The Worst President in history has been reelected

The "will of the people" elected Obama to a second term

Get over it

No, the will of the 62,828,346 people out of 122,107,860 people who voted elected Obama to a second term. While, the will of about 97,188,729 of the remaining eligible voters just simply didn't give a shit.

Read your Constitution

We the People reelected President Obama

The people have spoken....Obama is your President

He is the President, he had an electoral landslide, not so much a democratic landslide, but that's not our system.

IMO the best thing for conservatives to do is highlight the missteps, egregious policies, obvious lies, then stand down. Make it clear via MSM that they are respecting the will of the people, including his stellar approval ratings. Let the Dems take the kudos if his policies work, fault if they don't.
That they did not vote does not take away from the fact that they're American citizens and it damn well is not irrelevant. And, it's certainly relevant in any claim some pathetic leftist might have that they think they're somehow some majority or, that they somehow outnumber someone. And, they affected the political process by not voting...dope. Additionally, that you think that if they don't vote, they don't exist? Oh I sure wish your chump-in-chief would have said that on the campaign trail. He probably did but, the mainstream leftist media ignored it. So does that mean, in your opinion, 113.8 million people in this country don't exist, they're irrelevant and, they deserve nothing? LOL! Come on, sound this message far and wide...and, LOUD, too. I dare you. You've certainly got an enormous set to be giving sermons about Romney's 47% comment after this.

They are American citizens who have forfeited their right to participate in the selection of the political representatives who make decisions that affect their lives. In terms of the political process....They do not exist

Wrong. That they didn't vote took away votes from the political representatives who make the decisions that affect their lives. They likely took votes away from both Obama and Romney. To be old enough to vote, and not vote, is to take away a vote.

To ponder how they would have voted or what impact they would have had in the past election is irrelevant.

It's not irrelevant in the context that one might claim a majority of the American people voted for Obama or that, somehow, those supporting Obama outnumber those who do NOT support Obama. But, if course, we can expect it to be considered not relevant to you since you just simply can't have someone proving you wrong in any claim you might have that you're the majority or that your views outnumber the views of everyone else.

Those of us who take the trouble of actually voting get to make the decisions. Those who choose to sit on the sidelines do not exist in terms of the will of the people. Their will says let other people decide

Well no, not necessarily do those who take the trouble of actually voting get to make the decisions. And, again, you damn right they exist in terms of the will of the people. But, again, we expect this is going to be the claim you'll make because, your chump won. Had he not, then surely, you're position would be quite different. Then, you'd be talking about how if those who didn't vote would have voted and voted for Obama, you would have won. If 3.6 million out of that 113.8 million who didn't vote voted for Romney, we'd be listening to you talk about how if the other 110.2 million would have voted for Obama you would have won. So, don't give me this crap that they don't affect the representation in this country and that they somehow don't matter.

Strangely enough, there are people who have the moral fiber to refrain from voting if they find no candidate who truly represents them, unlike those who choose "the lesser of two evils".
The election of your chump-in-chief proves you wrong.

Evidently not

Our leader has once again demonstrated that he has the faith of the American people behind him

No, he has the faith of approximately 62.8 million American people behind him while, approximately 173.1 million people 18 and over didn't vote for him.

I am equally sure that had they wanted to vote for him, they would have turned out to do so. The rest had the integrity to refrain from voting for "the lesser of evils".
Evidently not

Our leader has once again demonstrated that he has the faith of the American people behind him

No, he has the faith of approximately 62.8 million American people behind him while, approximately 173.1 million people 18 and over didn't vote for him.

People who don't vote have no dog in the fight. Obama won the vote from those who do and is our President for the next four years

God Bless America

Actually, obama and his minister's fervent wish has come true, America is damned.
No, he has the faith of approximately 62.8 million American people behind him while, approximately 173.1 million people 18 and over didn't vote for him.

People who don't vote have no dog in the fight. Obama won the vote from those who do and is our President for the next four years

God Bless America

Actually, obama and his minister's fervent wish has come true, America is damned.

Four more years!

