The Worst President in history has been reelected

Regardless of how he got there we are stuck with this lemon for another 4 loooong, non-productive, stale stock market, low paying jobless years.
Get used to it and remember, it blows back on Obama voters too. I find a lot of satisfaction in that fact.:D
332-206 is a mandate by any stretch of the imagination

As I said in my original post, the key is not popular vote (which is mostly irrelevant to winning) but the electoral vote

The electoral vote was stacked against Romney before the first voter cast his vote. There are now more blue state votes than red. Any Democrat automatically starts out ahead.

There were more blue states than red in the 1992 election. Look how that turned out for you. Four years later George W. Bush was elected.

The crisis for the Republicans is that current demographics will turn more battleground states blue (Look for Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada to go blue) and more red states to turn into battleground states (Arizona and Texas long term)

Look for Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania to go blue? Are you freakin' kidding me? Wisconsin has been blue since 1988 and, Michigan and Pennsylvania have been blue since 1992. And, that you surmise that, somehow, in the long term Arizona and Texas are going to turn blue? LOL! You have some pretty far out fantasies...don't you? Additionally, when taking into consideration the county-by-county map, I wouldn't count on Nevada remaining blue for long. Seems the left lost a few counties this time around, compared to the 2008 election.
The Right doesn't get it.

With this economy a ham sandwich could have beaten Obama.

The problem is that Right has been hijacked by their most extreme elements.

How did the great party of Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower get hijacked?

In the 50s and 60s big business began investing heavily in the Rightwing in order to bring down taxes. They finally won with Reagan. And they spent 30 years giving tax cuts to the wealthy and credit cards to the middle class (to make up for the money that wasn't trickling down). As the consensus for trickle down economics started to wane, they needed to create a populism to get average citizens to vote against their economic interests.

So they created a very powerful message system aimed at low information voters. They convinced these people that the country was being destroyed by demons: baby killers, communists, bra burners, black panthers, welfare cheats, atheists, gays and illegals. They scared people into the voting booth with a kind of steroidal McCarthyism. They claimed that the Real America was under siege by terrorist abroad and anti-Americans at home. They prayed on under-educated white men, appealing to their patriotism. This is straight out of Germany circa 1933. The Right become obsessed and paranoid about losing the Real America, just like Germany became obsessed with losing the Real Germany to Jews and Communists and Liberals. Remember: Hitler was very threatened by the Liberal Enlightenment that was behind the French Revolution. He feared that the universal "Community of Man" which treated all peoples equally was a threat to what was distinctive about Germany. He despised liberal tolerance because he believed in excellence and hierarchies. He promoted a politics of revanchism claiming the Real Germany was being slowly and methodically dissolved by external contagions which didn't have sufficient respect for German tradition and language.

This is exactly how the American Right feels. They think their America has been stolen - and they want to take action. This insane paranoia has drained the Rightwing of the rational centrism which is needed to bring diverse groups together to fix the problems of this country. It's sad. We have lost a great party. Obama was beatable, but the Rightwing has been paralyzed by extremism. Turn on talk radio and you will find out that Obama is a Muslim double agent. People believe this. And this is why there can be no compromise between the parties - because the Right does not think the other side is filled with real Americans. The Right is at war with demons, which is why Washington cannot be allowed to function until the Left is completely destroyed. There can be no compromise with the other 50% who live in this country for they are demons. This attitude is going to destroy us.
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332-206 is a mandate by any stretch of the imagination

As I said in my original post, the key is not popular vote (which is mostly irrelevant to winning) but the electoral vote

The electoral vote was stacked against Romney before the first voter cast his vote. There are now more blue state votes than red. Any Democrat automatically starts out ahead.

There were more blue states than red in the 1992 election. Look how that turned out for you. Four years later George W. Bush was elected.

The crisis for the Republicans is that current demographics will turn more battleground states blue (Look for Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada to go blue) and more red states to turn into battleground states (Arizona and Texas long term)

Look for Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania to go blue? Are you freakin' kidding me? Wisconsin has been blue since 1988 and, Michigan and Pennsylvania have been blue since 1992. And, that you surmise that, somehow, in the long term Arizona and Texas are going to turn blue? LOL! You have some pretty far out fantasies...don't you? Additionally, when taking into consideration the county-by-county map, I wouldn't count on Nevada remaining blue for long. Seems the left lost a few counties this time around, compared to the 2008 election.

The tide is turning......what will Republicans do about it?

I know.......complain about Free Stuff!
You are making assumptions to cover for the fact that your preferred candidate lost

Simply winning an election makes you President of the United States

That is all that matters

Stop trying to change the subject righty. Explain to me with some objectively reasonable evidence that everyone that didn't vote who could all would have voted for Obama if they had voted as you claimed.

