The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

I think given what is occurring in the ME, it's in Israel's (and the Palestinian's) best interest to make a deal. It's not necessarily demographics but the likely chance that the Israel, and it's Arab neighbors will need to work together to deal with ISIS, Iraq, Syria and Libya all of which are in a state of chaos. Settling the Palestinian issue now, while Hamas has lost a lot of support and popularity would be beneficial for it. No one is going to support massive population transfers to another country though.

" According to a new poll of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh would trounce Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas were a two-man election to be held today. That puts Hamas back in pole position for the first time since 2006. The group’s TV station, Al Aqsa, has become the No. 1 channel watched by Palestinians – by a margin of 15 percentage points. And 70 percent of Palestinians in the West Bank say they want to adopt Hamas’s armed approach. "

After Gaza war Hamas on a high but for how long video -
Time is the Palestinian's greatest weapon, Demographics and growing militancy in the ME does not favor Israel.
...........while Israel's arsenal is growing. Checkmate.
Israel's Army is too small to occupy the vast tracks of land of her enemies...The small confined area of Israel is not conducive to Rocket warfare.

Try peace, it might work.

Israel has the United States. We will not allow anyone to attack Israel without stepping in. I'm sure you MUST know this.
If the Arab Nation does not accept Israel then this War of Attrition will last for hundreds of years if need be...That's how the Arabs kicked out the Crusaders, Brits, Turks and etc. Time is on the side of the Arabs...America is a declining power at this time, her wars with Islamic countries is starting to bankrupt her financially and morally...The UN General Assembly is no longer controlled by Israel's sponsors...In time there will be armament parity in the ME and Demographically Israel is outnumbered by staggering numbers...

Her odds of long-term survival without a peace deal is very very small.
...Israel has tried to make peace offering to keep its stolen gains...Not going to happen
Define 'stolen gains' in this context.

How much of Old Palestine (pre May 15, 1948, or pre-1967) do you believe that the Jews are entitled to?
Actually, the European and Zionist rape of Palestine is a crime against humanity, however if the Arabs are willing to cede part of it, that's fine with me, especially in light of the Holocaust and their Semitic origins.
Your answer seems to leave little room for ambiguity.

Are we to construe by your latest that you believe that the Jews are entitled to nothing of Old Palestine, large enough to create a sustainable nation-state?
:boohoo: The only reason why they are there is because Israel ALLOWS them to be there. Probably not for much longer though, and who could blame them?

There's a price to pay for ethnic cleansing of indiginous peoples. South Africa tried that with it's so-called African "homelands" - islands of semi-autonomous (resource poor) areas where the blacks could live seperate from the whites. Stalin tried that when he forceably moved ethnic groups out of areas and ethnic-Russians into those areas to dilute populations. It leaves a long term stain on the national character of a nation particularly when land theft is also involved as would be the case in West Bank and Gaza. People are tied to their lands by generations of habitation and culture. That is something the Jews themselves reiterate. How can you then justify doing that to another people? You can't. Israel has been no angel in this affair either. They need to stop the settlement building and both sides need t negotiate for a long term solution that most likely will involve two states and land swaps. I don't see any other way that would not produce a humanitarian nightmare by forcing a diaspora on a people that the Jews themselves experienced. It's so ironic.

There was no such thing as "Palestinians" before this conflict came to be. There were only the occasional nomads passing through the area back then. It was not inhabitable. The Israelis MADE Israel/Gaza what it is today.

The Truth about the Palestinian People

The 1948 Israeli War of Independence was between the neighboring Arab countries and the newly formed state of Israel. The Arab countries did not send troops to help the people that are today known as "Palestinians" but rather they sent troops to drive the Jews into the sea. Most of the "Palestinian Arabs" fled to avoid the fighting. Remember, in 1948 they were not referred to as "Palestinians". This name was was created by the Soviet disinformation masters in 1964 when they created the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). The term"Palestinian People" as a description of Arabs in Palestine appeared for the first time in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter, drafted in Moscow. The Charter was affirmed by the first 422 members of the Palestinian National Council, handpicked by the KGB. This term was formally used by newspapers around the world after 1967.

