The Worst President in history has been reelected

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! You are a funny one...I'll give you that.


Political compass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

good fight?

Is this supposed to mean anything? So some leftist wrote a Wikipedia entry and labeled Obama as somehow being right of center. Big deal. Maybe it was even you who put the entry in? Oh...that's right, maybe you didn't know just any whack job can put an entry into Wikipedia, or something? I can edit Wikipedia and put an entry in which says Obama is a woman...too. Wouldn't make it true.

Okay well, do some research. Learn something. Obama is right of center, in almost the exact same position as George W. Bush (not surprising considering Obama has continued all of his policies).

I'm guessing you didn't even read the article as it explains very well how and where the compass/spectrum came about.

Also, ask anyone on the planet with any formal training in poli sci and they will say the same.


Is this supposed to mean anything? So some leftist wrote a Wikipedia entry and labeled Obama as somehow being right of center. Big deal. Maybe it was even you who put the entry in? Oh...that's right, maybe you didn't know just any whack job can put an entry into Wikipedia, or something? I can edit Wikipedia and put an entry in which says Obama is a woman...too. Wouldn't make it true.

Okay well, do some research. Learn something. Obama is right of center, in almost the exact same position as George W. Bush (not surprising considering Obama has continued all of his policies).

I'm guessing you didn't even read the article as it explains very well how and where the compass/spectrum came about.

Also, ask anyone on the planet with any formal training in poli sci and they will say the same.


Simply because Obamination has a Republican House which keeps his entire leftist agenda at bay? This does not make him right of center. He's right of center like I'm a champion for the left. LOL! He's a flaming leftist of monumental proportions.
Republicans have never been good at math......elitism

Indeed, unlike the "father" of Progressives

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. "


OMG....Democrats are COMMIES!

That hasn't worked since the 50s......oh I forgot, Republicans have assumed the political posture of the 50s

Actually, it would be more proper to say
Commies in the US are Democrats


But by all means, tell us why you don't agree with communism
The POS makes Carter look like Abe Lincoln. Nice going America.

I blame it on the 3 million GOP who sat home on their asses and didnt vote. The takers won you fools.

They were too busy playing golf, it was the only time the secret service didn't have the courses locked down for Obama.

Nice reversal!!!
Missed by everyone!
Is this supposed to mean anything? So some leftist wrote a Wikipedia entry and labeled Obama as somehow being right of center. Big deal. Maybe it was even you who put the entry in? Oh...that's right, maybe you didn't know just any whack job can put an entry into Wikipedia, or something? I can edit Wikipedia and put an entry in which says Obama is a woman...too. Wouldn't make it true.

Okay well, do some research. Learn something. Obama is right of center, in almost the exact same position as George W. Bush (not surprising considering Obama has continued all of his policies).

I'm guessing you didn't even read the article as it explains very well how and where the compass/spectrum came about.

Also, ask anyone on the planet with any formal training in poli sci and they will say the same.


Simply because Obamination has a Republican House which keeps his entire leftist agenda at bay? This does not make him right of center. He's right of center like I'm a champion for the left. LOL! He's a flaming leftist of monumental proportions.

Plus, look at his graph
Nelson Mandela's placement
I am still laughing at that one
Indeed, unlike the "father" of Progressives

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. "


OMG....Democrats are COMMIES!

That hasn't worked since the 50s......oh I forgot, Republicans have assumed the political posture of the 50s

Actually, it would be more proper to say
Commies in the US are Democrats


But by all means, tell us why you don't agree with communism

OMG.......Allen West was right!

We are so sorry we voted you out of office
your inability and poor attempt to spin
from telling us why you
don't agree with Communism
is noted
The POS makes Carter look like Abe Lincoln. Nice going America.

I blame it on the 3 million GOP who sat home on their asses and didnt vote. The takers won you fools.

Stop the Presses!

The worst president in history.
An avowed socialist
A man set on destroying our economy
A freaking Muslim

And 3 million republicans stay home? I thought you guys said you loved America?
Twinkies are dead and Al Qaeda is alive

One should be careful what they wish for...
your inability and poor attempt to spin
from telling us why you
don't agree with Communism
is noted

Oh yes....the Red Menace sweeping across the nation

You guys really are stuck in the 50s
Big gov't and big unions and failed FDR style polices
are a desperate throwback and indication the left is stuck
in failed policies of the past

Don't fret your pretty little head
It is feeling more like the 70's day by day





Indeed, be careful what you wish for,,,,

Now add in
Twinkies are dead and Al Qaeda is alive

your statement
The Worst President in history has been reelected
everyday, even more true
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Twinkies are dead and Al Qaeda is alive

One should be careful what they wish for...

Why don't you post that Obama=Jimmy Carter pic again.


No doubt to Papa Obama's credit
Carter still holds title as the other worse President in history
Then again, the Left should be careful what they wish for,,,

But if you like pictures
this one is more, apropos

Says who? The intelligence community that brought you iraq's wmds?

As opposed to who saying otherwise? The same armchair political scholars that predicted Romney would win in a landslide?

No doubt. My point was that you shouldnt trust those in power to be honest about things that affect their job

Twinkies are a noted brand name. A new buyer is already in the works

To paraphrase Twain......reports of the Twinkies demise are greatly exaggerated
Twinkies are dead and Al Qaeda is alive

One should be careful what they wish for...

Why don't you post that Obama=Jimmy Carter pic again.


No doubt to Papa Obama's credit
Carter still holds title as the other worse President in history
Then again, the Left should be careful what they wish for,,,

But if you like pictures
this one is more, apropos


The worst president title would go to republicans hands down. Nixon was forced out of office. Reagans administration had over one hundred and thirty felony convictions. The attack on America's soil where almost 3,000 were killed was on Bush's watch. Some of you right wing posters are so ignorant and brainwashed you're an embarrassment to this country.
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The people re-elected total incompetence and yes we will pay for this mistake.

actually the american people did not put him in office.The establishment did.we dont elect these people,they are selected for us by them.whomever they want in office they will make sure their man gets in.

They did not care if Obama or Romney was elected.they are both puppets of wall street and the zionists and neither believe in the constitution.they sabotoged ron pauls campaine by having our corrupt court system throw out the lawsuit that delgeates of Romneys had against him for being forced to be delegates of his instead of Pauls.The RNC also made sure he did not get the nomination making last minute rule changes at the convention sabotoging his strategy to get delegates. Paul was the only candidate who believes in the constitution and serving us instead of wall street and the zionists so as long as Romney or Obama got elected,they were happy and are happy campers now knowing Obama will be their willing puppet willing to do their bidding.

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