The Worst President in history has been reelected

Oh, well that one's easy. One rigs an election is how you get "LESS white vote than Dukakis did with completely different results". DUH! You might want to look into those voting precincts which reported 100% to 150% of voter turnout. LOL! St. Lucie might be a good start for you.

Here, here's a small example.

Voting Station: 001 Lakewood Pk Vil Hall - County
Reg. Voters: 4,815
Cards Cast: 6,726
% Turnout: 139.69%

Voting Station: 006 Orange Blossom Business Center
Reg. Voters: 1,849
Cards Cast: 2,513
% Turnout: 135.91%

Voting Station: 007 Havert L. Fenn Ctr - City of FP D2
Reg. Voters: 1,996
Cards Cast: 2,171
% Turnout: 136.12%

Voting Station: Midway Rd Church of Christ
Reg. Voters: 2,694
Cards Cast: 4,023
% Turnout: 149.33%

And, the total is?

Total Reg. Voters: 175,554
Total Cards Cast: 247,383
]% Turnout: 140.92%

man... you are great laughter therapy. Don't you honestly think that, if there were any real and credible evidence that Obama had fraudulently won the election, the courts would be inundated with suits filed by hordes of GOP lawyers? Wait.... that was a silly question. Obviously, "honestly thinking" is something you are incapable of doing. Polly wanna cracker? :lol:

Oh...don't worry about that. It isn't over...yet.

Why do you keep posting that debunked "cards cast" nonsense?

glutton for punishment
Oh, well that one's easy. One rigs an election is how you get "LESS white vote than Dukakis did with completely different results". DUH! You might want to look into those voting precincts which reported 100% to 150% of voter turnout. LOL! St. Lucie might be a good start for you.

Here, here's a small example.

Voting Station: 001 Lakewood Pk Vil Hall - County
Reg. Voters: 4,815
Cards Cast: 6,726
% Turnout: 139.69%

Voting Station: 006 Orange Blossom Business Center
Reg. Voters: 1,849
Cards Cast: 2,513
% Turnout: 135.91%

Voting Station: 007 Havert L. Fenn Ctr - City of FP D2
Reg. Voters: 1,996
Cards Cast: 2,171
% Turnout: 136.12%

Voting Station: Midway Rd Church of Christ
Reg. Voters: 2,694
Cards Cast: 4,023
% Turnout: 149.33%

And, the total is?

Total Reg. Voters: 175,554
Total Cards Cast: 247,383
]% Turnout: 140.92%

man... you are great laughter therapy. Don't you honestly think that, if there were any real and credible evidence that Obama had fraudulently won the election, the courts would be inundated with suits filed by hordes of GOP lawyers? Wait.... that was a silly question. Obviously, "honestly thinking" is something you are incapable of doing. Polly wanna cracker? :lol:

[Oh...don't worry about that. It isn't over...yet.

Republican Myths About Overvoting | Dispatches from the Culture Wars

from the link:

Joseph Farah and many others are screaming “voter fraud!” based on some easily debunked numbers, though it’s clear they haven’t even tried to check them out. For example, they’re claiming that in St. Lucie County, Florida, there were more ballots cast than eligible voters:

Out of 175,554 registered voters, 247,713 vote cards were cast in St. Lucie County, Florida on Tuesday. Barack Obama won the county.

When faced with the astronomical figures, Gertrude Walker, Supervisor of Elections for St. Lucie County, said she had no idea why turnout was so incredibly high. She was flabbergasted, saying, “We’ve never seen that here.”

Yeah. Now look at the article he links to and what it actually says:

70.7% of the district’s 175,552 registered voters cast their ballots in the election. That’s a lower percentage than the 2008 election, which saw 77% of registered voters cast ballots. Walker had originally predicted 80% of voters would turn out.