United Nations Resolution 181 recommended a partition of the territory from the British Mandate for Palestine into two states - one for Jews and one for Palestinian Arabs. But the rejection of partition by the Arabs left in place as the legally operative Mandate for Palestine, the 1924 Anglo-American Convention, and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter. All of the Arab countries objected to the creation of the Jewish state and fought a war against its creation. This was Israel's War of Independence in 1948. Despite their superior numbers, the Arab countries lost the war and the Palestinian state never materialized because of this loss. In the war that was waged, the territory allotted to be the Palestinian state by the UN partition resolution was divided between Israel and Jordan. The "Palestinian Arabs" were rejected by every single Arab country, with the exception of the small percentage that ended up in refugee camps in Jordan where they remain to this day.

Multiple people have posted repeated links to historical data indicating that area was by no means inhabited by only "occasional nomads" but had a significant permanent population that had been there for centuries. They myth that it was largely "uninhabited" other than "occassional nomads" is just that, a myth that has been thoroughly debunked.

Look at the source you are using and what it has to say about itself:
Target Of Opportunity
This website is a list and record of people that betray and endanger America by their Seditious, Treasonous, and/or Terrorist activities. Operating under the false illusion of Peaceful and Non-Violent activism, their methods are anything but Peaceful and Non-Violent. These people present a serious threat to all Americans. Each and every one of them should be considered a

What the heck kind of site is that and why should anything it says be taken seriously?

That is not the only source. Multiple, multiple sources confirm the same data. I've posted at LEAST 3 other links here that give the same data. There was NO Palestine. It is a made-up place. It did not exist before the creation of Israel. It WAS a mostly uninhabitable territory owned by Arab kings which was taken over by the British and mandated to become half a Jewish state and half an Arab state by the UN. The Arabs would not accept that because of their BIGOTRY, and they tried to attack the Israelis, but the Israelis fought back and won, AND they won the land that you call "palestine."

Wrong. There has long been a Palestine - it's a very old designation. It may not have been a "nation" but it was an identifiable geographic area.

Again - as supported by links to historical census data from the Ottoman's and Mandate periods it was not mostly uninhabited. It had a definate permanent population.

Why do you keep pretending that the people who inhabited the region didn't exist? That they have no rights to live where they've been living?

The Mandate's 1922 Census: 1922 census of Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality. The division into religious groups was 590,390 Muslims, 83,694 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 808 Sikhs, 265 Bahais, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans.[2]

Always been team Israel's ground rules that Palestine was never a nation just an undefined area in the M.E.

It was a population in constant flux with highs and lows throughout history but it never reached it occupational density of pre roman times after the diaspora. Even the arab muslims shunned the land because it was too harsh and not easily tamed.

The people who inhabited the region did exist, but arab muslims did not for 700 years after the diaspora. Then after holding control of a small part they were beaten and expelled by the Crusaders.

The census is correct but I wonder how many of those muslims were arab and how many were Turkish, Egyptian or Iranian all non arab muslims . I also wonder how many people were refused the right to fill in the census forms, or duplicated the forms. This happened in the Palestinian territories only a short time ago so that UNWRA could get more money for the terrorists.
...Israel has tried to make peace offering to keep its stolen gains...Not going to happen
Define 'stolen gains' in this context.

How much of Old Palestine (pre May 15, 1948, or pre-1967) do you believe that the Jews are entitled to?
Actually, the European and Zionist rape of Palestine is a crime against humanity, however if the Arabs are willing to cede part of it, that's fine with me, especially in light of the Holocaust and their Semitic origins.
Your answer seems to leave little room for ambiguity.

Are we to construe by your latest that you believe that the Jews are entitled to nothing of Old Palestine, large enough to create a sustainable nation-state?
Entitlement is not the question, it is of Justice...Mankind has to move in that direction and stop killing each other over possessions by force...

I personally hope that they share Jerusalem and define the present green line with amicable land swaps as the border to a two-state solution.
There's a price to pay for ethnic cleansing of indiginous peoples. South Africa tried that with it's so-called African "homelands" - islands of semi-autonomous (resource poor) areas where the blacks could live seperate from the whites. Stalin tried that when he forceably moved ethnic groups out of areas and ethnic-Russians into those areas to dilute populations. It leaves a long term stain on the national character of a nation particularly when land theft is also involved as would be the case in West Bank and Gaza. People are tied to their lands by generations of habitation and culture. That is something the Jews themselves reiterate. How can you then justify doing that to another people? You can't. Israel has been no angel in this affair either. They need to stop the settlement building and both sides need t negotiate for a long term solution that most likely will involve two states and land swaps. I don't see any other way that would not produce a humanitarian nightmare by forcing a diaspora on a people that the Jews themselves experienced. It's so ironic.

