The white race will survive, but;

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You cannot sit here and spew vitriolic hatred for eight pages, suddenly turning around to take a moderate opinion, and expect anyone to believe a word you say.

"Racism will never end in this world"
Truly a paragon for advancing the culture of our people.
You cannot sit here and spew vitriolic hatred for eight pages, suddenly turning around to take a moderate opinion, and expect anyone to believe a word you say.

"Racism will never end in this world"
Truly a paragon for advancing the culture of our people.

I don't see why not. I have extremist, moderate and pacifist views. Yet also I have biblical views, of which I drew the view of this worlds racism will never end in this life. One reason it will never end is human nature, another reason is white people. Your race was destined to be extreme in racism, no doubt about it. Its academic.
Alright, well that's all true but when you keep saying the "white man" your basically saying it's all white people.
I'm still waiting for the memorial for the whites who were murdered fighting for civil rights.
There were also over a 1000 whites lynched by the KKK, so who were these mysterious white people anyway? and why don't they ever count for shit? Why is it that their lives mean so little , and why is it that the contributions of whites who opposed slavery and discrimination means shit? Because it really does. All I hear is that if you are born and you happen to be white you are a racist by birth.

KKK’s 1st targets were Republicans
"A spokesman with the Democrats refused to comment for WND on any of the issues. “You’re not going to get a comment,” said the spokesman who identified himself as Luis.

“Why would Democrats skip over their own history from 1848 to 1900?” Barton asked. “Perhaps because it’s not the kind of civil rights history they want to talk about – perhaps because it is not the kind of civil rights history they want to have on their website.”

The National Review article by Deroy Murdock cited the 1866 comment from Indiana Republican Gov. Oliver Morton condemning Democrats for their racism.

“Every one who shoots down Negroes in the streets, burns Negro schoolhouses and meeting-houses, and murders women and children by the light of their own flaming dwellings, calls himself a Democrat,” Morton said.

It also cited the 1856 criticism by U.S. Sen. Charles Sumner, R-Mass., of pro-slavery Democrats. “Congressman Preston Brooks (D-S.C.) responded by grabbing a stick and beating Sumner unconscious in the Senate chamber. Disabled, Sumner could not resume his duties for three years.”

By the admission of the Democrats themselves, on their website, it wasn’t until Harry Truman was elected that “Democrats began the fight to bring down the final barriers of race and gender.”

“That is an accurate description,” wrote Barton. “Starting with Harry Truman, Democrats began – that is, they made their first serious efforts – to fight against the barriers of race; yet … Truman’s efforts were largely unsuccessful because of his own Democratic Party.”

Read more at KKK’s 1st targets were Republicans

On the most basic level if I say the words white man, I cannot be talking about all white people. White women do exist. White children do exist. So your childish attempts to equate this to what whites have done shows a real psychological disconnect. This is not the 1800's. And you guys want to be excluded from that when we vlacks tak abut things done by whites, but here you are posting up a story about what was done to republicans in the 1800's.

Ok, so saying I want to be excluded from what blacks talk about whites and what they have done to them. Tell me then what you think I have done to blacks.

Of course, I'm not ignorant about slavery and what happened to American Indians including the California genocide, but I also realize that not all people who are white were part of these things, or even aware at the time of what was was going on , or had not yet even emigrated to this country.

Yeah I'm aware of how evil and greedy and pathetic some white people were who lived and ruled in this country but you also only tell one side of a biased story to fit your own feelings. Anyone who tells me all of one race is one particular character is misguided. Of course that is your right, but I also have a right to post an opinion on that.

The African -Arab slave trade existed long before western Europeans started buying slaves .. millions of blacks dissapeared into the salt marshes of what is today Iraq, lived horrible lives and were castrated upon being captured, of course that will never be considered chattel slavery, some how when we think of Arab owned slaves its almost looked on as something noble. I can never quite figure that one out.
Point being? under the right/wrong circumstances, any race can be dominant and horrible to another. That doesnt mean I think racism by whites is somehow justified, and I'm pretty sure most people here except for a few extremists would feel the same way.

I think there are a minority of whites that are innocent of racism, and a few blacks; I totally disagree with any surreal claim that " Most whites here are not racist." That is idiotic and nonsense. Racism exist on many , many levels in whites; to some its a way of being. Their racism is like the darkness engulfing the total human consciousness; I have seen it many times, in all the 62 years I have been alive. In many, many forms.
Shame on you. You don't know the majority of whites to make that assumption. Yes, racism exists. The word has been used to describe whites who disagree with black people, nothing racist about it. I have been alive 61 years. I have seen racism in more races than the white race. I have encountered black people who hate whites simply for their skin color, also there have been blacks on message boards claiming to be the superior race, a definite racist behavior. I like to treat people according to their behavior, not their race.

I don't need to personally know all whites, I can read the known facts on the topic. Oh racism certainly lives in all races, oh but the whites took it to the highest level. The blacks who learned to speak in superior terms for our race, learned that behavior from you whites. You simply cannot understand the racist upheaval that your people have wrought on this planet, and that is not my fault at all.

It is your fault for blaming all whites. MY people? Do you take responsibility for the wrongdoings of all blacks?
Whites have broken each of the ten commandments here in America. You enslaved a people are do not pay what you owe. You continue coveting what's not yours calling it American interests So then you have the beam in your eye son. That means you need to just be quiet and work to end what whites have dine wrong.

Last night I watched , for the first time, the movie Selma. How the Whites denied the blacks the right to vote. How they beat the Blacks and killed some of them; Martin luther King had to march from Selma to Montgomery. I get emotional when I see that history again, I lived through it all.

Oh the White man danced in those days, our people were dying in the streets, killed by police. Now the White man has the nerve to deny his own history; now the clan wears suits, and one of them advises the president.

Good grief!

Alright, well that's all true but when you keep saying the "white man" your basically saying it's all white people.
I'm still waiting for the memorial for the whites who were murdered fighting for civil rights.
There were also over a 1000 whites lynched by the KKK, so who were these mysterious white people anyway? and why don't they ever count for shit? Why is it that their lives mean so little , and why is it that the contributions of whites who opposed slavery and discrimination means shit? Because it really does. All I hear is that if you are born and you happen to be white you are a racist by birth.

KKK’s 1st targets were Republicans
"A spokesman with the Democrats refused to comment for WND on any of the issues. “You’re not going to get a comment,” said the spokesman who identified himself as Luis.

“Why would Democrats skip over their own history from 1848 to 1900?” Barton asked. “Perhaps because it’s not the kind of civil rights history they want to talk about – perhaps because it is not the kind of civil rights history they want to have on their website.”

The National Review article by Deroy Murdock cited the 1866 comment from Indiana Republican Gov. Oliver Morton condemning Democrats for their racism.

“Every one who shoots down Negroes in the streets, burns Negro schoolhouses and meeting-houses, and murders women and children by the light of their own flaming dwellings, calls himself a Democrat,” Morton said.

It also cited the 1856 criticism by U.S. Sen. Charles Sumner, R-Mass., of pro-slavery Democrats. “Congressman Preston Brooks (D-S.C.) responded by grabbing a stick and beating Sumner unconscious in the Senate chamber. Disabled, Sumner could not resume his duties for three years.”

By the admission of the Democrats themselves, on their website, it wasn’t until Harry Truman was elected that “Democrats began the fight to bring down the final barriers of race and gender.”

“That is an accurate description,” wrote Barton. “Starting with Harry Truman, Democrats began – that is, they made their first serious efforts – to fight against the barriers of race; yet … Truman’s efforts were largely unsuccessful because of his own Democratic Party.”

Read more at KKK’s 1st targets were Republicans

On the most basic level if I say the words white man, I cannot be talking about all white people. White women do exist. White children do exist. So your childish attempts to equate this to what whites have done shows a real psychological disconnect. This is not the 1800's. And you guys want to be excluded from that when we vlacks tak abut things done by whites, but here you are posting up a story about what was done to republicans in the 1800's.

Ok, so saying I want to be excluded from what blacks talk about whites and what they have done to them. Tell me then what you think I have done to blacks.

Of course, I'm not ignorant about slavery and what happened to American Indians including the California genocide, but I also realize that not all people who are white were part of these things, or even aware at the time of what was was going on , or had not yet even emigrated to this country.

Yeah I'm aware of how evil and greedy and pathetic some white people were who lived and ruled in this country but you also only tell one side of a biased story to fit your own feelings. Anyone who tells me all of one race is one particular character is misguided. Of course that is your right, but I also have a right to post an opinion on that.

The African -Arab slave trade existed long before western Europeans started buying slaves .. millions of blacks dissapeared into the salt marshes of what is today Iraq, lived horrible lives and were castrated upon being captured, of course that will never be considered chattel slavery, some how when we think of Arab owned slaves its almost looked on as something noble. I can never quite figure that one out.
Point being? under the right/wrong circumstances, any race can be dominant and horrible to another. That doesnt mean I think racism by whites is somehow justified, and I'm pretty sure most people here except for a few extremists would feel the same way.

I think there are a minority of whites that are innocent of racism, and a few blacks; I totally disagree with any surreal claim that " Most whites here are not racist." That is idiotic and nonsense. Racism exist on many , many levels in whites; to some its a way of being. Their racism is like the darkness engulfing the total human consciousness; I have seen it many times, in all the 62 years I have been alive. In many, many forms.
OP continues to assert that all whites in America are responsible for the actions of few, and that the whites alive today are all reprehensibly oblivious to the actions of those few.
The history of racial relations in the USA are taught to grade-school children and have been since at least I was a child. Speaking for my generation alone, we were taught to view the individual for their actions and not their appearance.
Personally, I can count with the fingers of both hands the amount of people I have met out of thousands whom truly treat slavery of blacks and the history of racist culture as something to be embellished. Most of us wish to move past it and have a self-respecting and more cohesive society, instead of trudging through a flaming swamp of blame which is reviving more and more of those same problems of the past.

