The word "period"

Obama was addressing the concern that people would be forced to leave their insurance and take a Healthcare Exchange policy

Obama said ACA would not force you to drop your policy.

He had no control over what your health insurer would or would not do. He had no authority to tell insurers...YOU WILL OFFER THIS POLICY FOREVER
And my second point would be that comparing campaign promises by politicians trying to get elected with someone who HAS been elected promising things will take place if you pass the legislative agenda he desires when he KNOWS that those promises are completely undeliverable are two very different things.

Anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that stump speeches like "Read my new taxes!" should be taken with a grain of salt.

But when the President assures the American people repeatedly that they will be able to keep their insurance plan and their doctors if his signature legislation is passed KNOWING that will not be the case then THAT is more serious than an exuberant campaign speech promising the world!
What exactly does it mean when obama said " if you like your health plan, you can keep it, period" "if you like your doctor, you can keep him, period"

no "ifs", no conditions, no "if it isn't changed"

You can keep it, PERIOD!

Was that a lie? Yes, and he knew it was when he said it. He lied to the american people in order to pass a bill that a majority of americans did not want.

Grounds for impeachment????????

Let's set the framework for this debate. Were Bush's lies that got us into Iraq impeachable offenses?

So let's see if I understand how this works...Barry tells the American people something that he KNOWS is never going to happen and you want to set the "framework" by discussing W. and Iraq? I take it that's an admission by you that there IS no defense for the lies that Obama told for the past five years? That your only refuge has become that others have lied as well so therefore Obama's lies, lies that will affect 1/6 of our total economy and the health care of millions of Americans, aren't a big deal?

I was reminding the 'nuts around here of their hypocrisy.

Do you want me to end the debate set up in the OP? Fine.

Impeachable offenses are crimes. It is not a criminal offense for a politician to make promises he doesn't keep.

If it were George Bush Sr.'s promise of no new taxes would have been an impeachable offense, and no sane person believes that.
And my second point would be that comparing campaign promises by politicians trying to get elected with someone who HAS been elected promising things will take place if you pass the legislative agenda he desires when he KNOWS that those promises are completely undeliverable are two very different things.

Anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that stump speeches like "Read my new taxes!" should be taken with a grain of salt.

But when the President assures the American people repeatedly that they will be able to keep their insurance plan and their doctors if his signature legislation is passed KNOWING that will not be the case then THAT is more serious than an exuberant campaign speech promising the world!
You must also understand that G. W. H. Bush paid the price for his lie.

Will Obama?
Let's set the framework for this debate. Were Bush's lies that got us into Iraq impeachable offenses?

So let's see if I understand how this works...Barry tells the American people something that he KNOWS is never going to happen and you want to set the "framework" by discussing W. and Iraq? I take it that's an admission by you that there IS no defense for the lies that Obama told for the past five years? That your only refuge has become that others have lied as well so therefore Obama's lies, lies that will affect 1/6 of our total economy and the health care of millions of Americans, aren't a big deal?

I was reminding the 'nuts around here of their hypocrisy.

Do you want me to end the debate set up in the OP? Fine.

Impeachable offenses are crimes. It is not a criminal offense for a politician to make promises he doesn't keep.

If it were George Bush Sr.'s promise of no new taxes would have been an impeachable offense, and no sane person believes that.

Passing horrible law ISN'T an impeachable offense! Neither is endangering the healthcare of millions of Americans or raising the healthcare costs for millions of Americans!

Barack Obama is as incompetent at healthcare as he is at foreign policy. That doesn't mean he can be impeached for lying about it...and make no mistake...he DID lie to the American people about this and did so repeatedly and deliberately.
Let's set the framework for this debate. Were Bush's lies that got us into Iraq impeachable offenses?

No more than the commiecrats that agreed with him, now get back on point and stop with the deflection, there is no comparrison to the lies your dear leader told in the last 70 years of US politics.

You see when you talk like that you just become one more joke to normal America.

Ronald Reagan promised to balance the budget. He got elected in part on that promise.

It was a lie. When should he have been impeached?

OK show me the video of Reagan saying that emphatically on 29 separate occasions, knowing that congress had passed something contrary to what he was saying. Come on smarty start posting the links or stfu.
And my second point would be that comparing campaign promises by politicians trying to get elected with someone who HAS been elected promising things will take place if you pass the legislative agenda he desires when he KNOWS that those promises are completely undeliverable are two very different things.

Anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that stump speeches like "Read my new taxes!" should be taken with a grain of salt.

But when the President assures the American people repeatedly that they will be able to keep their insurance plan and their doctors if his signature legislation is passed KNOWING that will not be the case then THAT is more serious than an exuberant campaign speech promising the world!

My plan has four broad features: attention to urgent priorities, investment in the future, an attack on the deficit, and no new taxes.