There was no such thing as "Palestinians" before this conflict came to be. There were only the occasional nomads passing through the area back then. It was not inhabitable. The Israelis MADE Israel/Gaza what it is today.

The Truth about the Palestinian People

The 1948 Israeli War of Independence was between the neighboring Arab countries and the newly formed state of Israel. The Arab countries did not send troops to help the people that are today known as "Palestinians" but rather they sent troops to drive the Jews into the sea. Most of the "Palestinian Arabs" fled to avoid the fighting. Remember, in 1948 they were not referred to as "Palestinians". This name was was created by the Soviet disinformation masters in 1964 when they created the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). The term"Palestinian People" as a description of Arabs in Palestine appeared for the first time in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter, drafted in Moscow. The Charter was affirmed by the first 422 members of the Palestinian National Council, handpicked by the KGB. This term was formally used by newspapers around the world after 1967.

United Nations Resolution 181 recommended a partition of the territory from the British Mandate for Palestine into two states - one for Jews and one for Palestinian Arabs. But the rejection of partition by the Arabs left in place as the legally operative Mandate for Palestine, the 1924 Anglo-American Convention, and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter. All of the Arab countries objected to the creation of the Jewish state and fought a war against its creation. This was Israel's War of Independence in 1948. Despite their superior numbers, the Arab countries lost the war and the Palestinian state never materialized because of this loss. In the war that was waged, the territory allotted to be the Palestinian state by the UN partition resolution was divided between Israel and Jordan. The "Palestinian Arabs" were rejected by every single Arab country, with the exception of the small percentage that ended up in refugee camps in Jordan where they remain to this day.

Multiple people have posted repeated links to historical data indicating that area was by no means inhabited by only "occasional nomads" but had a significant permanent population that had been there for centuries. They myth that it was largely "uninhabited" other than "occassional nomads" is just that, a myth that has been thoroughly debunked.

Look at the source you are using and what it has to say about itself:
Target Of Opportunity
This website is a list and record of people that betray and endanger America by their Seditious, Treasonous, and/or Terrorist activities. Operating under the false illusion of Peaceful and Non-Violent activism, their methods are anything but Peaceful and Non-Violent. These people present a serious threat to all Americans. Each and every one of them should be considered a

What the heck kind of site is that and why should anything it says be taken seriously?

That is not the only source. Multiple, multiple sources confirm the same data. I've posted at LEAST 3 other links here that give the same data. There was NO Palestine. It is a made-up place. It did not exist before the creation of Israel. It WAS a mostly uninhabitable territory owned by Arab kings which was taken over by the British and mandated to become half a Jewish state and half an Arab state by the UN. The Arabs would not accept that because of their BIGOTRY, and they tried to attack the Israelis, but the Israelis fought back and won, AND they won the land that you call "palestine."

Wrong. There has long been a Palestine - it's a very old designation. It may not have been a "nation" but it was an identifiable geographic area.

Again - as supported by links to historical census data from the Ottoman's and Mandate periods it was not mostly uninhabited. It had a definate permanent population.

Why do you keep pretending that the people who inhabited the region didn't exist? That they have no rights to live where they've been living?

The Mandate's 1922 Census: 1922 census of Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality. The division into religious groups was 590,390 Muslims, 83,694 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 808 Sikhs, 265 Bahais, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans.[2]

Always been team Israel's ground rules that Palestine was never a nation just an undefined area in the M.E.

It was a population in constant flux with highs and lows throughout history but it never reached it occupational density of pre roman times after the diaspora. Even the arab muslims shunned the land because it was too harsh and not easily tamed.

The people who inhabited the region did exist, but arab muslims did not for 700 years after the diaspora. Then after holding control of a small part they were beaten and expelled by the Crusaders.

The census is correct but I wonder how many of those muslims were arab and how many were Turkish, Egyptian or Iranian all non arab muslims . I also wonder how many people were refused the right to fill in the census forms, or duplicated the forms. This happened in the Palestinian territories only a short time ago so that UNWRA could get more money for the terrorists.

I wouldn't put ANYTHING past them.
The other bit of propaganda is that the Jews had fewer numbers and military power than the Arabs. The Palestinians would have been either massacred or ethnically cleansed by the Jews whether the attempt by the Arab states to prevent their ethnic cleansing occurred or not.