I will not allow myself to be emotionally influenced by the pity stories of others which when logically reduced, without fail, almost always boil down to a statement of "Bad things happened in the past and I deserve more of what I say you need to give"
Grow up.
You cannot sit here and spew vitriolic hatred for eight pages, suddenly turning around to take a moderate opinion, and expect anyone to believe a word you say.

"Racism will never end in this world"
Truly a paragon for advancing the culture of our people.

I don't see why not. I have extremist, moderate and pacifist views. Yet also I have biblical views, of which I drew the view of this worlds racism will never end in this life. One reason it will never end is human nature, another reason is white people. Your race was destined to be extreme in racism, no doubt about it. Its academic.

Your race was destined to be extreme in racism

Yeah, well you speak as if the destiny of the world is over. Unbeknownst to you maybe, people are still working on it. Still working on America and still working on themselves. Sure, maybe I'm a racist because I was born white, but that doesn't mean I accept racism, or like it. there really is not a whole lot more I can do except maybe sell my house and car , donate it to the NAACP and then move in under a bridge with my backpack, hope I die and go to heaven.

Maybe racism takes many forms as you say but Racism is also confused for other things, such as difference of opinion on laws and politics. Funny thing is once you have been accused of racism, there is no way to defend yourself. Mind reading is impossible in these circumstances.

If you would get rid of all white people on the face of the earth tomorrow, true the more dominant political/economic forces in the world would have been eliminated but there is no vaccum in nature that isn't filled. Something else always takes the place of whatever is removed. And if you want to get biblical, you can also say there is nothing new under the sun.
Last night I watched , for the first time, the movie Selma. How the Whites denied the blacks the right to vote. How they beat the Blacks and killed some of them; Martin luther King had to march from Selma to Montgomery. I get emotional when I see that history again, I lived through it all.

Oh the White man danced in those days, our people were dying in the streets, killed by police. Now the White man has the nerve to deny his own history; now the clan wears suits, and one of them advises the president.

Good grief!

Alright, well that's all true but when you keep saying the "white man" your basically saying it's all white people.
I'm still waiting for the memorial for the whites who were murdered fighting for civil rights.
There were also over a 1000 whites lynched by the KKK, so who were these mysterious white people anyway? and why don't they ever count for shit? Why is it that their lives mean so little , and why is it that the contributions of whites who opposed slavery and discrimination means shit? Because it really does. All I hear is that if you are born and you happen to be white you are a racist by birth.

KKK’s 1st targets were Republicans
"A spokesman with the Democrats refused to comment for WND on any of the issues. “You’re not going to get a comment,” said the spokesman who identified himself as Luis.

“Why would Democrats skip over their own history from 1848 to 1900?” Barton asked. “Perhaps because it’s not the kind of civil rights history they want to talk about – perhaps because it is not the kind of civil rights history they want to have on their website.”

The National Review article by Deroy Murdock cited the 1866 comment from Indiana Republican Gov. Oliver Morton condemning Democrats for their racism.

“Every one who shoots down Negroes in the streets, burns Negro schoolhouses and meeting-houses, and murders women and children by the light of their own flaming dwellings, calls himself a Democrat,” Morton said.

It also cited the 1856 criticism by U.S. Sen. Charles Sumner, R-Mass., of pro-slavery Democrats. “Congressman Preston Brooks (D-S.C.) responded by grabbing a stick and beating Sumner unconscious in the Senate chamber. Disabled, Sumner could not resume his duties for three years.”

By the admission of the Democrats themselves, on their website, it wasn’t until Harry Truman was elected that “Democrats began the fight to bring down the final barriers of race and gender.”

“That is an accurate description,” wrote Barton. “Starting with Harry Truman, Democrats began – that is, they made their first serious efforts – to fight against the barriers of race; yet … Truman’s efforts were largely unsuccessful because of his own Democratic Party.”

Read more at KKK’s 1st targets were Republicans

On the most basic level if I say the words white man, I cannot be talking about all white people. White women do exist. White children do exist. So your childish attempts to equate this to what whites have done shows a real psychological disconnect. This is not the 1800's. And you guys want to be excluded from that when we vlacks tak abut things done by whites, but here you are posting up a story about what was done to republicans in the 1800's.

Ok, so saying I want to be excluded from what blacks talk about whites and what they have done to them. Tell me then what you think I have done to blacks.

Of course, I'm not ignorant about slavery and what happened to American Indians including the California genocide, but I also realize that not all people who are white were part of these things, or even aware at the time of what was was going on , or had not yet even emigrated to this country.

Yeah I'm aware of how evil and greedy and pathetic some white people were who lived and ruled in this country but you also only tell one side of a biased story to fit your own feelings. Anyone who tells me all of one race is one particular character is misguided. Of course that is your right, but I also have a right to post an opinion on that.

The African -Arab slave trade existed long before western Europeans started buying slaves .. millions of blacks dissapeared into the salt marshes of what is today Iraq, lived horrible lives and were castrated upon being captured, of course that will never be considered chattel slavery, some how when we think of Arab owned slaves its almost looked on as something noble. I can never quite figure that one out.
Point being? under the right/wrong circumstances, any race can be dominant and horrible to another. That doesnt mean I think racism by whites is somehow justified, and I'm pretty sure most people here except for a few extremists would feel the same way.

I think there are a minority of whites that are innocent of racism, and a few blacks; I totally disagree with any surreal claim that " Most whites here are not racist." That is idiotic and nonsense. Racism exist on many , many levels in whites; to some its a way of being. Their racism is like the darkness engulfing the total human consciousness; I have seen it many times, in all the 62 years I have been alive. In many, many forms.
OP continues to assert that all whites in America are responsible for the actions of few, and that the whites alive today are all reprehensibly oblivious to the actions of those few.
The history of racial relations in the USA are taught to grade-school children and have been since at least I was a child. Speaking for my generation alone, we were taught to view the individual for their actions and not their appearance.
Personally, I can count with the fingers of both hands the amount of people I have met out of thousands whom truly treat slavery of blacks and the history of racist culture as something to be embellished. Most of us wish to move past it and have a self-respecting and more cohesive society, instead of trudging through a flaming swamp of blame which is reviving more and more of those same problems of the past.

I will not allow myself to be emotionally influenced by the pity stories of others which when logically reduced, without fail, almost always boil down to a statement of "Bad things happened in the past and I deserve more of what I say you need to give"
Grow up.
You cannot sit here and spew vitriolic hatred for eight pages, suddenly turning around to take a moderate opinion, and expect anyone to believe a word you say.

"Racism will never end in this world"
Truly a paragon for advancing the culture of our people.

I don't see why not. I have extremist, moderate and pacifist views. Yet also I have biblical views, of which I drew the view of this worlds racism will never end in this life. One reason it will never end is human nature, another reason is white people. Your race was destined to be extreme in racism, no doubt about it. Its academic.

Your race was destined to be extreme in racism

Yeah, well you speak as if the destiny of the world is over. Unbeknownst to you maybe, people are still working on it. Still working on America and still working on themselves. Sure, maybe I'm a racist because I was born white, but that doesn't mean I accept racism, or like it. there really is not a whole lot more I can do except maybe sell my house and car , donate it to the NAACP and then move in under a bridge with my backpack, hope I die and go to heaven.

Maybe racism takes many forms as you say but Racism is also confused for other things, such as difference of opinion on laws and politics. Funny thing is once you have been accused of racism, there is no way to defend yourself. Mind reading is impossible in these circumstances.

If you would get rid of all white people on the face of the earth tomorrow, true the more dominant political/economic forces in the world would have been eliminated but there is no vaccum in nature that isn't filled. Something else always takes the place of whatever is removed. And if you want to get biblical, you can also say there is nothing new under the sun.

\The worlds destiny has been pre set, the only thing that will end is sin and evil. In my view, the history of the world is simply the unfolding of God's will. The white race was meant to be sinister, and their consciousness is not aware of that, because their selfishness pacifies this truth. You were chosen to help throw this world into turmoil. And that is new under this sun.
On the most basic level if I say the words white man, I cannot be talking about all white people. White women do exist. White children do exist. So your childish attempts to equate this to what whites have done shows a real psychological disconnect. This is not the 1800's. And you guys want to be excluded from that when we vlacks tak abut things done by whites, but here you are posting up a story about what was done to republicans in the 1800's.

Ok, so saying I want to be excluded from what blacks talk about whites and what they have done to them. Tell me then what you think I have done to blacks.

Of course, I'm not ignorant about slavery and what happened to American Indians including the California genocide, but I also realize that not all people who are white were part of these things, or even aware at the time of what was was going on , or had not yet even emigrated to this country.

Yeah I'm aware of how evil and greedy and pathetic some white people were who lived and ruled in this country but you also only tell one side of a biased story to fit your own feelings. Anyone who tells me all of one race is one particular character is misguided. Of course that is your right, but I also have a right to post an opinion on that.

The African -Arab slave trade existed long before western Europeans started buying slaves .. millions of blacks dissapeared into the salt marshes of what is today Iraq, lived horrible lives and were castrated upon being captured, of course that will never be considered chattel slavery, some how when we think of Arab owned slaves its almost looked on as something noble. I can never quite figure that one out.
Point being? under the right/wrong circumstances, any race can be dominant and horrible to another. That doesnt mean I think racism by whites is somehow justified, and I'm pretty sure most people here except for a few extremists would feel the same way.

