There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight

I'm going by weekly data. Daily data is virtually irrelevant. It's not deaths that happened on a day, it's deaths reported on a day. Some data is reported weekly so it appears a weeks worth of deaths happened in a day. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Also, I changed it from less than a third to less than a half because the rate went up as more data came in. But it's still less than half and you ignorantly said it's the same

Weekly/ Daily? WTF difference does it make. Do your own damn weekly averaging if it blows yer skirt up. I proved that you are full of CRAP.

I just explained that to you. How stupid are you? See the highlights above

You couldn't explain hopscotch to a 6 year old. Take your BS and shove it. :)

See, you don't know the basics of what you won't shut up about. If you had any idea what you were talking about you'd know that the deaths are when they are REPORTED not when they occurred. You don't know that. And you'd know that reporting intervals are all different, many are not even reported daily. You're just an intellectual light weight blowing smoke out your ass. You know nothing of what you are talking about

Learn something Goober

From your article: " According to an update on New York Times, however, the spikes reported in late July were primarily due to states like Texas, New York and New Jersey reporting a large number of previously unreported deaths from unspecified days."

This is what I keep telling you, simpleton. They are the days the deaths were REPORTED, not the day the death occurred
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.
Do you REALLY think it's Trump that's dividing us on race? The guy that passed prison sentencing reform that's freed more Blacks than Obama and Biden ever did? The guy that pardoned Jack Johnson? The guy who's economic policies gave blacks and Hispanics their best unemployment numbers ever?
This whole Black Lives Matter thing is a crock! Defunding the Police is so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. You've got people leaving major urban areas in numbers I haven't seen since the 70's. That isn't on Trump...that's all on liberal politicians and liberal policies.
Why does Trump think every Black or Brown person who comes here are from Shitholes? Why does Trump say there were fine people marching with torches while chanting 'Jews will not replace us!'? Why does Trump say Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hate? Why was Trump and his father convicted by the New York State attorney general?

Because, most black and brown people who come here ARE from shitholes!

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Somalia.....
And the presidential responsible thing to do is to call other nations shitholes.

Trump is blunt. If you travel overseas you're going to see places that can only be described as "shitholes". It may not be PC to call them that but it doesn't change the fact that they ARE!
Have you not heard. The USA is the new shit hole. No one wants to let US citizens in their country because we cnnot control the corona virus. Trump has turned us into a shit hole.
Which countries have controlled the corona virus, moron?
Done better, not eliminated completely
" While countries as different as South Korea, Thailand, Iceland, Slovakia, and Australia acted decisively to bend the curve of infections downward, the U.S. achieved merely a plateau in the spring, "
and many more, MORON

Biden virus deaths are less than a third what they were at their peak in April. Sorry to rain on your parade with actual facts

Oh Jesus, the nonsense is getting thicker and thicker. We are currently losing 1,000 Americans a day. When did we ever have 3,000 deaths a day?

Sorry, but things are just as bad as they were in April and May - You know, when Mango Menace told us it would magically disappear with the warmer weather.

We have failed and are the laughing (pitied) stock of the world welcome NO WHERE except a few 3rd World countries.

That's a lie. Deaths are less than half what they were at the peak in April

Nay Trumpling. Well, at least you revised it from less than a third. But you're still full of crap. ;)

I see ONE DAY (April 14 - NYC) that is triple what we are seeing now. A few of other days slightly worse. We are averaging the same as we were in April and May.

I'm going by weekly data. Daily data is virtually irrelevant. It's not deaths that happened on a day, it's deaths reported on a day. Some data is reported weekly so it appears a weeks worth of deaths happened in a day. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Also, I changed it from less than a third to less than a half because the rate went up as more data came in. But it's still less than half and you ignorantly said it's the same
What are acceptable casualty numbers for people like you? How much is not enough for concern or too much? What is the acceptable number per day or per week? Do old people count the same as middle-aged people? What about kids and teens?

You first. What are acceptable domestic violence rates? What are acceptable suicide rates and depression from being imprisoned in our homes? What are acceptable increased drug and alcohol rates? How much child development being stunted is acceptable to you? How many businesses being destroyed is acceptable to you? How many retirement accounts drained?
All the things you mention are fixable, repairable, and can be addressed with proper leadership. Dead people can't be brought back to life. All you mention have solutions and are being addressed in places with advanced leadership by implementing various programs.
You can fix people committing suicide?

When did that happen?
We have been doing it for a long time. Some my be unpreventable, but many can, and are avoided, especially those dealing with financial problems.
how about, in 2024, Obama runs against Trump, and the winner gets a 3rd term?!

let's fucking do it!

let's do it, my friends. this is a civil war. the deplorable base will become the deplorable nation!

