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The WEIRD political hypocrisy of this board.

You gotta scratch your head when Americans who lived through the tough times of the Obama administration and now enjoy a booming economy bring up the issue of hypocrisy when they seem to hate everything there is about America during the Trump administration..
Which is laughable nonsense, with the Trump cult being the main hate machine in this country.
Under Obama everyone on the right loved Bush and the left hated him. Now Bush is hated by the right and admired by the left.
When McCain/Romney ran against Obama they were supported by the right and despised by the left. Now those roles too have reversed.

I think it is a flawed personal trait when you don't have the courage to stick to your so called principles regardless of someone elses health condition. It's hard to take a lot of you serious.

Its not that complicated. Most presidents and presidential candidates are slowly more admired after they've left office by the general population. Including most of the population on the left.

Fringe Right wingers have gobbled so much 'New World Order' and 'Deep State' conspiracy Kool-aid that they buck this trend. And despise Bush as part of their batshit conspiracy.

I've seen right wingers describe even Reagan as the enemy.
Amazing how quickly they turn on their own
You gotta scratch your head when Americans who lived through the tough times of the Obama administration and now enjoy a booming economy bring up the issue of hypocrisy when they seem to hate everything there is about America during the Trump administration..
Which is laughable nonsense, with the Trump cult being the main hate machine in this country.
It is not just the hate but the gullibility
It's been nearly 200 posts since I asked. Has anyone managed to find a topic started by someone claiming to be a conservative criticizing Trump DOUBLING THE DEFICIT and his RECORD SPENDING yet?

You will never hear them admit that their fiscal diligence only applied to Obama

They couldn’t wait to ram through a tax cut
even beyond trump.....no relief in site....

Republicans poisoned the well in stealing a Supreme Court seat

The chances of .....
Let’s shake hands and let bygones be bygones are nil until Republicans make good

They have created a new political reality and I don’t think they will be happy with what they have to live with
like you guys have never poisoned that well.....and you guys helped create that new political reality.....but then the dems did not have much to work with either...
Give me an equivalent example of the Dems doing the same and we can talk
if you are talking about the supreme court tell me that democrats would not have done the same?....

They would not have done the same.
Nobody but Republicans
Under Obama everyone on the right loved Bush and the left hated him. Now Bush is hated by the right and admired by the left.
When McCain/Romney ran against Obama they were supported by the right and despised by the left. Now those roles too have reversed.

I think it is a flawed personal trait when you don't have the courage to stick to your so called principles regardless of someone elses health condition. It's hard to take a lot of you serious.

Its not that complicated. Most presidents and presidential candidates are slowly more admired after they've left office by the general population. Including most of the population on the left.

Fringe Right wingers have gobbled so much 'New World Order' and 'Deep State' conspiracy Kool-aid that they buck this trend. And despise Bush as part of their batshit conspiracy.

I've seen right wingers describe even Reagan as the enemy.
Amazing how quickly they turn on their own

Lol. People like Bush, McCain and Romney were never “our own” despite what many well-meaning Republicans might think. The proof is in the fact that they grow the government, trample over the constitution, promote globalism, and (especially in Romney’s case) flip flop on important issues, which show that they were never conservatives to begin with.
You gotta scratch your head when Americans who lived through the tough times of the Obama administration and now enjoy a booming economy bring up the issue of hypocrisy when they seem to hate everything there is about America during the Trump administration..

The obvious flaw in your reasoning being that Trump isn't America. Thus to trash Trump isn't to 'hate everything there is about America'.

Right wingers may not be able to comprehend the distinction. But rational people can.


Moreover, the mendacity of blaming the "tough times of the Obama administration" on Obama, and hoping to get away with attributing "a booming economy" to Trump demonstrates some serious chutzpah.

But, in a way, that's being consistent. If, or so they thought, you go for Fuehrer cult, you don't do it half-assed; you go all in. The Fuehrer likes it that way.
Trumps business model has been to take existing projects and slap the Trump name on it

Just like he did with the Obama economy
Under Obama everyone on the right loved Bush and the left hated him. Now Bush is hated by the right and admired by the left.
When McCain/Romney ran against Obama they were supported by the right and despised by the left. Now those roles too have reversed.

I think it is a flawed personal trait when you don't have the courage to stick to your so called principles regardless of someone elses health condition. It's hard to take a lot of you serious.

Its not that complicated. Most presidents and presidential candidates are slowly more admired after they've left office by the general population. Including most of the population on the left.

Fringe Right wingers have gobbled so much 'New World Order' and 'Deep State' conspiracy Kool-aid that they buck this trend. And despise Bush as part of their batshit conspiracy.

