The Worst President in history has been reelected

When parties fail, the electorate punishes them for those failures. i understand that. Until YOU and your party can accept the punishment the electorate just handed YOU, and adjust accordingly, you will be destined to re-experience it. That's just reality.
You accept that the electorate punished the GOP.

You will NOT accept the electorate punishing the Democratic Party.

That's just reality.

that is just a lie. I have always fully accepted when the democrats get their punishment from the electorate... 2004 and 2010 being two such times. When will you man up? My guess: when pigs fly.

and hey, davey... if you want to answer paragraphs with one liners, let's just cut to the chase and we can edit our interaction down to just using smilies and you could abandon any pretense of wanting to carry on any semblance of intelligent debate.

Cool. And you can just keep on dictating what I'm thinking then declaring victory.
You accept that the electorate punished the GOP.

You will NOT accept the electorate punishing the Democratic Party.

That's just reality.

that is just a lie. I have always fully accepted when the democrats get their punishment from the electorate... 2004 and 2010 being two such times. When will you man up? My guess: when pigs fly.

and hey, davey... if you want to answer paragraphs with one liners, let's just cut to the chase and we can edit our interaction down to just using smilies and you could abandon any pretense of wanting to carry on any semblance of intelligent debate.

Cool. And you can just keep on dictating what I'm thinking then declaring victory.

declaring victory? that's a done deal. Obama beat Mittens and his magic underwear. the electorate has spoken. Elections have consequences. you lost. we won. :lol:

what are you gonna DO about it, that's what I wanna know? Besides whine, of course.
that is just a lie. I have always fully accepted when the democrats get their punishment from the electorate... 2004 and 2010 being two such times. When will you man up? My guess: when pigs fly.

and hey, davey... if you want to answer paragraphs with one liners, let's just cut to the chase and we can edit our interaction down to just using smilies and you could abandon any pretense of wanting to carry on any semblance of intelligent debate.

Cool. And you can just keep on dictating what I'm thinking then declaring victory.

declaring victory? that's a done deal. Obama beat Mittens and his magic underwear. the electorate has spoken. Elections have consequences. you lost. we won. :lol:

what are you gonna DO about it, that's what I wanna know? Besides whine, of course.
Just like I always do:

Point out the idiocy of leftists.

You don't like it?

Too bad. :lol:
Cool. And you can just keep on dictating what I'm thinking then declaring victory.

declaring victory? that's a done deal. Obama beat Mittens and his magic underwear. the electorate has spoken. Elections have consequences. you lost. we won. :lol:

what are you gonna DO about it, that's what I wanna know? Besides whine, of course.
Just like I always do:

Point out the idiocy of leftists.

You don't like it?

Too bad. :lol:

it's a loser's tact.... you lost. your side lost. your party got beat. my side won... my party won. Losers can call the winners idiots all they want, but all the winners really need to do is laugh at such silliness... because we won, and you didn't. And, as I said last night, until your party of angry white men figures out how to be something more inclusive, you will always be losers. Call me an idiot all you like from the cheap seats.... it's great fun watching you tapdance down there.
Petulantly? That's a pretty high falootin' word for you to use given the fact that your dream candidate with the magic underwear got creamed by somebody your side has been claiming is the worst president ever. i have no desire to "dictate your actions".... I only offer you a piece of advice...well.. A few pieces, actually. it is clear that the electorate was not pleased with your party or your candidate. You lost some Senate seats that, by all rights, you shouldn't have. Given the fact that more voters nationally cast ballots for democratic House candidates than for your party's candidates, it is obvious that only systemic gerrymandering kept you from losing every branch of government in this election. Consider the fact that Obama won LESS of the white vote this past election - AND WON GOING AWAY - than Dukakis won when Dubya's daddy kicked HIS ass. Your party had better figure out how to rebrand itself and repackage itself in order to appeal to the more "colorful" electorate that is increasingly dominating American politics, or get used to suffering the sorts of humiliating defeats like you just experienced. And, I believe, you will need to start acting far less "petulantly" yourselves and show a real willingness and interest in working with this president or you'll lose your majority in the house by midterm... But, hey.... I offer up this advice in the community spirit engendered by today's holiday. My fondest hope, actually, is that you scoff at my suggestions and keep doing what you've been doing for the last four years. I would LOVE to see an overwhelming democratic majority for decades to come. Happy Thanksgiving regardless.

