Then they hypocritically cry "civilians" and "genocide[sic]"

It appears the Palestinians leave no solution possible. Even if Israel totally eliminates Hamas as a terrorist group against any peace possiblity the Palestinians will just form another one. Regretfully "from the river to the sea" keeps this conflict eternal.
Yes. The Palestinians had offers of a two-state solution, and they turned them down. That’s because their goal is NOT their own state but the elimination of Israel.

To now discuss a two-state solution, after Muslim terrorists have massacred 1400 innocent Jews in the most barbaric, agonizing ways possible, is not feasible.
First step is, make their hate and lies textbooks issue no.1.
Who's narrative should be used? Agree on textbooks issue but is Israel's much better?

Do a people have a right to their own narratives or should those of others be imposed on them?

Best way to combat this in my opinion, is initiatives that bring diverse people together such as higher education.
Who's narrative should be used? Agree on textbooks issue but is Israel's much better?

Do a people have a right to their own narratives or should those of others be imposed on them?

Best way to combat this in my opinion, is initiatives that bring diverse people together such as higher education.
Silly stuff. There has not been a moment since 1920 when the Palestinians have shown any interest in peace with Israel. Oslo was a European fairy tale that completely ignored the reality that the Palestinians want to destroy Jews/Israel, not live in peace with them. Two states living side by side in peace is a crock of shit. The only path to peace now lies in destroying Hamas and all the other terrorist gangs and their weapons and monitoring activities in Gaza to prevent them from ever reorganizing.
Ever see Hamilton? They had a number in it...The Ten Duel Commandments. Its about Hamilton’s son having a duel with George Ekert (sp?). Stay with me here.

#1. Demand Satisfaction. If they apologize, no need for further action.
#2. Grab a friend, that’s your second...a Lieutenant when there is reckoning to be reckoned.
#3. Have your seconds meet face to face...negotiate a peace or negotiate a time and place.

The next few numbers are not applicable to this situation.

#8. Last chance to negotiate, send in your seconds to see if they can set the record straight.

--A multi national buffer zone is probably the best idea but is it really practical? I you want to send American kids over there between two parties that are armed to the teeth and one--the Palestinians--who are blood thirsty. I don’t. Would Israel trust UN peacekeepers when many member-states want to see them obliterated? Even more bizarre...would a nation like Mexico or Japan or Paraguay want to send troops there to a fight they don’t have a dog in?

So the idea of the Hamilton Ten Duel Commandments comes up to me anyway. Not a great idea to get geopolitical strategy from a song but here we are. So what if the Palestinians and Israel both picked a “second” to occupy this buffer zone in geographic divisions. Like 4 links in the chain. PAL-their LT-Israel LT-Israel. So if either PAL or Israel want to conduct operations, they have to violate the soil or air space of two other parties. The buffer zone with UN guys may be ambivalent. Not sure the lieutenants who will be of one nation would be.

Again though why would Israel ever go for this? They are in power right now. Who would Israel trust? Lets say it is the US. Would the US be okay with Russia being the LT of the Palestians? The only thing that may be more impractical than a three state solution is a four state solution.

Then again... If this was 1953 and you were going to suggest that the US would staff South Korea for 70 years (successfully I might add)...would anyone have believed you?

The problem with any solution that gives PAL statehood that doesn’t come with some heavy duty real world security for Israel is that once you do that, you legitimize a terrorist--that I what they are--nation. China can sell arms to Palestine. So could Russia. I mean...the US and Israel isn’t the masters of the universe but wow...
Interesting outside the box thinking and realistic concerns.

Problems that I see though, are this:

At the time they held an election (which was a mistake and an indicator of the same hubris displayed in Afghanistan and Iraq that that all you needed for democracy was the vote). the majority of Palestinians, including Gaza, supported a 2-state solution and recognition of Israel, at least according to a poll I read. What happened? Doesn't that weaken the broadly applied narrative of Palestinians always being so bloodthirsty?

Israel must have security, the same as any nation, but it appears to be imo, willing to risk that in favor of long term policies aimed at consolidating it's hold on the Occuppied Territories and reducing any probability of Palestinian autonomy while expecting the unqualified support of it's allies.

West Bank has long been regarded as more moderate and secular, but this might be changing. Netanayahu's open repuduation now, of 2 states (a repudation that is not new, just out in the open) leaves the Palestinians with what sort of future? Is the status quo of an occupation, with it's very unequal system of justice etc. sustainable?

