Then they came for us...

The Nazi were the right wingers.
Actually when you look at their policies and methodology they are staunchly leftist. Not to mention when you break down the etymology of the word Nazi, it stands for "National Socialist".

But DOOOOOO keep pushing that old leftist lie.

I would say they were staunchly authoritarian, which has no partisan bias.

But please, continue to spew propaganda.
Actually when you look at their policies and methodology they are staunchly leftist. Not to mention when you break down the etymology of the word Nazi, it stands for "National Socialist".

But DOOOOOO keep pushing that old leftist lie.

Please tell us what policies of the Nazis are "staunchly leftist".

So if you think Pol Pot, Hitler and the Borg are "good things"...just keep pushing your progressive ideology. Cause that is EXACTLY where you are headed!

Please, tell us how Pol Pot and Hilter are like Obama.
There are, of course, significant differences between fascism and Progressivism, but these are mainly attributable to the cultural differences between Europe and America- and between national cultures in general. Our fascism-lite won't use mass murder...they use proceduralism of the courts and bullying of the media.

This is insane. I wish you were capable of posting your own thoughts instead of that cut and paste nonsense, because this deserves to be beat down.
There are, of course, significant differences between fascism and Progressivism, but these are mainly attributable to the cultural differences between Europe and America- and between national cultures in general. Our fascism-lite won't use mass murder...they use proceduralism of the courts and bullying of the media.

This is insane. I wish you were capable of posting your own thoughts instead of that cut and paste nonsense, because this deserves to be beat down.
What she said is 100% on target.

And yes, liberal/leftist political correctness is what fascism has morphed into. :doubt:
There are, of course, significant differences between fascism and Progressivism, but these are mainly attributable to the cultural differences between Europe and America- and between national cultures in general. Our fascism-lite won't use mass murder...they use proceduralism of the courts and bullying of the media.

This is insane. I wish you were capable of posting your own thoughts instead of that cut and paste nonsense, because this deserves to be beat down.
What she said is 100% on target.

And yes, liberal/leftist political correctness is what fascism has morphed into. :doubt:

What she said was ahistorical propaganda from the far right loons. You cannot begin to defend her claims, because they are just flat stupid.

Is it possible for a far left movement to be totalitarian? Yes, it is. But to take progressives and liberals and call them fascists is nonsense.
There are, of course, significant differences between fascism and Progressivism, but these are mainly attributable to the cultural differences between Europe and America- and between national cultures in general. Our fascism-lite won't use mass murder...they use proceduralism of the courts and bullying of the media.

This is insane. I wish you were capable of posting your own thoughts instead of that cut and paste nonsense, because this deserves to be beat down.

Thats comedy gold coming from you.

You better get some more guys.
Actually when you look at their policies and methodology they are staunchly leftist. Not to mention when you break down the etymology of the word Nazi, it stands for "National Socialist".

But DOOOOOO keep pushing that old leftist lie.

Please tell us what policies of the Nazis are "staunchly leftist".

So if you think Pol Pot, Hitler and the Borg are "good things"...just keep pushing your progressive ideology. Cause that is EXACTLY where you are headed!

Please, tell us how Pol Pot and Hilter are like Obama.
Authoritarian economic central planning, international empire (Boiking has yet to bring any troops home from any deployments outside of Iraq), blaming of the bourgeoisie ( or another convenient scapegoat like the Jews) for virtually all of the nation's problems, an expansive police state (BATF, DEA, DHS, TSA, USAPATRIOT act, Carnivore, Echelon and other domestic spying)....And those are just off the top of my head, tovarich.
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This is insane. I wish you were capable of posting your own thoughts instead of that cut and paste nonsense, because this deserves to be beat down.
What she said is 100% on target.

And yes, liberal/leftist political correctness is what fascism has morphed into. :doubt:

What she said was ahistorical propaganda from the far right loons. You cannot begin to defend her claims, because they are just flat stupid.

Is it possible for a far left movement to be totalitarian? Yes, it is. But to take progressives and liberals and call them fascists is nonsense.
Most of the progressives and liberals I have personally known.