"In short, the Palestinians had no significant military capacity. They were a typical colonial society. Already before May 1948, they had suffered at least 5,000 casualties. While the Israelis talked of the threat of an Arab-inflicted holocaust, “They were fully aware that the Arab war rhetoric was in no way matched by any serious preparation on the ground.”

Fourth, in every category, the Zionists had overwhelming superiority. Since much of the information in this section was sternly denied for years I have checked what I have collected against the two major and more recent Israeli accounts, both of which were derived from Israeli military and political archives........By May 1948, the Haganah numbered 35,700 standing troops of whom 2,200 were the Special Forces of Palmach. That is, as Benny Morris pointed out, the Yishuv army numbered some 5,500 more soldiers than the combined strength of the regular Arab armies and paramilitary Palestinian forces. In addition, Haganah could draw on 9,500 members of the paramilitary youth corps. By July 1948, when the Haganah was renamed the Israel Defense Force, it had 63,000 men under arms. Perhaps more important than numbers, it had a command and control capability that allowed it to conduct division-size or multiple-brigade, operations. No Arab force even remotely approached its power."

In 1948 Jewish Forces in Palestine outnumbered Palestinian and Arab Fighters Informed Comment

Now how many standing troops and armaments did the combined arab armies have monti. How many tanks, fighter planes, bombers and fighting ships compared to the Israelis Lee Enfield single shot rifles, tractors covered in steel sheets and WW1 guns. How many Jews did the Palestinians mass murder from 1890 to 1948 causing the Jews to form defence groups to fight back against arab nationalism ( read national socialism or Nazi ) You can bluster all you want but the evidence is out there for all to see about ISLAMONAZI atrocities and mass murders leading up to the war of 1948. The arabs thought that the Jews would just roll over and give up, and it was a shock when they fought back and gave the arabs a beating they would call the nakba. What a loss of honour that was for the arabs to be beaten by a rag tag army of old men and young boys armed with muzzle loaders and pitch forks.
...Israel has tried to make peace offering to keep its stolen gains...Not going to happen
Define 'stolen gains' in this context.

How much of Old Palestine (pre May 15, 1948, or pre-1967) do you believe that the Jews are entitled to?
Actually, the European and Zionist rape of Palestine is a crime against humanity, however if the Arabs are willing to cede part of it, that's fine with me, especially in light of the Holocaust and their Semitic origins.
Your answer seems to leave little room for ambiguity.

Are we to construe by your latest that you believe that the Jews are entitled to nothing of Old Palestine, large enough to create a sustainable nation-state?
Entitlement is not the question, it is of Justice...Mankind has to move in that direction and stop killing each other over possessions by force...

I personally hope that they share Jerusalem and define the present green line with amicable land swaps as the border to a two-state solution.
That was not the question.

A straightforward 'yes' or 'no' answer will do nicely in response to the 'Are we to construe...' question. Thank you.
"In short, the Palestinians had no significant military capacity. They were a typical colonial society. Already before May 1948, they had suffered at least 5,000 casualties. While the Israelis talked of the threat of an Arab-inflicted holocaust, “They were fully aware that the Arab war rhetoric was in no way matched by any serious preparation on the ground.”
Juan Cole drivelaggio.

Just facts, son.

No ISLAMONAZI partial facts that meet with mohameds POV
...Israel has tried to make peace offering to keep its stolen gains...Not going to happen
Define 'stolen gains' in this context.

How much of Old Palestine (pre May 15, 1948, or pre-1967) do you believe that the Jews are entitled to?
Actually, the European and Zionist rape of Palestine is a crime against humanity, however if the Arabs are willing to cede part of it, that's fine with me, especially in light of the Holocaust and their Semitic origins.
Your answer seems to leave little room for ambiguity.

Are we to construe by your latest that you believe that the Jews are entitled to nothing of Old Palestine, large enough to create a sustainable nation-state?
Entitlement is not the question, it is of Justice...Mankind has to move in that direction and stop killing each other over possessions by force...

I personally hope that they share Jerusalem and define the present green line with amicable land swaps as the border to a two-state solution.
That was not the question.

A straightforward 'yes' or 'no' answer will do nicely in response to the 'Are we to construe...' question. Thank you.
Oh, how about FU, who made you a prosecutor for the ZioNazis?
There was no such thing as "Palestinians" before this conflict came to be. There were only the occasional nomads passing through the area back then. It was not inhabitable. The Israelis MADE Israel/Gaza what it is today.