I've seen right wingers describe even Reagan as the enemy.
Amazing how quickly they turn on their own

Lol. People like Bush, McCain and Romney were never “our own” despite what many well-meaning Republicans might think. The proof is in the fact that they grow the government, trample over the constitution, promote globalism, and (especially in Romney’s case) flip flop on important issues, which show that they were never conservatives to begin with.
Actually, Republicans like Bush, Romney, McCain and Dole were real Republicans

Pragmatists who were willing to work with the opposition to do what is best for America

Today’s Republicans are a rework of the John Birch Society and Know Nothing’s
NOW you're getting it. Or probably not. The answer is no government, because the only person who can represent you is yourself, and everyone consents to what they want. If there's a demand for something, people pay for it, and everyone can defend themselves. We also don't have an organization of liars, thieves, kidnappers, and murderers waging wars that only serve their own interests.
Oh now I get it... you’re an anarchist. That makes sense. Unfortunately your system is an impossibility in a country like ours. Go find a tribe in the rainforest somewhere and you might have better luck, although they likely will have a leader as well.
Has already worked for 9000+ years in Ireland, worked in Capaia, Neutral Moresnet, Pennsylvania. Not only is it a possibility, there's evidence that it has worked in other places, unlike Governments, which are completely unsustainable. You only think that it's primitive because your lord and masters in government want you to think so.
What are you talking about?! Ireland has a parliamentary system and a prime minister. They are not an anarchist country. And again without an organized central government there is no military protection, no currency for trade and no organized system to take care of basic infrastructure needs of a nation of our size. We are not playing cowboys and Indians anymore nor are we living in tribes. Your idea is fun in theory but utterly impossible in reality
They were Anarchy until the statist barbarians invaded. I would say that you should have figured that I was referring to medieval Ireland, but since you're a statist yourself, I would be expecting too much. You fail a lot of "Connect The Dots" activities, don't you? I'd also like to point out that you latched onto what you, ignorantly, thought was an inconsistency and failed to address my other citations. Is that an admission that you're wrong?

Ireland's ability to fend off attacks from statists for 9000+ years is evidence in and of itself that a central government is not needed for an army. America also formed a militia without a state, and every individual in any society does not need the government to arm themselves and defend their own homes. In fact, they are much stronger without a government, since a government restricts the abilities of the citizens to own and bear whatever arms they please. The only reason there's a state military in the first place is so that the government can initiate force for its own self-interest.

Government is not needed for currency, and in fact they replace currency with actual value with their unsustainable fiat currency. The demand for the US dollar is a result of the government pointing its guns at demanding that they trade with their worthless paper. With no supply cap and little utility, the US dollar will eventually collapse, and that's all a government does as far as currency. People would otherwise naturally trade with currencies with actual value, supply cap, and utility, examples include crypto currencies, precious metals, and literally anything one person values enough to trade another thing for.

Government is not needed for infrastructure, if there's a demand for something, people will already pay for it willingly. The only reason a government would need to get involved is if people don't want to pay for something, in which case there's no demand. Private industry already builds roads, for example.
How in the world do you think comparing medieval Ireland to modern day USA makes any sort of sense?! Even within your utopian medieval Ireland you will find systems of leaders within each tribe and community. Usually the stronger tribes killed raped and pillaged to take over the weaker tribes. Sounds fun but I’ll take a civilized society over that any day of the week. Also if it worked so well it would still exist today.
So, you're just going to keep ignoring my other citations which thoroughly debunk your statist nonsense. Besides, he difference between their 'leaders' and your United States is that their worker groups were completely voluntary and people could come and go as they please(I think they were called Tuaths) while the US uses force and coercion to make you obey their selected "leaders". Furthermore, the groups didn't force you to live how they demand, under the threat of imprisonment or death.

You also have no citations to back up your claim that without the threat of government, people kill and rape each other willy nilly, and even if they did, the US Police's response times of 15 minutes on average certainly isn't doing anything to stop it, nor is their disarmament of victims. A damn good job it's doing in Chicago, for example. Oh, and let's not forget that when the police DO finally get there, they murder the armed citizens like the well-trained professionals they are.

Private security sure as hell wouldn't kill the citizens, unlike the armed thugs we nonsensically refer to as police, or the law.

There's also the government's tendency to pick fights with other governments for its own benefit, like the war for oil recently, and replacing the "leader" in Ukrain with a plant which baited Russia into attacking them, so the US could start a war with them to force them into accepting their worthless fiat currency.
Under Obama everyone on the right loved Bush and the left hated him. Now Bush is hated by the right and admired by the left.
When McCain/Romney ran against Obama they were supported by the right and despised by the left. Now those roles too have reversed.