And then look at the actual voting results for the county. The number for “cards cast” is not the same as the number of ballots turned in and votes recorded. That’s because the ballot was two pages long, so the number of cards cast is twice the number of ballots. If they’d just looked at those numbers they would see that 123,591 votes were cast for president out of 175,554 eligible voters. That’s 70.4%. Gee, that’s almost exactly half of 141%, isn’t it? Reading isn’t the only thing that’s fundamental; thinking is too.

at some point, doesn't your self esteem take such a constant battering that it makes it almost impossible for you to get up the energy to come here and have your culo spanked over and over again? But don't stop on MY account. You have absolutely no idea how affirming you are to me... whenever I think I might be getting too cocky about the rightness of my political philosophy and the superiority of my intellect when compared to most on the other side... all I have to do is read your catalog of work and my faith in myself and my arrogance about my bigger brain are thankfully and legitimately restored!
declaring victory? that's a done deal. Obama beat Mittens and his magic underwear. the electorate has spoken. Elections have consequences. you lost. we won. :lol:

what are you gonna DO about it, that's what I wanna know? Besides whine, of course.
Just like I always do:

Point out the idiocy of leftists.

You don't like it?

Too bad. :lol:

it's a loser's tact.... you lost. your side lost. your party got beat. my side won... my party won. Losers can call the winners idiots all they want, but all the winners really need to do is laugh at such silliness... because we won, and you didn't. And, as I said last night, until your party of angry white men figures out how to be something more inclusive, you will always be losers. Call me an idiot all you like from the cheap seats.... it's great fun watching you tapdance down there.
You sound like the captain of the Titanic, jumping up and down, shouting "YEAH!! We SHOWED that iceberg, didn't we?!"

This is some of that idiocy I was talking about. :lmao:
Just like I always do:

Point out the idiocy of leftists.

You don't like it?

Too bad. :lol:

it's a loser's tact.... you lost. your side lost. your party got beat. my side won... my party won. Losers can call the winners idiots all they want, but all the winners really need to do is laugh at such silliness... because we won, and you didn't. And, as I said last night, until your party of angry white men figures out how to be something more inclusive, you will always be losers. Call me an idiot all you like from the cheap seats.... it's great fun watching you tapdance down there.
You sound like the captain of the Titanic, jumping up and down, shouting "YEAH!! We SHOWED that iceberg, didn't we?!"

This is some of that idiocy I was talking about. :lmao:
it's a loser's tact.... you lost. your side lost. your party got beat. my side won... my party won. Losers can call the winners idiots all they want, but all the winners really need to do is laugh at such silliness... because we won, and you didn't. And, as I said last night, until your party of angry white men figures out how to be something more inclusive, you will always be losers. Call me an idiot all you like from the cheap seats.... it's great fun watching you tapdance down there.
You sound like the captain of the Titanic, jumping up and down, shouting "YEAH!! We SHOWED that iceberg, didn't we?!"

This is some of that idiocy I was talking about. :lmao:
:lol: That thread is full of win.
Just like I always do:

Point out the idiocy of leftists.

You don't like it?

Too bad. :lol:

it's a loser's tact.... you lost. your side lost. your party got beat. my side won... my party won. Losers can call the winners idiots all they want, but all the winners really need to do is laugh at such silliness... because we won, and you didn't. And, as I said last night, until your party of angry white men figures out how to be something more inclusive, you will always be losers. Call me an idiot all you like from the cheap seats.... it's great fun watching you tapdance down there.
You sound like the captain of the Titanic, jumping up and down, shouting "YEAH!! We SHOWED that iceberg, didn't we?!"

This is some of that idiocy I was talking about. :lmao:

All my life, I have walked past loony guys on street corners predicting the end of this or that society or culture or country or planet.... you're no different. We'll get out of this fiscal mess and it will take both sides helping.... just like we would have gotten out of this mess is Mittens in the magic underwear (YOUR boy) had won rather than Obama. But he didn't win.... and you wanted him to win SO BADLY... and that makes me giggle.

And "idiocy"? I am absolutely independently wealthy, living in a gorgeous city with a great wife and great friends.... if you think I got here by being "idiotic", you need to rethink that supposition. :lol:
it's a loser's tact.... you lost. your side lost. your party got beat. my side won... my party won. Losers can call the winners idiots all they want, but all the winners really need to do is laugh at such silliness... because we won, and you didn't. And, as I said last night, until your party of angry white men figures out how to be something more inclusive, you will always be losers. Call me an idiot all you like from the cheap seats.... it's great fun watching you tapdance down there.
You sound like the captain of the Titanic, jumping up and down, shouting "YEAH!! We SHOWED that iceberg, didn't we?!"