The Truth about the Palestinian People

The 1948 Israeli War of Independence was between the neighboring Arab countries and the newly formed state of Israel. The Arab countries did not send troops to help the people that are today known as "Palestinians" but rather they sent troops to drive the Jews into the sea. Most of the "Palestinian Arabs" fled to avoid the fighting. Remember, in 1948 they were not referred to as "Palestinians". This name was was created by the Soviet disinformation masters in 1964 when they created the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). The term"Palestinian People" as a description of Arabs in Palestine appeared for the first time in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter, drafted in Moscow. The Charter was affirmed by the first 422 members of the Palestinian National Council, handpicked by the KGB. This term was formally used by newspapers around the world after 1967.

United Nations Resolution 181 recommended a partition of the territory from the British Mandate for Palestine into two states - one for Jews and one for Palestinian Arabs. But the rejection of partition by the Arabs left in place as the legally operative Mandate for Palestine, the 1924 Anglo-American Convention, and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter. All of the Arab countries objected to the creation of the Jewish state and fought a war against its creation. This was Israel's War of Independence in 1948. Despite their superior numbers, the Arab countries lost the war and the Palestinian state never materialized because of this loss. In the war that was waged, the territory allotted to be the Palestinian state by the UN partition resolution was divided between Israel and Jordan. The "Palestinian Arabs" were rejected by every single Arab country, with the exception of the small percentage that ended up in refugee camps in Jordan where they remain to this day.

Multiple people have posted repeated links to historical data indicating that area was by no means inhabited by only "occasional nomads" but had a significant permanent population that had been there for centuries. They myth that it was largely "uninhabited" other than "occassional nomads" is just that, a myth that has been thoroughly debunked.

Look at the source you are using and what it has to say about itself:
Target Of Opportunity
This website is a list and record of people that betray and endanger America by their Seditious, Treasonous, and/or Terrorist activities. Operating under the false illusion of Peaceful and Non-Violent activism, their methods are anything but Peaceful and Non-Violent. These people present a serious threat to all Americans. Each and every one of them should be considered a

What the heck kind of site is that and why should anything it says be taken seriously?

That is not the only source. Multiple, multiple sources confirm the same data. I've posted at LEAST 3 other links here that give the same data. There was NO Palestine. It is a made-up place. It did not exist before the creation of Israel. It WAS a mostly uninhabitable territory owned by Arab kings which was taken over by the British and mandated to become half a Jewish state and half an Arab state by the UN. The Arabs would not accept that because of their BIGOTRY, and they tried to attack the Israelis, but the Israelis fought back and won, AND they won the land that you call "palestine."

Wrong. There has long been a Palestine - it's a very old designation. It may not have been a "nation" but it was an identifiable geographic area.

Again - as supported by links to historical census data from the Ottoman's and Mandate periods it was not mostly uninhabited. It had a definate permanent population.

Why do you keep pretending that the people who inhabited the region didn't exist? That they have no rights to live where they've been living?

The Mandate's 1922 Census: 1922 census of Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality. The division into religious groups was 590,390 Muslims, 83,694 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 808 Sikhs, 265 Bahais, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans.[2]

Even if that were true, it still doesn't change the fact that it was a territory owned and controlled not by anyone known as a "palestinian," and that it is made up. They were Arabs, and as you link states the "military" and those of foreign nationality are more than likely not permanent residents.

The land was owned by Arab kings and then by the British. The Jewish people did not steal any land from anyone. None of your links suggest that anyone is more entitled to this land than the people who it was given to, or who won over some territory during time of war.

It's owned by the indiginous people living there that have lived there and that now call themselves Palestinians. They didn't just appear out of nowhere.

I'm not claiming entitlement of one group over another that broadly. What I'm saying is that they have lived there and their rights should not be disregarded and you can't just move whole populations out of an area because they are inconvenient to your political or nationalistic ambitions.

Even when territory is taken by war - the people usually go with it and are subject to new rulers. If Israel wants to keep WB and Gaza, then it can keep the people and gives them Israeli citizenship just like any other conquored country or it can ethnically cleanse the region and be comparable to Stalin who forceably moved ethnic minorities to Siberia and moved in ethnic Russians.

Actually they did mostly from the direction of Syria and Egypt on the promise of work.