Its kind of like your reasoning that those who did not vote cannot be counted as supporting Obama

We can only assume that only an idiot who opposed the job that Obama did in his first term would be foolish enough not to go to the polls and vote him out of office. The only logical assumption is that EVERY person who was against Obama went and voted to get rid of him.
Therefore the only logical conclusion is that ALL 120 million people who did not vote would have voted for Obama.

That makes Obamas final numbers

Obama 180 million supporters
Romney 60 million supporters

75% of Americans supported Obama in the last election

radical elements have taken over the party

The Communist Party USA celebrated Barack Obama’s win on Tuesday.

332-206 is a mandate by any stretch of the imagination

As I said in my original post, the key is not popular vote (which is mostly irrelevant to winning) but the electoral vote

The electoral vote was stacked against Romney before the first voter cast his vote. There are now more blue state votes than red. Any Democrat automatically starts out ahead.

There were more blue states than red in the 1992 election. Look how that turned out for you. Four years later George W. Bush was elected.

The crisis for the Republicans is that current demographics will turn more battleground states blue (Look for Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada to go blue) and more red states to turn into battleground states (Arizona and Texas long term)

Look for Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania to go blue? Are you freakin' kidding me? Wisconsin has been blue since 1988 and, Michigan and Pennsylvania have been blue since 1992. And, that you surmise that, somehow, in the long term Arizona and Texas are going to turn blue? LOL! You have some pretty far out fantasies...don't you? Additionally, when taking into consideration the county-by-county map, I wouldn't count on Nevada remaining blue for long. Seems the left lost a few counties this time around, compared to the 2008 election.

The tide is turning......what will Republicans do about it?

I know.......complain about Free Stuff!

Easy, nothing

Let the leftist polices continue to rot out the nation
Stop trying to change the subject righty. Explain to me with some objectively reasonable evidence that everyone that didn't vote who could all would have voted for Obama if they had voted as you claimed.

Its kind of like your reasoning that those who did not vote cannot be counted as supporting Obama

We can only assume that only an idiot who opposed the job that Obama did in his first term would be foolish enough not to go to the polls and vote him out of office. The only logical assumption is that EVERY person who was against Obama went and voted to get rid of him.
Therefore the only logical conclusion is that ALL 120 million people who did not vote would have voted for Obama.

That makes Obamas final numbers

Obama 180 million supporters
Romney 60 million supporters

75% of Americans supported Obama in the last election


Republicans have never been good at math......elitism
Ummmmm.....hate to break it to you

But the "Obama must fail" strategy failed big time

Not really...
In Papa Obama’s case, to hide their effects and help in securing reelection,
he has back loaded most of his controversial changes into a second term.

Papa Obama’s next term will start to see the effects of his 'bag of goods'....
health-care reform, Dodd-Frank, etc
....barely known to the public

Indeed, one should always be careful what they wish for....

No doubt- we see more "glorification" of him by the left

Leftist regimes tend to do/seek more glorification
of their leaders as life worsens under them in order to prop them up.

He is right of center why do you call him a leftist ? lol

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! You are a funny one...I'll give you that.
Its kind of like your reasoning that those who did not vote cannot be counted as supporting Obama

We can only assume that only an idiot who opposed the job that Obama did in his first term would be foolish enough not to go to the polls and vote him out of office. The only logical assumption is that EVERY person who was against Obama went and voted to get rid of him.
Therefore the only logical conclusion is that ALL 120 million people who did not vote would have voted for Obama.

That makes Obamas final numbers

Obama 180 million supporters
Romney 60 million supporters

75% of Americans supported Obama in the last election


Republicans have never been good at math......elitism

Indeed, unlike the "father" of Progressives

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. "


Republicans have never been good at math......elitism

Indeed, unlike the "father" of Progressives

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. "


OMG....Democrats are COMMIES!

That hasn't worked since the 50s......oh I forgot, Republicans have assumed the political posture of the 50s
The Right doesn't get it.

With this economy a ham sandwich could have beaten Obama.

The problem is that Right has been hijacked by their most extreme elements.

How did the great party of Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower get hijacked?

In the 50s and 60s big business began investing heavily in the Rightwing in order to bring down taxes. They finally won with Reagan. And they spent 30 years giving tax cuts to the wealthy and credit cards to the middle class (to make up for the money that wasn't trickling down). As the consensus for trickle down economics started to wane, they needed to create a populism to get average citizens to vote against their economic interests.

So they created a very powerful message system aimed at low information voters. They convinced these people that the country was being destroyed by demons: baby killers, communists, bra burners, black panthers, welfare cheats, atheists, gays and illegals. They scared people into the voting booth with a kind of steroidal McCarthyism. They claimed that the Real America was under siege by terrorist abroad and anti-Americans at home. They prayed on under-educated white men, appealing to their patriotism. This is straight out of Germany circa 1933. The Right become obsessed and paranoid about losing the Real America, just like Germany became obsessed with losing the Real Germany to Jews and Communists and Liberals. Remember: Hitler was very threatened by the Liberal Enlightenment that was behind the French Revolution. He feared that the universal "Community of Man" which treated all peoples equally was a threat to what was distinctive about Germany. He despised liberal tolerance because he believed in excellence and hierarchies. He created a politics of revanchism whereby the Real Germany was being slowly and methodically dissolved external contagions which didn't have sufficient respect for German tradition and language.

