The Worst President in history has been reelected

While your "analysis" is lacking, simplistic and just a boring repeat of talking points

the fact of the matter

the failure of leftist polices, should be enough
After all, somebody has to pay for the failures of the left
we can't all be leftist and/or their dependent subordinates

Union kills 18,000 jobs
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While your "analysis" is lacking, simplistic and just a boring repeat of talking points

the fact of the matter

the failure of leftist polices, should be enough
After all, somebody has to pay for the failures of the left
we can't all be leftist and/or their dependent subordinates

Union kills 18,000 jobs

How is that all the Union's fault when the company could have brought in new employees?
You are making assumptions to cover for the fact that your preferred candidate lost

Simply winning an election makes you President of the United States

That is all that matters

Stop trying to change the subject righty. Explain to me with some objectively reasonable evidence that everyone that didn't vote who could all would have voted for Obama if they had voted as you claimed.

Its kind of like your reasoning that those who did not vote cannot be counted as supporting Obama

We can only assume that only an idiot who opposed the job that Obama did in his first term would be foolish enough not to go to the polls and vote him out of office. The only logical assumption is that EVERY person who was against Obama went and voted to get rid of him.
Therefore the only logical conclusion is that ALL 120 million people who did not vote would have voted for Obama.

That makes Obamas final numbers

Obama 180 million supporters
Romney 60 million supporters

75% of Americans supported Obama in the last election

I usually like your posts, but that kind of silliness just makes me want to bitchslap you.
While your "analysis" is lacking, simplistic and just a boring repeat of talking points

the fact of the matter

the failure of leftist polices, should be enough
After all, somebody has to pay for the failures of the left
we can't all be leftist and/or their dependent subordinates

Union kills 18,000 jobs

How is that all the Union's fault when the company could have brought in new employees?

Like we have seen in the past week
a lot of companies have to negatively change their hiring practices
due to the upcoming and unbearable costs of Papa ObamaCare

Indeed, in the words of Papa Obama's ex pastor of 20 years
the chickens are coming home to roost
While your "analysis" is lacking, simplistic and just a boring repeat of talking points

the fact of the matter

the failure of leftist polices, should be enough
After all, somebody has to pay for the failures of the left
we can't all be leftist and/or their dependent subordinates

Union kills 18,000 jobs

Ummmmm.....hate to break it to you

But the "Obama must fail" strategy failed big time
Stop trying to change the subject righty. Explain to me with some objectively reasonable evidence that everyone that didn't vote who could all would have voted for Obama if they had voted as you claimed.

Its kind of like your reasoning that those who did not vote cannot be counted as supporting Obama

We can only assume that only an idiot who opposed the job that Obama did in his first term would be foolish enough not to go to the polls and vote him out of office. The only logical assumption is that EVERY person who was against Obama went and voted to get rid of him.
Therefore the only logical conclusion is that ALL 120 million people who did not vote would have voted for Obama.

That makes Obamas final numbers

Obama 180 million supporters
Romney 60 million supporters

75% of Americans supported Obama in the last election

I usually like your posts, but that kind of silliness just makes me want to bitchslap you.

sorry...some people just don't recognize sarcasm unless you post

While your "analysis" is lacking, simplistic and just a boring repeat of talking points

the fact of the matter

the failure of leftist polices, should be enough
After all, somebody has to pay for the failures of the left
we can't all be leftist and/or their dependent subordinates

Union kills 18,000 jobs

Ummmmm.....hate to break it to you

But the "Obama must fail" strategy failed big time

Because he won an election that means his policies are succeeding ? No, it doesn't.
While your "analysis" is lacking, simplistic and just a boring repeat of talking points

the fact of the matter

the failure of leftist polices, should be enough
After all, somebody has to pay for the failures of the left
we can't all be leftist and/or their dependent subordinates

Union kills 18,000 jobs

Ummmmm.....hate to break it to you

But the "Obama must fail" strategy failed big time

Not really...
In Papa Obama’s case, to hide their effects and help in securing reelection,
he has back loaded most of his controversial changes into a second term.

Papa Obama’s next term will start to see the effects of his 'bag of goods'....
health-care reform, Dodd-Frank, etc
....barely known to the public

Indeed, one should always be careful what they wish for....