I am claiming entitlement based on Customary International Law and international treaties that gave 77% of the land to the arab muslims and 23% to the Jews. What happened was the arabs then forcibly moved the Jews out of arab controlled territory against the Mandate rules because they were inconvenient to the arab nationalists ( neo Nazis ) political and nationalist ambitions.

Israel has already relinquished its occupation of gaza and handed control to the muslims living there. Part of the Oslo accords that the Palestinians demanded as a pre condition to peace talks. The west bank was mostly owned by Jews before the 1948 war and they were thrown of their property by the Palestinian muslims . The same Palestinian muslims that tried to throw the Jordanians of their land until they retaliated and shot 50,000 as an object lesson.
So are you now comparing the Palestinians to Stalin as they forced 500,000 Jews to leave their land and property and moved arab muslims into their homes.
Time is the Palestinian's greatest weapon, Demographics and growing militancy in the ME does not favor Israel.
No telling he depth of the arab obsession with dreams of driving jews out and plundering jewish property, indeed!
I'm pretty sure that is what Israel has tried to do, and they do have some palestinians in their midst who do NOT want anything to do with the "palestinian" state. It is not Israel's fault that they are surrounded by intolerant bigots.

That's why the only workable solution is a 2-state solution where both sides must give up some of their ambitions in order to secure peace and security.

Only problem is the Palestinians are refusing to give anything up and just keep demanding more pre conditions
Elections are coming. Obama will be gone. And then Palestinians will be crushed. Let the two sides fight it out and who ever lives gets the land.
There's a price to pay for ethnic cleansing of indiginous peoples. South Africa tried that with it's so-called African "homelands" - islands of semi-autonomous (resource poor) areas where the blacks could live seperate from the whites. Stalin tried that when he forceably moved ethnic groups out of areas and ethnic-Russians into those areas to dilute populations. It leaves a long term stain on the national character of a nation particularly when land theft is also involved as would be the case in West Bank and Gaza. People are tied to their lands by generations of habitation and culture. That is something the Jews themselves reiterate. How can you then justify doing that to another people? You can't. Israel has been no angel in this affair either. They need to stop the settlement building and both sides need t negotiate for a long term solution that most likely will involve two states and land swaps. I don't see any other way that would not produce a humanitarian nightmare by forcing a diaspora on a people that the Jews themselves experienced. It's so ironic.

There was no such thing as "Palestinians" before this conflict came to be. There were only the occasional nomads passing through the area back then. It was not inhabitable. The Israelis MADE Israel/Gaza what it is today.

The Truth about the Palestinian People

The 1948 Israeli War of Independence was between the neighboring Arab countries and the newly formed state of Israel. The Arab countries did not send troops to help the people that are today known as "Palestinians" but rather they sent troops to drive the Jews into the sea. Most of the "Palestinian Arabs" fled to avoid the fighting. Remember, in 1948 they were not referred to as "Palestinians". This name was was created by the Soviet disinformation masters in 1964 when they created the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). The term"Palestinian People" as a description of Arabs in Palestine appeared for the first time in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter, drafted in Moscow. The Charter was affirmed by the first 422 members of the Palestinian National Council, handpicked by the KGB. This term was formally used by newspapers around the world after 1967.

United Nations Resolution 181 recommended a partition of the territory from the British Mandate for Palestine into two states - one for Jews and one for Palestinian Arabs. But the rejection of partition by the Arabs left in place as the legally operative Mandate for Palestine, the 1924 Anglo-American Convention, and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter. All of the Arab countries objected to the creation of the Jewish state and fought a war against its creation. This was Israel's War of Independence in 1948. Despite their superior numbers, the Arab countries lost the war and the Palestinian state never materialized because of this loss. In the war that was waged, the territory allotted to be the Palestinian state by the UN partition resolution was divided between Israel and Jordan. The "Palestinian Arabs" were rejected by every single Arab country, with the exception of the small percentage that ended up in refugee camps in Jordan where they remain to this day.

Multiple people have posted repeated links to historical data indicating that area was by no means inhabited by only "occasional nomads" but had a significant permanent population that had been there for centuries. They myth that it was largely "uninhabited" other than "occassional nomads" is just that, a myth that has been thoroughly debunked.

