there are 2 types of Americans: the makers...and the takers.

The makers are the folks who pay federal income taxes and the takers are those who don’t pay federal income taxes but take advantage of various welfare handouts funded by the makers’ money.
Welfare handouts. Like the Wall Street banks who crashed the world economy.
Gee, I don’t think a bank can get SNAP handouts. But thanks for asking.
conservatives work harder, feel happier, have closer families, take fewer drugs, give more generously, value honesty more, are less materialistic and envious, whine less, and even hug their children more than liberals.
Good 'cause I wouldn't touch yer family...Is that considered takers or makers?
A maker is a guy like me who built those roads and bridges. A taker is the guy who says my taxes need to be raised because I didn't build those roads and bridges.

The market decides how much money you make, what your house is worth etc. The market in the United States currently, took centuries to build, involved fighting wars to protect it, as well as many other sacrifices along the way. Most people in the United States are lucky they were born there. So yes, the United States does have a right to tax you and take part of you income. After all, you did not create the market in the United States, you were just born into it and are lucky to be able to take advantage of it.
That wasn't de-facto president Obama's excuse for wanting to tax me more. He said I should have my tax rate increased because I didn't build the roads and bridges that I built.
The makers are the folks who pay federal income taxes and the takers are those who don’t pay federal income taxes but take advantage of various welfare handouts funded by the makers’ money.
Welfare handouts. Like the Wall Street banks who crashed the world economy.
Gee, I don’t think a bank can get SNAP handouts. But thanks for asking.

Hey look, everybody. A tard who thinks the only welfare is the kind the government gives to poor people. :lol:
The makers are the folks who pay federal income taxes and the takers are those who don’t pay federal income taxes but take advantage of various welfare handouts funded by the makers’ money.
Welfare handouts. Like the Wall Street banks who crashed the world economy.
Gee, I don’t think a bank can get SNAP handouts. But thanks for asking.
They get ATDF aid to families of dependent children. The bank CEO has the mind of a child...
ZIRP = Welfare for the banks, at a cost to every saver in America.

AIG bailout = $182 billion.

QE 1, 2, 3 = $3 TRILLION printed to save the banks.

I can go on, if any of you dipshits need me to.
we need a president so conservative that the right wing never knows what the far right is doing
The makers are the folks who pay federal income taxes and the takers are those who don’t pay federal income taxes but take advantage of various welfare handouts funded by the makers’ money.
Welfare handouts. Like the Wall Street banks who crashed the world economy.

And watch what happens when the corporate junk bonds burst like the sub-prime mortgages burst. That's the other shoe that is going to drop. Hopefully, the day after Trump is re-elected.
The makers are the folks who pay federal income taxes and the takers are those who don’t pay federal income taxes but take advantage of various welfare handouts funded by the makers’ money.
Welfare handouts. Like the Wall Street banks who crashed the world economy.

And watch what happens when the corporate junk bonds burst like the sub-prime mortgages burst. That's the other shoe that is going to drop. Hopefully, the day after Trump is re-elected.
The Fed's Bond Bubble Doomsday Machine
conservatives work harder, feel happier, have closer families, take fewer drugs, give more generously, value honesty more, are less materialistic and envious, whine less, and even hug their children more than liberals.
Four wives, and a drug conviction: Limbaugh Cuts Deal in Prescription Case

An 18 plus year old story. Lol! Hell, anytime the right brings up a story like that the left cries fowl and labels it ancient history.

Love the hypocrisy.
conservatives work harder, feel happier, have closer families, take fewer drugs, give more generously, value honesty more, are less materialistic and envious, whine less, and even hug their children more than liberals.
Four wives, and a drug conviction: Limbaugh Cuts Deal in Prescription Case

An 18 plus year old story. Lol! Hell, anytime the right brings up a story like that the left cries fowl and labels it ancient history.

Love the hypocrisy.
Ah, 18 year time limit. Got it. I'll remember that.

Do you need more recent examples of Republican sleaziness? I have plenty.
and yes, i include those who benefit from the VA as "Takers"!
Sorry, Vets who benefit from the VA do not 'TAKE', They have EARNED the benefits they receive by fulfilling their end of a contract made with this government / country.

Choosing to serve your country means 'sacrifice' - you know you are not going to get rich, have an opportunity to be a 'CEO' making a ton of money, and in exchange for our service we were promised we would be taken care of. If you have a problem with that take it up with your government, not a Vet.
conservatives work harder, feel happier, have closer families, take fewer drugs, give more generously, value honesty more, are less materialistic and envious, whine less, and even hug their children more than liberals.
Four wives, and a drug conviction: Limbaugh Cuts Deal in Prescription Case

An 18 plus year old story. Lol! Hell, anytime the right brings up a story like that the left cries fowl and labels it ancient history.

Love the hypocrisy.
Ah, 18 year time limit. Got it. I'll remember that.

Do you need more recent examples of Republican sleaziness? I have plenty.

What 18 years? God, the left will go back as far as it deems necessary and will claim ancient history when Republicans do the same.

You can dig up what you want, personally I find both parties sleazy. I don’t need examples, it happens daily.
Hey look, everybody. A tard who thinks the only welfare is the kind the government gives to poor people.

That's the only kind he cares about.

Welfare to banks and corps is just fine with him
in 1980, yippie icon Jerry Rubin gave up protesting capitalism to work on Wall Street. he went from being a a maker!

and he inspired millions of baby boom liberals to join the establishment in droves
and yes, i include those who benefit from the VA as "Takers"!

The takers are Wall St day traders, corporate CEO's who buy back their own stock, insurance executives, bankers, and defense contractors.

The worst of the worst.

The only people who make anything actually work for a living.
i went to yale and own 10 acres in greenwich because i worked hard and made wise choices. you're unemployed and live in an apartment in cleveland because you didnt.

the system doesnt produce equal results, but its fair because the people who work hard rise to the top and those who don't...don't!

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