No doubt- we see more "glorification" of him by the left

Leftist regimes tend to do/seek more glorification
of their leaders as life worsens under them in order to prop them up.
While your "analysis" is lacking, simplistic and just a boring repeat of talking points

the fact of the matter

the failure of leftist polices, should be enough
After all, somebody has to pay for the failures of the left
we can't all be leftist and/or their dependent subordinates

Union kills 18,000 jobs

Ummmmm.....hate to break it to you

But the "Obama must fail" strategy failed big time

Because he won an election that means his policies are succeeding ? No, it doesn't.

What we know is not succeeding is the Republican propaganda machine screaming FAIL after every Obama initiative, or claiming that Obama is the worst president in history or claiming that Obama is a socialist or claiming that most of the voters are stupid and only conservatives know the answer or claiming that tax cuts are the answer to every problem

How did that work out for you?
While your "analysis" is lacking, simplistic and just a boring repeat of talking points

the fact of the matter

the failure of leftist polices, should be enough
After all, somebody has to pay for the failures of the left
we can't all be leftist and/or their dependent subordinates

Union kills 18,000 jobs

Ummmmm.....hate to break it to you

But the "Obama must fail" strategy failed big time

Because he won an election that means his policies are succeeding ? No, it doesn't.

The people are sovereign; it does not mean they’re infallible.
Normally a reelected president expands his margin of support,
Papa Obama's went down. While Papa Obama and the
left can 'savor the moment', in no way did
he win anything approaching a mandate.
While your "analysis" is lacking, simplistic and just a boring repeat of talking points

the fact of the matter

the failure of leftist polices, should be enough
After all, somebody has to pay for the failures of the left
we can't all be leftist and/or their dependent subordinates

Union kills 18,000 jobs

Ummmmm.....hate to break it to you

But the "Obama must fail" strategy failed big time

Not really...
In Papa Obama’s case, to hide their effects and help in securing reelection,
he has back loaded most of his controversial changes into a second term.

Papa Obama’s next term will start to see the effects of his 'bag of goods'....
health-care reform, Dodd-Frank, etc
....barely known to the public

Indeed, one should always be careful what they wish for....

No doubt- we see more "glorification" of him by the left

Leftist regimes tend to do/seek more glorification
of their leaders as life worsens under them in order to prop them up.

He is right of center why do you call him a leftist ? lol
While your "analysis" is lacking, simplistic and just a boring repeat of talking points

the fact of the matter

the failure of leftist polices, should be enough
After all, somebody has to pay for the failures of the left
we can't all be leftist and/or their dependent subordinates

Union kills 18,000 jobs

Ummmmm.....hate to break it to you

But the "Obama must fail" strategy failed big time

Not really...
In Papa Obama’s case, to hide their effects and help in securing reelection,
he has back loaded most of his controversial changes into a second term.

Papa Obama’s next term will start to see the effects of his 'bag of goods'....
health-care reform, Dodd-Frank, etc
....barely known to the public

Indeed, one should always be careful what they wish for....

No doubt- we see more "glorification" of him by the left

Leftist regimes tend to do/seek more glorification
of their leaders as life worsens under them in order to prop them up.

Double down on Obama must fail....Got it

Good luck with that one, it worked so well last time
Ummmmm.....hate to break it to you

But the "Obama must fail" strategy failed big time

Because he won an election that means his policies are succeeding ? No, it doesn't.

What we know is not succeeding is the Republican propaganda machine screaming FAIL after every Obama initiative, or claiming that Obama is the worst president in history or claiming that Obama is a socialist or claiming that most of the voters are stupid and only conservatives know the answer or claiming that tax cuts are the answer to every problem

How did that work out for you?

Considering that the people also kept the House in Republican
hands to stop/slow up the Left's radical plans
Not bad

After all, if they wanted to kick them out, it would be easy
They did it to the Left in 2010
Ummmmm.....hate to break it to you

But the "Obama must fail" strategy failed big time

Not really...
In Papa Obama’s case, to hide their effects and help in securing reelection,
he has back loaded most of his controversial changes into a second term.

Papa Obama’s next term will start to see the effects of his 'bag of goods'....
health-care reform, Dodd-Frank, etc
....barely known to the public

Indeed, one should always be careful what they wish for....