This is some of that idiocy I was talking about. :lmao:

All my life, I have walked past loony guys on street corners predicting the end of this or that society or culture or country or planet.... you're no different. We'll get out of this fiscal mess and it will take both sides helping.... just like we would have gotten out of this mess is Mittens in the magic underwear (YOUR boy) had won rather than Obama. But he didn't win.... and you wanted him to win SO BADLY... and that makes me giggle.
Funny -- it was the left predicting the end of the world if Obama wasn't elected. :lol:
And "idiocy"? I am absolutely independently wealthy, living in a gorgeous city with a great wife and great friends.... if you think I got here by being "idiotic", you need to rethink that supposition. :lol:
You're an idiot if you expect anyone to believe that you're independently wealthy. :lmao:
You sound like the captain of the Titanic, jumping up and down, shouting "YEAH!! We SHOWED that iceberg, didn't we?!"

This is some of that idiocy I was talking about. :lmao:

All my life, I have walked past loony guys on street corners predicting the end of this or that society or culture or country or planet.... you're no different. We'll get out of this fiscal mess and it will take both sides helping.... just like we would have gotten out of this mess is Mittens in the magic underwear (YOUR boy) had won rather than Obama. But he didn't win.... and you wanted him to win SO BADLY... and that makes me giggle.
Funny -- it was the left predicting the end of the world if Obama wasn't elected. :lol:
And "idiocy"? I am absolutely independently wealthy, living in a gorgeous city with a great wife and great friends.... if you think I got here by being "idiotic", you need to rethink that supposition. :lol:
You're an idiot if you expect anyone to believe that you're independently wealthy. :lmao:

why would you say such a baseless thing as that, besides the obvious "envious denial" motive? When I was back in Annapolis earlier in the fall for my reunion, I was pleased and proud to see the large number of my classmates from my company alone that had also achieved that status.

And I never predicted the end of the world if Obama weren't reelected. Not once. You're the one with the Titanic references, not me.

p.s. can you see the desperate tone your posts have taken over the past day or so?
Last edited:
man... you are great laughter therapy. Don't you honestly think that, if there were any real and credible evidence that Obama had fraudulently won the election, the courts would be inundated with suits filed by hordes of GOP lawyers? Wait.... that was a silly question. Obviously, "honestly thinking" is something you are incapable of doing. Polly wanna cracker? :lol:

Oh...don't worry about that. It isn't over...yet.

Why do you keep posting that debunked "cards cast" nonsense?

glutton for punishment

What's the matter? Don't you like the truth? Why don't you elaborate a little further on why you think it is there was almost a 150% voter turnout, when there can only be 100%? And, you nor anyone else has "debunked" squat. I showed you the actual PDF document showing the votes cast and, it doesn't come from a blog, it doesn't come from "right-wing"'s an actual scanned document showing the number of cards cast. Prove it inaccurate, if you can. I know leftists don't like the truth but...there it is.
Oh...don't worry about that. It isn't over...yet.

Why do you keep posting that debunked "cards cast" nonsense?

glutton for punishment

What's the matter? Don't you like the truth? Why don't you elaborate a little further on why you think it is there was almost a 150% voter turnout, when there can only be 100%? And, you nor anyone else has "debunked" squat. I showed you the actual PDF document showing the votes cast and, it doesn't come from a blog, it doesn't come from "right-wing"'s an actual scanned document showing the number of cards cast. Prove it inaccurate, if you can. I know leftists don't like the truth but...there it is.

Did you read the link I provided at 9:34 this morning? Obviously not. "cards cast" indicates the number of "cards" that were put through the voting machine. In this particular election, given the number of races and ballot questions and bond issues, each voter was issued two sheets upon which to make all his or her choices. For example, when I voted absentee this year, there were four different sheets that I had to mark that would, when they arrived back in the states, be fed into a machine showing that this one voter cast four "cards".
Oh...and Geezer....

do yourself a favor and go look at page three and four in your own PDF link: Docs/2012 General/rescan/GEMS SOVC REPORT.pdf

it shows the number of registered voters in each polling location and the number of votes cast for president and vice president in each location. Just as I said, the number of votes cast for president and vice president is nearly exactly one half of the "cards cast" number listed on pages 1 and 2.

Sometimes, when something looks too good to be true, that's because it is too good to be true.
man... you are great laughter therapy. Don't you honestly think that, if there were any real and credible evidence that Obama had fraudulently won the election, the courts would be inundated with suits filed by hordes of GOP lawyers? Wait.... that was a silly question. Obviously, "honestly thinking" is something you are incapable of doing. Polly wanna cracker? :lol:

[Oh...don't worry about that. It isn't over...yet.

