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The Women's March is Global

Stupid stupid bitches. How can anyone take these morons seriously?

View attachment 108110

Um....yes....I know :omg: :eek-52:

The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity

It's a bunch of leftist bullshit. Women have equal rights
Washington D.C today

Denver Colorado


San Francisco



Las Vegas Nevada


Los Angeles


There are many more locations, but clearly millions of women came out for this march today.
It's got to be in the millions.


A sleeping giant that can't flip an egg without breaking the yolk or iron a shirt without burning the shirt or their fingers most likely. No wonder kids are screwed up and having identity crises.

Your problem is they VOTE. They also are the largest voting block in this country, and they vote more often than men do.

These women are your mothers, your sisters, your wives, your girlfriends, your grandmothers, and your daughters. You didn't stand up for them, and say NO way we're installing a vile, vulgar, foul mouthed, immature, woman assaulting, sexist, misogynist Chimpanzee into the oval office.

Since you have made Comrade Trump the poster boy of the Republican party, the target will be on every Republican that holds elected office.
The consequences will be devastating for decades to come.




A lot of decent women voted for Trump. A lot of foul mouthed pigs with tatoos voted for clinton.
The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity

It's a bunch of leftist bullshit. Women have equal rights

No they aren't. Not in the US. The ERA wasn't passed and was allowed to die - the only Amendment which had a strict time limit on its passage.

American women still don't enjoy the same rights and freedoms which women in other first world countries enjoy, like mandated maternity leaves, family leave, health insurance which pays for birth control and abortions, without unnecessary state mandated tests which they're forced to pay for, state mandated vacation time, subsidized day care, and other family friendly programs.

The Republicans talk about "family values" but every time they are asked to choose between the interests of businesses and corporation, and the American family, business wins out. Every.Single.Time.
The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity

It's a bunch of leftist bullshit. Women have equal rights

No they aren't. Not in the US. The ERA wasn't passed and was allowed to die - the only Amendment which had a strict time limit on its passage.

The ERA? Here's the inside scoop. Women are ... people ...

American women still don't enjoy the same rights and freedoms which women in other first world countries enjoy, like mandated maternity leaves, family leave, health insurance which pays for birth control and abortions, without unnecessary state mandated tests which they're forced to pay for, state mandated vacation time, subsidized day care, and other family friendly programs.

So women not having rights men don't have is not having equal rights. Isn't your head spinning from that one? You want those things, work them out with your insurance company, your employer, your wanting free shit for being female isn't a legitimate power of government

The Republicans talk about "family values" but every time they are asked to choose between the interests of businesses and corporation, and the American family, business wins out. Every.Single.Time.

I'm not a Republican and you know that, you dumb ho. Address the question.

So note you did not name a single right that men have in the US that women don't. Game ... set ... and match
The women have no message. They are very forgettable except for comic relief.

These two had a message, this is why Blasphemy laws need readopting and strictly enforcing.

No you fat ugly madcows, if your mother's would have had an abortion then society would be better off, the below types, the best part of them ran down their mother's legs.

The one on the right, it looks so mental there would be no reason to not just shoot it where it stands, probably putting it out of the misery of it's worthless existence.

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Lesbians protesting in favor of abortion...but none of them will ever be impregnated by a man.
Abortions that have been legal for decades.
If Roe overturned the issue will go back to individual states where it belongs.
And what would be the results? The Guttmacher Institute, an organization whose research is cited by both sides of the debate, says that 20 states currently have laws on the books and they would remain thus making abortion illegal at least to some extent in those states. 7 other states would probably intact new abortion laws with various degrees of restriction.

The remaining 23 states are unlikely to pass any new abortion laws. Nationally, support for overturning Roe v Wade has fallen from 33% to 28% over the last 15 years. Opposition has risen from 60 to 69%. In these 23 states support for pro choice is even higher, reaching 87% in some blue states.

The cost of an abortion in states where it was illegal would rise by the cost of a plane or bus ticket. Abortion rates would fall in states with abortion laws, and rise in states where abortion was legal. The major impact would be on the poor who would have more unwanted children for the state to support.

Interestingly, the impact on the number of abortions is unlikely to be near as great as believed by those on both sides of the issue.

  • First off, abortions have fallen in the US over last 20 years by nearly 50% from 1.2 million to 660,000, a trend that began 25 years ago and is accelerating.
  • Second, the wide availability of chemically induced abortions would make enforcement of abortion laws very difficult.
  • Lastly, the cost of travel between nearby states where abortion is legal is relatively inexpensive and likely to be made even cheaper by pro choice organizations.
About seven-in-ten Americans oppose overturning Roe v. Wade
I am disappointed in you flop. In every one of your posts in this thread you are selectively choosing information creating a false impression about trumps character, the women's movement, or abortion. I don't have have a problem with your extreme distaste for trump but let's not support your positions with falsehoods, misdirections, and giant omissions. Let's tell the whole story about the abortion debate.