Well Dude. You need to change the constitution first before you can have a 3rd term. Typical Trumpolines.

Nowhere did that say US citizens were kept on the boat, liar. You made that up
A plan took shape: The ship, still floating off the California coast, would dock in Oakland. Americans would be taken to military bases for two weeks of quarantine, and people from other countries would be sent home.

Grand Princess passengers were quarantined on bases. How ... › national › 2020/03/23

Right, so you admit you were wrong. Americans were not prevented from entering the United States as you claimed
You never stop kazzing, a.k.a., lying, huh? He said they were being held on the ship before being let off. Then he posted a links echoing that...

The ship was left to circle outside the Golden Gate for days as authorities pondered how to quarantine more than two thousand passengers.

Here's a more descriptive link ...

The morning of 4 March, the same day the Placer county man died at a hospital, Grand Princess officials told the 60 passengers who traveled with him they’d need to stay in their rooms until they could be screened for symptoms.
Later that day Gavin Newsom, California’s governor, announced a state of emergency and, citing those on board who had shown symptoms said the Grand Princess, would head back to California early for testing.

The ship is then stranded off the coast of California on March 5th as Impeached Trump dithered. No one is let off until March 10th...

Meanwhile, as the Grand Princess idled offshore, Donald Trump publicly expressed reluctance to bring the ship home.
“I like the numbers where they are,” Trump said. “I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.”
The Grand Princess was finally given the green light to return to shore, but it would dock in Oakland, not San Francisco. Officials said Oakland’s outer harbor put it at safer remove from tourists and densely populated areas.
The worst, it seemed, was over. But still to overcome was was the colossal task of moving thousands of passengers, an untold number of whom had been infected, off the boat and onto buses, where they’d be transported to hospitals, hotels or military bases for 14 days of quarantine.
On 10 March, the day the Grand Princess first reached Oakland, passengers received an official document under their cabin doors that read: “Once you arrive at the military installation, you may choose to be tested for Covid-19.”

I can't take you seriously when you keep posting like an eight year old. You on your pappa's computer?

As hard as you try to hide from it, even though you just ran like a pussy, you've been shown meaner gene was right. Your surrender is accepted.


I praise the Lord every day that you're a Democrat and not on my side. Thank you, Lord

Nowhere did that say US citizens were kept on the boat, liar. You made that up
A plan took shape: The ship, still floating off the California coast, would dock in Oakland. Americans would be taken to military bases for two weeks of quarantine, and people from other countries would be sent home.

Grand Princess passengers were quarantined on bases. How ... › national › 2020/03/23

Right, so you admit you were wrong. Americans were not prevented from entering the United States as you claimed
You never stop kazzing, a.k.a., lying, huh? He said they were being held on the ship before being let off. Then he posted a links echoing that...

The ship was left to circle outside the Golden Gate for days as authorities pondered how to quarantine more than two thousand passengers.

Here's a more descriptive link ...

The morning of 4 March, the same day the Placer county man died at a hospital, Grand Princess officials told the 60 passengers who traveled with him they’d need to stay in their rooms until they could be screened for symptoms.
Later that day Gavin Newsom, California’s governor, announced a state of emergency and, citing those on board who had shown symptoms said the Grand Princess, would head back to California early for testing.

The ship is then stranded off the coast of California on March 5th as Impeached Trump dithered. No one is let off until March 10th...

Meanwhile, as the Grand Princess idled offshore, Donald Trump publicly expressed reluctance to bring the ship home.
“I like the numbers where they are,” Trump said. “I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.”
The Grand Princess was finally given the green light to return to shore, but it would dock in Oakland, not San Francisco. Officials said Oakland’s outer harbor put it at safer remove from tourists and densely populated areas.
The worst, it seemed, was over. But still to overcome was was the colossal task of moving thousands of passengers, an untold number of whom had been infected, off the boat and onto buses, where they’d be transported to hospitals, hotels or military bases for 14 days of quarantine.
On 10 March, the day the Grand Princess first reached Oakland, passengers received an official document under their cabin doors that read: “Once you arrive at the military installation, you may choose to be tested for Covid-19.”

I can't take you seriously when you keep posting like an eight year old. You on your pappa's computer?

As hard as you try to hide from it, even though you just ran like a pussy, you've been shown meaner gene was right. Your surrender is accepted.