I think there are a minority of whites that are innocent of racism, and a few blacks; I totally disagree with any surreal claim that " Most whites here are not racist." That is idiotic and nonsense. Racism exist on many , many levels in whites; to some its a way of being. Their racism is like the darkness engulfing the total human consciousness; I have seen it many times, in all the 62 years I have been alive. In many, many forms.
Shame on you. You don't know the majority of whites to make that assumption. Yes, racism exists. The word has been used to describe whites who disagree with black people, nothing racist about it. I have been alive 61 years. I have seen racism in more races than the white race. I have encountered black people who hate whites simply for their skin color, also there have been blacks on message boards claiming to be the superior race, a definite racist behavior. I like to treat people according to their behavior, not their race.

I don't need to personally know all whites, I can read the known facts on the topic. Oh racism certainly lives in all races, oh but the whites took it to the highest level. The blacks who learned to speak in superior terms for our race, learned that behavior from you whites. You simply cannot understand the racist upheaval that your people have wrought on this planet, and that is not my fault at all.

It is your fault for blaming all whites. MY people? Do you take responsibility for the wrongdoings of all blacks?

I was forced to take responsibility by you white people. Your cunning is legendary, as is your evil.
Alright, well that's all true but when you keep saying the "white man" your basically saying it's all white people.
I'm still waiting for the memorial for the whites who were murdered fighting for civil rights.
There were also over a 1000 whites lynched by the KKK, so who were these mysterious white people anyway? and why don't they ever count for shit? Why is it that their lives mean so little , and why is it that the contributions of whites who opposed slavery and discrimination means shit? Because it really does. All I hear is that if you are born and you happen to be white you are a racist by birth.

KKK’s 1st targets were Republicans
"A spokesman with the Democrats refused to comment for WND on any of the issues. “You’re not going to get a comment,” said the spokesman who identified himself as Luis.

“Why would Democrats skip over their own history from 1848 to 1900?” Barton asked. “Perhaps because it’s not the kind of civil rights history they want to talk about – perhaps because it is not the kind of civil rights history they want to have on their website.”

The National Review article by Deroy Murdock cited the 1866 comment from Indiana Republican Gov. Oliver Morton condemning Democrats for their racism.

“Every one who shoots down Negroes in the streets, burns Negro schoolhouses and meeting-houses, and murders women and children by the light of their own flaming dwellings, calls himself a Democrat,” Morton said.

It also cited the 1856 criticism by U.S. Sen. Charles Sumner, R-Mass., of pro-slavery Democrats. “Congressman Preston Brooks (D-S.C.) responded by grabbing a stick and beating Sumner unconscious in the Senate chamber. Disabled, Sumner could not resume his duties for three years.”

By the admission of the Democrats themselves, on their website, it wasn’t until Harry Truman was elected that “Democrats began the fight to bring down the final barriers of race and gender.”

“That is an accurate description,” wrote Barton. “Starting with Harry Truman, Democrats began – that is, they made their first serious efforts – to fight against the barriers of race; yet … Truman’s efforts were largely unsuccessful because of his own Democratic Party.”

Read more at KKK’s 1st targets were Republicans

On the most basic level if I say the words white man, I cannot be talking about all white people. White women do exist. White children do exist. So your childish attempts to equate this to what whites have done shows a real psychological disconnect. This is not the 1800's. And you guys want to be excluded from that when we vlacks tak abut things done by whites, but here you are posting up a story about what was done to republicans in the 1800's.

Ok, so saying I want to be excluded from what blacks talk about whites and what they have done to them. Tell me then what you think I have done to blacks.

Of course, I'm not ignorant about slavery and what happened to American Indians including the California genocide, but I also realize that not all people who are white were part of these things, or even aware at the time of what was was going on , or had not yet even emigrated to this country.

Yeah I'm aware of how evil and greedy and pathetic some white people were who lived and ruled in this country but you also only tell one side of a biased story to fit your own feelings. Anyone who tells me all of one race is one particular character is misguided. Of course that is your right, but I also have a right to post an opinion on that.

The African -Arab slave trade existed long before western Europeans started buying slaves .. millions of blacks dissapeared into the salt marshes of what is today Iraq, lived horrible lives and were castrated upon being captured, of course that will never be considered chattel slavery, some how when we think of Arab owned slaves its almost looked on as something noble. I can never quite figure that one out.
Point being? under the right/wrong circumstances, any race can be dominant and horrible to another. That doesnt mean I think racism by whites is somehow justified, and I'm pretty sure most people here except for a few extremists would feel the same way.

I think there are a minority of whites that are innocent of racism, and a few blacks; I totally disagree with any surreal claim that " Most whites here are not racist." That is idiotic and nonsense. Racism exist on many , many levels in whites; to some its a way of being. Their racism is like the darkness engulfing the total human consciousness; I have seen it many times, in all the 62 years I have been alive. In many, many forms.
OP continues to assert that all whites in America are responsible for the actions of few, and that the whites alive today are all reprehensibly oblivious to the actions of those few.
The history of racial relations in the USA are taught to grade-school children and have been since at least I was a child. Speaking for my generation alone, we were taught to view the individual for their actions and not their appearance.
Personally, I can count with the fingers of both hands the amount of people I have met out of thousands whom truly treat slavery of blacks and the history of racist culture as something to be embellished. Most of us wish to move past it and have a self-respecting and more cohesive society, instead of trudging through a flaming swamp of blame which is reviving more and more of those same problems of the past.

I will not allow myself to be emotionally influenced by the pity stories of others which when logically reduced, without fail, almost always boil down to a statement of "Bad things happened in the past and I deserve more of what I say you need to give"
Grow up.
You cannot sit here and spew vitriolic hatred for eight pages, suddenly turning around to take a moderate opinion, and expect anyone to believe a word you say.

"Racism will never end in this world"
Truly a paragon for advancing the culture of our people.

I don't see why not. I have extremist, moderate and pacifist views. Yet also I have biblical views, of which I drew the view of this worlds racism will never end in this life. One reason it will never end is human nature, another reason is white people. Your race was destined to be extreme in racism, no doubt about it. Its academic.

Your race was destined to be extreme in racism

Yeah, well you speak as if the destiny of the world is over. Unbeknownst to you maybe, people are still working on it. Still working on America and still working on themselves. Sure, maybe I'm a racist because I was born white, but that doesn't mean I accept racism, or like it. there really is not a whole lot more I can do except maybe sell my house and car , donate it to the NAACP and then move in under a bridge with my backpack, hope I die and go to heaven.

Maybe racism takes many forms as you say but Racism is also confused for other things, such as difference of opinion on laws and politics. Funny thing is once you have been accused of racism, there is no way to defend yourself. Mind reading is impossible in these circumstances.

If you would get rid of all white people on the face of the earth tomorrow, true the more dominant political/economic forces in the world would have been eliminated but there is no vaccum in nature that isn't filled. Something else always takes the place of whatever is removed. And if you want to get biblical, you can also say there is nothing new under the sun.

\The worlds destiny has been pre set, the only thing that will end is sin and evil. In my view, the history of the world is simply the unfolding of God's will. The white race was meant to be sinister, and their consciousness is not aware of that, because their selfishness pacifies this truth. You were chosen to help throw this world into turmoil. And that is new under this sun.


Alright, well that's all true but when you keep saying the "white man" your basically saying it's all white people.
I'm still waiting for the memorial for the whites who were murdered fighting for civil rights.
There were also over a 1000 whites lynched by the KKK, so who were these mysterious white people anyway? and why don't they ever count for shit? Why is it that their lives mean so little , and why is it that the contributions of whites who opposed slavery and discrimination means shit? Because it really does. All I hear is that if you are born and you happen to be white you are a racist by birth.

KKK’s 1st targets were Republicans
"A spokesman with the Democrats refused to comment for WND on any of the issues. “You’re not going to get a comment,” said the spokesman who identified himself as Luis.

“Why would Democrats skip over their own history from 1848 to 1900?” Barton asked. “Perhaps because it’s not the kind of civil rights history they want to talk about – perhaps because it is not the kind of civil rights history they want to have on their website.”

The National Review article by Deroy Murdock cited the 1866 comment from Indiana Republican Gov. Oliver Morton condemning Democrats for their racism.

“Every one who shoots down Negroes in the streets, burns Negro schoolhouses and meeting-houses, and murders women and children by the light of their own flaming dwellings, calls himself a Democrat,” Morton said.

It also cited the 1856 criticism by U.S. Sen. Charles Sumner, R-Mass., of pro-slavery Democrats. “Congressman Preston Brooks (D-S.C.) responded by grabbing a stick and beating Sumner unconscious in the Senate chamber. Disabled, Sumner could not resume his duties for three years.”

By the admission of the Democrats themselves, on their website, it wasn’t until Harry Truman was elected that “Democrats began the fight to bring down the final barriers of race and gender.”

“That is an accurate description,” wrote Barton. “Starting with Harry Truman, Democrats began – that is, they made their first serious efforts – to fight against the barriers of race; yet … Truman’s efforts were largely unsuccessful because of his own Democratic Party.”

Read more at KKK’s 1st targets were Republicans

On the most basic level if I say the words white man, I cannot be talking about all white people. White women do exist. White children do exist. So your childish attempts to equate this to what whites have done shows a real psychological disconnect. This is not the 1800's. And you guys want to be excluded from that when we vlacks tak abut things done by whites, but here you are posting up a story about what was done to republicans in the 1800's.