This is exactly how the American Right feels. They think their America has been stolen - and they want to take action. This insane paranoia has drained the Rightwing of the rational centrism which is needed to bring diverse groups together to fix the problems of this country. It's sad. We have lost a great party. Obama was beatable, but the Rightwing has been paralyzed by extremism. Turn on talk radio and you will find out that Obama is a Muslim double agent. People believe this. And this is why there can be no compromise between the parties - because the Right does not think the other side is filled with real Americans. The Right is at war with demons, which is why Washington cannot be allowed to function until the Left is completely. There can be no compromise with the other 50% who live in this country for they are demons. This attitude is going to destroy us.

Brilliant! And so true. Somebody should take a stick to Rush Limbaugh, etal and beat them till they can't broadcast anymore.
Enough with the demonizing and bubble gum and bull shit. The Republicans threw this election away with both hands.
332-206 is a mandate by any stretch of the imagination

As I said in my original post, the key is not popular vote (which is mostly irrelevant to winning) but the electoral vote

The electoral vote was stacked against Romney before the first voter cast his vote. There are now more blue state votes than red. Any Democrat automatically starts out ahead.

There were more blue states than red in the 1992 election. Look how that turned out for you. Four years later George W. Bush was elected.

The crisis for the Republicans is that current demographics will turn more battleground states blue (Look for Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada to go blue) and more red states to turn into battleground states (Arizona and Texas long term)
Look for Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania to go blue? Are you freakin' kidding me? Wisconsin has been blue since 1988 and, Michigan and Pennsylvania have been blue since 1992. And, that you surmise that, somehow, in the long term Arizona and Texas are going to turn blue? LOL! You have some pretty far out fantasies...don't you? Additionally, when taking into consideration the county-by-county map, I wouldn't count on Nevada remaining blue for long. Seems the left lost a few counties this time around, compared to the 2008 election.

The tide is turning......what will Republicans do about it?

I know.......complain about Free Stuff!

No, the tide really isn't turning. And, any fantasies you may have that some tide is going to perpetually change in favor of the left is just that...a fantasy. In fact, when the next four years are over with and your chump has sent this nation reeling into territory it hasn't seen since the Great Depression, I suspect the tide will indeed change. And, it isn't going to be good for you.
Its kind of like your reasoning that those who did not vote cannot be counted as supporting Obama

We can only assume that only an idiot who opposed the job that Obama did in his first term would be foolish enough not to go to the polls and vote him out of office. The only logical assumption is that EVERY person who was against Obama went and voted to get rid of him.
Therefore the only logical conclusion is that ALL 120 million people who did not vote would have voted for Obama.

That makes Obamas final numbers

Obama 180 million supporters
Romney 60 million supporters

75% of Americans supported Obama in the last election


Republicans have never been good at math......elitism

At least making up math...that is.
Not really...
In Papa Obama’s case, to hide their effects and help in securing reelection,
he has back loaded most of his controversial changes into a second term.

Papa Obama’s next term will start to see the effects of his 'bag of goods'....
health-care reform, Dodd-Frank, etc
....barely known to the public

Indeed, one should always be careful what they wish for....

No doubt- we see more "glorification" of him by the left

Leftist regimes tend to do/seek more glorification
of their leaders as life worsens under them in order to prop them up.

He is right of center why do you call him a leftist ? lol

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! You are a funny one...I'll give you that.


Political compass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

good fight?
The POS makes Carter look like Abe Lincoln. Nice going America.

I blame it on the 3 million GOP who sat home on their asses and didnt vote. The takers won you fools.
The POS makes Carter look like Abe Lincoln. Nice going America.

I blame it on the 3 million GOP who sat home on their asses and didnt vote. The takers won you fools.

They were too busy playing golf, it was the only time the secret service didn't have the courses locked down for Obama.
Republicans have never been good at math......elitism

Indeed, unlike the "father" of Progressives

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. "


OMG....Democrats are COMMIES!

That hasn't worked since the 50s......oh I forgot, Republicans have assumed the political posture of the 50s
It hasn't worked since the left decided there was nothing wrong with Communism.

Tell a prog he's a pinko, and he'll thank you for the compliment.
He is right of center why do you call him a leftist ? lol

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! You are a funny one...I'll give you that.


Political compass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

good fight?

Is this supposed to mean anything? So some leftist wrote a Wikipedia entry and labeled Obama as somehow being right of center. Big deal. Maybe it was even you who put the entry in? Oh...that's right, maybe you didn't know just any whack job can put an entry into Wikipedia, or something? I can edit Wikipedia and put an entry in which says Obama is a woman...too. Wouldn't make it true.

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