The Worst President in history has been reelected

You forgot birth certificates and Obama is Mooooslim!
Yeah, now you get to find where I ever claimed Obama wasn't born in HI, or claimed he was a Muslim.

I'll save you the time (not that you were going to look): I haven't.

You just don't look hard enough

It's right up there with Obama ever saying people are entitled to free stuff

Did I claim Obama said it? No, moron, I didn't. It's leftists who want things they didn't pay for.
Yeah, now you get to find where I ever claimed Obama wasn't born in HI, or claimed he was a Muslim.

I'll save you the time (not that you were going to look): I haven't.

You just don't look hard enough

It's right up there with Obama ever saying people are entitled to free stuff

Did I claim Obama said it? No, moron, I didn't. It's leftists who want things they didn't pay for.

Did I claim YOU said it Alinsky?

No moron.....I didn't

EVERYONE wants things they didn't pay for......especially the wealthy
You just don't look hard enough

It's right up there with Obama ever saying people are entitled to free stuff

Did I claim Obama said it? No, moron, I didn't. It's leftists who want things they didn't pay for.

Did I claim YOU said it Alinsky?

No moron.....I didn't
Yes, you did, you lying sack of shit.

Me: Yeah, now you get to find where I ever claimed Obama wasn't born in HI, or claimed he was a Muslim.
You: You just don't look hard enough

It's right up there with Obama ever saying people are entitled to free stuff​
EVERYONE wants things they didn't pay for......especially the wealthy
But leftists think they're entitled to that which they didn't earn.

"I've never understood why it is 'greed' to want to keep the money you've earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money."

-- Thomas Sowell

Can you explain that? Bear in mind I'm not going to hold my breath.
Did you STFU when Bush won?


Then you're just a flaming hypocrite, aren't you?
I certainly understood that his victory over Kerry in 2004 was a clear signal that the electorate was not happy with my party OR its candidate... A lesson - it is abundantly clear - that has escaped you.
So you didn't STFU, as you petulantly demand that Republicans do.

You don't get to dictate others' actions. Just so's you know.
Petulantly? That's a pretty high falootin' word for you to use given the fact that your dream candidate with the magic underwear got creamed by somebody your side has been claiming is the worst president ever. i have no desire to "dictate your actions".... I only offer you a piece of advice...well.. A few pieces, actually. it is clear that the electorate was not pleased with your party or your candidate. You lost some Senate seats that, by all rights, you shouldn't have. Given the fact that more voters nationally cast ballots for democratic House candidates than for your party's candidates, it is obvious that only systemic gerrymandering kept you from losing every branch of government in this election. Consider the fact that Obama won LESS of the white vote this past election - AND WON GOING AWAY - than Dukakis won when Dubya's daddy kicked HIS ass. Your party had better figure out how to rebrand itself and repackage itself in order to appeal to the more "colorful" electorate that is increasingly dominating American politics, or get used to suffering the sorts of humiliating defeats like you just experienced. And, I believe, you will need to start acting far less "petulantly" yourselves and show a real willingness and interest in working with this president or you'll lose your majority in the house by midterm... But, hey.... I offer up this advice in the community spirit engendered by today's holiday. My fondest hope, actually, is that you scoff at my suggestions and keep doing what you've been doing for the last four years. I would LOVE to see an overwhelming democratic majority for decades to come. Happy Thanksgiving regardless.
I certainly understood that his victory over Kerry in 2004 was a clear signal that the electorate was not happy with my party OR its candidate... A lesson - it is abundantly clear - that has escaped you.
So you didn't STFU, as you petulantly demand that Republicans do.

You don't get to dictate others' actions. Just so's you know.
Petulantly? That's a pretty high falootin' word for you to use given the fact that your dream candidate with the magic underwear got creamed by somebody your side has been claiming is the worst president ever. i have no desire to "dictate your actions".... I only offer you a piece of advice...well.. A few pieces, actually. it is clear that the electorate was not pleased with your party or your candidate. You lost some Senate seats that, by all rights, you shouldn't have. Given the fact that more voters nationally cast ballots for democratic House candidates than for your party's candidates, it is obvious that only systemic gerrymandering kept you from losing every branch of government in this election. Consider the fact that Obama won LESS of the white vote this past election - AND WON GOING AWAY - than Dukakis won when Dubya's daddy kicked HIS ass. Your party had better figure out how to rebrand itself and repackage itself in order to appeal to the more "colorful" electorate that is increasingly dominating American politics, or get used to suffering the sorts of humiliating defeats like you just experienced. And, I believe, you will need to start acting far less "petulantly" yourselves and show a real willingness and interest in working with this president or you'll lose your majority in the house by midterm... But, hey.... I offer up this advice in the community spirit engendered by today's holiday. My fondest hope, actually, is that you scoff at my suggestions and keep doing what you've been doing for the last four years. I would LOVE to see an overwhelming democratic majority for decades to come. Happy Thanksgiving regardless.
I'm sure you would. But then who would you blame your failures on? Because you damn sure won't take responsibility for them. :lmao:
So you didn't STFU, as you petulantly demand that Republicans do.

