR ?
Luiza my dear, I learned a long time ago that those who insult their opponent in a debate not only lose formal points, but usually lose the argument. It is not becoming of anyone.

I also decided a long time ago that I would tell the truth as i saw it even if it made me unpopular with people like you.

I will agree that there is much propaganda/doctrine put out by the WEF that I disagree with. Most of their climate initiative is absurd and extremely stretches their credibility on that as well as could be dangerous for many. But the lady's presentation was not anything like that. It was interesting, informative, and presented in an understandable way. I agreed with her that the technology was both exciting in its possibilities and also could be misused.

If I am to be drummed out of the Patriot movement just because I refuse to demonize everything and everyone about something on the left that Patriots don't like, you'll just have to get along without me.

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