The 'Woke' con

So, only the “MAGA“ movement are the bullies?
So far, the results as you say,

Economy worse
purchasing power worse
enemies don’t respect us

And that’s just three….

I don’t think we can handle much more of this so called sanity….
I know, the Right is perfect. Everything bad is the other tribe's fault.

Another behavior shared by both ends of the spectrum. Tedious.
Lol. Bill has never been a conservative or right winger. I’m not one either.

What’s funny is lefties loved him when he attacked the right all the time. Now since he’s been also critical of the left, he’s suddenly a conservative. You guys have done the same to Jimmy Dore and anyone who is critical of the narrative.
No one cares if he is critical of the long as he is funny...

I didn't ever find him funny.....and for you to bring Jimmy Dore out of your ass is hilarious in itself...he isn't even a matter how much he claims he is...

Quick? What is your favorite Jimmy Dore bit?


You never heard of him until he started simping for reactionary right-wingers and cosplay leftists..

There is a reason folks who punch down are only liked by Conservatives......because it is light on humor, heavy on depravity...
Well, I don't see a lot of lefties discussing the weekly slaughters on the streets of Chicago and LA, or holding Black America accountable for its fatherless homes or its crime figures.

What'll I see in response to those points is attacks. "You're just a racist". Attempted avoidance of the actual point. Hell, I've been called a racist here for daring to say I don't like Obamacare.

Interestingly, that's very similar to the behaviors of right wingers when I criticize them. "You're just a commie". Okay <eyeroll>, got it. Amazing, how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.

What happens when we refuse to hold people accountable for their actions? We're lowering standards for them and enabling their worst impulses. Just as we're seeing in the GQP, right now.

Except, you are not present in those communities, so it makes sense you think nobody is talking about it...

If you were present in those communities -- or actually gave a fuck about it in the first place, you would know better....

but humor me, when you say "hold black people accountable" for does that work exactly?

Do you go up to random black folks and demand they answer to you for a shooting that happened 650 miles away? How does that work?

And how is it crimes that affect white folks is considered crime, but crime that affects black folks is a racial issue for black people to have to answer for?

Majority of crimes in the country are committed by men...why aren't you holding yourself accountable for it? or is more fun to separate out your demographic so you finger wag at the "others"
Mac1958 is an undeclared partisan lib

No question about it
Actually, he is the white moderate that MLK warned about....

M_007mlk.1112 (15).jpg

So desperate to both sides everything to remain in the middle....sorta like the weak kid who kissed up to bullies in order to not get stuffed in the locker by them....
No one cares if he is critical of the long as he is funny...

I didn't ever find him funny.....and for you to bring Jimmy Dore out of your ass is hilarious in itself...he isn't even a matter how much he claims he is...

Quick? What is your favorite Jimmy Dore bit?


You never heard of him until he started simping for reactionary right-wingers and cosplay leftists..

There is a reason folks who punch down are only liked by Conservatives......because it is light on humor, heavy on depravity...
See? You make my point. Jimmy Dore and Maher are leftists. They support many left wing positions, yet you hate them because they dared to criticize the left.

I don’t think you’re capable of intelligent debate. You likely consume solely corporate media which has fucked you up.
See? You make my point. Jimmy Dore and Maher are leftists. They support many left wing positions, yet you hate them because they dared to criticize the left.

I don’t think you’re capable of intelligent debate. You likely consume solely corporate media which has fucked you up.
Still waiting for you to tell me what is your favorite Jimmy Dore bit?

Do you know why most failed comics end up trying to do something else other than comedy?

Because they failed at the comedy part

Him criticizing the left isn't why he is a failed comic...he was a failed comic when folks like you hated him for being a member of the Young Turks and spitting in Alex Jones face.....

And he even lied about that later because he is a clown....

Still waiting for you to tell me what is your favorite Jimmy Dore bit?

Do you know why most failed comics end up trying to do something else other than comedy?

Because they failed at the comedy part

Him criticizing the left isn't why he is a failed comic...he was a failed comic when folks like you hated him for being a member of the Young Turks and spitting in Alex Jones face.....

And he even lied about that later because he is a clown....

Why does any of that matter?
This is one of the conservative 'intellectuals', Bethany Mandel. They don't know what it means, but they use it for everything: woke military, woke banks, woke businesses - it's just a distraction from the fact that they have no ideas, no solutions.
Ahh... liberal equivocation on word definitions! These are always such exciting threads.
It matters because the claim that Jimmy Dore is a comedian is laughable in itself....he was never funny....not many comics who pander to right-wingers are
Don’t care and it doesn’t matter.

If you knew anything about Dore, you’d know he and you likely agree on a lot.

You expect all on the left to adhere to the establishment narrative. Anyone who strays must be silenced.

You are an authoritarian asshole, you just don’t know it yet.
Except, you are not present in those communities, so it makes sense you think nobody is talking about it...

If you were present in those communities -- or actually gave a fuck about it in the first place, you would know better....

but humor me, when you say "hold black people accountable" for does that work exactly?

Do you go up to random black folks and demand they answer to you for a shooting that happened 650 miles away? How does that work?

And how is it crimes that affect white folks is considered crime, but crime that affects black folks is a racial issue for black people to have to answer for?

Majority of crimes in the country are committed by men...why aren't you holding yourself accountable for it? or is more fun to separate out your demographic so you finger wag at the "others"
You hold black people accountable in the way you hold ANY people accountable. You create and maintain a culture of honesty and personal responsibility. You stop spinning and deflecting and attacking the messenger whenever they are criticized. You stop refusing to recognize poor behaviors. You stop blaming anyone else for those behaviors. You stop enabling more poor behaviors by refusing to point them out clearly.

It's not that complicated. It just requires intellectual honesty and a little backbone.

I'm sure we could agree that the GQP would be doing the right thing if they applied all of the above to Trump. Agreed?
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