You don't get to dictate others' actions. Just so's you know.
Petulantly? That's a pretty high falootin' word for you to use given the fact that your dream candidate with the magic underwear got creamed by somebody your side has been claiming is the worst president ever. i have no desire to "dictate your actions".... I only offer you a piece of advice...well.. A few pieces, actually. it is clear that the electorate was not pleased with your party or your candidate. You lost some Senate seats that, by all rights, you shouldn't have. Given the fact that more voters nationally cast ballots for democratic House candidates than for your party's candidates, it is obvious that only systemic gerrymandering kept you from losing every branch of government in this election. Consider the fact that Obama won LESS of the white vote this past election - AND WON GOING AWAY - than Dukakis won when Dubya's daddy kicked HIS ass. Your party had better figure out how to rebrand itself and repackage itself in order to appeal to the more "colorful" electorate that is increasingly dominating American politics, or get used to suffering the sorts of humiliating defeats like you just experienced. And, I believe, you will need to start acting far less "petulantly" yourselves and show a real willingness and interest in working with this president or you'll lose your majority in the house by midterm... But, hey.... I offer up this advice in the community spirit engendered by today's holiday. My fondest hope, actually, is that you scoff at my suggestions and keep doing what you've been doing for the last four years. I would LOVE to see an overwhelming democratic majority for decades to come. Happy Thanksgiving regardless.
I'm sure you would. But then who would you blame your failures on? Because you damn sure won't take responsibility for them. :lmao:
When parties fail, the electorate punishes them for those failures. i understand that. Until YOU and your party can accept the punishment the electorate just handed YOU, and adjust accordingly, you will be destined to re-experience it. That's just reality. I must say.... I am writing tonight using my iPad, which is difficult to write with... And I put a fair amount of time on my last post for you to give it such a cursory and lightweight response. I reckon that is just evidence of your tacit acknowledgment of the validity of my argument coupled with you inability to actually admit it.
I certainly understood that his victory over Kerry in 2004 was a clear signal that the electorate was not happy with my party OR its candidate... A lesson - it is abundantly clear - that has escaped you.
So you didn't STFU, as you petulantly demand that Republicans do.

You don't get to dictate others' actions. Just so's you know.
Petulantly? That's a pretty high falootin' word for you to use given the fact that your dream candidate with the magic underwear got creamed by somebody your side has been claiming is the worst president ever. i have no desire to "dictate your actions".... I only offer you a piece of advice...well.. A few pieces, actually. it is clear that the electorate was not pleased with your party or your candidate. You lost some Senate seats that, by all rights, you shouldn't have. Given the fact that more voters nationally cast ballots for democratic House candidates than for your party's candidates, it is obvious that only systemic gerrymandering kept you from losing every branch of government in this election. Consider the fact that Obama won LESS of the white vote this past election - AND WON GOING AWAY - than Dukakis won when Dubya's daddy kicked HIS ass. Your party had better figure out how to rebrand itself and repackage itself in order to appeal to the more "colorful" electorate that is increasingly dominating American politics, or get used to suffering the sorts of humiliating defeats like you just experienced. And, I believe, you will need to start acting far less "petulantly" yourselves and show a real willingness and interest in working with this president or you'll lose your majority in the house by midterm... But, hey.... I offer up this advice in the community spirit engendered by today's holiday. My fondest hope, actually, is that you scoff at my suggestions and keep doing what you've been doing for the last four years. I would LOVE to see an overwhelming democratic majority for decades to come. Happy Thanksgiving regardless.