Unless there is some movent towards Palestinian rights, there will be more violence. You can't keep kicking the can down the road.
Silly stuff. There has not been a moment since 1920 when the Palestinians have shown any interest in peace with Israel. Oslo was a European fairy tale that completely ignored the reality that the Palestinians want to destroy Jews/Israel, not live in peace with them. Two states living side by side in peace is a crock of shit. The only path to peace now lies in destroying Hamas and all the other terrorist gangs and their weapons and monitoring activities in Gaza to prevent them from ever reorganizing.
True. If the Palestinians wanted to live in peace next to Israel, they would have accepted one of their offers to do so. Now all of a sudden, we have the anti-Israel people acting as if Palestinians are all innocent and the Israelis are the “evil” ones.
Interesting outside the box thinking and realistic concerns.

Problems that I see though, are this:

At the time they held an election (which was a mistake and an indicator of the same hubris displayed in Afghanistan and Iraq that that all you needed for democracy was the vote). the majority of Palestinians, including Gaza, supported a 2-state solution and recognition of Israel, at least according to a poll I read. What happened? Doesn't that weaken the broadly applied narrative of Palestinians always being so bloodthirsty?

Israel must have security, the same as any nation, but it appears to be imo, willing to risk that in favor of long term policies aimed at consolidating it's hold on the Occuppied Territories and reducing any probability of Palestinian autonomy while expecting the unqualified support of it's allies.

West Bank has long been regarded as more moderate and secular, but this might be changing. Netanayahu's open repuduation now, of 2 states (a repudation that is not new, just out in the open) leaves the Palestinians with what sort of future? Is the status quo of an occupation, with it's very unequal system of justice etc. sustainable?

Unless there is some movent towards Palestinian rights, there will be more violence. You can't keep kicking the can down the road.
Now isn’t the time to talk about “Palestinian rights.“ Israelis have just had 1400 of their loved ones tortured to death in the most barbaric, agonizing ways - and the Muslim terrorists who did it laughed and bragged. What about the rights of the Jewish babies and children put in ovens, decapitated, and burned alive?

So first we kill every last HAMAS terrorist. Then we make sure Iran isn’t capitalized to fund another group. Any talks of a two-state solution is now further away than before, thanks to the Muslim barbarians.
Hamas cowards already got the balls to fight 50 American troops?

Laughable, most of the rats already sneaking abroad,

leaving deplorables behind - for Vodka in Qatar.

But have you actually got anything to tell us ?
Just one teeny weeny little point .
One illuminiting perspective that we might not have seen?
Or are you just another vile Racist ?

Methinks you have convicted yourself with your own ill chosen words
Now isn’t the time to talk about “Palestinian rights.“ Israelis have just had 1400 of their loved ones tortured to death in the most barbaric, agonizing ways - and the Muslim terrorists who did it laughed and bragged. What about the rights of the Jewish babies and children put in ovens, decapitated, and burned alive?
18, 000 Palestinians dead. Over 6,000 children.
What did they do to deserve this? Or do they not “count” in your calculous because they are Muslim?

How many dead children is too many?

When is the time to think about Palestinian rights?

You can’t keep putting it off and pretending it doesn’t exist.

So first we kill every last HAMAS terrorist. Then we make sure Iran isn’t capitalized to fund another group. Any talks of a two-state solution is now further away than before, thanks to the Muslim barbarians.

How many dead children are too many?
18, 000 Palestinians dead. Over 6,000 children.
What did they do to deserve this? Or do they not “count” in your calculous because they are Muslim?

How many dead children is too many?

When is the time to think about Palestinian rights?

You can’t keep putting it off and pretending it doesn’t exist.

How many dead children are too many?
If the Jews had the morals of the HAMAS savages, it would have been significantly more. That it is even as high as it is is the fault of the savages, who are using them as human shields. Jews are doing everything to limit the civilian deaths, but this is what HAMAS wanted when the savages tortured to death all those innocent Israelis. What did the Jews do to deserve that?

So it’s expecting a little too much for Jews to now concern themselves with “Palestinian rights” after HAMAS did what they did - and have threatened to keep doing it until all Jews are dead. What about the rights of Jews who will be killed by the HAMAS monsters if Israel doesn’t kill them all? Why should Jews concern themselves more with the lives of PalestinIans, most of whom support HAMAS, than of the lives of Jews?

