Then they came for Political Dissenters and Christians


Justadude with a keyboard
Feb 19, 2011
This was a response to a post in another thread, but I considered it worth its own topic.

SheikFahrtin #3
Posted 17 November 2014 - 01:14 PM
First they came for the Homeless, and I said nothing.........Then they came for Political Dissenters and Christians, and I said nothing......Then by the time I decided to say something, they came for me.

Yup.....the morons of the world laughed, when intelligent people said Hitler was dangerous..........



I hate to tell you this but Hitler put “homosexuals” into concentration camps and a lot of Christians like Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts and everyone Christian that bribed Ugandan officials to murder gays and lesbians would seem to agree with him.

On a side note the reason most Americans don’t know that Nazi’s tortured gay men, lesbian women, Jehovah’s witnesses and apparently Gypsies in concentration camps right beside Jewish people is because it’s a fact which schools in America almost never teach.

The reason for that is that in the 1950’s the federal government labeled gay sexuality as a subversive activity and openly persecuted gays. Since elected officials didn’t want to create sympathy in the public for “homosexuals” (the very word they used) it was decided not to include those facts in the school curriculum.

As a result, even today while all middle and high school students are taught about the holocaust and what Hitler did to Jewish people, they are almost never taught that Hitler tortured “homosexuals”. It’s simply not written in middle and high school history books, and it’s simply not mentioned in most of the documentaries they watch.

Personally I suspect it’s because elected officials don’t want people to know that with the angry shouting and open hatred of gays, lesbians, atheist’s and who knows how many others that people like Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts and the Ugandan missionaries openly declare to the public, they have a great deal in common with Adolf Hitler.
I'm sorry, what were you typing? I fell asleep about 1/2 way through. Something about gays are persecuted and it all being because the 700 club is in cahoots with Ugandan murderers?

We need a "Victims" forum here at USMB, with sub-forums for Blacks, Gays, Inuits, Mexicans, etc.. to discuss ad nauseum how badly they have been fucked over by Whitey!
Not quite blindness. I just don't give enough of a shit to worry about every single fucking "victim class" in the Goddamn world. It gets old with you bleeding hearts. You actually give a shit (or at least pretend to) about everything in the world. Christ almighty, you'd hold a candlelight vigil on the day of his execution for a man who raped and tortured women and small children (especially if he's Black). Unborn children being shredded apart in the womb? Eh, not so much compassion is exercised by your ilk.
I'm sorry, what were you typing? I fell asleep about 1/2 way through. Something about gays are persecuted and it all being because the 700 club is in cahoots with Ugandan murderers?

We need a "Victims" forum here at USMB, with sub-forums for Blacks, Gays, Inuits, Mexicans, etc.. to discuss ad nauseum how badly they have been fucked over by Whitey!

Well, if you had read the whole post you would have realized that I just pointed out logically that Christians who hate gays have a lot in common with Hitler, with verifiable facts.

Is that concise enough for you?

By the way, calling people “bleeding hearts” or victims does not disprove a single word I said.
How interesting, what is a “bleeding heart”, Christian conservatives often accuse people of being “bleeding hearts”.

What is a “bleeding heart”? Its derogatory term a person who has empathy for the suffering of another human being.

Christians often accuse non-Christians of being “reprobate” meaning heartless, cold, and uncaring for another human being.

But when someone shows empathy for the victims of Christianity, Christians call them a “bleeding heart” with a hate filled sneer.

Ladies and gentlemen, for Christians to call all non-Christian “reprobate”, and then call anyone who has basic human empathy for a non-Christian a “bleeding heart”, is a text book example of what we call hypocrisy.
Christians are more than safe in America, their crying about government oppression is nothing but childish pouting because they can never be allowed to run the government for their own oppressive purposes, Christian secular power has always resulted in abuses of individual freedom.
Not quite blindness. I just don't give enough of a shit to worry about every single fucking "victim class" in the Goddamn world. It gets old with you bleeding hearts. You actually give a shit (or at least pretend to) about everything in the world. Christ almighty, you'd hold a candlelight vigil on the day of his execution for a man who raped and tortured women and small children (especially if he's Black). Unborn children being shredded apart in the womb? Eh, not so much compassion is exercised by your ilk.

You did not even try to claim one word I said was false, you just spat out a number of unrelated statements.

Since you could not disprove the statements I made, you misdirected to unrelated topics and dropped a number of false assumptions to shift the discussion away and distract from the fact that not only could you not disprove a single word I just said, but the manner in which you made that comment almost openly states that you know it to be true.
Christians are more than safe in America, their crying about government oppression is nothing but childish pouting because they can never be allowed to run the government for their own oppressive purposes, Christian secular power has always resulted in abuses of individual freedom.
I'm sorry, what were you typing? I fell asleep about 1/2 way through. Something about gays are persecuted and it all being because the 700 club is in cahoots with Ugandan murderers?

We need a "Victims" forum here at USMB, with sub-forums for Blacks, Gays, Inuits, Mexicans, etc.. to discuss ad nauseum how badly they have been fucked over by Whitey!

Well, if you had read the whole post you would have realized that I just pointed out logically that Christians who hate gays have a lot in common with Hitler, with verifiable facts.

Is that concise enough for you?

By the way, calling people “bleeding hearts” or victims does not disprove a single word I said.

First off, I'm not trying to disprove anything you said. Secondly, how do I disprove that Pat Robertson and Oral Roberts have "Hitler in their heart". Even more important, how do YOU prove they have alot in common with Hitler? Have you seen Robertson or Oral Roberts abduct and throw millions of gays into ovens? Now, right back atcha... please DISPROVE WHAT I JUST TYPED. See? It's not that easy.
I'm sorry, what were you typing? I fell asleep about 1/2 way through. Something about gays are persecuted and it all being because the 700 club is in cahoots with Ugandan murderers?

We need a "Victims" forum here at USMB, with sub-forums for Blacks, Gays, Inuits, Mexicans, etc.. to discuss ad nauseum how badly they have been fucked over by Whitey!

Well, if you had read the whole post you would have realized that I just pointed out logically that Christians who hate gays have a lot in common with Hitler, with verifiable facts.

Is that concise enough for you?

By the way, calling people “bleeding hearts” or victims does not disprove a single word I said.

First off, I'm not trying to disprove anything you said. Secondly, how do I disprove that Pat Robertson and Oral Roberts have "Hitler in their heart". Even more important, how do YOU prove they have alot in common with Hitler? Have you seen Robertson or Oral Roberts abduct and throw millions of gays into ovens? Now, right back atcha... please DISPROVE WHAT I JUST TYPED. See? It's not that easy.

I never said they “had Hitler in their hearts”, saying they “have it in their hearts” is a religious phrase I wouldn’t use. What I said was that they “would seem to agree with him” meaning their prejudiced ideologies have a great deal in common with Hitler.

They shamelessly and publicly state their hatred for gays and lesbians, they even spit the word “homosexuals” with revile, the same slur Hitler used, and followers of their preaching the exact same gay hating ideologies bribed Ugandan officials to execute gays and lesbians just for being gay, which was also the policy of Hitler.

What do you know, I just disproved that which you typed by providing verifiable facts to support my contention.

As opposed to just blindly hurling something like “you’re just another bigoted Christian” , which would have been the equivalent to your “victims forum” statement.

On a side note, that quip about “Blacks, Gays, Inuits, Mexicans” and so forth came off sounding really racist. I’ll just politely assume you didn't mean it the way it sounded, but do please feel free to keep flinging racist remarks to prove that Christians have “nothing in common with Hitler” because statements like that prove a point more eloquently than any words I could ever hope to write.

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