Wow, I have never seen such a bunch of unsubstantiated hollow rhetoric in my life. There is no more "colorful" electorate than there was eight years ago or, twelve years ago for that matter. As is easily seen by past elections, the "electorate" of which you speak has remained essentially the same. Nearly a 50-50 split. And, the "electorate" can change in a heartbeat. Further, that you cite your punk-in-chief as winning with less of the white vote? Well now, that really seems quite dubious...doesn't it? He also won with less of a black vote. The demographics insofar as race goes which went more towards Obama's favor this election cycle than last is the Asian and Hispanic demographic. And, in the case of Hispanics, this only goes to add weight to Romney's claim that Obama's promises to illegal immigrants helped in this matter. Further, while Obama gained in the sex demographic, with more women voting for him in this cycle than last cycle, less men voted for him in this cycle, as opposed to last cycle. So, I think you're delusions that, somehow, the electorate has changed so drastically in just the last eight to twelve years is quite absurd. But, you go ahead and keep on holding on to that delusion.
Obama had an admitted relationship with Frank Marshall Davis, who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his "poetry" and getting advice on his career path. In his book, "Dreams From My Father," Obama refers to Davis repeatedly as just "Frank."

In his first memoir, "Dreams," Obama included a description of black student life at Occidental College in Los Angeles in 1979, writing, "There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs," he wrote. "It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names." -- he added --"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists.

During Obama's Columbia period, he regularly attended the Marxist-Socialist conferences at Cooper Union and African cultural fairs in Brooklyn and started lecturing his relatives until they worried he'd become "one of those freaks you see on the streets around here."

Barack Obama was born of Marxists; mentored by a communist writer and activist during his formative years; spent his college days hanging around Marxist professors and activists; worked as a radical community organizer, using the radical tactics of the communist, Alinsky; attended a radical church; was introduced to Chicago politics by a communist in the home of two communists; and now lends his political skill to the international goals of radical activists.
He had radicals on his campaign, and has them in his administration. The simple fact is, since the age of 12, the people closest to Obama have been active, radical Marxists, and dues-paying members of the Communist Party USA.

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.”

Prager Zeitungon 04.28.2010.
A complete nimrod I know, who voted for the idiot, said she feels that he really blew it the last 4 years, but since they are his mistakes, he knows best how to correct them. She said she just can't trust any rich people because they are scary and greedy. Gee, good thing Obama's are so poor. Good grief! The woman is just so incredibly stupid. Back when Dole was running against Clinton, she said she didn't like Dole because his wounded hand gave her the "creepies" and Clinton was just so sexy.

I just have to mention one more thing to give you an idea of how this woman's mind doesn't work. We were watching a movie together and the story took place in the 1700's. In the final scene, the character threw himself into a large fireplace. My friend was watching so intently and said to me, "Wow, you know back then the stunt men wouldn't have had those special fireproof suits." The movie was made in 1981.

What can I say, she's an Obama supporter.
A complete nimrod I know, who voted for the idiot, said she feels that he really blew it the last 4 years, but since they are his mistakes, he knows best how to correct them. She said she just can't trust any rich people because they are scary and greedy. Gee, good thing Obama's are so poor. Good grief! The woman is just so incredibly stupid. Back when Dole was running against Clinton, she said she didn't like Dole because his wounded hand gave her the "creepies" and Clinton was just so sexy.

I just have to mention one more thing to give you an idea of how this woman's mind doesn't work. We were watching a movie together and the story took place in the 1700's. In the final scene, the character threw himself into a large fireplace. My friend was watching so intently and said to me, "Wow, you know back then the stunt men wouldn't have had those special fireproof suits." The movie was made in 1981.

What can I say, she's an Obama supporter.

Republican Logic

I can find one person who is not bright and supports Obama...Therefore, everyone who supports Obama is not bright

Hate to inform you, but your dimwitted friend has a better understanding of our political issues than you do
So you didn't STFU, as you petulantly demand that Republicans do.

You don't get to dictate others' actions. Just so's you know.
Petulantly? That's a pretty high falootin' word for you to use given the fact that your dream candidate with the magic underwear got creamed by somebody your side has been claiming is the worst president ever. i have no desire to "dictate your actions".... I only offer you a piece of advice...well.. A few pieces, actually. it is clear that the electorate was not pleased with your party or your candidate. You lost some Senate seats that, by all rights, you shouldn't have. Given the fact that more voters nationally cast ballots for democratic House candidates than for your party's candidates, it is obvious that only systemic gerrymandering kept you from losing every branch of government in this election. Consider the fact that Obama won LESS of the white vote this past election - AND WON GOING AWAY - than Dukakis won when Dubya's daddy kicked HIS ass. Your party had better figure out how to rebrand itself and repackage itself in order to appeal to the more "colorful" electorate that is increasingly dominating American politics, or get used to suffering the sorts of humiliating defeats like you just experienced. And, I believe, you will need to start acting far less "petulantly" yourselves and show a real willingness and interest in working with this president or you'll lose your majority in the house by midterm... But, hey.... I offer up this advice in the community spirit engendered by today's holiday. My fondest hope, actually, is that you scoff at my suggestions and keep doing what you've been doing for the last four years. I would LOVE to see an overwhelming democratic majority for decades to come. Happy Thanksgiving regardless.