God Bless the USA
i get sick of people bickering back and forth at a Rep or a Democat. We are not glued to a Party, we are all Americans. The two party system seperates people and makes us fight back and forth and this should not be happening. We should have stuck together and voted this Muslim out of office. We are all going to struggle because of Obama in the next 4 yrs.
i get sick of people bickering back and forth at a rep or a democat. We are not glued to a party, we are all americans. The two party system seperates people and makes us fight back and forth and this should not be happening. We should have stuck together and voted this muslim out of office. We are all going to struggle because of obama in the next 4 yrs.

i get sick of people bickering back and forth at a rep or a democat. We are not glued to a party, we are all americans. The two party system seperates people and makes us fight back and forth and this should not be happening. We should have stuck together and voted this muslim out of office. We are all going to struggle because of obama in the next 4 yrs.


I have to concur. This is as weird as 'magic underwear' that the MSM fussed about.
i get sick of people bickering back and forth at a rep or a democat. We are not glued to a party, we are all americans. The two party system seperates people and makes us fight back and forth and this should not be happening. We should have stuck together and voted this muslim out of office. We are all going to struggle because of obama in the next 4 yrs.


I have to concur. This is as weird as 'magic underwear' that the MSM fussed about.

Hey watch it or evil will overtake your fundie undieless body parts.
Evidently not

Our leader has once again demonstrated that he has the faith of the American people behind him

No, he has the faith of approximately 62.8 million American people behind him while, approximately 173.1 million people 18 and over didn't vote for him.

People who don't vote have no dog in the fight. Obama won the vote from those who do and is our President for the next four years

God Bless America

We'll see who has no dog in the fight. Simply because they didn't vote? This does not take away their right to contact their senators and representatives in Congress and, we'll see who has a dog in the fight. And, no, Obamination won the vote of 62.8 million people who do have a dog in the fight insofar as selecting a president goes. Which, in the greater scheme of things, since this president is not king, does not mean that those who didn't vote don't have a dog in the fight in shaping what it is and, what it isn't, that dickweed can do.
If we had counted the votes of those who did not vote last Tuesday, Obama would have won 180 million votes

Proving once again that Obama had a mandate

your numbers don't add up. There are 240 million, give or take, eligible voters. 118 million of them voted for one candidate or the other. That's a difference of 122 million. You're only 58 million off. The second problem is your assuming for whatever nonsensical reason that those 122 million would go to Obama.

Of course they add up

Obama received 60 million votes

120 million people didn't vote, we can assume they all would have voted for Obama which would give him 180 million votes
You've been breathing too many fumes down in the sewers, Skippy.

I suspect deliberately.
The "will of the people" elected Obama to a second term

Get over it

No, the will of the 62,828,346 people out of 122,107,860 people who voted elected Obama to a second term. While, the will of about 97,188,729 of the remaining eligible voters just simply didn't give a shit.

Read your Constitution

We the People reelected President Obama

No, you the 62.8 million people out of 122.1 million, in a nation with 219.3 million eligible voters, re-elected Obamination to a second term.

The people have spoken....Obama is your President

No, 62.8 million people out of 219.3 million eligible voters spoke. And, Obamination isn't my president. I didn't vote for him. I voted for the American.
Roosevelt ignored foreign policy and led the US into inviting an attack on a Navy outpost in the Pacific and into an international conflagration that cost the lives of half a billion people. The media never met a democrat they didn't like so nobody criticized FDR. Harry Truman couldn't stand up to his own commander and 50,000 Americans were killed in three years of the Korean War. No criticism by the media who never saw a democrat they didn't like. Everyone laughed about LBJ'sl dirty tricks and his criminal political tactics. His lies led us into the debacle of Vietnam but the media rallied to bolster his legacy ...because he was a democrat. That's the way it works so get used to it.
No, he has the faith of approximately 62.8 million American people behind him while, approximately 173.1 million people 18 and over didn't vote for him.

People who don't vote have no dog in the fight. Obama won the vote from those who do and is our President for the next four years

God Bless America

We'll see who has no dog in the fight. Simply because they didn't vote? This does not take away their right to contact their senators and representatives in Congress and, we'll see who has a dog in the fight. And, no, Obamination won the vote of 62.8 million people who do have a dog in the fight insofar as selecting a president goes. Which, in the greater scheme of things, since this president is not king, does not mean that those who didn't vote don't have a dog in the fight in shaping what it is and, what it isn't, that dickweed can do.