Have by and large been the most intolerant and narrow minded people I have ever met.

And are the epitome of lock step fascist thinking and a ridged mind set.

btw I never could figure what so called progressives are progressing to ?? :doubt:
Authoritarian economic central planning, international empire (Boiking has yet to bring any troops home from any deployments outside of Iraq), blaming of the bourgeoisie ( or another convenient scapegoat like the Jews) for virtually all of the nation's problems, an expansive police state (BATF, DEA, DHS, TSA, USAPATRIOT act, Carnivore, Echelon and other domestic spying)....And those are just off the top of my head, tovarich.

Except liberals and progressives don't support "authoritarian economic central planning". We support elections.

Liberals and progressives don't blame "the bourgeoisie or the Jews" for all of the nation's problems.

Liberals and progressives don't support an expansive police state. Just the opposite.

Try something deeper than the top of your head.


btw I never could figure what so called progressives are progressing to ?? :doubt:

The root word is progress. As in progressing toward a freer and more just world.
Authoritarian economic central planning, international empire (Boiking has yet to bring any troops home from any deployments outside of Iraq), blaming of the bourgeoisie ( or another convenient scapegoat like the Jews) for virtually all of the nation's problems, an expansive police state (BATF, DEA, DHS, TSA, USAPATRIOT act, Carnivore, Echelon and other domestic spying)....And those are just off the top of my head, tovarich.

Except liberals and progressives don't support "authoritarian economic central planning". We support elections.
Bullshit...What the hell do you think "economic stimulus" and the completely bogus claims that politicians and bureaucrats can crate jobs is all about?

Liberals and progressives don't blame "the bourgeoisie or the Jews" for all of the nation's problems.
You're either a liar or conveniently deaf to liberoidals bitching and moaning about private aircraft owners, people who hold conventions in Las Vegas, and the rest of the detested "wealthy".

Liberals and progressives don't support an expansive police state. Just the opposite.
You're either a liar or are conveniently ignoring that lots and lots of socialist progressives are all for the DEA and the idiotic "war" on (some) drugs, the DHS/TSA, BATF, Carnivore and Echelon, and that the USAPATRIOT act was largely a collection of leftovers from Reno & Clintoon's police state wish list and originally passed by a Senate vote of 98-1.

So which is it...Are you a liar or just plain stupid?
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Authoritarian economic central planning, international empire (Boiking has yet to bring any troops home from any deployments outside of Iraq), blaming of the bourgeoisie ( or another convenient scapegoat like the Jews) for virtually all of the nation's problems, an expansive police state (BATF, DEA, DHS, TSA, USAPATRIOT act, Carnivore, Echelon and other domestic spying)....And those are just off the top of my head, tovarich.

Except liberals and progressives don't support "authoritarian economic central planning". We support elections.

Liberals and progressives don't blame "the bourgeoisie or the Jews" for all of the nation's problems.

Liberals and progressives don't support an expansive police state. Just the opposite.

Try something deeper than the top of your head.


btw I never could figure what so called progressives are progressing to ?? :doubt:

The root word is progress. As in progressing toward a freer and more just world.
Except when you lose. 2000 proved that when your ilk supported Gore's attempt to circumvent the constitution. You also need criminals and illegals to vote to have a chance to win in close races.

The left doesn't play with scapegoats? Jesse Jackass and Al Sharpshit blame whitey all the time. The NAGS blame men. The poverty pimps and Occupados blame the rich evil capitalists. FDR perfected Identity Politics and his party never stopped using them.

Tax the rich, they don't deserve it is nothing more than scapegoating. To say otherwise is a baldfaced lie. But you know that... don't you.

You don't want a police state? Law and order do gooder liberals have seized a 200 lbs child from their parents and charged them with child abuse. Teachers blame parents for physically abusing their children all the time when the kid IS clumsy. The look for an excuse to take children from the parents and put them into the system.

You aren't smart enough to eat healthy so they act like the dinner scene in "Demolition Man" Salty, sweet, spicy fattening.... it's all evil and you must be stopped by force of law and guns for your own good.