Ok, so saying I want to be excluded from what blacks talk about whites and what they have done to them. Tell me then what you think I have done to blacks.

Of course, I'm not ignorant about slavery and what happened to American Indians including the California genocide, but I also realize that not all people who are white were part of these things, or even aware at the time of what was was going on , or had not yet even emigrated to this country.

Yeah I'm aware of how evil and greedy and pathetic some white people were who lived and ruled in this country but you also only tell one side of a biased story to fit your own feelings. Anyone who tells me all of one race is one particular character is misguided. Of course that is your right, but I also have a right to post an opinion on that.

The African -Arab slave trade existed long before western Europeans started buying slaves .. millions of blacks dissapeared into the salt marshes of what is today Iraq, lived horrible lives and were castrated upon being captured, of course that will never be considered chattel slavery, some how when we think of Arab owned slaves its almost looked on as something noble. I can never quite figure that one out.
Point being? under the right/wrong circumstances, any race can be dominant and horrible to another. That doesnt mean I think racism by whites is somehow justified, and I'm pretty sure most people here except for a few extremists would feel the same way.

I think there are a minority of whites that are innocent of racism, and a few blacks; I totally disagree with any surreal claim that " Most whites here are not racist." That is idiotic and nonsense. Racism exist on many , many levels in whites; to some its a way of being. Their racism is like the darkness engulfing the total human consciousness; I have seen it many times, in all the 62 years I have been alive. In many, many forms.
OP continues to assert that all whites in America are responsible for the actions of few, and that the whites alive today are all reprehensibly oblivious to the actions of those few.
The history of racial relations in the USA are taught to grade-school children and have been since at least I was a child. Speaking for my generation alone, we were taught to view the individual for their actions and not their appearance.
Personally, I can count with the fingers of both hands the amount of people I have met out of thousands whom truly treat slavery of blacks and the history of racist culture as something to be embellished. Most of us wish to move past it and have a self-respecting and more cohesive society, instead of trudging through a flaming swamp of blame which is reviving more and more of those same problems of the past.

I will not allow myself to be emotionally influenced by the pity stories of others which when logically reduced, without fail, almost always boil down to a statement of "Bad things happened in the past and I deserve more of what I say you need to give"
Grow up.
You cannot sit here and spew vitriolic hatred for eight pages, suddenly turning around to take a moderate opinion, and expect anyone to believe a word you say.

"Racism will never end in this world"
Truly a paragon for advancing the culture of our people.

I don't see why not. I have extremist, moderate and pacifist views. Yet also I have biblical views, of which I drew the view of this worlds racism will never end in this life. One reason it will never end is human nature, another reason is white people. Your race was destined to be extreme in racism, no doubt about it. Its academic.

Your race was destined to be extreme in racism

Yeah, well you speak as if the destiny of the world is over. Unbeknownst to you maybe, people are still working on it. Still working on America and still working on themselves. Sure, maybe I'm a racist because I was born white, but that doesn't mean I accept racism, or like it. there really is not a whole lot more I can do except maybe sell my house and car , donate it to the NAACP and then move in under a bridge with my backpack, hope I die and go to heaven.

Maybe racism takes many forms as you say but Racism is also confused for other things, such as difference of opinion on laws and politics. Funny thing is once you have been accused of racism, there is no way to defend yourself. Mind reading is impossible in these circumstances.

If you would get rid of all white people on the face of the earth tomorrow, true the more dominant political/economic forces in the world would have been eliminated but there is no vaccum in nature that isn't filled. Something else always takes the place of whatever is removed. And if you want to get biblical, you can also say there is nothing new under the sun.

\The worlds destiny has been pre set, the only thing that will end is sin and evil. In my view, the history of the world is simply the unfolding of God's will. The white race was meant to be sinister, and their consciousness is not aware of that, because their selfishness pacifies this truth. You were chosen to help throw this world into turmoil. And that is new under this sun.

This below genetic PCA plot puts Estonians as the most pure Europeans, and Spaniards half way between Moroccans, and Estonians.

Interesting, because Estonia didn't do anything against Blacks, unlike Spain, and it's similar Portugal who actually started the Atlantic Slave Trade.

Alright, well that's all true but when you keep saying the "white man" your basically saying it's all white people.
I'm still waiting for the memorial for the whites who were murdered fighting for civil rights.
There were also over a 1000 whites lynched by the KKK, so who were these mysterious white people anyway? and why don't they ever count for shit? Why is it that their lives mean so little , and why is it that the contributions of whites who opposed slavery and discrimination means shit? Because it really does. All I hear is that if you are born and you happen to be white you are a racist by birth.

KKK’s 1st targets were Republicans
"A spokesman with the Democrats refused to comment for WND on any of the issues. “You’re not going to get a comment,” said the spokesman who identified himself as Luis.

“Why would Democrats skip over their own history from 1848 to 1900?” Barton asked. “Perhaps because it’s not the kind of civil rights history they want to talk about – perhaps because it is not the kind of civil rights history they want to have on their website.”

The National Review article by Deroy Murdock cited the 1866 comment from Indiana Republican Gov. Oliver Morton condemning Democrats for their racism.

“Every one who shoots down Negroes in the streets, burns Negro schoolhouses and meeting-houses, and murders women and children by the light of their own flaming dwellings, calls himself a Democrat,” Morton said.

It also cited the 1856 criticism by U.S. Sen. Charles Sumner, R-Mass., of pro-slavery Democrats. “Congressman Preston Brooks (D-S.C.) responded by grabbing a stick and beating Sumner unconscious in the Senate chamber. Disabled, Sumner could not resume his duties for three years.”

By the admission of the Democrats themselves, on their website, it wasn’t until Harry Truman was elected that “Democrats began the fight to bring down the final barriers of race and gender.”

“That is an accurate description,” wrote Barton. “Starting with Harry Truman, Democrats began – that is, they made their first serious efforts – to fight against the barriers of race; yet … Truman’s efforts were largely unsuccessful because of his own Democratic Party.”

Read more at KKK’s 1st targets were Republicans

On the most basic level if I say the words white man, I cannot be talking about all white people. White women do exist. White children do exist. So your childish attempts to equate this to what whites have done shows a real psychological disconnect. This is not the 1800's. And you guys want to be excluded from that when we vlacks tak abut things done by whites, but here you are posting up a story about what was done to republicans in the 1800's.

Ok, so saying I want to be excluded from what blacks talk about whites and what they have done to them. Tell me then what you think I have done to blacks.

Of course, I'm not ignorant about slavery and what happened to American Indians including the California genocide, but I also realize that not all people who are white were part of these things, or even aware at the time of what was was going on , or had not yet even emigrated to this country.

Yeah I'm aware of how evil and greedy and pathetic some white people were who lived and ruled in this country but you also only tell one side of a biased story to fit your own feelings. Anyone who tells me all of one race is one particular character is misguided. Of course that is your right, but I also have a right to post an opinion on that.

The African -Arab slave trade existed long before western Europeans started buying slaves .. millions of blacks dissapeared into the salt marshes of what is today Iraq, lived horrible lives and were castrated upon being captured, of course that will never be considered chattel slavery, some how when we think of Arab owned slaves its almost looked on as something noble. I can never quite figure that one out.
Point being? under the right/wrong circumstances, any race can be dominant and horrible to another. That doesnt mean I think racism by whites is somehow justified, and I'm pretty sure most people here except for a few extremists would feel the same way.

I think there are a minority of whites that are innocent of racism, and a few blacks; I totally disagree with any surreal claim that " Most whites here are not racist." That is idiotic and nonsense. Racism exist on many , many levels in whites; to some its a way of being. Their racism is like the darkness engulfing the total human consciousness; I have seen it many times, in all the 62 years I have been alive. In many, many forms.
OP continues to assert that all whites in America are responsible for the actions of few, and that the whites alive today are all reprehensibly oblivious to the actions of those few.
The history of racial relations in the USA are taught to grade-school children and have been since at least I was a child. Speaking for my generation alone, we were taught to view the individual for their actions and not their appearance.
Personally, I can count with the fingers of both hands the amount of people I have met out of thousands whom truly treat slavery of blacks and the history of racist culture as something to be embellished. Most of us wish to move past it and have a self-respecting and more cohesive society, instead of trudging through a flaming swamp of blame which is reviving more and more of those same problems of the past.

I will not allow myself to be emotionally influenced by the pity stories of others which when logically reduced, without fail, almost always boil down to a statement of "Bad things happened in the past and I deserve more of what I say you need to give"
Grow up.
You cannot sit here and spew vitriolic hatred for eight pages, suddenly turning around to take a moderate opinion, and expect anyone to believe a word you say.

"Racism will never end in this world"
Truly a paragon for advancing the culture of our people.

I don't see why not. I have extremist, moderate and pacifist views. Yet also I have biblical views, of which I drew the view of this worlds racism will never end in this life. One reason it will never end is human nature, another reason is white people. Your race was destined to be extreme in racism, no doubt about it. Its academic.

Your race was destined to be extreme in racism

Yeah, well you speak as if the destiny of the world is over. Unbeknownst to you maybe, people are still working on it. Still working on America and still working on themselves. Sure, maybe I'm a racist because I was born white, but that doesn't mean I accept racism, or like it. there really is not a whole lot more I can do except maybe sell my house and car , donate it to the NAACP and then move in under a bridge with my backpack, hope I die and go to heaven.