Wow, I have never seen such a bunch of unsubstantiated hollow rhetoric in my life. There is no more "colorful" electorate than there was eight years ago or, twelve years ago for that matter. As is easily seen by past elections, the "electorate" of which you speak has remained essentially the same. Nearly a 50-50 split. And, the "electorate" can change in a heartbeat. Further, that you cite your punk-in-chief as winning with less of the white vote? Well now, that really seems quite dubious...doesn't it? He also won with less of a black vote. The demographics insofar as race goes which went more towards Obama's favor this election cycle than last is the Asian and Hispanic demographic. And, in the case of Hispanics, this only goes to add weight to Romney's claim that Obama's promises to illegal immigrants helped in this matter. Further, while Obama gained in the sex demographic, with more women voting for him in this cycle than last cycle, less men voted for him in this cycle, as opposed to last cycle. So, I think you're delusions that, somehow, the electorate has changed so drastically in just the last eight to twelve years is quite absurd. But, you go ahead and keep on holding on to that delusion.

Of course the demographics have changed. How does Obama get LESS white vote than Dukakis did with completely different results?

But hey... if you guys don't think you have a brand problem, by all means, go with that. If you think that your same old message will magically be attractive once again, PLEASE don't change it.
No chance. Mao and Lenin would be horrified that Comrade President Obama didn't murder all his oponents, put all registered Republicans in the FEMA work camps and outlaw the Republican party all together. But do keep slugging away with the obvious and ridiculous lies. 2016 is on the way and we need as many lies as the Republicans can dream up.

Hey, Oblamer has four more years. Mao and Stalin may not be disappointed yet. But, unlike in Mao's and Stalin's case, Oblamer can TRY to murder his opponents, put all registered Republicans in FEMA work camps and outlaw the Republican party all together. Doubt he'll succeed...though.


Any ideas yet on who this guy used to be?

Petulantly? That's a pretty high falootin' word for you to use given the fact that your dream candidate with the magic underwear got creamed by somebody your side has been claiming is the worst president ever. i have no desire to "dictate your actions".... I only offer you a piece of advice...well.. A few pieces, actually. it is clear that the electorate was not pleased with your party or your candidate. You lost some Senate seats that, by all rights, you shouldn't have. Given the fact that more voters nationally cast ballots for democratic House candidates than for your party's candidates, it is obvious that only systemic gerrymandering kept you from losing every branch of government in this election. Consider the fact that Obama won LESS of the white vote this past election - AND WON GOING AWAY - than Dukakis won when Dubya's daddy kicked HIS ass. Your party had better figure out how to rebrand itself and repackage itself in order to appeal to the more "colorful" electorate that is increasingly dominating American politics, or get used to suffering the sorts of humiliating defeats like you just experienced. And, I believe, you will need to start acting far less "petulantly" yourselves and show a real willingness and interest in working with this president or you'll lose your majority in the house by midterm... But, hey.... I offer up this advice in the community spirit engendered by today's holiday. My fondest hope, actually, is that you scoff at my suggestions and keep doing what you've been doing for the last four years. I would LOVE to see an overwhelming democratic majority for decades to come. Happy Thanksgiving regardless.
I'm sure you would. But then who would you blame your failures on? Because you damn sure won't take responsibility for them. :lmao:
When parties fail, the electorate punishes them for those failures. i understand that. Until YOU and your party can accept the punishment the electorate just handed YOU, and adjust accordingly, you will be destined to re-experience it. That's just reality.
You accept that the electorate punished the GOP.

You will NOT accept the electorate punishing the Democratic Party.

That's just reality.
I must say.... I am writing tonight using my iPad, which is difficult to write with... And I put a fair amount of time on my last post for you to give it such a cursory and lightweight response. I reckon that is just evidence of your tacit acknowledgment of the validity of my argument coupled with you inability to actually admit it.
"Waaaah! You should agree with me because typing's HAAAAARD!!"