The main one is that most Americans support abortion access with some significant restrictions. If you were going to craft a law based strictly on public opinion, it would permit abortion in the first trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy and in cases involving rape, incest or threats to the mother’s health. The law, however, would substantially restrict abortion after the first trimester in many other cases.


Intriguingly, such a policy would be similar to the laws in several European countries, like France, where abortions are widely available in the first trimester and restricted afterward. It would also be consistent with much of Roe v Wade.

Don't forget to tell your listeners about this fact too

As Gallup’s historical chart shows, opinion on abortion has not shifted in a major way over the years. (It also does not vary much by sex, with women as divided as men on the issue.) But if one side has any slight sway on the trends, it is the anti-abortion campaigners’ side. Twenty years ago, the share of Americans saying abortion should always be legal was more than twice as high as the share saying it should never be legal. Since the mid-1990s, the share of Americans who consider themselves as abortion rights advocates (or “pro-choice” in the poll’s available answers) has also declined:



I don't expect roe to be overturned, this is a scare tactic of the left. What I do see is many more restrictions on late term abortions, as they absolutely should have, and as the vast majority of the public wants.
First of all, I did not give any statistics on the percent of Americans that are prochoice vs prolife. I relaize the people are about equally divided. I was addressing only the likely result of an overturn of Row v. Wade.

Late term abortions are rare in the US and partial birth abortion are illegal. There are only a few states where a woman could theoretically get an elective abortion at any point in their pregnancy. There's also little evidence that anyone actually chooses to terminate a pregnancy "at nine months." Just a little over 1 percent of U.S. abortions take place at any point after five months pregnancy. Almost all of those are done because of a serious medical problem. Yes, the few states that allow late term abortions could pass legislation making them illegal but in reality it would accomplish little or nothing.

There is nothing I can say that will change the public perception of Trump. Trump is taking care of that himself.

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They are marching to have the right to murder children, abortion as a means of contraception is murder, we're talking about an actual human being, not just a collection of cells.

Would it be considered a RIGHT to go out on the streets at will and start shooting children and toddlers and that be LEGAL and okay? No if someone did that they'd be arrested and charged with First Degree murder.

So why do these DISGUSTING excuses for women DEMAND the RIGHT to murder human babies as they slumber in the womb.

ALL abortion should be illegal with the exception for rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger and any woman having an abortion as a means of contraception should be arrested and charged with First Degree murder and given the Death Penalty.

The below is what they DEMAND to have a RIGHT to have murdered:

Stupid stupid bitches. How can anyone take these morons seriously?

View attachment 108110

Um....yes....I know :omg: :eek-52:


^^^^ that was the cream of the crop!

But I have a question: how the hell could Madonna even speak? Wasn't she still busy giving everyone who didn't vote Trump a blow job????

Yes indeed, she is creepy, and only creepy old hags would give her the time of day.
Hilary Clinton in the debates said there should be no restriction to abortion up until the date of birth. Cmon flop, I don't know who you are listening to. Pro abortionists are absolutists. That is a central tenet of feminism, noe restriction on abortion at any time. Any restriction on abortion would be a restriction on a women's right to make her own health decision. American feminism is all about "me" not about humanity.

As far as trump goes, his first day at work pretty much discounts all your insults of him. I'll make this prediction for you, as time goes on the trump haters will become a smaller and smaller minority. You heard it here first.

The ten women in the below video all murdered their children, why were they arrested and charged with First Degree murder and severely punished for murdering their own children?

Afterall if these ten women would have murdered their children In Utero, well that's perfectly legal.

So it's illegal for women to murder their children after they've been born, but it's legal for women to murder their children pre-born.

So if that's not fucked-up and a society having lost it's moral compass then what is?

The duration of the video is eight minutes and six seconds.

The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity

It's a bunch of leftist bullshit. Women have equal rights

No they aren't. Not in the US. The ERA wasn't passed and was allowed to die - the only Amendment which had a strict time limit on its passage.

The ERA? Here's the inside scoop. Women are ... people ...

American women still don't enjoy the same rights and freedoms which women in other first world countries enjoy, like mandated maternity leaves, family leave, health insurance which pays for birth control and abortions, without unnecessary state mandated tests which they're forced to pay for, state mandated vacation time, subsidized day care, and other family friendly programs.