Wow, I have never seen such a bunch of unsubstantiated hollow rhetoric in my life. There is no more "colorful" electorate than there was eight years ago or, twelve years ago for that matter. As is easily seen by past elections, the "electorate" of which you speak has remained essentially the same. Nearly a 50-50 split. And, the "electorate" can change in a heartbeat. Further, that you cite your punk-in-chief as winning with less of the white vote? Well now, that really seems quite dubious...doesn't it? He also won with less of a black vote. The demographics insofar as race goes which went more towards Obama's favor this election cycle than last is the Asian and Hispanic demographic. And, in the case of Hispanics, this only goes to add weight to Romney's claim that Obama's promises to illegal immigrants helped in this matter. Further, while Obama gained in the sex demographic, with more women voting for him in this cycle than last cycle, less men voted for him in this cycle, as opposed to last cycle. So, I think you're delusions that, somehow, the electorate has changed so drastically in just the last eight to twelve years is quite absurd. But, you go ahead and keep on holding on to that delusion.

Of course the demographics have changed. How does Obama get LESS white vote than Dukakis did with completely different results?

Oh, well that one's easy. One rigs an election is how you get "LESS white vote than Dukakis did with completely different results". DUH! You might want to look into those voting precincts which reported 100% to 150% of voter turnout. LOL! St. Lucie might be a good start for you.

Here, here's a small example.

Voting Station: 001 Lakewood Pk Vil Hall - County
Reg. Voters: 4,815
Cards Cast: 6,726
% Turnout: 139.69%

Voting Station: 006 Orange Blossom Business Center
Reg. Voters: 1,849
Cards Cast: 2,513
% Turnout: 135.91%

Voting Station: 007 Havert L. Fenn Ctr - City of FP D2
Reg. Voters: 1,996
Cards Cast: 2,171
% Turnout: 136.12%

Voting Station: Midway Rd Church of Christ
Reg. Voters: 2,694
Cards Cast: 4,023
% Turnout: 149.33%

And, the total is?

Total Reg. Voters: 175,554
Total Cards Cast: 247,383
% Turnout: 140.92%
declaring victory? that's a done deal. Obama beat Mittens and his magic underwear. the electorate has spoken. Elections have consequences. you lost. we won. :lol:

what are you gonna DO about it, that's what I wanna know? Besides whine, of course.
Just like I always do:

Point out the idiocy of leftists.

You don't like it?

Too bad. :lol:

it's a loser's tact.... you lost. your side lost. your party got beat. my side won... my party won.

So there!

declaring victory? that's a done deal. Obama beat Mittens and his magic underwear. the electorate has spoken. Elections have consequences. you lost. we won. :lol:

what are you gonna DO about it, that's what I wanna know? Besides whine, of course.
Just like I always do:

Point out the idiocy of leftists.

You don't like it?

Too bad. :lol:

it's a loser's tact.... you lost. your side lost. your party got beat. my side won... my party won. Losers can call the winners idiots all they want, but all the winners really need to do is laugh at such silliness... because we won, and you didn't. And, as I said last night, until your party of angry white men figures out how to be something more inclusive, you will always be losers. Call me an idiot all you like from the cheap seats.... it's great fun watching you tapdance down there.

It's basically like Cubs fans in 2000 Cubs saying the Yankees suck.
i have to say, OBama is without a doubt the worst President this country has ever had and to think people reelected him is just disheartening. We are in for the worst 4 yrs yet by this administration and you can take that to the Bank!!!!
Liberals have become so unamerican, and seem to have joined the communist ways. The two party system has most definitely seperated this country and we are divided people, when we should all be one and the same, AMERICANS. The people should all stick together but they don't. and the politicians do nothing but argue with each other......its become a total mess for all of us.
Wow, I have never seen such a bunch of unsubstantiated hollow rhetoric in my life. There is no more "colorful" electorate than there was eight years ago or, twelve years ago for that matter. As is easily seen by past elections, the "electorate" of which you speak has remained essentially the same. Nearly a 50-50 split. And, the "electorate" can change in a heartbeat. Further, that you cite your punk-in-chief as winning with less of the white vote? Well now, that really seems quite dubious...doesn't it? He also won with less of a black vote. The demographics insofar as race goes which went more towards Obama's favor this election cycle than last is the Asian and Hispanic demographic. And, in the case of Hispanics, this only goes to add weight to Romney's claim that Obama's promises to illegal immigrants helped in this matter. Further, while Obama gained in the sex demographic, with more women voting for him in this cycle than last cycle, less men voted for him in this cycle, as opposed to last cycle. So, I think you're delusions that, somehow, the electorate has changed so drastically in just the last eight to twelve years is quite absurd. But, you go ahead and keep on holding on to that delusion.

Of course the demographics have changed. How does Obama get LESS white vote than Dukakis did with completely different results?

