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There is a storm coming!!!

The United States is under attack from within and without. We are in real danger of everything this country stands for. We are being attacked on three fronts. It has always been there but now they are bringing to right out in the open and under political correctness they will lead us right down the path to conquest.

I don't see that today is any different than 100 years ago except we have better internet :3:
The United States is under attack from within and without. We are in real danger of everything this country stands for. We are being attacked on three fronts. It has always been there but now they are bringing to right out in the open and under political correctness they will lead us right down the path to conquest.
The real danger is rigid ideology. If you're not willing to compromise with the other side, you are attacking the Republic.
Compromise is how we got here. The boomers compromised for the past 50 years and where has that gotten us? Well it got THEM a bunch of free shit and the subsequent generations a big gaping ass ache in the form of trillions in unfunded liabilities and cultural relativism.
No...there needs to be no more compromise. Boomer ideals need to hit the road. REAL conservatives need to come to the front and actually stand for something.

What free shit are these boomers reaping?

In 1962, we were laying down the foundations of prosperity. About 32 cents of every federal dollar, excluding interest payments, was spent on investments, only 14 percent on entitlements. In the mid-70s the lines crossed. Today we spend less than 15 cents on investment and 46 cents on entitlements. And it gets worse. By 2030, when the last of us boomers have surged onto the Social Security rolls, entitlements will consume 61 cents of every federal dollar, starving our already neglected investment and leaving us, in the words of the study, with “a less-skilled work force, lower rates of job creation, and an infrastructure unfit for a 21st-century economy.”

Some of the entitlement bloat comes from the addition of new programs — notably the prescription drug benefit espoused by our second boomer president, George W. Bush, and the Affordable Care Act, though at least that law sets in motion offsetting measures aimed at containing the soaring cost of health care.

Opinion | The Entitled Generation

The most heinous case of intergenerational theft in American history is underway, and few people seem to care.

The culprits include Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, the political and the apolitical, all of a certain age. An entitled generation is bankrupting the country and ruining the planet for future generations.

The U.S. federal debt totals $22.5 trillion, or $66,000 per person. This huge debt, as a percentage of gross domestic product, is a relatively recent development, coinciding with baby boomers reaching political maturity.

Admittedly, the record for federal debt was set by President Franklin Roosevelt, who was trying to overcome the Great Depression and fight World War II. But the World War II generation steadily paid it down from 1946 to 1980.

Baby boomers are stealing big-time from millennials
The United States is under attack from within and without. We are in real danger of everything this country stands for. We are being attacked on three fronts. It has always been there but now they are bringing to right out in the open and under political correctness they will lead us right down the path to conquest.

The real danger is rigid ideology. If you're not willing to compromise with the other side, you are attacking the Republic.
Compromise is how we got here. The boomers compromised for the past 50 years and where has that gotten us? Well it got THEM a bunch of free shit and the subsequent generations a big gaping ass ache in the form of trillions in unfunded liabilities and cultural relativism.
No...there needs to be no more compromise. Boomer ideals need to hit the road. REAL conservatives need to come to the front and actually stand for something.
So what are ya waiting for?
You greedy old bastards to get your ultimate wish and be raptured up to Jesus.
The United States is under attack from within and without. We are in real danger of everything this country stands for. We are being attacked on three fronts. It has always been there but now they are bringing to right out in the open and under political correctness they will lead us right down the path to conquest.
Chicken Little and the boy who cried “Wolf!”. Trump’s most loyal supporters.

Trump says there’s always a crisis an enemy and an emergency.

And he alone can fix it.
The United States is under attack from within and without. We are in real danger of everything this country stands for. We are being attacked on three fronts. It has always been there but now they are bringing to right out in the open and under political correctness they will lead us right down the path to conquest.

The real danger is rigid ideology. If you're not willing to compromise with the other side, you are attacking the Republic.
Compromise is how we got here. The boomers compromised for the past 50 years and where has that gotten us? Well it got THEM a bunch of free shit and the subsequent generations a big gaping ass ache in the form of trillions in unfunded liabilities and cultural relativism.
No...there needs to be no more compromise. Boomer ideals need to hit the road. REAL conservatives need to come to the front and actually stand for something.
So what are ya waiting for?
You greedy old bastards to get your ultimate wish and be raptured up to Jesus.
Fortunately for me, there is no Jesus and there is no rapture. What else ya got?
The United States is under attack from within and without. We are in real danger of everything this country stands for. We are being attacked on three fronts. It has always been there but now they are bringing to right out in the open and under political correctness they will lead us right down the path to conquest.

The real danger is rigid ideology. If you're not willing to compromise with the other side, you are attacking the Republic.
Compromise is how we got here. The boomers compromised for the past 50 years and where has that gotten us? Well it got THEM a bunch of free shit and the subsequent generations a big gaping ass ache in the form of trillions in unfunded liabilities and cultural relativism.
No...there needs to be no more compromise. Boomer ideals need to hit the road. REAL conservatives need to come to the front and actually stand for something.
So what are ya waiting for?
You greedy old bastards to get your ultimate wish and be raptured up to Jesus.
Fortunately for me, there is no Jesus and there is no rapture. What else ya got?
Well then I guess you will visiting old scratch gramps...happy trails.
Here is the attack plan The Left and The Globalists allied with Islam have come up with.