Republican Myths About Overvoting | Dispatches from the Culture Wars

from the link:

Joseph Farah and many others are screaming “voter fraud!” based on some easily debunked numbers, though it’s clear they haven’t even tried to check them out. For example, they’re claiming that in St. Lucie County, Florida, there were more ballots cast than eligible voters:

Out of 175,554 registered voters, 247,713 vote cards were cast in St. Lucie County, Florida on Tuesday. Barack Obama won the county.

When faced with the astronomical figures, Gertrude Walker, Supervisor of Elections for St. Lucie County, said she had no idea why turnout was so incredibly high. She was flabbergasted, saying, “We’ve never seen that here.”

Yeah. Now look at the article he links to and what it actually says:

70.7% of the district’s 175,552 registered voters cast their ballots in the election. That’s a lower percentage than the 2008 election, which saw 77% of registered voters cast ballots. Walker had originally predicted 80% of voters would turn out.

And then look at the actual voting results for the county. The number for “cards cast” is not the same as the number of ballots turned in and votes recorded. That’s because the ballot was two pages long, so the number of cards cast is twice the number of ballots.
If they’d just looked at those numbers they would see that 123,591 votes were cast for president out of 175,554 eligible voters. That’s 70.4%. Gee, that’s almost exactly half of 141%, isn’t it? Reading isn’t the only thing that’s fundamental; thinking is too.
Oh puhlease...give us some more of your BS. Prove the ballot was two pages long in the first place and, prove that both pages were counted as two separate cards cast. You're an idiot if you expect anyone is going to believe this tripe. One card, whether it has two pages or fifty pages, is one card...dope. But, nice spin. Further, I guess you know more than Gertrude Walker, Supervisor of Elections for St. Lucie County, who was flabbergasted and had no idea why the turnout was so high? If the ballot was two pages long and they were counting each page as a card cast, wouldn't this Gertrude Walker have known that and explained that's the reason why the turnout was so high, instead of saying she was flabbergasted and had no idea why the turnout was so high?

Also, the number of registered voters was 175,554 and, the number of cards cast was 247,383. If all registered voters voted and the card was two pages long and they were counting each page as a single card cast, this would mean each registered voter cast two pages. 175,554 registered voters x two pages each cast would equal 351,108, not 247,383. Additionally, what are the chances that all 175,554 registered voters are going to cast a vote? Not likely. The number representing the number of registered voters is the number of registered voters, not the number of people who cast a vote.

Furthermore, if we take the 123,591 voters you're speaking of and multiply them by two cards? That's 247,182, not the 247,383 cards cast as documented in the PDF document cited in the link. Yes, it's close but, it shouldn't be close. It should equal exactly that amount. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. If we're going to use your hypothesis and suggest those 123,591 voters each cast two cards, then that would equal 247,182 cards cast whereas the document says there were 247,383 cards cast. That's 201 more cards cast than should have been in this one county alone. And, guess who won this county? If the cards are two pages and the first page is for the president, I suspect those extra 201 cards that were cast were the first page, in favor of Obama. I suspect if two hundred or more extra cards were cast in each leftist enclave in Florida, this would be pretty beneficial for Obama.

And, lastly...really? A 70.4% voter turnout in St. Lucie? Do you really believe that?

If we use your hypothesis, then voting precinct 065 Harb Ridg Clubhouse - County, which reported a 182.47% turnout, dividing that in half, like you divided the 141% in half to come up with the 70.4% number you cite, that would be a 91.2% voter turnout for 065 Harb Ridg Clubhouse - County. Uh huh...sure.

at some point, doesn't your self esteem take such a constant battering that it makes it almost impossible for you to get up the energy to come here and have your culo spanked over and over again? But don't stop on MY account. You have absolutely no idea how affirming you are to me... whenever I think I might be getting too cocky about the rightness of my political philosophy and the superiority of my intellect when compared to most on the other side... all I have to do is read your catalog of work and my faith in myself and my arrogance about my bigger brain are thankfully and legitimately restored!