Panicked Denials and fauxrage ETA in 3...2...1...
what is it with the cons thinking they are survivalists?

Is that their plan for the country ONLY survivalists can make it?


Much as it may pain you, when the excrement REALLY hits the fan, the good news is, that five years later, I will most likely still be around; the bad news is, that you, and most city people, WON'T be. THAT is not a matter I am prepared to lose ANY sleep over. Country folks can sustain themselves; city people cannot (and we are not going to be inclined to take you in). Look on the bright side; America will be a MUCH greener place, when it's all said and done.
Bullshit...What the hell do you think "economic stimulus" and the completely bogus claims that politicians and bureaucrats can crate jobs is all about?

It was not authoritarian. We have an elected government. Do you understand the difference.

You're either a liar or conveniently deaf to liberoidals bitching and moaning about private aircraft owners, people who hold conventions in Las Vegas, and the rest of the detested "wealthy".

Think for five minutes-you really want to compare liberals and progressives wanting to raise the top marginal tax rates on the wealthy to the persecution of Jews by fascists? :cuckoo:

You're either a liar or are conveniently ignoring that lots and lots of socialist progressives are all for the DEA and the idiotic "war" on (some) drugs, the DHS/TSA, BATF, Carnivore and Echelon, and that the USAPATRIOT act was largely a collection of leftovers from Reno & Clintoon's police state wish list and originally passed by a Senate vote of 98-1.

And you believe that the war on drugs is solely supported by progressives and liberals? Seriously, you think this?

You think that the Patriot Act proposed by Bush after 9/11 was solely supported by progressives and liberals? Again, seriously?

Fascism is an authoritarian, nationalist ideology that readily uses violence to achieve its goals. That is not a description of liberals or progressives.
Bullshit...What the hell do you think "economic stimulus" and the completely bogus claims that politicians and bureaucrats can crate jobs is all about?

It was not authoritarian. We have an elected government. Do you understand the difference.

You're either a liar or conveniently deaf to liberoidals bitching and moaning about private aircraft owners, people who hold conventions in Las Vegas, and the rest of the detested "wealthy".

Think for five minutes-you really want to compare liberals and progressives wanting to raise the top marginal tax rates on the wealthy to the persecution of Jews by fascists? :cuckoo:

You're either a liar or are conveniently ignoring that lots and lots of socialist progressives are all for the DEA and the idiotic "war" on (some) drugs, the DHS/TSA, BATF, Carnivore and Echelon, and that the USAPATRIOT act was largely a collection of leftovers from Reno & Clintoon's police state wish list and originally passed by a Senate vote of 98-1.

And you believe that the war on drugs is solely supported by progressives and liberals? Seriously, you think this?

You think that the Patriot Act proposed by Bush after 9/11 was solely supported by progressives and liberals? Again, seriously?

Fascism is an authoritarian, nationalist ideology that readily uses violence to achieve its goals. That is not a description of liberals or progressives.
not even three posts before the denials started.
Bullshit...What the hell do you think "economic stimulus" and the completely bogus claims that politicians and bureaucrats can crate jobs is all about?

It was not authoritarian. We have an elected government. Do you understand the difference.

You're either a liar or conveniently deaf to liberoidals bitching and moaning about private aircraft owners, people who hold conventions in Las Vegas, and the rest of the detested "wealthy".

Think for five minutes-you really want to compare liberals and progressives wanting to raise the top marginal tax rates on the wealthy to the persecution of Jews by fascists? :cuckoo:

You're either a liar or are conveniently ignoring that lots and lots of socialist progressives are all for the DEA and the idiotic "war" on (some) drugs, the DHS/TSA, BATF, Carnivore and Echelon, and that the USAPATRIOT act was largely a collection of leftovers from Reno & Clintoon's police state wish list and originally passed by a Senate vote of 98-1.

And you believe that the war on drugs is solely supported by progressives and liberals? Seriously, you think this?