The Palestinians had their chance, but they refused. Their main goal is to eradicate Israel. And now their elected leaders have conducted a horrific massacre where they INTENTIONALLY tortured Jews to death.

Now Israel must make sure that the barbarians never do it again. They’ve already given Palestinians a chance to save themselves - which is a lot more than the Muslims gave the innocent 1500 souls who died in agony.

Israel is in the right here, and all the pro-Palestinian rallies with shouts of “Death to Jews” and threats to Jews isn’t going to change that.
If the Jews had the morals of the HAMAS savages, it would have been significantly more. Jews are doing everything to limit the civilian deaths, but this is what HAMAS wanted when the savages tortured to death all those innocent Israelis. What did the Jews do to deserve that?

So it’s expecting a little too much for Jews to now concern themselves with “Palestinian rights” after HAMAS did what they did - and have threatened to keep doing it until all Jews are dead. What about the rights of Jews who will be killed by the HAMAS monsters? Why should Jews concern themselves more with the lives of PalestinIans, most of whom support HAMAS, than of the lives of Jews?

The Palestinians had their chance, but they refused. Their main goal is to eradicate Israel. And now their elected leaders have conducted a horrific massacre where they INTENTIONALLY tortured Jews to death.

Now Israel must make sure that the barbarians never do it again. They’ve already given Palestinians a chance to save themselves - which is a lot more than the Muslims gave the innocent 1500 souls who died in agony.

Israel is in the right here, and all the pro-Palestinian rallies with shouts of “Death to Jews” and threats to Jews isn’t going to change that.
How many dead children is too many?
Silly stuff. There has not been a moment since 1920 when the Palestinians have shown any interest in peace with Israel. Oslo was a European fairy tale that completely ignored the reality that the Palestinians want to destroy Jews/Israel, not live in peace with them. Two states living side by side in peace is a crock of shit. The only path to peace now lies in destroying Hamas and all the other terrorist gangs and their weapons and monitoring activities in Gaza to prevent them from ever reorganizing.
Agree with that.

Then what?
And P.S. Your remark about “putting it off” is quite dishonest. You are trying to fool people into thinking Israel has never offered peace deals. The Palestinians have always rejected them.
Yes. The Palestinians had offers of a two-state solution, and they turned them down. That’s because their goal is NOT their own state but the elimination of Israel.

To now discuss a two-state solution, after Muslim terrorists have massacred 1400 innocent Jews in the most barbaric, agonizing ways possible, is not feasible.

They turned them down because they weren't really offered a state.
How many dead children is too many?
What an asinine question? This is all HAMAS’ fault, and they are doing everything they can to INCREASE the number.

Stop taking the side of Muslim terrorists who have declared they want Israel wiped out to sea and every Jew dead over the Jews who are doing what they can to limit the civilian death count, even after the Palestinians murdered their own innocent Jews in the most agonizing way possible.

It’s a lucky thing for the Muslims that Jews have higher morals.
They turned them down because they weren't really offered a state.
Yes, they were. They turned them down because it was conditioned on their acknowledgement of Israel’s right to exist, and they refused.

And WHY THE FUCK are the antisemites swarming like termites after what Islamic terrorists did to innocent Jews?!
Yes, they were. They turned them down because it was conditioned on their acknowledgement of Israel’s right to exist, and they refused.

And WHY THE FUCK are the antisemites swarming like termites after what Islamic terrorists did to innocent Jews?!

They were being offered a demilitarized state on which Israeli forces would be stationed as several bases and the Israeli air force could overflight as they desired for starters. It's not a real state, just some quasi-state.
They were being offered a demilitarized state on which Israeli forces would be stationed as several bases and the Israeli air force could overflight as they desired for starters. It's not a real state, just some quasi-state.
Your antisemitism is showing with that anti-Israel lie. The Palestinians rejected all sorts of chances for their own state.

How long before this pretentious rhetoric is used

to encourage "Free Palestine" mobs taking

hostages in the US, and elsewhere?

Caliphate? Where are they from?
Your antisemitism is showing with that anti-Israel lie. The Palestinians rejected all sorts of chances for their own state.

Get the details instead of the propaganda.

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