That was PRESIDENT George Bush in 1989 in his Administration Goals speech to Congress.
No more than the commiecrats that agreed with him, now get back on point and stop with the deflection, there is no comparrison to the lies your dear leader told in the last 70 years of US politics.

You see when you talk like that you just become one more joke to normal America.

Ronald Reagan promised to balance the budget. He got elected in part on that promise.

It was a lie. When should he have been impeached?

OK show me the video of Reagan saying that emphatically on 29 separate occasions, knowing that congress had passed something contrary to what he was saying. Come on smarty start posting the links or stfu.

lol, do you even know what an impeachable offense is?
Put it this way.
To liberals, Obama can't say a lie.
To Obama, he IS the truth.

Going beyond that is pointless.
lol, do you even know what an impeachable offense is?

Does perjury qualify?

just sayin... :eusa_whistle:

Perjury as a crime is a material lie committed under oath, and no, the president's oath of office doesn't qualify as such an oath.

Still waiting to hear why GW Bush's lying us into the Iraq war wasn't impeachable, if thing with Obama IS...
What exactly does it mean when obama said " if you like your health plan, you can keep it, period" "if you like your doctor, you can keep him, period"

no "ifs", no conditions, no "if it isn't changed"

You can keep it, PERIOD!

Was that a lie? Yes, and he knew it was when he said it. He lied to the american people in order to pass a bill that a majority of americans did not want.

Grounds for impeachment????????

Let's set the framework for this debate. Were Bush's lies that got us into Iraq impeachable offenses?

Let's put this in perspective, when Clinton lied under oath, was that an impeachable offense?
What exactly does it mean when obama said " if you like your health plan, you can keep it, period" "if you like your doctor, you can keep him, period"

no "ifs", no conditions, no "if it isn't changed"

You can keep it, PERIOD!

Was that a lie? Yes, and he knew it was when he said it. He lied to the american people in order to pass a bill that a majority of americans did not want.

Grounds for impeachment????????

And why word "period"?

He red the teleprompter.


He saw a dot below "it".
You see when you talk like that you just become one more joke to normal America.

Ronald Reagan promised to balance the budget. He got elected in part on that promise.

It was a lie. When should he have been impeached?

OK show me the video of Reagan saying that emphatically on 29 separate occasions, knowing that congress had passed something contrary to what he was saying. Come on smarty start posting the links or stfu.

lol, do you even know what an impeachable offense is?

I think criminal fraud would qualify, your dear leader used his knowing lies to raise money for himself and the commiecrat party. He did this knowing in 2010 that an estimated 67% of people with insurance would lose their policy by the end of 2014 because of the ACA. But no need to worry, the senate would commit mass suicide before they would vote to impeach your dear leader, that doesn't alter the fact that he deserves it.
Let's set the framework for this debate. Were Bush's lies that got us into Iraq impeachable offenses?
The thread's OP sets the framework for the debate not you Poindexter. . :cuckoo:

No. The OP is asking whether or not it is an impeachable offense if a President is not entirely truthful to the American people while trying to advance his agenda.

We know that GW Bush lied about Iraq, and the consequences of those lies we also know to have been far more grievous than anything that can possibly happen regarding the ACA and people having to change policies.

So, it is most reasonable to compare a much worse case of a President lying to the current 'case',

for the sake of deciding what exactly constitutes an impeachable offense.
Bush didn't lie and Obama didn't lie. They are merely puppets repeating things that are told to them. When a POTUS steps out and refuses to be a puppet, they will "disposed" of ala Lincoln and Kennedy (whole other topic)

At any rate, no one is lying. They are being lied to. Obama is just another puppet inhabiting the White House
TK aptly illustrates the answer to that in this post:

yeah, I know this has already been covered, but I am looking for one dem/lib who is honest enough to admit that obama lied. probably like looking for rubies in my garden.

I'll admit that Obama lied if you will admit that George H.W. Bush lied when he said "read my lips."

The answer, of course, is that neither of them lied. What they both said seemed like a good idea at the time - it just didn't work out. That's not a lie. It might be mega piece of misjudgment, but it is not a lie.

in order to prove that either of them lied, you would have to be able to show knowledge on their part that it would not work out the way they were talking and an intent to decieve.

Remember how HW lost the election because he lied?

I can actually prove that, if Obama didn't know that he was lying, he had to have been so stupid that it actually borders on severe mental problems. I am talking massive concussions, severe Alzheimer, or senile demetia here, the kind of stuff that would remove the need for impeachment because the 25th Amendment would be in play. You are really better off admitting he lied than trying to prove he didn't know.
You rubes. In Post Modern English, Period means "just shut up; I can do what I want".
Obama was addressing the concern that people would be forced to leave their insurance and take a Healthcare Exchange policy

Obama said ACA would not force you to drop your policy.

He had no control over what your health insurer would or would not do. He had no authority to tell insurers...YOU WILL OFFER THIS POLICY FOREVER

In other words, he lied.
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