The Worst President in history has been reelected

As opposed to who saying otherwise? The same armchair political scholars that predicted Romney would win in a landslide?

No doubt. My point was that you shouldnt trust those in power to be honest about things that affect their job

Twinkies are a noted brand name. A new buyer is already in the works

To paraphrase Twain......reports of the Twinkies demise are greatly exaggerated

Whoever buys the brand would be well advised not to hire union workers to continue production.
No doubt. My point was that you shouldnt trust those in power to be honest about things that affect their job

Twinkies are a noted brand name. A new buyer is already in the works

To paraphrase Twain......reports of the Twinkies demise are greatly exaggerated

Whoever buys the brand would be well advised not to hire union workers to continue production.

Or else develop a workable business strategy that doesn't involve slashing worker pay to stay solvent.
Twinkies are a noted brand name. A new buyer is already in the works

To paraphrase Twain......reports of the Twinkies demise are greatly exaggerated

Whoever buys the brand would be well advised not to hire union workers to continue production.

Or else develop a workable business strategy that doesn't involve slashing worker pay to stay solvent.

Well in that case, we'd have to get rid of Obama...first.
Or else develop a workable business strategy that doesn't involve slashing worker pay to stay solvent.

Well in that case, we'd have to get rid of Obama...first.

America has already told you they plan on keeping him

This from a guy who's talking about making good business plans...guess you're a load of talk but not substance if your plan is to keep this loser on the payroll another term.
Well in that case, we'd have to get rid of Obama...first.

America has already told you they plan on keeping him

This from a guy who's talking about making good business plans...guess you're a load of talk but not substance if your plan is to keep this loser on the payroll another term.

A good business plan is letting Republicans try more of their supply side mixed with deregulation bullshit? We tried it for eight years.....destroyed our nation
America has already told you they plan on keeping him

This from a guy who's talking about making good business plans...guess you're a load of talk but not substance if your plan is to keep this loser on the payroll another term.

A good business plan is letting Republicans try more of their supply side mixed with deregulation bullshit? We tried it for eight years.....destroyed our nation

yep. Thats pretty clear. Their two-legged stool (cut taxes on rich & deregulate) was seen for what it is- laissez-faire/corporate welfare economics
Papa Obama's lowest unemployment number is from the day he took office

We have not had laissez-faire economics in a long time, if really ever

Corporate welfare economics is promoted by Papa Obama
In fact he picks corporate losers and winners all the time
Of course, in his case, it is mostly losers
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Papa Obama's lowest unemployment number is from the day he took office

We have not had laissez-faire economics in a long time, if really ever

Corporate welfare economics is promoted by Papa Obama
In fact he picks corporate losers and winners all the time
Of course, in his case, it is mostly losers

Our dear leader has created more jobs than Bush did in eight years
Of course it is logical

Try this....2+2= 4

Anyone who didn't vote is OBVIOUSLY satisfied with the way things are. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Obama had 75% support of the people. Is simple MATH that hard for you?

Why is it so hard for you to understand that what you claim is obvious is not only not obvious, it's not even reasonable. It doesn't pass a basic logical test. You claim they all didn't vote because they all were happy with the way things were. If that's the case it makes the most logical sense for them to engage in a behavior that ensured things stay that way. In other words, VOTE. They did not vote. In fact, of the many inferences that could be made, yours is one that we can pretty much rule out entirly because not even one person behaved in a way that would be most logical given your assumption (that they were happy with the way things were).

I will admit you are somewhat correct. Obama would not have gotten 100% of the vote. Romney would have gotten his one percent.......that is who he campaigned for

That leaves Obama with 74% of the vote

Probably as close as I've ever seen you come to actually admitting the ridiculousness of your position. You know it. I know it. Nuff' said.
Why is it so hard for you to understand that what you claim is obvious is not only not obvious, it's not even reasonable. It doesn't pass a basic logical test. You claim they all didn't vote because they all were happy with the way things were. If that's the case it makes the most logical sense for them to engage in a behavior that ensured things stay that way. In other words, VOTE. They did not vote. In fact, of the many inferences that could be made, yours is one that we can pretty much rule out entirly because not even one person behaved in a way that would be most logical given your assumption (that they were happy with the way things were).

I will admit you are somewhat correct. Obama would not have gotten 100% of the vote. Romney would have gotten his one percent.......that is who he campaigned for

That leaves Obama with 74% of the vote

Probably as close as I've ever seen you come to actually admitting the ridiculousness of your position. You know it. I know it. Nuff' said.

See post #506 to see how gullible you are

Nuff said
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Papa Obama's lowest unemployment number is from the day he took office

We have not had laissez-faire economics in a long time, if really ever

Corporate welfare economics is promoted by Papa Obama
In fact he picks corporate losers and winners all the time
Of course, in his case, it is mostly losers

Our dear leader has created more jobs than Bush did in eight years

He's created something, all right, but it's not jobs.

Papa Obama's lowest unemployment number is from the day he took office

We have not had laissez-faire economics in a long time, if really ever

Corporate welfare economics is promoted by Papa Obama
In fact he picks corporate losers and winners all the time
Of course, in his case, it is mostly losers

Our dear leader has created more jobs than Bush did in eight years

He's created something, all right, but it's not jobs.



That Republican recession sucks doesn't it?

Good thing the American public gave Obama a second term to fix it

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