The World Is Laughing At Us - Australian Reporters RIP Incoherent Pelosi

The world had more respect for the Obama administration than the Trump administration.

Biden was part of that administration. I‘ve gotta go with Biden > Trump on the world stage unless you can prove me wrong.

The world walked all over Obama.
The world was laughing at us when we had Trump as president.

Apparently that wasn’t an issue then. But NOW this bothers you guys.

It’s the other way around spiny.
You were outraged when the media made you believe the world was laughing at Trump.
Why no outrage now?
Like I said we have corn pop, black kids rubbing his leg hairs, and his fake truck driving career. You really want to compare gaffes?
Versus the stable genius who says he would want to make out with his daughter and says he’s like really smart? Sure let’s trade gaffes.
What do you think the world is saying our demented fool, bragging about a career he made up? He had to step down from a run for the presidency in the 80's for plagiarizing speeches. You're a fool also for supporting him.
What were they saying about the last idiot in office?
He didn't say that, so you're a liar. But Biden did shower inappropriately with his daughter. In her own words.
Sure he said that. I posted the video.

Would you tell your daughter that you would want to date her if she wasn’t your daughter?

Post the gatewaypundit link to your right-wing nonsense please.

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