The 'Winning' Continues Under Trump

...he inherited a much better economy this year than Obama did in 2009. That's for sure.
Obama inherited that economy from the near super majority controlling Democratic Party that controlled Congress, the Budget, spending, and the economy the last 2 years Bush was in office and during Barry's 2st 2 years in office.

Funny how snowflakes forget that when claiming Barry inherited a mess....yeah, inherited it from his own party' :p

2008 can be blamed on Republicans. Not on Democrats. Republicans were the ones who ran things up.
Over 8 years Bush added only $4 trillion in debt.

In his 1st 6 years with a GOP Congress $2.5 trillion was added...during 2 wars, 9/11, & the aftermath of the tertorist attack.

The Democrsts owned a near super majority control of Cogress during Bush's last 2 years. While controlling the budget, economy, and spending, they added $1.5 trillion in new debt in ONLY 2 YEARS.

Democrats kept that control for Obama's 1st 2 years of his 1st term. Compared to Bush adding $2.5 trillion in 6 years, Obama added nearl $7 trillion in new debt in only 4 years, averaging an annual deficit of$1.3 TRILLION.

Ovama was a complete f* up, and he and the Democrats added more debt than Bush could ever dream of doing.

The Democrats /snowflajes continue to try to re-write history, like their attempt to claim Obama inherited a bad economy from Bush. As pointed out, Obama inherited his economy from DEMOCRATS who had a near SUPER MAJORITY CONTROL of Congress during Bush's last 2 years and during Obama's 1st 2 years.

Facts and history don't lie...unlike snowflakes.

Yet Bush ran things up from a surplus he inherited from Clinton, like starting two wars, big tax cuts and deregulation which all helped contribute to the collapse.

Obama had to do spending to get us out of the mess.
Barry dug the whole derper. Trump is showing Barry how a professional businessman does it / how to 'win'.

Read the headlines again in tje opening thread...

It hasn't been 100 days yet fir Trump and he has already done what Barry could not do in 8 years.

It's the difference between GOP WINNING and DNC WHINING!

BS. Obama only wishes he could have effected anything like this after 8 years in office.

A successful businessman took over the reins from a loser, a man who added more debt than every President before him COMBINED. 'Nuff said.

Obama lowered our deficit, saved the auto industry, prevented a second Great Depression and stocks and 401ks improved.
WTF are YOU smoking?

Barry added more debt than every President before him, averaged $1.3 trillion dollar deficits his 2st term in ofgice with a near super majority controlled DNC Congress, secured the 1st ever US downgrade, and soent nearly $1 trillion on his failed Stimulus that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork and ended up costing tax payers approx $774,00 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have ssved / created WHILE 'Nationalizing' GM and violating US Bankruptcy laws while doing it.

Try usig facts rather that DNC talking points and emotion...

Deficit and the National Debt are not the same thing. He reduced the deficit and his stimulus was not a failure.
Again, Obama's Stimulus was a complete FAILURE:

- Contained iver 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork, funding such studies on how the sex life of a gay Argentinian man was better than a heterosexual Americans and funding a project / study on how to get alcoholic Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on duty...

- 'Nationalized' GM...violated YU bankruptcy laws, gave half ownership to the unions that helped GM become so in debt, finalky sold GM stock shares at a huge loss to tax payers who funded the whole thing...

- The 'Cash for Clunkers' idea HURT the economy / middle and lower class Americans

- Did NOT keep unemployment below what was promised. It soared to 10.1%

- The CBO stated the program resulted in a cost to tax payers of approx $774,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created / saved

Only a snowflake with his head up Obama's ass could claim tjis program was a 'success'!

Cash for Clunkers was a good thing because of how many took advantage of the program and bought into it. GM is alive today because of Obama and his policies. He did not nationalize GM because he said he had no interest in running it.

Not to mention the unprecedented consecutive private sector job growth.
Dude, educate yourself. The progeam called for all cars turned in to be destroyed, lowering the number of used cars on the market and raising the price of tjise xars left, which hurt muddle/lower class families.

The Stimulus was a bearly $1 trillion FAILURE. RE-read the results or continue spouting uneducate opinion.
So the economy is booming because he's doing the opposite of everything he said he was going to do huh easytard?
anything the economy is doing right now is because of Obama's policies. Trumps fiscal year doesn't start 2018, dipshits.
So the economy is booming because he's doing the opposite of everything he said he was going to do huh easytard?
anything the economy is doing right now is because of Obama's policies. Trumps fiscal year doesn't start 2018, dipshits.

As soon as Barry left the WH sticks jumped to record highs, CELEBRATING the end of massive spending, over-regulation, and someone intelligent in business finally taking over the WH.

Again, Trump has already done in less than 100 days what Barry could not do in 8 years.
So the economy is booming because he's doing the opposite of everything he said he was going to do huh easytard?
anything the economy is doing right now is because of Obama's policies. Trumps fiscal year doesn't start 2018, dipshits.

As soon as Barry left the WH sticks jumped to record highs, CELEBRATING the end of massive spending, over-regulation, and someone intelligent in business finally taking over the WH.

Again, Trump has already done in less than 100 days what Barry could not do in 8 years.
wrong easytard. Econ decisions take more than 3 months to have an impact

You're welcome
Have any facts to back up your BS:bsflag:fool

Not really winning. Trump inherited a strong economy while he keeps backing down from his agenda.
BS. Obama only wishes he could have effected anything like this after 8 years in office.

A successful businessman took over the reins from a loser, a man who added more debt than every President before him COMBINED. 'Nuff said.
Not really winning. Trump inherited a strong economy while he keeps backing down from his agenda.
BS. Obama only wishes he could have effected anything like this after 8 years in office.