So women not having rights men don't have is not having equal rights. Isn't your head spinning from that one? You want those things, work them out with your insurance company, your employer, your wanting free shit for being female isn't a legitimate power of government

The Republicans talk about "family values" but every time they are asked to choose between the interests of businesses and corporation, and the American family, business wins out. Every.Single.Time.

I'm not a Republican and you know that, you dumb ho. Address the question.

So note you did not name a single right that men have in the US that women don't. Game ... set ... and match
In theory, women have rights equal to men, but not in practice. The sexes are ostensibly equal, but that isn't always how it works. Women are often paid less than men for doing exactly the same jobs. There are also many jobs that are traditionally thought of as being "for men" and some that are "for women" that have barriers to entry for the other gender. Unless there are laws that guarantee equal rights, there isn't much one can do about it because the same glass ceiling often exist industry wide.

Here are just a few examples:

  • Women Truck Drivers make 30% less than Men.
  • Women Housekeeping & Janitorial Managers make 34% less than men
  • Women Financial Managers make 34% less than men
  • Women in Retail Sales make 49% less than men
These are just a few examples. There are many more.

Photo Gallery: The 10 Most Sexist Jobs In The U.S.
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The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity

It's a bunch of leftist bullshit. Women have equal rights

No they aren't. Not in the US. The ERA wasn't passed and was allowed to die - the only Amendment which had a strict time limit on its passage.

The ERA? Here's the inside scoop. Women are ... people ...

American women still don't enjoy the same rights and freedoms which women in other first world countries enjoy, like mandated maternity leaves, family leave, health insurance which pays for birth control and abortions, without unnecessary state mandated tests which they're forced to pay for, state mandated vacation time, subsidized day care, and other family friendly programs.

So women not having rights men don't have is not having equal rights. Isn't your head spinning from that one? You want those things, work them out with your insurance company, your employer, your wanting free shit for being female isn't a legitimate power of government

The Republicans talk about "family values" but every time they are asked to choose between the interests of businesses and corporation, and the American family, business wins out. Every.Single.Time.

I'm not a Republican and you know that, you dumb ho. Address the question.

So note you did not name a single right that men have in the US that women don't. Game ... set ... and match
In theory, women have rights equal to men, but not in practice. The sexes are ostensibly equal, but that isn't always how it works. Women are often paid less than men for doing exactly the same jobs. There are also many jobs that are traditionally thought of as being "for men" and some that are "for women" that have barriers to entry for the other gender. Unless there are laws that guarantee equal rights, there isn't much one can do about it because the same glass ceiling often exist industry wide.

Here are just a few examples:

  • Women Truck Drivers make 30% less than Men.
  • Women Housekeeping & Janitorial Managers make 34% less than men
  • Women Financial Managers make 34% less than men
  • Women in Retail Sales make 49% less than men
These are just a few examples. There are many more.

Photo Gallery: The 10 Most Sexist Jobs In The U.S.

And at that point it's not the job of government to use force to compel people to change at the point of a gun. Women can and are changing it in the market place.

Also, you're ignoring a bunch of legitimate reasons for those differences that need to be factored out for an apples to apples comparison. I'd say you have to know that, but who knows, liberals are so completely clueless
Hilary Clinton in the debates said there should be no restriction to abortion up until the date of birth. Cmon flop, I don't know who you are listening to. Pro abortionists are absolutists. That is a central tenet of feminism, noe restriction on abortion at any time. Any restriction on abortion would be a restriction on a women's right to make her own health decision. American feminism is all about "me" not about humanity.

As far as trump goes, his first day at work pretty much discounts all your insults of him. I'll make this prediction for you, as time goes on the trump haters will become a smaller and smaller minority. You heard it here first.
No, Hillary does not support unlimited abortions until the data of birth. Here are the quotes from which people have constructed those interpretations.

In a debate, Clinton has said she could support restrictions on abortions in the third trimester (about week 28 of a pregnancy) if the mother’s life and health are taken into account.

"I think that the life and health of the mother, obviously, rape and incest, have to be always taken into account,"

"And, you know, when he raises the very, very difficult issue of late-term abortion, he conveniently overlooks the fact that there are medical reasons, there are health-related reasons."

There are many instances of Clinton saying abortion should be "safe, legal and rare." In short, Clinton is open to restrictions on late-term abortions provided there are exceptions for the life and health of the mother.

Her position is far from your statement that she supports no restriction to abortion up until the date of birth.

Marco Rubio says Hillary Clinton supports abortions 'even on the due date'

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