Man up, Skippy. No one owes you anything.
A complete nimrod I know, who voted for the idiot, said she feels that he really blew it the last 4 years, but since they are his mistakes, he knows best how to correct them. She said she just can't trust any rich people because they are scary and greedy. Gee, good thing Obama's are so poor. Good grief! The woman is just so incredibly stupid. Back when Dole was running against Clinton, she said she didn't like Dole because his wounded hand gave her the "creepies" and Clinton was just so sexy.

I just have to mention one more thing to give you an idea of how this woman's mind doesn't work. We were watching a movie together and the story took place in the 1700's. In the final scene, the character threw himself into a large fireplace. My friend was watching so intently and said to me, "Wow, you know back then the stunt men wouldn't have had those special fireproof suits." The movie was made in 1981.

What can I say, she's an Obama supporter.

Republican Logic

I can find one person who is not bright and supports Obama...Therefore, everyone who supports Obama is not bright

Hate to inform you, but your dimwitted friend has a better understanding of our political issues than you do
She said the idiot woman was an Obama supporter.

She DIDN'T say the woman was a typical Obama supporter.

And if you agree with the idiot woman, you're an idiot, too.
A complete nimrod I know, who voted for the idiot, said she feels that he really blew it the last 4 years, but since they are his mistakes, he knows best how to correct them. She said she just can't trust any rich people because they are scary and greedy. Gee, good thing Obama's are so poor. Good grief! The woman is just so incredibly stupid. Back when Dole was running against Clinton, she said she didn't like Dole because his wounded hand gave her the "creepies" and Clinton was just so sexy.

I just have to mention one more thing to give you an idea of how this woman's mind doesn't work. We were watching a movie together and the story took place in the 1700's. In the final scene, the character threw himself into a large fireplace. My friend was watching so intently and said to me, "Wow, you know back then the stunt men wouldn't have had those special fireproof suits." The movie was made in 1981.

What can I say, she's an Obama supporter.

Republican Logic

I can find one person who is not bright and supports Obama...Therefore, everyone who supports Obama is not bright

Hate to inform you, but your dimwitted friend has a better understanding of our political issues than you do
She said the idiot woman was an Obama supporter.

She DIDN'T say the woman was a typical Obama supporter.

And if you agree with the idiot woman, you're an idiot, too.

I'm not an idiot......You're an idiot

I know you are...but what am I?

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Republican Logic

I can find one person who is not bright and supports Obama...Therefore, everyone who supports Obama is not bright

Hate to inform you, but your dimwitted friend has a better understanding of our political issues than you do
She said the idiot woman was an Obama supporter.

She DIDN'T say the woman was a typical Obama supporter.

And if you agree with the idiot woman, you're an idiot, too.

I'm not an idiot......You're an idiot

I know you are...but what am I?


Really? "Obama fucked it up, and he's the only one who can fix it!!"
She said the idiot woman was an Obama supporter.

She DIDN'T say the woman was a typical Obama supporter.

And if you agree with the idiot woman, you're an idiot, too.

I'm not an idiot......You're an idiot

I know you are...but what am I?


Really? "Obama fucked it up, and he's the only one who can fix it!!"


What responding to daveman is like
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I'm sure you would. But then who would you blame your failures on? Because you damn sure won't take responsibility for them. :lmao:
When parties fail, the electorate punishes them for those failures. i understand that. Until YOU and your party can accept the punishment the electorate just handed YOU, and adjust accordingly, you will be destined to re-experience it. That's just reality.
You accept that the electorate punished the GOP.

You will NOT accept the electorate punishing the Democratic Party.

That's just reality.

that is just a lie. I have always fully accepted when the democrats get their punishment from the electorate... 2004 and 2010 being two such times. When will you man up? My guess: when pigs fly.

and hey, davey... if you want to answer paragraphs with one liners, let's just cut to the chase and we can edit our interaction down to just using smilies and you could abandon any pretense of wanting to carry on any semblance of intelligent debate.

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I'm not an idiot......You're an idiot

I know you are...but what am I?


Really? "Obama fucked it up, and he's the only one who can fix it!!"

[ame=]Pee-wee Herman - "I know You Are, But What Am I?" - YouTube[/ame]

What responding to daveman is like
I know you're embarrassed to have been busted linking yourself inextricably to that idiot woman.

You should be.

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