Oh puhlease, this stupid excuse was so easy to shoot down it's pathetic. I expected you might actually present a better spin than this. So, your arrogance about your alleged bigger brain is only legitimately restored in your drug addled imagination, nothing more.
Last edited:
All my life, I have walked past loony guys on street corners predicting the end of this or that society or culture or country or planet.... you're no different. We'll get out of this fiscal mess and it will take both sides helping.... just like we would have gotten out of this mess is Mittens in the magic underwear (YOUR boy) had won rather than Obama. But he didn't win.... and you wanted him to win SO BADLY... and that makes me giggle.
Funny -- it was the left predicting the end of the world if Obama wasn't elected. :lol:
And "idiocy"? I am absolutely independently wealthy, living in a gorgeous city with a great wife and great friends.... if you think I got here by being "idiotic", you need to rethink that supposition. :lol:
You're an idiot if you expect anyone to believe that you're independently wealthy. :lmao:

why would you say such a baseless thing as that, besides the obvious "envious denial" motive? When I was back in Annapolis earlier in the fall for my reunion, I was pleased and proud to see the large number of my classmates from my company alone that had also achieved that status.
Uh huh. Just the other day, I was just saying to my girlfriend, Scarlett Johansson, that people can say anything on the internet.
And I never predicted the end of the world if Obama weren't reelected. Not once. You're the one with the Titanic references, not me.
I didn't say it was you specifically, genius. I said "the left". Do at least try to keep up.
p.s. can you see the desperate tone your posts have taken over the past day or so?
I can see that you're imagining things. Of course, you can't be a leftist without a huge ability for self-deception.
You sound like the captain of the Titanic, jumping up and down, shouting "YEAH!! We SHOWED that iceberg, didn't we?!"

This is some of that idiocy I was talking about. :lmao:

All my life, I have walked past loony guys on street corners predicting the end of this or that society or culture or country or planet.... you're no different. We'll get out of this fiscal mess and it will take both sides helping.... just like we would have gotten out of this mess is Mittens in the magic underwear (YOUR boy) had won rather than Obama. But he didn't win.... and you wanted him to win SO BADLY... and that makes me giggle.
Funny -- it was the left predicting the end of the world if Obama wasn't elected. :lol:
And "idiocy"? I am absolutely independently wealthy, living in a gorgeous city with a great wife and great friends.... if you think I got here by being "idiotic", you need to rethink that supposition. :lol:
You're an idiot if you expect anyone to believe that you're independently wealthy. :lmao:

LOL! No kidding. Who would spend much if any time on a message board if they were independently wealthy? I think if I were independently wealthy, I'd be out on my yacht or cruising around in my Lamborghini, rather than spend my time on a message board.
Funny -- it was the left predicting the end of the world if Obama wasn't elected. :lol:

You're an idiot if you expect anyone to believe that you're independently wealthy. :lmao:

why would you say such a baseless thing as that, besides the obvious "envious denial" motive? When I was back in Annapolis earlier in the fall for my reunion, I was pleased and proud to see the large number of my classmates from my company alone that had also achieved that status.
Uh huh. Just the other day, I was just saying to my girlfriend, Scarlett Johansson, that people can say anything on the internet.
And I never predicted the end of the world if Obama weren't reelected. Not once. You're the one with the Titanic references, not me.
I didn't say it was you specifically, genius. I said "the left". Do at least try to keep up.
p.s. can you see the desperate tone your posts have taken over the past day or so?
I can see that you're imagining things. Of course, you can't be a leftist without a huge ability for self-deception.

it is pretty unbelievable that a self proclaimed Stephen King fan would be Scarlett's boyfriend when pretty much the whole world knows that she is currently hooked with Romain Dauriac (I actually didn't know that, but my wife did!) Why would you think it would be so unbelievable for a 62 year old man who did 25 years in the Navy and had a few other lucrative career moves along the way might find himself independently wealthy at this stage of his life? I have plenty of income. I don't ever need to work again... I can goof around and do as much or as little as I want to every day. I would do more , but I am still in a sling from rotator cuff surgery last month... I spent some time in politics while still in the states - all behind the scenes - and it has always interested me since I was a child. I have always been a democrat, and can't see that changing any time soon. I certainly don't delude or deceive myself - or you - in any way.