I think it is a flawed personal trait when you don't have the courage to stick to your so called principles regardless of someone elses health condition. It's hard to take a lot of you serious.

Its not that complicated. Most presidents and presidential candidates are slowly more admired after they've left office by the general population. Including most of the population on the left.

Fringe Right wingers have gobbled so much 'New World Order' and 'Deep State' conspiracy Kool-aid that they buck this trend. And despise Bush as part of their batshit conspiracy.

I've seen right wingers describe even Reagan as the enemy.
Amazing how quickly they turn on their own

Lol. People like Bush, McCain and Romney were never “our own” despite what many well-meaning Republicans might think. The proof is in the fact that they grow the government, trample over the constitution, promote globalism, and (especially in Romney’s case) flip flop on important issues, which show that they were never conservatives to begin with.
Actually, Republicans like Bush, Romney, McCain and Dole were real Republicans

Pragmatists who were willing to work with the opposition to do what is best for America

Today’s Republicans are a rework of the John Birch Society and Know Nothing’s

You’re wrong as usual, and have it completely backwards. Neocons and globalists are not the true Republicans. Here, let Ron Paul explain it to you. And notice that the MSM moderator and RINOs didn’t like what he had to say, but others knew he was speaking the truth and he practically got a standing ovation.

Under Obama everyone on the right loved Bush and the left hated him. Now Bush is hated by the right and admired by the left.
When McCain/Romney ran against Obama they were supported by the right and despised by the left. Now those roles too have reversed.

I think it is a flawed personal trait when you don't have the courage to stick to your so called principles regardless of someone elses health condition. It's hard to take a lot of you serious.

Its not that complicated. Most presidents and presidential candidates are slowly more admired after they've left office by the general population. Including most of the population on the left.

Fringe Right wingers have gobbled so much 'New World Order' and 'Deep State' conspiracy Kool-aid that they buck this trend. And despise Bush as part of their batshit conspiracy.

I've seen right wingers describe even Reagan as the enemy.
Amazing how quickly they turn on their own

Lol. People like Bush, McCain and Romney were never “our own” despite what many well-meaning Republicans might think. The proof is in the fact that they grow the government, trample over the constitution, promote globalism, and (especially in Romney’s case) flip flop on important issues, which show that they were never conservatives to begin with.
Actually, Republicans like Bush, Romney, McCain and Dole were real Republicans

Pragmatists who were willing to work with the opposition to do what is best for America

Today’s Republicans are a rework of the John Birch Society and Know Nothing’s

You’re wrong as usual, and have it completely backwards. Neocons and globalists are not the true Republicans. Here, let Ron Paul explain it to you. And notice that the MSM moderator and RINOs didn’t like what he had to say, but others knew he was speaking the truth and he practically got a standing ovation.

Ron Paul is a Libertarian not a Republican
Its not that complicated. Most presidents and presidential candidates are slowly more admired after they've left office by the general population. Including most of the population on the left.

Fringe Right wingers have gobbled so much 'New World Order' and 'Deep State' conspiracy Kool-aid that they buck this trend. And despise Bush as part of their batshit conspiracy.

I've seen right wingers describe even Reagan as the enemy.
Amazing how quickly they turn on their own

Lol. People like Bush, McCain and Romney were never “our own” despite what many well-meaning Republicans might think. The proof is in the fact that they grow the government, trample over the constitution, promote globalism, and (especially in Romney’s case) flip flop on important issues, which show that they were never conservatives to begin with.
Actually, Republicans like Bush, Romney, McCain and Dole were real Republicans

Pragmatists who were willing to work with the opposition to do what is best for America

Today’s Republicans are a rework of the John Birch Society and Know Nothing’s

You’re wrong as usual, and have it completely backwards. Neocons and globalists are not the true Republicans. Here, let Ron Paul explain it to you. And notice that the MSM moderator and RINOs didn’t like what he had to say, but others knew he was speaking the truth and he practically got a standing ovation.

Ron Paul is a Libertarian not a Republican

Well, he is a small l libertarian, but he has conservative views and is far more of a Republican than any of the neocons or frauds in the party today. What he was saying about the Republican Party is true. They have lost their way, they no longer uphold the platform. And as I was saying before, guys like Bush, McCain, etc. are globalists. I know that you guys reject that whole idea, but you will see, eventually. Mark my words.
Last edited:
Amazing how quickly they turn on their own

Lol. People like Bush, McCain and Romney were never “our own” despite what many well-meaning Republicans might think. The proof is in the fact that they grow the government, trample over the constitution, promote globalism, and (especially in Romney’s case) flip flop on important issues, which show that they were never conservatives to begin with.
Actually, Republicans like Bush, Romney, McCain and Dole were real Republicans

Pragmatists who were willing to work with the opposition to do what is best for America

Today’s Republicans are a rework of the John Birch Society and Know Nothing’s

You’re wrong as usual, and have it completely backwards. Neocons and globalists are not the true Republicans. Here, let Ron Paul explain it to you. And notice that the MSM moderator and RINOs didn’t like what he had to say, but others knew he was speaking the truth and he practically got a standing ovation.