You don't vote, whom you may or may not have voted for is irrelevant. You have no dog in that fight

The people who got off their ass to actually vote selected our President. Some waited in line for over six hours to cast their ballot

The American people have spoken. President Obama is once again our President
No, the will of the 62,828,346 people out of 122,107,860 people who voted elected Obama to a second term. While, the will of about 97,188,729 of the remaining eligible voters just simply didn't give a shit.

Read your Constitution

We the People reelected President Obama

No, you the 62.8 million people out of 122.1 million, in a nation with 219.3 million eligible voters, re-elected Obamination to a second term.

The people have spoken....Obama is your President

No, 62.8 million people out of 219.3 million eligible voters spoke. And, Obamination isn't my president. I didn't vote for him. I voted for the American.

Obama is your president with it
Roosevelt ignored foreign policy and led the US into inviting an attack on a Navy outpost in the Pacific and into an international conflagration that cost the lives of half a billion people. The media never met a democrat they didn't like so nobody criticized FDR. Harry Truman couldn't stand up to his own commander and 50,000 Americans were killed in three years of the Korean War. No criticism by the media who never saw a democrat they didn't like. Everyone laughed about LBJ'sl dirty tricks and his criminal political tactics. His lies led us into the debacle of Vietnam but the media rallied to bolster his legacy ...because he was a democrat. That's the way it works so get used to it.

Nobody was attacked as savagely by the media as LBJ
People who don't vote have no dog in the fight. Obama won the vote from those who do and is our President for the next four years

God Bless America

Actually, obama and his minister's fervent wish has come true, America is damned.

Four more years!

God Bless the USA

It may too late...
In the words of Papa Obama's ex-pastor of 20 years
The chickens are coming home to roost

Indeed, be careful what you wish for,,,,
The Worst President in history has been reelected
everyday, even more true




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Sinced we are both making assumptions on how 180 million apathetic Americans would have voted....I am assuming they all would have voted for Obama

What is your assumption?

I can't really assume much useful about them. But know for a fact that some of the 60 million who voted for him, don't like him much at all. They simply disliked Romney more.

The point is, as long as 'lesser-of-two-evils' prevails, simply winning the election can't be seen as a mandate.

You are making assumptions to cover for the fact that your preferred candidate lost

Simply winning an election makes you President of the United States

That is all that matters

Stop trying to change the subject righty. Explain to me with some objectively reasonable evidence that everyone that didn't vote who could all would have voted for Obama if they had voted as you claimed.
I can't really assume much useful about them. But know for a fact that some of the 60 million who voted for him, don't like him much at all. They simply disliked Romney more.

The point is, as long as 'lesser-of-two-evils' prevails, simply winning the election can't be seen as a mandate.

You are making assumptions to cover for the fact that your preferred candidate lost

Simply winning an election makes you President of the United States

That is all that matters

Stop trying to change the subject righty. Explain to me with some objectively reasonable evidence that everyone that didn't vote who could all would have voted for Obama if they had voted as you claimed.

Its kind of like your reasoning that those who did not vote cannot be counted as supporting Obama

We can only assume that only an idiot who opposed the job that Obama did in his first term would be foolish enough not to go to the polls and vote him out of office. The only logical assumption is that EVERY person who was against Obama went and voted to get rid of him.
Therefore the only logical conclusion is that ALL 120 million people who did not vote would have voted for Obama.

That makes Obamas final numbers

Obama 180 million supporters
Romney 60 million supporters

75% of Americans supported Obama in the last election
332-206 is a mandate by any stretch of the imagination

As I said in my original post, the key is not popular vote (which is mostly irrelevant to winning) but the electoral vote

The electoral vote was stacked against Romney before the first voter cast his vote. There are now more blue state votes than red. Any Democrat automatically starts out ahead.

The crisis for the Republicans is that current demographics will turn more battleground states blue (Look for Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada to go blue) and more red states to turn into battleground states (Arizona and Texas long term)

If this happens, Republicans will be unable to reach 270 regardless of what they do

Is this a mandate?
Probably not. Republicans can still vote any way they wish regardless of the vote count.

But it is a wake-up call. The Electoral votes are slipping away. If Republicans think current GOP tactics and policies will stop it they are sadly mistaken

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