Maybe racism takes many forms as you say but Racism is also confused for other things, such as difference of opinion on laws and politics. Funny thing is once you have been accused of racism, there is no way to defend yourself. Mind reading is impossible in these circumstances.

If you would get rid of all white people on the face of the earth tomorrow, true the more dominant political/economic forces in the world would have been eliminated but there is no vaccum in nature that isn't filled. Something else always takes the place of whatever is removed. And if you want to get biblical, you can also say there is nothing new under the sun.

\The worlds destiny has been pre set, the only thing that will end is sin and evil. In my view, the history of the world is simply the unfolding of God's will. The white race was meant to be sinister, and their consciousness is not aware of that, because their selfishness pacifies this truth. You were chosen to help throw this world into turmoil. And that is new under this sun.

well that is an interesting theory, well, I do understand that your view of the world is not universal by all or most black people. I find it amazing how there are SOME black people who are so certain that white people are devoid of feeling for others. No wonder you hate us, and don't deny it, cause I don't believe it. Theres no possible way you couldn't. I've seen Africans who are devoid of conscience, I've seen Africans who have done sinister things just to get ahead of someone else. Thats my own personal experience just as you have yours in Alabama or wherever your from, and the conclusion I have come up with is the same one Ive been trying to figure out ever since I was a little kid. There is light and darkness in all people. Your so sure of the evil of "WHITES" but your not god are you? All people come from the creator. Where people go wrong is with society and misinformation. Misinformation which causes misunderstanding and preconcieved notions of others which causes other societal ills which then continue to grow.. and this is not new under the sun.
People like you who think others are genetically disposed to evil are deluded, of course, you may have had very bad experiences and your delusion in that respect might be justified. We all ahave our view of the world based on personal experience. You do understand that white people have personal experience in the world correct? It's not all about getting rich, its not all about being on the take.
On the most basic level if I say the words white man, I cannot be talking about all white people. White women do exist. White children do exist. So your childish attempts to equate this to what whites have done shows a real psychological disconnect. This is not the 1800's. And you guys want to be excluded from that when we vlacks tak abut things done by whites, but here you are posting up a story about what was done to republicans in the 1800's.

Ok, so saying I want to be excluded from what blacks talk about whites and what they have done to them. Tell me then what you think I have done to blacks.

Of course, I'm not ignorant about slavery and what happened to American Indians including the California genocide, but I also realize that not all people who are white were part of these things, or even aware at the time of what was was going on , or had not yet even emigrated to this country.

Yeah I'm aware of how evil and greedy and pathetic some white people were who lived and ruled in this country but you also only tell one side of a biased story to fit your own feelings. Anyone who tells me all of one race is one particular character is misguided. Of course that is your right, but I also have a right to post an opinion on that.

The African -Arab slave trade existed long before western Europeans started buying slaves .. millions of blacks dissapeared into the salt marshes of what is today Iraq, lived horrible lives and were castrated upon being captured, of course that will never be considered chattel slavery, some how when we think of Arab owned slaves its almost looked on as something noble. I can never quite figure that one out.
Point being? under the right/wrong circumstances, any race can be dominant and horrible to another. That doesnt mean I think racism by whites is somehow justified, and I'm pretty sure most people here except for a few extremists would feel the same way.

I think there are a minority of whites that are innocent of racism, and a few blacks; I totally disagree with any surreal claim that " Most whites here are not racist." That is idiotic and nonsense. Racism exist on many , many levels in whites; to some its a way of being. Their racism is like the darkness engulfing the total human consciousness; I have seen it many times, in all the 62 years I have been alive. In many, many forms.
OP continues to assert that all whites in America are responsible for the actions of few, and that the whites alive today are all reprehensibly oblivious to the actions of those few.
The history of racial relations in the USA are taught to grade-school children and have been since at least I was a child. Speaking for my generation alone, we were taught to view the individual for their actions and not their appearance.
Personally, I can count with the fingers of both hands the amount of people I have met out of thousands whom truly treat slavery of blacks and the history of racist culture as something to be embellished. Most of us wish to move past it and have a self-respecting and more cohesive society, instead of trudging through a flaming swamp of blame which is reviving more and more of those same problems of the past.

I will not allow myself to be emotionally influenced by the pity stories of others which when logically reduced, without fail, almost always boil down to a statement of "Bad things happened in the past and I deserve more of what I say you need to give"
Grow up.
You cannot sit here and spew vitriolic hatred for eight pages, suddenly turning around to take a moderate opinion, and expect anyone to believe a word you say.

"Racism will never end in this world"
Truly a paragon for advancing the culture of our people.

I don't see why not. I have extremist, moderate and pacifist views. Yet also I have biblical views, of which I drew the view of this worlds racism will never end in this life. One reason it will never end is human nature, another reason is white people. Your race was destined to be extreme in racism, no doubt about it. Its academic.

Your race was destined to be extreme in racism

Yeah, well you speak as if the destiny of the world is over. Unbeknownst to you maybe, people are still working on it. Still working on America and still working on themselves. Sure, maybe I'm a racist because I was born white, but that doesn't mean I accept racism, or like it. there really is not a whole lot more I can do except maybe sell my house and car , donate it to the NAACP and then move in under a bridge with my backpack, hope I die and go to heaven.

Maybe racism takes many forms as you say but Racism is also confused for other things, such as difference of opinion on laws and politics. Funny thing is once you have been accused of racism, there is no way to defend yourself. Mind reading is impossible in these circumstances.

If you would get rid of all white people on the face of the earth tomorrow, true the more dominant political/economic forces in the world would have been eliminated but there is no vaccum in nature that isn't filled. Something else always takes the place of whatever is removed. And if you want to get biblical, you can also say there is nothing new under the sun.

\The worlds destiny has been pre set, the only thing that will end is sin and evil. In my view, the history of the world is simply the unfolding of God's will. The white race was meant to be sinister, and their consciousness is not aware of that, because their selfishness pacifies this truth. You were chosen to help throw this world into turmoil. And that is new under this sun.

well that is an interesting theory, well, I do understand that your view of the world is not universal by all or most black people. I find it amazing how there are SOME black people who are so certain that white people are devoid of feeling for others. No wonder you hate us, and don't deny it, cause I don't believe it. Theres no possible way you couldn't. I've seen Africans who are devoid of conscience, I've seen Africans who have done sinister things just to get ahead of someone else. Thats my own personal experience just as you have yours in Alabama or wherever your from, and the conclusion I have come up with is the same one Ive been trying to figure out ever since I was a little kid. There is light and darkness in all people. Your so sure of the evil of "WHITES" but your not god are you? All people come from the creator. Where people go wrong is with society and misinformation. Misinformation which causes misunderstanding and preconcieved notions of others which causes other societal ills which then continue to grow.. and this is not new under the sun.
People like you who think others are genetically disposed to evil are deluded, of course, you may have had very bad experiences and your delusion in that respect might be justified. We all ahave our view of the world based on personal experience. You do understand that white people have personal experience in the world correct? It's not all about getting rich, its not all about being on the take.

I hate the things you think and do to other brown skinned people. The creator had to create evil, had to allow discord, and needed a people to represent that on earth. And the whites fit into his choice. Because your a devious bunch.
Ok, so saying I want to be excluded from what blacks talk about whites and what they have done to them. Tell me then what you think I have done to blacks.

Of course, I'm not ignorant about slavery and what happened to American Indians including the California genocide, but I also realize that not all people who are white were part of these things, or even aware at the time of what was was going on , or had not yet even emigrated to this country.

Yeah I'm aware of how evil and greedy and pathetic some white people were who lived and ruled in this country but you also only tell one side of a biased story to fit your own feelings. Anyone who tells me all of one race is one particular character is misguided. Of course that is your right, but I also have a right to post an opinion on that.

The African -Arab slave trade existed long before western Europeans started buying slaves .. millions of blacks dissapeared into the salt marshes of what is today Iraq, lived horrible lives and were castrated upon being captured, of course that will never be considered chattel slavery, some how when we think of Arab owned slaves its almost looked on as something noble. I can never quite figure that one out.
Point being? under the right/wrong circumstances, any race can be dominant and horrible to another. That doesnt mean I think racism by whites is somehow justified, and I'm pretty sure most people here except for a few extremists would feel the same way.

I think there are a minority of whites that are innocent of racism, and a few blacks; I totally disagree with any surreal claim that " Most whites here are not racist." That is idiotic and nonsense. Racism exist on many , many levels in whites; to some its a way of being. Their racism is like the darkness engulfing the total human consciousness; I have seen it many times, in all the 62 years I have been alive. In many, many forms.
OP continues to assert that all whites in America are responsible for the actions of few, and that the whites alive today are all reprehensibly oblivious to the actions of those few.
The history of racial relations in the USA are taught to grade-school children and have been since at least I was a child. Speaking for my generation alone, we were taught to view the individual for their actions and not their appearance.
Personally, I can count with the fingers of both hands the amount of people I have met out of thousands whom truly treat slavery of blacks and the history of racist culture as something to be embellished. Most of us wish to move past it and have a self-respecting and more cohesive society, instead of trudging through a flaming swamp of blame which is reviving more and more of those same problems of the past.

I will not allow myself to be emotionally influenced by the pity stories of others which when logically reduced, without fail, almost always boil down to a statement of "Bad things happened in the past and I deserve more of what I say you need to give"
Grow up.
You cannot sit here and spew vitriolic hatred for eight pages, suddenly turning around to take a moderate opinion, and expect anyone to believe a word you say.

"Racism will never end in this world"
Truly a paragon for advancing the culture of our people.