Ron Paul is a Libertarian not a Republican

Well, he is a small L libertarian, but he has conservative views and is far more of a Republican than any of the neocons or frauds in the party today. What he was saying about the Republican Party is true. They have lost their way, they no longer uphold the platform. And as I was saying before, guys like Bush, McCain, etc. are globalists. I know that you guys reject that whole idea, but you will see, eventually. Mark my words.

Paul was never a Republican.
Neither is Trump
Lol. People like Bush, McCain and Romney were never “our own” despite what many well-meaning Republicans might think. The proof is in the fact that they grow the government, trample over the constitution, promote globalism, and (especially in Romney’s case) flip flop on important issues, which show that they were never conservatives to begin with.
Actually, Republicans like Bush, Romney, McCain and Dole were real Republicans

Pragmatists who were willing to work with the opposition to do what is best for America

Today’s Republicans are a rework of the John Birch Society and Know Nothing’s

You’re wrong as usual, and have it completely backwards. Neocons and globalists are not the true Republicans. Here, let Ron Paul explain it to you. And notice that the MSM moderator and RINOs didn’t like what he had to say, but others knew he was speaking the truth and he practically got a standing ovation.

Ron Paul is a Libertarian not a Republican

Well, he is a small L libertarian, but he has conservative views and is far more of a Republican than any of the neocons or frauds in the party today. What he was saying about the Republican Party is true. They have lost their way, they no longer uphold the platform. And as I was saying before, guys like Bush, McCain, etc. are globalists. I know that you guys reject that whole idea, but you will see, eventually. Mark my words.

Paul was never a Republican.
Neither is Trump

I disagree. I think Trump is a perfect representative for what the GOP actually is. Rather than the stated values they give empty lip service to.
Actually, Republicans like Bush, Romney, McCain and Dole were real Republicans

Pragmatists who were willing to work with the opposition to do what is best for America

Today’s Republicans are a rework of the John Birch Society and Know Nothing’s

You’re wrong as usual, and have it completely backwards. Neocons and globalists are not the true Republicans. Here, let Ron Paul explain it to you. And notice that the MSM moderator and RINOs didn’t like what he had to say, but others knew he was speaking the truth and he practically got a standing ovation.

Ron Paul is a Libertarian not a Republican

Well, he is a small L libertarian, but he has conservative views and is far more of a Republican than any of the neocons or frauds in the party today. What he was saying about the Republican Party is true. They have lost their way, they no longer uphold the platform. And as I was saying before, guys like Bush, McCain, etc. are globalists. I know that you guys reject that whole idea, but you will see, eventually. Mark my words.

Paul was never a Republican.
Neither is Trump

I disagree. I think Trump is a perfect representative for what the GOP actually is. Rather than the stated values they give empty lip service to.

He represents the worst of what the party as degraded to
He is not Republican
Lol. People like Bush, McCain and Romney were never “our own” despite what many well-meaning Republicans might think. The proof is in the fact that they grow the government, trample over the constitution, promote globalism, and (especially in Romney’s case) flip flop on important issues, which show that they were never conservatives to begin with.
Actually, Republicans like Bush, Romney, McCain and Dole were real Republicans

Pragmatists who were willing to work with the opposition to do what is best for America

Today’s Republicans are a rework of the John Birch Society and Know Nothing’s

You’re wrong as usual, and have it completely backwards. Neocons and globalists are not the true Republicans. Here, let Ron Paul explain it to you. And notice that the MSM moderator and RINOs didn’t like what he had to say, but others knew he was speaking the truth and he practically got a standing ovation.

Ron Paul is a Libertarian not a Republican

Well, he is a small L libertarian, but he has conservative views and is far more of a Republican than any of the neocons or frauds in the party today. What he was saying about the Republican Party is true. They have lost their way, they no longer uphold the platform. And as I was saying before, guys like Bush, McCain, etc. are globalists. I know that you guys reject that whole idea, but you will see, eventually. Mark my words.

Paul was never a Republican.
Neither is Trump

You saying that doesn’t make it true. As he clearly showed in that video clip, he is the one who goes by the platform and the principles they’re supposed to stand for, all the others have strayed far away from it. As for Trump, I never thought for one second that he is a Republican or conservative. So you’re right about that.

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