The 'Woke' con

Because you think you represent the REAL when in fact you are a fucking FAKE.
What is White.......?


Looking forward to your massive deflection, followed by denial.


Exclude Asians, Africans, and terrorists, which you have done.
Many of the concerns from the Right are perfectly legitimate. It's what they're doing about them this is the problem.

If I have this right, the primary meaning of the term describes the accelerating weaponization of PC and Identity Politics that we have seen from the Left, especially over the last couple of decades. While its goal may have been to improve something, its effect was to lower standards for selected groups and increase animosity and resentment from others. The result? The elections of 2016 and growing global pushback are examples. Those are the results.

I'm talking here about results, not intentions. Results, not intentions. So, "wokeism" was clearly executed very, very poorly.

In return, in response, in reaction, we see the ham-handed, Neanderthal, ignorant, middle-school-bully behaviors of the MAGA movement, using this word as one of their many rallying cries to fire up the troops. Just say the word and off they go. Because narcissistically over-compensating for every last fucking thing is how America rolls.

The ends of our spectrum seem bound and determined to drive this country into a fucking ditch, and it certainly appears to be working. The question is why.
WOKE = Anything magaturds don't like.
The poison well we all pay through the nose for!

This is one of the conservative 'intellectuals', Bethany Mandel. They don't know what it means, but they use it for everything: woke military, woke banks, woke businesses - it's just a distraction from the fact that they have no ideas, no solutions.

Woke is mainly White Libbys who virtue signal while picking Regular American Pockets.
Because you think you represent the REAL when in fact you are a fucking FAKE.
What is White.......?


Looking forward to your massive deflection, followed by denial.

You forgot Spanish.

This is one of the conservative 'intellectuals', Bethany Mandel. They don't know what it means, but they use it for everything: woke military, woke banks, woke businesses - it's just a distraction from the fact that they have no ideas, no solutions.

Wokeness is equity over equality. Do you see how easy that is to define?
This is one of the conservative 'intellectuals', Bethany Mandel. They don't know what it means, but they use it for everything: woke military, woke banks, woke businesses - it's just a distraction from the fact that they have no ideas, no solutions.

The Conservative Brain Trust.

View attachment 765937

Every other word out of Meatball Ron's mouth is 'woke'.

Because you think you represent the REAL when in fact you are a fucking FAKE.
What is White.......?


Looking forward to your massive deflection, followed by denial.

Yes, because Republicans have twisted it and misrepresented it.

From that thread:


It's a simple concept and definition. How is this bad?

Did you say book?



They sound like morons.


You, like tens-of-millions of Americans, understand the trump Nazis' aversion to all things factual. So, in the feeble minds of the trump Nazis, anyone who deals in facts, understanding, empathy, conscience, etc. is "woke".

It is woke that has protected our nation's democratic principles since the Founders created them. It is woke that built on these principles to end slavery, give women the right to vote, and every other positive action made by the United States throughout its history.

The trump Nazis goal to establish a fascist state is definitely not woke, but unfortunately, it will be the cancer that finally destroys the United States republic when trump is handed the White House in January 2025. (If not trump, the next fascist authoritarian in the GOP lineup, DeSantis.)


Many of the concerns from the Right are perfectly legitimate. It's what they're doing about them this is the problem.

If I have this right, the primary meaning of the term describes the accelerating weaponization of PC and Identity Politics that we have seen from the Left, especially over the last couple of decades. While its goal may have been to improve something, its effect was to lower standards for selected groups and increase animosity and resentment from others. The result? The elections of 2016 and growing global pushback are examples. Those are the results.

I'm talking here about results, not intentions. Results, not intentions. So, "wokeism" was clearly executed very, very poorly.

In return, in response, in reaction, we see the ham-handed, Neanderthal, ignorant, middle-school-bully behaviors of the MAGA movement, using this word as one of their many rallying cries to fire up the troops. Just say the word and off they go. Because narcissistically over-compensating for every last fucking thing is how America rolls.

The ends of our spectrum seem bound and determined to drive this country into a fucking ditch, and it certainly appears to be working. The question is why.

The term of being woke first came about in the early 1900's -- by black folks to bring awareness to the atrocities that occurred daily under Jim Crow has remained a term to convey being aware to systemic oppression and inequities ever since...whether it meant, bringing attention to the treatment of women, immigrants, gays, even the handicap....

The main folks who purposely lie about what it means today -- are the same people who wanted to maintain that systemic oppression and inequality in the past....Conservatives...even the woman in the video clip let it slip out by saying "we need to create hierarchies of oppression"

That is a lot of words to type to be absolutely wrong...

No standards were lowered by treating people equally under the law....

The backlash from the right is the same backlash we have seen from them since this country existed......

Equality always feels like oppression to the privileged classes....

Funny how right-wingers didn't find Bill Mahr funny until he hopped on the "anti-woke" bandwagon...which is what most failing comics do in order to maintain some type of relevancy....

The rest of us never really found him funny....but it is true....most of the funniest comics of all time were both, not Conservative, and were also considered, WOKE

George Carlin
Richard Pryor
Lenny Bruce
Redd Foxx
Dave Chappelle

The Bill Mahrs, Adam Corrollas, and other punch down comics are no where on that list...

Well, I don't see a lot of lefties discussing the weekly slaughters on the streets of Chicago and LA, or holding Black America accountable for its fatherless homes or its crime figures.

What'll I see in response to those points is attacks. "You're just a racist". Attempted avoidance of the actual point. Hell, I've been called a racist here for daring to say I don't like Obamacare.

Interestingly, that's very similar to the behaviors of right wingers when I criticize them. "You're just a commie". Okay <eyeroll>, got it. Amazing, how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.

What happens when we refuse to hold people accountable for their actions? We're lowering standards for them and enabling their worst impulses. Just as we're seeing in the GQP, right now.

It's no different than "politically incorrect". The best definition of politically incorrect is "good manners". Don't use offensive or demeaning language. In the land of "freedom of speech", people resented being required to treat others with respect.

Woke used to be "politically correct". They just changed the name. Anything that empowers "others" is to be feared and fought.

Well, it's certainly leveraged that way, like "commie" and "globalist".

Gets 'em all fired up 'n stuff.

Define woke.

Did you define WOKE/WOKEISM yet?

red howlers.jpg
Many of the concerns from the Right are perfectly legitimate. It's what they're doing about them this is the problem.

If I have this right, the primary meaning of the term describes the accelerating weaponization of PC and Identity Politics that we have seen from the Left, especially over the last couple of decades. While its goal may have been to improve something, its effect was to lower standards for selected groups and increase animosity and resentment from others. The result? The elections of 2016 and growing global pushback are examples. Those are the results.

I'm talking here about results, not intentions. Results, not intentions. So, "wokeism" was clearly executed very, very poorly.

In return, in response, in reaction, we see the ham-handed, Neanderthal, ignorant, middle-school-bully behaviors of the MAGA movement, using this word as one of their many rallying cries to fire up the troops. Just say the word and off they go. Because narcissistically over-compensating for every last fucking thing is how America rolls.

The ends of our spectrum seem bound and determined to drive this country into a fucking ditch, and it certainly appears to be working. The question is why.
So, only the “MAGA“ movement are the bullies?
So far, the results as you say,

Economy worse
purchasing power worse
enemies don’t respect us

And that’s just three….

I don’t think we can handle much more of this so called sanity….

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