Again... you brought up the titanic, not me. You seemed to be predicting world ending disaster... maybe if you quit trying so hard to be a wise guy, and just had conversations with people instead of trying to score points and "win" something, you might find the experience more enjoyable... I know I certainly would. Except, of course, when it comes to this past election, which was a great and fun game for me to watch... and which I was extremely pleased that my team "won"... and that your team lost. But that football spiking euphoria in me will end soon, I imagine, and we both would be better served by discussions that lent themselves to finding common ground rather than assigning blame.

How would you like to restart on that note?
Why do you keep posting that debunked "cards cast" nonsense?

glutton for punishment

What's the matter? Don't you like the truth? Why don't you elaborate a little further on why you think it is there was almost a 150% voter turnout, when there can only be 100%? And, you nor anyone else has "debunked" squat. I showed you the actual PDF document showing the votes cast and, it doesn't come from a blog, it doesn't come from "right-wing"'s an actual scanned document showing the number of cards cast. Prove it inaccurate, if you can. I know leftists don't like the truth but...there it is.

Did you read the link I provided at 9:34 this morning? Obviously not. "cards cast" indicates the number of "cards" that were put through the voting machine. In this particular election, given the number of races and ballot questions and bond issues, each voter was issued two sheets upon which to make all his or her choices. For example, when I voted absentee this year, there were four different sheets that I had to mark that would, when they arrived back in the states, be fed into a machine showing that this one voter cast four "cards".

Yes, I read it and responded to it. And, prove that it would be shown as one voter casting four cards, rather than four sheets being considered one card. One voter card, whether it be two sheets, three sheets, or twenty sheets, would be considered one card, just like a roll of toilet paper, whether it's got 200 sheets, 500 sheets or 1,000 sheets, is considered one roll of toilet paper.
Oh...and Geezer....

do yourself a favor and go look at page three and four in your own PDF link: Docs/2012 General/rescan/GEMS SOVC REPORT.pdf

it shows the number of registered voters in each polling location and the number of votes cast for president and vice president in each location. Just as I said, the number of votes cast for president and vice president is nearly exactly one half of the "cards cast" number listed on pages 1 and 2.

Sometimes, when something looks too good to be true, that's because it is too good to be true.

Nearly exactly? Shouldn't it be exactly? If it's not exactly, still means there's shenanigans going on, as I point out in response to the link you showed. "Nearly exactly" don't count when it's supposed to be exactly.
What's the matter? Don't you like the truth? Why don't you elaborate a little further on why you think it is there was almost a 150% voter turnout, when there can only be 100%? And, you nor anyone else has "debunked" squat. I showed you the actual PDF document showing the votes cast and, it doesn't come from a blog, it doesn't come from "right-wing"'s an actual scanned document showing the number of cards cast. Prove it inaccurate, if you can. I know leftists don't like the truth but...there it is.

Did you read the link I provided at 9:34 this morning? Obviously not. "cards cast" indicates the number of "cards" that were put through the voting machine. In this particular election, given the number of races and ballot questions and bond issues, each voter was issued two sheets upon which to make all his or her choices. For example, when I voted absentee this year, there were four different sheets that I had to mark that would, when they arrived back in the states, be fed into a machine showing that this one voter cast four "cards".

Yes, I read it and responded to it. And, prove that it would be shown as one voter casting four cards, rather than four sheets being considered one card. One voter card, whether it be two sheets, three sheets, or twenty sheets, would be considered one card, just like a roll of toilet paper, whether it's got 200 sheets, 500 sheets or 1,000 sheets, is considered one roll of toilet paper.
did you read the number of votes cast for president and vice president in each polling place that is on page 3 and 4 of YOUR link? yes or no?
Oh...and Geezer....

do yourself a favor and go look at page three and four in your own PDF link: Docs/2012 General/rescan/GEMS SOVC REPORT.pdf

it shows the number of registered voters in each polling location and the number of votes cast for president and vice president in each location. Just as I said, the number of votes cast for president and vice president is nearly exactly one half of the "cards cast" number listed on pages 1 and 2.

Sometimes, when something looks too good to be true, that's because it is too good to be true.

Nearly exactly? Shouldn't it be exactly? If it's not exactly, still means there's shenanigans going on, as I point out in response to the link you showed. "Nearly exactly" don't count when it's supposed to be exactly.

again... your link shows that the number of votes for president and vice president is nearly exactly half of the cards cast in each voting place. your own link disproves your thesis.

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