No doubt- we see more "glorification" of him by the left

Leftist regimes tend to do/seek more glorification
of their leaders as life worsens under them in order to prop them up.

Double down on Obama must fail....Got it

Good luck with that one, it worked so well last time

Considering that the Left will eventually run out of other people's money
it will fail
There's so much sandy vag up in here you folks could open your own beach.
Because he won an election that means his policies are succeeding ? No, it doesn't.

What we know is not succeeding is the Republican propaganda machine screaming FAIL after every Obama initiative, or claiming that Obama is the worst president in history or claiming that Obama is a socialist or claiming that most of the voters are stupid and only conservatives know the answer or claiming that tax cuts are the answer to every problem

How did that work out for you?

Considering that the people also kept the House in Republican
hands to stop/slow up the Left's radical plans
Not bad

After all, if they wanted to kick them out, it would be easy
They did it to the Left in 2010

We the People were gerrymandered into Congressional Districts that ensure Republican control of the House....Got it
Ummmmm.....hate to break it to you

But the "Obama must fail" strategy failed big time

Because he won an election that means his policies are succeeding ? No, it doesn't.

What we know is not succeeding is the Republican propaganda machine screaming FAIL after every Obama initiative, or claiming that Obama is the worst president in history or claiming that Obama is a socialist or claiming that most of the voters are stupid and only conservatives know the answer or claiming that tax cuts are the answer to every problem

How did that work out for you?

I have no vested interested in seeing Republicans or Democrats in power. In the scale of their policies, they are both right of center and more authoritarian than libertarian. Both of there policies will and are failing. You are trying to make a connection that says because Obama won his policies work. That is false. He won because he got more sheeple to vote for him than the other guy. Votes determine the best liar not the better policy. People voted for Hitler once too I guess his policies were the shiznittlebam
You are making assumptions to cover for the fact that your preferred candidate lost

Simply winning an election makes you President of the United States

That is all that matters

Stop trying to change the subject righty. Explain to me with some objectively reasonable evidence that everyone that didn't vote who could all would have voted for Obama if they had voted as you claimed.

Its kind of like your reasoning that those who did not vote cannot be counted as supporting Obama

We can only assume that only an idiot who opposed the job that Obama did in his first term would be foolish enough not to go to the polls and vote him out of office. The only logical assumption is that EVERY person who was against Obama went and voted to get rid of him.
Therefore the only logical conclusion is that ALL 120 million people who did not vote would have voted for Obama.

That makes Obamas final numbers

Obama 180 million supporters
Romney 60 million supporters

75% of Americans supported Obama in the last election

Sorry. Your 'logic' is an utter failure and you're contradicting yourself AND your lieing about what I said. Your first assumption is simply not reasonable or logical. There could be all kinds of reasons thoss 120 million didn't vote. They were apathetic, they were busy, etc. But it simply isn't rationale to claim that if you asked all 120 million of them who they would have voted for that every last one of them would say Obama. Hell I almost didnt' vote this year cause as much as I believe Obama is the worst President ever, I'm no huge fan of these status quo replucian candidates either. You have no basis for your 75% other than your horribly flawed assumptions, you know how ridiculous a statement that is and so does everyone else. As usual you simply lack the integrity to admit when your wrong. Secondly you can't have it both ways. You claimed the people that don't vote, don't count. Now you are counting them because it's convenient for you.
Because he won an election that means his policies are succeeding ? No, it doesn't.

What we know is not succeeding is the Republican propaganda machine screaming FAIL after every Obama initiative, or claiming that Obama is the worst president in history or claiming that Obama is a socialist or claiming that most of the voters are stupid and only conservatives know the answer or claiming that tax cuts are the answer to every problem

How did that work out for you?

I have no vested interested in seeing Republicans or Democrats in power. In the scale of their policies, they are both right of center and more authoritarian than libertarian. Both of there policies will and are failing. You are trying to make a connection that says because Obama won his policies work. That is false. He won because he got more sheeple to vote for him than the other guy. Votes determine the best liar not the better policy. People voted for Hitler once too I guess his policies were the shiznittlebam

The Left also predicted after his first election
that Republicans would lose power in all branches
for the next 40 years

They were only off by 38 years

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