I praise the Lord every day that you're a Democrat and not on my side. Thank you, Lord

Trump hates you and God is quite neutral at present. He or she does not care for the pussy grabbing, lying, racist turd you support.
I'm going by weekly data. Daily data is virtually irrelevant. It's not deaths that happened on a day, it's deaths reported on a day. Some data is reported weekly so it appears a weeks worth of deaths happened in a day. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Also, I changed it from less than a third to less than a half because the rate went up as more data came in. But it's still less than half and you ignorantly said it's the same

Weekly/ Daily? WTF difference does it make. Do your own damn weekly averaging if it blows yer skirt up. I proved that you are full of CRAP.

I just explained that to you. How stupid are you? See the highlights above

You couldn't explain hopscotch to a 6 year old. Take your BS and shove it. :)

See, you don't know the basics of what you won't shut up about. If you had any idea what you were talking about you'd know that the deaths are when they are REPORTED not when they occurred. You don't know that. And you'd know that reporting intervals are all different, many are not even reported daily. You're just an intellectual light weight blowing smoke out your ass. You know nothing of what you are talking about

Learn something Goober
Perspective: Trumper's are demanding we believe COVID-19 cases and deaths are going down while specific data indicates cases and deaths are going up. Fortunately, we live in a time when we have both facts and alternate facts.

You're still lying. Deaths are less than half what they were at the peak in April.

John Adams: Facts are stubborn things

Ben Shapiro: Facts don't care about your feelings
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the travel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?

With a 98.6 survival rate....
I'm sure that comforts the families of the 180,000 people who have died in tne U.S..

Blaming Trump in your blind partisan hatred for a global pandemic doesn't give them comfort either
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the travel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?

With a 98.6 survival rate....
I'm sure that comforts the families of the 180,000 people who have died in tne U.S..
How about the families of all the people committed suicide, lost their jobs, lost their businesses, yada, yada, yada? I personally know someone who lost their business.
Fucking moron, we're tslking about coronavirus. Can your exceptionally small brain handle that?
Michelle Obama, former First Lady, did a far better job in tearing Rump a New One than her husband did.

But Obumble did a better job than Michelle in ramming-home the message: "Get out and vote no matter what it takes."

Between the two of them, Minorities have gotten the message, as have White Liberals from coast to coast.

Between the two of them, they made an open-and-shut case against the ignorant, arrogant, incompetent Orange Baboon-God.

The only remaining question is: Will enough of the Center vote (D) on November 3rd to tip the scales?

Shouldn't we be voting FOR something rather than just against Trump? What is Biden proposing to do for the country? I'm not interested in vague promises...I'm talking about concrete plans. What are his answers to growing the economy and creating new jobs? Higher taxes? The Green New Deal? Keeping schools shut down indefinitely? How is any of THAT going to help the economy?

Your questions should be. What is he going to do to save the economy from Trump disasters administration? What is he going to do to save the country from pandemic crisis from Trump negligence? Those should be your questions. Biden never said he would shutdown the school indefinitely. You lied.

And I can guarantee you 100% Biden can do far better job than this inept incompetent POTUS. Anybody can do far better than this lousy dude.

Tax increases? If you don’t make $400,000 a year don’t worry about it.
Biden will double down on stupid: $trillions in tax increases. $trillions spent on "green energy." Open the floodgates to illegal aliens. Massive increases in regulation.
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the travel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?

With a 98.6 survival rate....
I'm sure that comforts the families of the 180,000 people who have died in tne U.S..
How about the families of all the people committed suicide, lost their jobs, lost their businesses, yada, yada, yada? I personally know someone who lost their business.
Fucking moron, we're tslking about coronavirus. Can your exceptionally small brain handle that?
So am I, shit for brains.
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the travel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?
Studies have show that the virus was here in December.
Slobber the USMB who admitted he kazzes just to trigger Liberals.
What the hell is "kazzes?"
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the travel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?

With a 98.6 survival rate....
I'm sure that comforts the families of the 180,000 people who have died in tne U.S..

Blaming Trump in your blind partisan hatred for a global pandemic doesn't give them comfort either
Stop kazzing. I'm not blaming him for the global pandemic. I'm blaming him for his miserable handling of it in the U.S..
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the travel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?
Studies have show that the virus was here in December.
Slobber the USMB who admitted he kazzes just to trigger Liberals.
What the hell is "kazzes?"

Nowhere did that say US citizens were kept on the boat, liar. You made that up
A plan took shape: The ship, still floating off the California coast, would dock in Oakland. Americans would be taken to military bases for two weeks of quarantine, and people from other countries would be sent home.

Grand Princess passengers were quarantined on bases. How ... › national › 2020/03/23

Right, so you admit you were wrong. Americans were not prevented from entering the United States as you claimed
You never stop kazzing, a.k.a., lying, huh? He said they were being held on the ship before being let off. Then he posted a links echoing that...