I don't see why not. I have extremist, moderate and pacifist views. Yet also I have biblical views, of which I drew the view of this worlds racism will never end in this life. One reason it will never end is human nature, another reason is white people. Your race was destined to be extreme in racism, no doubt about it. Its academic.

Your race was destined to be extreme in racism

Yeah, well you speak as if the destiny of the world is over. Unbeknownst to you maybe, people are still working on it. Still working on America and still working on themselves. Sure, maybe I'm a racist because I was born white, but that doesn't mean I accept racism, or like it. there really is not a whole lot more I can do except maybe sell my house and car , donate it to the NAACP and then move in under a bridge with my backpack, hope I die and go to heaven.

Maybe racism takes many forms as you say but Racism is also confused for other things, such as difference of opinion on laws and politics. Funny thing is once you have been accused of racism, there is no way to defend yourself. Mind reading is impossible in these circumstances.

If you would get rid of all white people on the face of the earth tomorrow, true the more dominant political/economic forces in the world would have been eliminated but there is no vaccum in nature that isn't filled. Something else always takes the place of whatever is removed. And if you want to get biblical, you can also say there is nothing new under the sun.

\The worlds destiny has been pre set, the only thing that will end is sin and evil. In my view, the history of the world is simply the unfolding of God's will. The white race was meant to be sinister, and their consciousness is not aware of that, because their selfishness pacifies this truth. You were chosen to help throw this world into turmoil. And that is new under this sun.

well that is an interesting theory, well, I do understand that your view of the world is not universal by all or most black people. I find it amazing how there are SOME black people who are so certain that white people are devoid of feeling for others. No wonder you hate us, and don't deny it, cause I don't believe it. Theres no possible way you couldn't. I've seen Africans who are devoid of conscience, I've seen Africans who have done sinister things just to get ahead of someone else. Thats my own personal experience just as you have yours in Alabama or wherever your from, and the conclusion I have come up with is the same one Ive been trying to figure out ever since I was a little kid. There is light and darkness in all people. Your so sure of the evil of "WHITES" but your not god are you? All people come from the creator. Where people go wrong is with society and misinformation. Misinformation which causes misunderstanding and preconcieved notions of others which causes other societal ills which then continue to grow.. and this is not new under the sun.
People like you who think others are genetically disposed to evil are deluded, of course, you may have had very bad experiences and your delusion in that respect might be justified. We all ahave our view of the world based on personal experience. You do understand that white people have personal experience in the world correct? It's not all about getting rich, its not all about being on the take.

I hate the things you think and do to other brown skinned people. The creator had to create evil, had to allow discord, and needed a people to represent that on earth. And the whites fit into his choice. Because your a devious bunch.
The evil where I live isn't by white people. Pick up any local newspaper.
I think there are a minority of whites that are innocent of racism, and a few blacks; I totally disagree with any surreal claim that " Most whites here are not racist." That is idiotic and nonsense. Racism exist on many , many levels in whites; to some its a way of being. Their racism is like the darkness engulfing the total human consciousness; I have seen it many times, in all the 62 years I have been alive. In many, many forms.
OP continues to assert that all whites in America are responsible for the actions of few, and that the whites alive today are all reprehensibly oblivious to the actions of those few.
The history of racial relations in the USA are taught to grade-school children and have been since at least I was a child. Speaking for my generation alone, we were taught to view the individual for their actions and not their appearance.
Personally, I can count with the fingers of both hands the amount of people I have met out of thousands whom truly treat slavery of blacks and the history of racist culture as something to be embellished. Most of us wish to move past it and have a self-respecting and more cohesive society, instead of trudging through a flaming swamp of blame which is reviving more and more of those same problems of the past.

I will not allow myself to be emotionally influenced by the pity stories of others which when logically reduced, without fail, almost always boil down to a statement of "Bad things happened in the past and I deserve more of what I say you need to give"
Grow up.
I don't see why not. I have extremist, moderate and pacifist views. Yet also I have biblical views, of which I drew the view of this worlds racism will never end in this life. One reason it will never end is human nature, another reason is white people. Your race was destined to be extreme in racism, no doubt about it. Its academic.

Your race was destined to be extreme in racism

Yeah, well you speak as if the destiny of the world is over. Unbeknownst to you maybe, people are still working on it. Still working on America and still working on themselves. Sure, maybe I'm a racist because I was born white, but that doesn't mean I accept racism, or like it. there really is not a whole lot more I can do except maybe sell my house and car , donate it to the NAACP and then move in under a bridge with my backpack, hope I die and go to heaven.

Maybe racism takes many forms as you say but Racism is also confused for other things, such as difference of opinion on laws and politics. Funny thing is once you have been accused of racism, there is no way to defend yourself. Mind reading is impossible in these circumstances.

If you would get rid of all white people on the face of the earth tomorrow, true the more dominant political/economic forces in the world would have been eliminated but there is no vaccum in nature that isn't filled. Something else always takes the place of whatever is removed. And if you want to get biblical, you can also say there is nothing new under the sun.

\The worlds destiny has been pre set, the only thing that will end is sin and evil. In my view, the history of the world is simply the unfolding of God's will. The white race was meant to be sinister, and their consciousness is not aware of that, because their selfishness pacifies this truth. You were chosen to help throw this world into turmoil. And that is new under this sun.

well that is an interesting theory, well, I do understand that your view of the world is not universal by all or most black people. I find it amazing how there are SOME black people who are so certain that white people are devoid of feeling for others. No wonder you hate us, and don't deny it, cause I don't believe it. Theres no possible way you couldn't. I've seen Africans who are devoid of conscience, I've seen Africans who have done sinister things just to get ahead of someone else. Thats my own personal experience just as you have yours in Alabama or wherever your from, and the conclusion I have come up with is the same one Ive been trying to figure out ever since I was a little kid. There is light and darkness in all people. Your so sure of the evil of "WHITES" but your not god are you? All people come from the creator. Where people go wrong is with society and misinformation. Misinformation which causes misunderstanding and preconcieved notions of others which causes other societal ills which then continue to grow.. and this is not new under the sun.
People like you who think others are genetically disposed to evil are deluded, of course, you may have had very bad experiences and your delusion in that respect might be justified. We all ahave our view of the world based on personal experience. You do understand that white people have personal experience in the world correct? It's not all about getting rich, its not all about being on the take.

I hate the things you think and do to other brown skinned people. The creator had to create evil, had to allow discord, and needed a people to represent that on earth. And the whites fit into his choice. Because your a devious bunch.
The evil where I live isn't by white people. Pick up any local newspaper.

Good golly miz Molly but you must live in a world of personal responsibility.

The old saying used to be " the devil made me do it" But I guess that's been replaced now by "the whites made me do it". Or so this theory goes.
Ok, so saying I want to be excluded from what blacks talk about whites and what they have done to them. Tell me then what you think I have done to blacks.

Of course, I'm not ignorant about slavery and what happened to American Indians including the California genocide, but I also realize that not all people who are white were part of these things, or even aware at the time of what was was going on , or had not yet even emigrated to this country.

Yeah I'm aware of how evil and greedy and pathetic some white people were who lived and ruled in this country but you also only tell one side of a biased story to fit your own feelings. Anyone who tells me all of one race is one particular character is misguided. Of course that is your right, but I also have a right to post an opinion on that.

The African -Arab slave trade existed long before western Europeans started buying slaves .. millions of blacks dissapeared into the salt marshes of what is today Iraq, lived horrible lives and were castrated upon being captured, of course that will never be considered chattel slavery, some how when we think of Arab owned slaves its almost looked on as something noble. I can never quite figure that one out.
Point being? under the right/wrong circumstances, any race can be dominant and horrible to another. That doesnt mean I think racism by whites is somehow justified, and I'm pretty sure most people here except for a few extremists would feel the same way.

I think there are a minority of whites that are innocent of racism, and a few blacks; I totally disagree with any surreal claim that " Most whites here are not racist." That is idiotic and nonsense. Racism exist on many , many levels in whites; to some its a way of being. Their racism is like the darkness engulfing the total human consciousness; I have seen it many times, in all the 62 years I have been alive. In many, many forms.
OP continues to assert that all whites in America are responsible for the actions of few, and that the whites alive today are all reprehensibly oblivious to the actions of those few.
The history of racial relations in the USA are taught to grade-school children and have been since at least I was a child. Speaking for my generation alone, we were taught to view the individual for their actions and not their appearance.
Personally, I can count with the fingers of both hands the amount of people I have met out of thousands whom truly treat slavery of blacks and the history of racist culture as something to be embellished. Most of us wish to move past it and have a self-respecting and more cohesive society, instead of trudging through a flaming swamp of blame which is reviving more and more of those same problems of the past.

I will not allow myself to be emotionally influenced by the pity stories of others which when logically reduced, without fail, almost always boil down to a statement of "Bad things happened in the past and I deserve more of what I say you need to give"
Grow up.
You cannot sit here and spew vitriolic hatred for eight pages, suddenly turning around to take a moderate opinion, and expect anyone to believe a word you say.

"Racism will never end in this world"
Truly a paragon for advancing the culture of our people.

I don't see why not. I have extremist, moderate and pacifist views. Yet also I have biblical views, of which I drew the view of this worlds racism will never end in this life. One reason it will never end is human nature, another reason is white people. Your race was destined to be extreme in racism, no doubt about it. Its academic.

Your race was destined to be extreme in racism

Yeah, well you speak as if the destiny of the world is over. Unbeknownst to you maybe, people are still working on it. Still working on America and still working on themselves. Sure, maybe I'm a racist because I was born white, but that doesn't mean I accept racism, or like it. there really is not a whole lot more I can do except maybe sell my house and car , donate it to the NAACP and then move in under a bridge with my backpack, hope I die and go to heaven.