A successful businessman took over the reins from a loser, a man who added more debt than every President before him COMBINED. 'Nuff said.

Obama lowered our deficit, saved the auto industry, prevented a second Great Depression and stocks and 401ks improved.
WTF are YOU smoking?

Barry added more debt than every President before him, averaged $1.3 trillion dollar deficits his 2st term in ofgice with a near super majority controlled DNC Congress, secured the 1st ever US downgrade, and soent nearly $1 trillion on his failed Stimulus that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork and ended up costing tax payers approx $774,00 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have ssved / created WHILE 'Nationalizing' GM and violating US Bankruptcy laws while doing it.

Try usig facts rather that DNC talking points and emotion...

There are liars, Fucking liars and you

Yours is just fake news.

How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?
Have any facts to back up your BS:bsflag:fool

Not really winning. Trump inherited a strong economy while he keeps backing down from his agenda.
BS. Obama only wishes he could have effected anything like this after 8 years in office.

A successful businessman took over the reins from a loser, a man who added more debt than every President before him COMBINED. 'Nuff said.
Posted MANY times because snowflakes continue to try to te-write history. Feel free to look through my posts...
Yours is just fake news.

'When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.'

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

Suck it, snowflake.

Obama added over $6 trillion in his 1st 4 years. He and Democrats added nearly $1 trillion in 1 shot with the failed Stimulus bill that contained iver 7,000 pieces of pork and cost approx $774,000 PER JOB he claimed to save/create.

The FACT is DEMOCRATS controlled Congress, the budget, the economy, and spending during Bush's last 2 years in office...which means Obama inherited 'his'economy from his fellow DEMOCRATS, not Bush.
Snowflakes' idea of 'Winning' is an insignificant 'Popular Vote Win', and Obstructionism and painful govt shutdowns for the good of their PARTY.


Why shouldn't stocks smash records. Anything business wants, they get even at the expense of consumers.

It has been a sellers' market for some time.

Border crossings have been down for some time even under Obama.

The economy did get stronger towards the end of Obama's term despite Obama's policies not because of them. Many of the job announcements that Trump took credit for were planned before Trump was elected.
Yours is just fake news.

'When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.'

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

Suck it, snowflake.

Obama added over $6 trillion in his 1st 4 years. He and Democrats added nearly $1 trillion in 1 shot with the failed Stimulus bill that contained iver 7,000 pieces of pork and cost approx $774,000 PER JOB he claimed to save/create.

The FACT is DEMOCRATS controlled Congress, the budget, the economy, and spending during Bush's last 2 years in office...which means Obama inherited 'his'economy from his fellow DEMOCRATS, not Bush.

Sure thing Comrade, by that measure the GOP is responsible for the 2011 thru 2017 deficits.

Depending on who you ask, President Obama added anywhere from $983 billion to $9 trillion to the national debt. Who's lying? None of them. That's because there are three ways to look at the debt added by any president.

How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?

Of course you only see the first and most simplistic to abuse.
Obama lowered our deficit, saved the auto industry, prevented a second Great Depression and stocks and 401ks improved.
WTF are YOU smoking?

Barry added more debt than every President before him, averaged $1.3 trillion dollar deficits his 2st term in ofgice with a near super majority controlled DNC Congress, secured the 1st ever US downgrade, and soent nearly $1 trillion on his failed Stimulus that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork and ended up costing tax payers approx $774,00 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have ssved / created WHILE 'Nationalizing' GM and violating US Bankruptcy laws while doing it.

Try usig facts rather that DNC talking points and emotion...

Deficit and the National Debt are not the same thing. He reduced the deficit and his stimulus was not a failure.
Again, Obama's Stimulus was a complete FAILURE:

- Contained iver 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork, funding such studies on how the sex life of a gay Argentinian man was better than a heterosexual Americans and funding a project / study on how to get alcoholic Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on duty...

- 'Nationalized' GM...violated YU bankruptcy laws, gave half ownership to the unions that helped GM become so in debt, finalky sold GM stock shares at a huge loss to tax payers who funded the whole thing...

- The 'Cash for Clunkers' idea HURT the economy / middle and lower class Americans

- Did NOT keep unemployment below what was promised. It soared to 10.1%

- The CBO stated the program resulted in a cost to tax payers of approx $774,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created / saved

Only a snowflake with his head up Obama's ass could claim tjis program was a 'success'!

Cash for Clunkers was a good thing because of how many took advantage of the program and bought into it. GM is alive today because of Obama and his policies. He did not nationalize GM because he said he had no interest in running it.

Not to mention the unprecedented consecutive private sector job growth.
Dude, educate yourself. The progeam called for all cars turned in to be destroyed, lowering the number of used cars on the market and raising the price of tjise xars left, which hurt muddle/lower class families.

The Stimulus was a bearly $1 trillion FAILURE. RE-read the results or continue spouting uneducate opinion.

No. Obama did a lot of winning and Cash for Clunkers helped the auto industry and gave them great business. The stimulus helped wash away the losses from the recession.

Obama was able to achieve a lot more success than Trump has. No doubt.
Still posting BS! Keep it up and you will cover yourself completely with your own SH*T.

Have any facts to back up your BS:bsflag:fool

Not really winning. Trump inherited a strong economy while he keeps backing down from his agenda.
BS. Obama only wishes he could have effected anything like this after 8 years in office.

A successful businessman took over the reins from a loser, a man who added more debt than every President before him COMBINED. 'Nuff said.
Posted MANY times because snowflakes continue to try to te-write history. Feel free to look through my posts...
Poor snowflakes...STILL trapped in hatred, jealoysy, delusion, and despair after their criminal / worst candidate in US history, who did not EARN her party's nomination but was handed it, lost the election...AGAIN.

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