You think that the Patriot Act proposed by Bush after 9/11 was solely supported by progressives and liberals? Again, seriously?
Socialist liberoidals support and further all of those things....That they aren't the only ones to do so is entirely irrelevant to the fact.

Fascism is an authoritarian, nationalist ideology that readily uses violence to achieve its goals. That is not a description of liberals or progressives.

Who intervened in WWI?...A socialist/progressive.

Who provoked the Japanese attack to justify intervening in WWII?...A socialist/progressive.

Who intervened in Korea?...A socialist/progressive.

Who lied about the non-existent Gulf of Tonkin incident, in order to intervene in Vietnam?...A socialist/progressive.

Who demanded a second Senate vote in 2002 for the intervention in Iraq, so they could follow the polls to be all on board for the invasion?...The socialists/progressives.

You, sir, are a blind party man hack stooge.
Bullshit...What the hell do you think "economic stimulus" and the completely bogus claims that politicians and bureaucrats can crate jobs is all about?

It was not authoritarian. We have an elected government. Do you understand the difference.

Think for five minutes-you really want to compare liberals and progressives wanting to raise the top marginal tax rates on the wealthy to the persecution of Jews by fascists? :cuckoo:

And you believe that the war on drugs is solely supported by progressives and liberals? Seriously, you think this?

You think that the Patriot Act proposed by Bush after 9/11 was solely supported by progressives and liberals? Again, seriously?
Socialist liberoidals support and further all of those things....That they aren't the only ones to do so is entirely irrelevant to the fact.

Fascism is an authoritarian, nationalist ideology that readily uses violence to achieve its goals. That is not a description of liberals or progressives.

Who intervened in WWI?...A socialist/progressive.

Who provoked the Japanese attack to justify intervening in WWII?...A socialist/progressive.

Who intervened in Korea?...A socialist/progressive.

Who lied about the non-existent Gulf of Tonkin incident, in order to intervene in Vietnam?...A socialist/progressive.

Who demanded a second Senate vote in 2002 for the intervention in Iraq, so they could follow the polls to be all on board for the invasion?...The socialists/progressives.

You, sir, are a blind party man hack stooge.
Hey! you be nice to stooges! I know stooges, and he's no stooge!

nyuk nyuk
First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

- Martin Niemöller

Who will speak for us when they come, I ask you?

Yeah... Who will speak for us when the Statist Progressive Totalitarians come???

Here's an idea.... Try Standing up for Individual Liberty, rather than against it. :)

Start with Religion, Speech, Private Property, and the Right of Self Defense without having to raise your hand and get permission first. :)
That they aren't the only ones to do so is entirely irrelevant to the fact.

It's relevant when your point is to draw a distinction between one group and another. Duh.

"Law and order" has been the motto of the GOP for decades.

Fascism is an authoritarian, nationalist ideology that readily uses violence to achieve its goals. That is not a description of liberals or progressives.

Who intervened in WWI?...A socialist/progressive.

Who provoked the Japanese attack to justify intervening in WWII?...A socialist/progressive.

Who intervened in Korea?...A socialist/progressive.

Who lied about the non-existent Gulf of Tonkin incident, in order to intervene in Vietnam?...A socialist/progressive.

Who demanded a second Senate vote in 2002 for the intervention in Iraq, so they could follow the polls to be all on board for the invasion?...The socialists/progressives.

You, sir, are a blind party man hack stooge.

Again, you're attempting draw distinctions between groups, but you're using events where both Republicans and Democrats supported military action. And you're saying nothing about progressives, or about liberals, that shows that they are like fascists.
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I'm attempting to draw no distinctions, as there are precious few.

But I'm not the one here trying to paint the socialists/progressive democratics as the good guys and the republitards as the guys in the black capes and stove pipe hats....You are.

Nor am I the one who is purposefully looking the other way when the malefactors are on my team....You are.

Face it....There ain't a dime's worth of difference between you and the "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) that you claim to decry and detest.

And, yes, the socialists/progressives have virtually nothing to distinguish themselves as different in substance from fascists.
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