Look at the source you are using and what it has to say about itself:
Target Of Opportunity
This website is a list and record of people that betray and endanger America by their Seditious, Treasonous, and/or Terrorist activities. Operating under the false illusion of Peaceful and Non-Violent activism, their methods are anything but Peaceful and Non-Violent. These people present a serious threat to all Americans. Each and every one of them should be considered a

What the heck kind of site is that and why should anything it says be taken seriously?

That is not the only source. Multiple, multiple sources confirm the same data. I've posted at LEAST 3 other links here that give the same data. There was NO Palestine. It is a made-up place. It did not exist before the creation of Israel. It WAS a mostly uninhabitable territory owned by Arab kings which was taken over by the British and mandated to become half a Jewish state and half an Arab state by the UN. The Arabs would not accept that because of their BIGOTRY, and they tried to attack the Israelis, but the Israelis fought back and won, AND they won the land that you call "palestine."

Wrong. There has long been a Palestine - it's a very old designation. It may not have been a "nation" but it was an identifiable geographic area.

Again - as supported by links to historical census data from the Ottoman's and Mandate periods it was not mostly uninhabited. It had a definate permanent population.

Why do you keep pretending that the people who inhabited the region didn't exist? That they have no rights to live where they've been living?

The Mandate's 1922 Census: 1922 census of Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The reported population was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality. The division into religious groups was 590,390 Muslims, 83,694 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 808 Sikhs, 265 Bahais, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans.[2]

Always been team Israel's ground rules that Palestine was never a nation just an undefined area in the M.E.

It was a population in constant flux with highs and lows throughout history but it never reached it occupational density of pre roman times after the diaspora. Even the arab muslims shunned the land because it was too harsh and not easily tamed.

The people who inhabited the region did exist, but arab muslims did not for 700 years after the diaspora. Then after holding control of a small part they were beaten and expelled by the Crusaders.

The census is correct but I wonder how many of those muslims were arab and how many were Turkish, Egyptian or Iranian all non arab muslims . I also wonder how many people were refused the right to fill in the census forms, or duplicated the forms. This happened in the Palestinian territories only a short time ago so that UNWRA could get more money for the terrorists.

A load of bullshit as usual.

Palestinians, people of the Roman provinces of Palestina have been of many religions ranging from those that worshiped the Roman religions, Judaism, Christianity and most recently Islam. They are the same people whatever the religion or language they speak.

In fact, Palestine has always been one of the most fertile of the Middle East and there were few areas not being cultivated in the late 1800s, as confirmed by Ahad Ha'am after one of his visits to the area in the late 1800s:

"We tend to believe abroad that Palestine is nowadays almost completely deserted, an uncultivated wilderness, and anyone can come there and buy as much land as his heart desires. But in reality this is not the case. It is difficult to find anywhere in the country Arab land which lies fallow."

David Goldberg The 1907 writings of one traveller to Palestine vividly describe the roots of the region s enmity Comment is free The Guardian

As far as the demographic make up prior to the 1850s and after we have confirmation of that to via the Mandatory's Interim Report of 1921, which confirms that there were but a handful of Jews in Palestine prior to 1850 and that the Muslims made up four fifths of the population in 1921.and that they were not Arabs (only Bedouins are pure Arabians), but of mixed race, which is what Palestinians have always been:

"Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants..... Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews"

. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921
Define 'stolen gains' in this context.

How much of Old Palestine (pre May 15, 1948, or pre-1967) do you believe that the Jews are entitled to?
Actually, the European and Zionist rape of Palestine is a crime against humanity, however if the Arabs are willing to cede part of it, that's fine with me, especially in light of the Holocaust and their Semitic origins.
Your answer seems to leave little room for ambiguity.

Are we to construe by your latest that you believe that the Jews are entitled to nothing of Old Palestine, large enough to create a sustainable nation-state?
Entitlement is not the question, it is of Justice...Mankind has to move in that direction and stop killing each other over possessions by force...

I personally hope that they share Jerusalem and define the present green line with amicable land swaps as the border to a two-state solution.
That was not the question.

A straightforward 'yes' or 'no' answer will do nicely in response to the 'Are we to construe...' question. Thank you.
Oh, how about FU, who made you a prosecutor for the ZioNazis?
Translation: "I don't have the courage to give you a straight answer, so, when you catch me deflecting, and try to coax me into a more honest response rather than calling me out, I'll just act like you called me out, regardless, and tell you to go phukk yourself."

Message received.
Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, the brits hadn't have given 75% of the mandate palestine to emir Abdullah, yet, of course. We know.

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