The Woman Who Would Be President - A National Disgrace

Let's not forget the time she defended a child rapist by attacking the 12 year old victim.
Looks like the end of her Presidential aspirations.....Republicans don't like her

They keep showing that same old picture regarding email. Like she is so important and knowledgeable about high Tech devices and communications. LOL, 70 years old and never worked a day in her life. She could not be an HR clerk at any hi tech company. The smart young kids would eat her up and lay her worthless butt off.

No punishment for having IT guys destroy GOVT email under her care prior to giving up server. She had to know it would not be good to "wipe" the disk drive and cache.
not only that, the IT guy she hired (double duty) has hidden his .pst file the FBI requested. He won't answer up...........the 5th of course. What honor. What dignity.

why it take two years to release some email? another slow down by the powers that be. Should take 15 minutes. give me the disk drive. Search.............find. distribute. Paper copies in 2015? huh? did she work off a mimeograph machine? Fax? Did she work?

They keep showing that same old picture regarding email. Like she is so important and knowledgeable about high Tech devices and communications. LOL, 70 years old and never worked a day in her life. She could not be an HR clerk at any hi tech company. The smart young kids would eat her up and lay her worthless butt off.

No punishment for having IT guys destroy GOVT email under her care prior to giving up server. She had to know it would not be good to "wipe" the disk drive and cache.
What, you mean with a cloth? Chuckle chuckle.
Yet these Lefitst simply ignore it or Spin it (Dick Chaney did worse). they have no problem with any of this criminal activity covered up by BHO and henchmen. What a country. It truly is tyranny.

If the other side vanished and went away and let them have everything they want we would be Detroit or North Korea in a few years.
What does it say about Liberals who are willing to ignore her blatant incompetence, corruption and pathological lying? Pay for play anyone? Just make a fat donation to the Clinton Foundation and you're in. She is the worst example of a rich, entitled White woman that used her advantages to become the most corrupt figure in American politics.
If you fellows were serious this election, you would put up someone that is sane. Your present leaders are real fruitloops. You have people like Governor Huntman that are worthy of leading this nation, and you reject them because they accept reality.

Yes, Hillary is not that popular, but she will win this election if you run Trump or Cruz.
I really don't care who is the next prez. The fact that she drives the conservatives crazy provides me with great TV viewing. Its great entertainment. If the GOP actually quit worshipping the 1 percent they might have an easy victory. The 1 percent don't know what it is to work hard.
I really don't care who is the next prez. The fact that she drives the conservatives crazy provides me with great TV viewing. Its great entertainment. If the GOP actually quit worshipping the 1 percent they might have an easy victory. The 1 percent don't know what it is to work hard.
Yep......liberals that vote for someone because they fuck with people.

Makes sense.

No wonder our country is turning into shit.

Now, now....

From The Democrat Party perspective lying and corruption make the near-perfect candidate!

Only flaw is that Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky is arguably female and therefore unacceptable.

Keep an eye on Biden!

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