Oh, well that one's easy. One rigs an election is how you get "LESS white vote than Dukakis did with completely different results". DUH! You might want to look into those voting precincts which reported 100% to 150% of voter turnout. LOL! St. Lucie might be a good start for you.

Here, here's a small example.

Voting Station: 001 Lakewood Pk Vil Hall - County
Reg. Voters: 4,815
Cards Cast: 6,726
% Turnout: 139.69%

Voting Station: 006 Orange Blossom Business Center
Reg. Voters: 1,849
Cards Cast: 2,513
% Turnout: 135.91%

Voting Station: 007 Havert L. Fenn Ctr - City of FP D2
Reg. Voters: 1,996
Cards Cast: 2,171
% Turnout: 136.12%

Voting Station: Midway Rd Church of Christ
Reg. Voters: 2,694
Cards Cast: 4,023
% Turnout: 149.33%

And, the total is?

Total Reg. Voters: 175,554
Total Cards Cast: 247,383
]% Turnout: 140.92%

man... you are great laughter therapy. Don't you honestly think that, if there were any real and credible evidence that Obama had fraudulently won the election, the courts would be inundated with suits filed by hordes of GOP lawyers? Wait.... that was a silly question. Obviously, "honestly thinking" is something you are incapable of doing. Polly wanna cracker? :lol:
i have to say, OBama is without a doubt the worst President this country has ever had and to think people reelected him is just disheartening. We are in for the worst 4 yrs yet by this administration and you can take that to the Bank!!!!
Liberals have become so unamerican, and seem to have joined the communist ways. The two party system has most definitely seperated this country and we are divided people, when we should all be one and the same, AMERICANS. The people should all stick together but they don't. and the politicians do nothing but argue with each other......its become a total mess for all of us.

Here you merely exhibit your ignorance of American presidential history.

Otherwise your post makes no sense.

You whine about America being ‘divided’ yet accuse ‘liberals’ of being ‘un-American’ and ‘communists.’
Dude, you're full of shit, liberals have the easy going to give you something.....they dont care about the future or how things may turn out....which explains their policies. So how is Obama going to tackle entitlements?

And on social issues, like abortion, maybe you think it's cool, but we'd have a lot more people to bitch with and against if there was no abortion, and maybe some better candidates for President.

We do need to appeal more to women and minorities, but they have to be able to think for themselves instead of fall for virginity commercials and other absolute bullshit

strike two! Insulting Women and minorities will gain you zero, keep it up chump.
The American people voted for the same exact thing as we have had for the last two years.
How that is going to solve anything?

strike 3! had you actually hit the ball it would have plopped about two feet in front of you.
Of course the demographics have changed. How does Obama get LESS white vote than Dukakis did with completely different results?

Oh, well that one's easy. One rigs an election is how you get "LESS white vote than Dukakis did with completely different results". DUH! You might want to look into those voting precincts which reported 100% to 150% of voter turnout. LOL! St. Lucie might be a good start for you.

Here, here's a small example.

Voting Station: 001 Lakewood Pk Vil Hall - County
Reg. Voters: 4,815
Cards Cast: 6,726
% Turnout: 139.69%

Voting Station: 006 Orange Blossom Business Center
Reg. Voters: 1,849
Cards Cast: 2,513
% Turnout: 135.91%

Voting Station: 007 Havert L. Fenn Ctr - City of FP D2
Reg. Voters: 1,996
Cards Cast: 2,171
% Turnout: 136.12%

Voting Station: Midway Rd Church of Christ
Reg. Voters: 2,694
Cards Cast: 4,023
% Turnout: 149.33%

And, the total is?

Total Reg. Voters: 175,554
Total Cards Cast: 247,383
]% Turnout: 140.92%

man... you are great laughter therapy. Don't you honestly think that, if there were any real and credible evidence that Obama had fraudulently won the election, the courts would be inundated with suits filed by hordes of GOP lawyers? Wait.... that was a silly question. Obviously, "honestly thinking" is something you are incapable of doing. Polly wanna cracker? :lol:

Oh...don't worry about that. It isn't over...yet.
it's a loser's tact.... you lost. your side lost. your party got beat. my side won... my party won.

So there!

basically... yeah. So there. You backed a loser... that makes YOU a loser, too. And that means that I can laugh at you for as long as I care to. Don't like it? DILLIGAS???

Do you honestly think I'm intimidated or otherwise bothered by your irrelevant laughing? If you do, I'm laughing at you. You can laugh until you turn purple and die...for all I care. We'll see who's laughing a year-and-a-half to two years from now. And, don't say no one told you so.

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