Maybe racism takes many forms as you say but Racism is also confused for other things, such as difference of opinion on laws and politics. Funny thing is once you have been accused of racism, there is no way to defend yourself. Mind reading is impossible in these circumstances.

If you would get rid of all white people on the face of the earth tomorrow, true the more dominant political/economic forces in the world would have been eliminated but there is no vaccum in nature that isn't filled. Something else always takes the place of whatever is removed. And if you want to get biblical, you can also say there is nothing new under the sun.

\The worlds destiny has been pre set, the only thing that will end is sin and evil. In my view, the history of the world is simply the unfolding of God's will. The white race was meant to be sinister, and their consciousness is not aware of that, because their selfishness pacifies this truth. You were chosen to help throw this world into turmoil. And that is new under this sun.

well that is an interesting theory, well, I do understand that your view of the world is not universal by all or most black people. I find it amazing how there are SOME black people who are so certain that white people are devoid of feeling for others. No wonder you hate us, and don't deny it, cause I don't believe it. Theres no possible way you couldn't. I've seen Africans who are devoid of conscience, I've seen Africans who have done sinister things just to get ahead of someone else. Thats my own personal experience just as you have yours in Alabama or wherever your from, and the conclusion I have come up with is the same one Ive been trying to figure out ever since I was a little kid. There is light and darkness in all people. Your so sure of the evil of "WHITES" but your not god are you? All people come from the creator. Where people go wrong is with society and misinformation. Misinformation which causes misunderstanding and preconcieved notions of others which causes other societal ills which then continue to grow.. and this is not new under the sun.
People like you who think others are genetically disposed to evil are deluded, of course, you may have had very bad experiences and your delusion in that respect might be justified. We all ahave our view of the world based on personal experience. You do understand that white people have personal experience in the world correct? It's not all about getting rich, its not all about being on the take.

I hate the things you think and do to other brown skinned people. The creator had to create evil, had to allow discord, and needed a people to represent that on earth. And the whites fit into his choice. Because your a devious bunch.

Well I guess your just a better man than I. You were lucky enough to be born the right color
I think there are a minority of whites that are innocent of racism, and a few blacks; I totally disagree with any surreal claim that " Most whites here are not racist." That is idiotic and nonsense. Racism exist on many , many levels in whites; to some its a way of being. Their racism is like the darkness engulfing the total human consciousness; I have seen it many times, in all the 62 years I have been alive. In many, many forms.
OP continues to assert that all whites in America are responsible for the actions of few, and that the whites alive today are all reprehensibly oblivious to the actions of those few.
The history of racial relations in the USA are taught to grade-school children and have been since at least I was a child. Speaking for my generation alone, we were taught to view the individual for their actions and not their appearance.
Personally, I can count with the fingers of both hands the amount of people I have met out of thousands whom truly treat slavery of blacks and the history of racist culture as something to be embellished. Most of us wish to move past it and have a self-respecting and more cohesive society, instead of trudging through a flaming swamp of blame which is reviving more and more of those same problems of the past.

I will not allow myself to be emotionally influenced by the pity stories of others which when logically reduced, without fail, almost always boil down to a statement of "Bad things happened in the past and I deserve more of what I say you need to give"
Grow up.
I don't see why not. I have extremist, moderate and pacifist views. Yet also I have biblical views, of which I drew the view of this worlds racism will never end in this life. One reason it will never end is human nature, another reason is white people. Your race was destined to be extreme in racism, no doubt about it. Its academic.

Your race was destined to be extreme in racism

Yeah, well you speak as if the destiny of the world is over. Unbeknownst to you maybe, people are still working on it. Still working on America and still working on themselves. Sure, maybe I'm a racist because I was born white, but that doesn't mean I accept racism, or like it. there really is not a whole lot more I can do except maybe sell my house and car , donate it to the NAACP and then move in under a bridge with my backpack, hope I die and go to heaven.

Maybe racism takes many forms as you say but Racism is also confused for other things, such as difference of opinion on laws and politics. Funny thing is once you have been accused of racism, there is no way to defend yourself. Mind reading is impossible in these circumstances.

If you would get rid of all white people on the face of the earth tomorrow, true the more dominant political/economic forces in the world would have been eliminated but there is no vaccum in nature that isn't filled. Something else always takes the place of whatever is removed. And if you want to get biblical, you can also say there is nothing new under the sun.

\The worlds destiny has been pre set, the only thing that will end is sin and evil. In my view, the history of the world is simply the unfolding of God's will. The white race was meant to be sinister, and their consciousness is not aware of that, because their selfishness pacifies this truth. You were chosen to help throw this world into turmoil. And that is new under this sun.

well that is an interesting theory, well, I do understand that your view of the world is not universal by all or most black people. I find it amazing how there are SOME black people who are so certain that white people are devoid of feeling for others. No wonder you hate us, and don't deny it, cause I don't believe it. Theres no possible way you couldn't. I've seen Africans who are devoid of conscience, I've seen Africans who have done sinister things just to get ahead of someone else. Thats my own personal experience just as you have yours in Alabama or wherever your from, and the conclusion I have come up with is the same one Ive been trying to figure out ever since I was a little kid. There is light and darkness in all people. Your so sure of the evil of "WHITES" but your not god are you? All people come from the creator. Where people go wrong is with society and misinformation. Misinformation which causes misunderstanding and preconcieved notions of others which causes other societal ills which then continue to grow.. and this is not new under the sun.
People like you who think others are genetically disposed to evil are deluded, of course, you may have had very bad experiences and your delusion in that respect might be justified. We all ahave our view of the world based on personal experience. You do understand that white people have personal experience in the world correct? It's not all about getting rich, its not all about being on the take.

I hate the things you think and do to other brown skinned people. The creator had to create evil, had to allow discord, and needed a people to represent that on earth. And the whites fit into his choice. Because your a devious bunch.

Well I guess your just a better man than I. You were lucky enough to be born the right color

I hold no interest in the white man's tendency to use useless jokes.
I think there are a minority of whites that are innocent of racism, and a few blacks; I totally disagree with any surreal claim that " Most whites here are not racist." That is idiotic and nonsense. Racism exist on many , many levels in whites; to some its a way of being. Their racism is like the darkness engulfing the total human consciousness; I have seen it many times, in all the 62 years I have been alive. In many, many forms.
OP continues to assert that all whites in America are responsible for the actions of few, and that the whites alive today are all reprehensibly oblivious to the actions of those few.
The history of racial relations in the USA are taught to grade-school children and have been since at least I was a child. Speaking for my generation alone, we were taught to view the individual for their actions and not their appearance.
Personally, I can count with the fingers of both hands the amount of people I have met out of thousands whom truly treat slavery of blacks and the history of racist culture as something to be embellished. Most of us wish to move past it and have a self-respecting and more cohesive society, instead of trudging through a flaming swamp of blame which is reviving more and more of those same problems of the past.

I will not allow myself to be emotionally influenced by the pity stories of others which when logically reduced, without fail, almost always boil down to a statement of "Bad things happened in the past and I deserve more of what I say you need to give"
Grow up.
I don't see why not. I have extremist, moderate and pacifist views. Yet also I have biblical views, of which I drew the view of this worlds racism will never end in this life. One reason it will never end is human nature, another reason is white people. Your race was destined to be extreme in racism, no doubt about it. Its academic.

Your race was destined to be extreme in racism

Yeah, well you speak as if the destiny of the world is over. Unbeknownst to you maybe, people are still working on it. Still working on America and still working on themselves. Sure, maybe I'm a racist because I was born white, but that doesn't mean I accept racism, or like it. there really is not a whole lot more I can do except maybe sell my house and car , donate it to the NAACP and then move in under a bridge with my backpack, hope I die and go to heaven.

Maybe racism takes many forms as you say but Racism is also confused for other things, such as difference of opinion on laws and politics. Funny thing is once you have been accused of racism, there is no way to defend yourself. Mind reading is impossible in these circumstances.

If you would get rid of all white people on the face of the earth tomorrow, true the more dominant political/economic forces in the world would have been eliminated but there is no vaccum in nature that isn't filled. Something else always takes the place of whatever is removed. And if you want to get biblical, you can also say there is nothing new under the sun.

\The worlds destiny has been pre set, the only thing that will end is sin and evil. In my view, the history of the world is simply the unfolding of God's will. The white race was meant to be sinister, and their consciousness is not aware of that, because their selfishness pacifies this truth. You were chosen to help throw this world into turmoil. And that is new under this sun.

well that is an interesting theory, well, I do understand that your view of the world is not universal by all or most black people. I find it amazing how there are SOME black people who are so certain that white people are devoid of feeling for others. No wonder you hate us, and don't deny it, cause I don't believe it. Theres no possible way you couldn't. I've seen Africans who are devoid of conscience, I've seen Africans who have done sinister things just to get ahead of someone else. Thats my own personal experience just as you have yours in Alabama or wherever your from, and the conclusion I have come up with is the same one Ive been trying to figure out ever since I was a little kid. There is light and darkness in all people. Your so sure of the evil of "WHITES" but your not god are you? All people come from the creator. Where people go wrong is with society and misinformation. Misinformation which causes misunderstanding and preconcieved notions of others which causes other societal ills which then continue to grow.. and this is not new under the sun.
People like you who think others are genetically disposed to evil are deluded, of course, you may have had very bad experiences and your delusion in that respect might be justified. We all ahave our view of the world based on personal experience. You do understand that white people have personal experience in the world correct? It's not all about getting rich, its not all about being on the take.