The ship was left to circle outside the Golden Gate for days as authorities pondered how to quarantine more than two thousand passengers.

Here's a more descriptive link ...

The morning of 4 March, the same day the Placer county man died at a hospital, Grand Princess officials told the 60 passengers who traveled with him they’d need to stay in their rooms until they could be screened for symptoms.
Later that day Gavin Newsom, California’s governor, announced a state of emergency and, citing those on board who had shown symptoms said the Grand Princess, would head back to California early for testing.

The ship is then stranded off the coast of California on March 5th as Impeached Trump dithered. No one is let off until March 10th...

Meanwhile, as the Grand Princess idled offshore, Donald Trump publicly expressed reluctance to bring the ship home.
“I like the numbers where they are,” Trump said. “I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.”
The Grand Princess was finally given the green light to return to shore, but it would dock in Oakland, not San Francisco. Officials said Oakland’s outer harbor put it at safer remove from tourists and densely populated areas.
The worst, it seemed, was over. But still to overcome was was the colossal task of moving thousands of passengers, an untold number of whom had been infected, off the boat and onto buses, where they’d be transported to hospitals, hotels or military bases for 14 days of quarantine.
On 10 March, the day the Grand Princess first reached Oakland, passengers received an official document under their cabin doors that read: “Once you arrive at the military installation, you may choose to be tested for Covid-19.”

I can't take you seriously when you keep posting like an eight year old. You on your pappa's computer?

As hard as you try to hide from it, even though you just ran like a pussy, you've been shown meaner gene was right. Your surrender is accepted.


I praise the Lord every day that you're a Democrat and not on my side. Thank you, Lord

Trump hates you and God is quite neutral at present. He or she does not care for the pussy grabbing, lying, racist turd you support.

So you think your politicians care about you????????

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

OMG, you're just sad
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the travel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?

With a 98.6 survival rate....
I'm sure that comforts the families of the 180,000 people who have died in tne U.S..
How about the families of all the people committed suicide, lost their jobs, lost their businesses, yada, yada, yada? I personally know someone who lost their business.
Fucking moron, we're tslking about coronavirus. Can your exceptionally small brain handle that?

You have to read the conversation to understand it. See how that works?
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the travel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?
Studies have show that the virus was here in December.
Slobber the USMB who admitted he kazzes just to trigger Liberals.
What the hell is "kazzes?"

Faun is an eternal eight year old. Aren't you glad he isn't on our side? Praise the Lord
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the travel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?
Studies have show that the virus was here in December.
Slobber the USMB who admitted he kazzes just to trigger Liberals.
What the hell is "kazzes?"

Faun is an eternal eight year old. Aren't you glad he isn't on our side? Praise the Lord
He fails to realize is that all he does is make his side look bad.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse

Given that we have 5 million infections
What good did the travel ban do and why is that the only Trump accomplishment you can point to?

With a 98.6 survival rate....
I'm sure that comforts the families of the 180,000 people who have died in tne U.S..

Blaming Trump in your blind partisan hatred for a global pandemic doesn't give them comfort either
Stop kazzing. I'm not blaming him for the global pandemic. I'm blaming him for his miserable handling of it in the U.S..

Tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to. And I can't take an eight year old seriously
I'm going by weekly data. Daily data is virtually irrelevant. It's not deaths that happened on a day, it's deaths reported on a day. Some data is reported weekly so it appears a weeks worth of deaths happened in a day. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Also, I changed it from less than a third to less than a half because the rate went up as more data came in. But it's still less than half and you ignorantly said it's the same

Weekly/ Daily? WTF difference does it make. Do your own damn weekly averaging if it blows yer skirt up. I proved that you are full of CRAP.

I just explained that to you. How stupid are you? See the highlights above

You couldn't explain hopscotch to a 6 year old. Take your BS and shove it. :)

See, you don't know the basics of what you won't shut up about. If you had any idea what you were talking about you'd know that the deaths are when they are REPORTED not when they occurred. You don't know that. And you'd know that reporting intervals are all different, many are not even reported daily. You're just an intellectual light weight blowing smoke out your ass. You know nothing of what you are talking about

Learn something Goober
Perspective: Trumper's are demanding we believe COVID-19 cases and deaths are going down while specific data indicates cases and deaths are going up. Fortunately, we live in a time when we have both facts and alternate facts.

You're still lying. Deaths are less than half what they were at the peak in April.

John Adams: Facts are stubborn things

Ben Shapiro: Facts don't care about your feelings
So, when cases and deaths increase from day to day or week to week you use some distorted weird calculus for determining cases and deaths are going down, even though the numbers have risen.

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