I hate the things you think and do to other brown skinned people. The creator had to create evil, had to allow discord, and needed a people to represent that on earth. And the whites fit into his choice. Because your a devious bunch.
The evil where I live isn't by white people. Pick up any local newspaper.

That's because whites own the newspapers.
Your race was destined to be extreme in racism

Yeah, well you speak as if the destiny of the world is over. Unbeknownst to you maybe, people are still working on it. Still working on America and still working on themselves. Sure, maybe I'm a racist because I was born white, but that doesn't mean I accept racism, or like it. there really is not a whole lot more I can do except maybe sell my house and car , donate it to the NAACP and then move in under a bridge with my backpack, hope I die and go to heaven.

Maybe racism takes many forms as you say but Racism is also confused for other things, such as difference of opinion on laws and politics. Funny thing is once you have been accused of racism, there is no way to defend yourself. Mind reading is impossible in these circumstances.

If you would get rid of all white people on the face of the earth tomorrow, true the more dominant political/economic forces in the world would have been eliminated but there is no vaccum in nature that isn't filled. Something else always takes the place of whatever is removed. And if you want to get biblical, you can also say there is nothing new under the sun.

\The worlds destiny has been pre set, the only thing that will end is sin and evil. In my view, the history of the world is simply the unfolding of God's will. The white race was meant to be sinister, and their consciousness is not aware of that, because their selfishness pacifies this truth. You were chosen to help throw this world into turmoil. And that is new under this sun.

well that is an interesting theory, well, I do understand that your view of the world is not universal by all or most black people. I find it amazing how there are SOME black people who are so certain that white people are devoid of feeling for others. No wonder you hate us, and don't deny it, cause I don't believe it. Theres no possible way you couldn't. I've seen Africans who are devoid of conscience, I've seen Africans who have done sinister things just to get ahead of someone else. Thats my own personal experience just as you have yours in Alabama or wherever your from, and the conclusion I have come up with is the same one Ive been trying to figure out ever since I was a little kid. There is light and darkness in all people. Your so sure of the evil of "WHITES" but your not god are you? All people come from the creator. Where people go wrong is with society and misinformation. Misinformation which causes misunderstanding and preconcieved notions of others which causes other societal ills which then continue to grow.. and this is not new under the sun.
People like you who think others are genetically disposed to evil are deluded, of course, you may have had very bad experiences and your delusion in that respect might be justified. We all ahave our view of the world based on personal experience. You do understand that white people have personal experience in the world correct? It's not all about getting rich, its not all about being on the take.

I hate the things you think and do to other brown skinned people. The creator had to create evil, had to allow discord, and needed a people to represent that on earth. And the whites fit into his choice. Because your a devious bunch.
The evil where I live isn't by white people. Pick up any local newspaper.

That's because whites own the newspapers.
Lol what a goofy response. Are you saying if blacks owned the newspapers they would not report the real news?
\The worlds destiny has been pre set, the only thing that will end is sin and evil. In my view, the history of the world is simply the unfolding of God's will. The white race was meant to be sinister, and their consciousness is not aware of that, because their selfishness pacifies this truth. You were chosen to help throw this world into turmoil. And that is new under this sun.

well that is an interesting theory, well, I do understand that your view of the world is not universal by all or most black people. I find it amazing how there are SOME black people who are so certain that white people are devoid of feeling for others. No wonder you hate us, and don't deny it, cause I don't believe it. Theres no possible way you couldn't. I've seen Africans who are devoid of conscience, I've seen Africans who have done sinister things just to get ahead of someone else. Thats my own personal experience just as you have yours in Alabama or wherever your from, and the conclusion I have come up with is the same one Ive been trying to figure out ever since I was a little kid. There is light and darkness in all people. Your so sure of the evil of "WHITES" but your not god are you? All people come from the creator. Where people go wrong is with society and misinformation. Misinformation which causes misunderstanding and preconcieved notions of others which causes other societal ills which then continue to grow.. and this is not new under the sun.
People like you who think others are genetically disposed to evil are deluded, of course, you may have had very bad experiences and your delusion in that respect might be justified. We all ahave our view of the world based on personal experience. You do understand that white people have personal experience in the world correct? It's not all about getting rich, its not all about being on the take.

I hate the things you think and do to other brown skinned people. The creator had to create evil, had to allow discord, and needed a people to represent that on earth. And the whites fit into his choice. Because your a devious bunch.
The evil where I live isn't by white people. Pick up any local newspaper.

That's because whites own the newspapers.
Lol what a goofy response. Are you saying if blacks owned the newspapers they would not report the real news?

The evil is spread by whites, they created porn, shemales, brought drugs into America , perverted our language, corrupted the police; and the media.
well that is an interesting theory, well, I do understand that your view of the world is not universal by all or most black people. I find it amazing how there are SOME black people who are so certain that white people are devoid of feeling for others. No wonder you hate us, and don't deny it, cause I don't believe it. Theres no possible way you couldn't. I've seen Africans who are devoid of conscience, I've seen Africans who have done sinister things just to get ahead of someone else. Thats my own personal experience just as you have yours in Alabama or wherever your from, and the conclusion I have come up with is the same one Ive been trying to figure out ever since I was a little kid. There is light and darkness in all people. Your so sure of the evil of "WHITES" but your not god are you? All people come from the creator. Where people go wrong is with society and misinformation. Misinformation which causes misunderstanding and preconcieved notions of others which causes other societal ills which then continue to grow.. and this is not new under the sun.
People like you who think others are genetically disposed to evil are deluded, of course, you may have had very bad experiences and your delusion in that respect might be justified. We all ahave our view of the world based on personal experience. You do understand that white people have personal experience in the world correct? It's not all about getting rich, its not all about being on the take.

I hate the things you think and do to other brown skinned people. The creator had to create evil, had to allow discord, and needed a people to represent that on earth. And the whites fit into his choice. Because your a devious bunch.
The evil where I live isn't by white people. Pick up any local newspaper.

That's because whites own the newspapers.
Lol what a goofy response. Are you saying if blacks owned the newspapers they would not report the real news?

The evil is spread by whites, they created porn, shemales, brought drugs into America , perverted our language, corrupted the police; and the media.

You forgot, Whites also created that magic box you're typing on.
well that is an interesting theory, well, I do understand that your view of the world is not universal by all or most black people. I find it amazing how there are SOME black people who are so certain that white people are devoid of feeling for others. No wonder you hate us, and don't deny it, cause I don't believe it. Theres no possible way you couldn't. I've seen Africans who are devoid of conscience, I've seen Africans who have done sinister things just to get ahead of someone else. Thats my own personal experience just as you have yours in Alabama or wherever your from, and the conclusion I have come up with is the same one Ive been trying to figure out ever since I was a little kid. There is light and darkness in all people. Your so sure of the evil of "WHITES" but your not god are you? All people come from the creator. Where people go wrong is with society and misinformation. Misinformation which causes misunderstanding and preconcieved notions of others which causes other societal ills which then continue to grow.. and this is not new under the sun.
People like you who think others are genetically disposed to evil are deluded, of course, you may have had very bad experiences and your delusion in that respect might be justified. We all ahave our view of the world based on personal experience. You do understand that white people have personal experience in the world correct? It's not all about getting rich, its not all about being on the take.

I hate the things you think and do to other brown skinned people. The creator had to create evil, had to allow discord, and needed a people to represent that on earth. And the whites fit into his choice. Because your a devious bunch.
The evil where I live isn't by white people. Pick up any local newspaper.

That's because whites own the newspapers.
Lol what a goofy response. Are you saying if blacks owned the newspapers they would not report the real news?

The evil is spread by whites, they created porn, shemales, brought drugs into America , perverted our language, corrupted the police; and the media.

Bullshit. Porn goes back at least as far as the ancient Egyptians. Drugs go back at least as far. African Americans are screwing up the language every day. Shemales? that a perverted few, you know, the one who tend to vote Democrat or progressive.
well that is an interesting theory, well, I do understand that your view of the world is not universal by all or most black people. I find it amazing how there are SOME black people who are so certain that white people are devoid of feeling for others. No wonder you hate us, and don't deny it, cause I don't believe it. Theres no possible way you couldn't. I've seen Africans who are devoid of conscience, I've seen Africans who have done sinister things just to get ahead of someone else. Thats my own personal experience just as you have yours in Alabama or wherever your from, and the conclusion I have come up with is the same one Ive been trying to figure out ever since I was a little kid. There is light and darkness in all people. Your so sure of the evil of "WHITES" but your not god are you? All people come from the creator. Where people go wrong is with society and misinformation. Misinformation which causes misunderstanding and preconcieved notions of others which causes other societal ills which then continue to grow.. and this is not new under the sun.
People like you who think others are genetically disposed to evil are deluded, of course, you may have had very bad experiences and your delusion in that respect might be justified. We all ahave our view of the world based on personal experience. You do understand that white people have personal experience in the world correct? It's not all about getting rich, its not all about being on the take.

I hate the things you think and do to other brown skinned people. The creator had to create evil, had to allow discord, and needed a people to represent that on earth. And the whites fit into his choice. Because your a devious bunch.
The evil where I live isn't by white people. Pick up any local newspaper.

That's because whites own the newspapers.
Lol what a goofy response. Are you saying if blacks owned the newspapers they would not report the real news?

The evil is spread by whites, they created porn, shemales, brought drugs into America , perverted our language, corrupted the police; and the media.

Corrupted police... yeah go take a look at whats going on right now in the Kenya election.
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