1.) Infiltrate The US and Saturate it with Refugees who hold foreign ideologies opposed to The Idea of America and opposed to the US Constitution, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Right to Bear Arms etc.

2.) Continually undermine individual liberties in our courts. Challenge existing legislation, executive orders that promote individual liberties, and the right of sovereignty on every occasion possible.

3.) Break down The Rule of Law by overwhelming it. Use our Democracy against US, and Grant Foreign Peoples the right to vote, especially if they oppose the ideas of Freedom as granted by The Constitution.

4.) Place in office, people who do not love America, and are opposed to The Christian Judea ethic, and have them work legislatively to undermine the progress we have made for the last 250 Years.

5.) Squash Free Speech, by bludgeoning all people you do not agree with, with a false accusation of racism, or any ism necessary to defame them and undermine them.

What is occurring now, is a forerunner of what is to come. And what is to come will be exponentially worse than what is occurring now.

From the Book of Daniel Chapter 7

21 As I watched, this horn was waging war against the saints and prevailing against them,

24 And the ten horns are ten kings who will rise from this kingdom. After them another king, different from the earlier ones, will rise and subdue three kings.

25 He will speak out against the Most High and oppress the saints of the Most High, intending to change the set times and laws, and the saints will be given into his hand for a time, and times, and half a time.
The phrase “god of this world” (or “god of this age”) indicates that
Satan is the major influence on the ideals, opinions, goals,
hopes and views of the majority of people.

His influence also encompasses
the world’s philosophies, education, and commerce.
The thoughts, ideas, speculations and false religions of the world
are under his control and have sprung from his lies and deceptions.

The United States is under attack from within and without. We are in real danger of everything this country stands for. We are being attacked on three fronts. It has always been there but now they are bringing to right out in the open and under political correctness they will lead us right down the path to conquest.

Here is the attack plan The Left and The Globalists allied with Islam have come up with.

1.) Infiltrate The US and Saturate it with Refugees who hold foreign ideologies opposed to The Idea of America and opposed to the US Constitution, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Right to Bear Arms etc.

2.) Continually undermine individual liberties in our courts. Challenge existing legislation, executive orders that promote individual liberties, and the right of sovereignty on every occasion possible.

3.) Break down The Rule of Law by overwhelming it. Use our Democracy against US, and Grant Foreign Peoples the right to vote, especially if they oppose the ideas of Freedom as granted by The Constitution.

4.) Place in office, people who do not love America, and are opposed to The Christian Judea ethic, and have them work legislatively to undermine the progress we have made for the last 250 Years.

5.) Squash Free Speech, by bludgeoning all people you do not agree with, with a false accusation of racism, or any ism necessary to defame them and undermine them.

What is occurring now, is a forerunner of what is to come. And what is to come will be exponentially worse than what is occurring now.

From the Book of Daniel Chapter 7

21 As I watched, this horn was waging war against the saints and prevailing against them,

24 And the ten horns are ten kings who will rise from this kingdom. After them another king, different from the earlier ones, will rise and subdue three kings.

25 He will speak out against the Most High and oppress the saints of the Most High, intending to change the set times and laws, and the saints will be given into his hand for a time, and times, and half a time.
The phrase “god of this world” (or “god of this age”) indicates that
Satan is the major influence on the ideals, opinions, goals,
hopes and views of the majority of people.

His influence also encompasses
the world’s philosophies, education, and commerce.
The thoughts, ideas, speculations and false religions of the world
are under his control and have sprung from his lies and deceptions.

View attachment 251511

Fool! Satan has you thinking this and you actually believe you're inspired by God.
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them
which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ,
who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

2 Corinthians 4:4

He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart;
that they should not see with their eyes,
nor understand with their heart, and be converted,
and I should heal them

John 12:40

Make the heart of this people fat,
and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes;
lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears,
and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.

Isaiah 6:10
Fool! Satan has you thinking this and you actually believe you're inspired by God.
According to The Word of God, that commands you,
through the name, above all names, Jesus, you are compelled to...


Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning,
and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own:
for he is a liar, and the father of it.

John 8:44
The United States is under attack from within and without. We are in real danger of everything this country stands for. We are being attacked on three fronts. It has always been there but now they are bringing to right out in the open and under political correctness they will lead us right down the path to conquest.
Chicken Little and the boy who cried “Wolf!”. Trump’s most loyal supporters.

Trump says there’s always a crisis an enemy and an emergency.

And he alone can fix it.
Just another little fact. San Antonio has barred Chik Fil A from its airport. These little things are adding up for Christians. The wolf thing has validity for those concerned.
The United States is under attack from within and without. We are in real danger of everything this country stands for. We are being attacked on three fronts. It has always been there but now they are bringing to right out in the open and under political correctness they will lead us right down the path to conquest.
Chicken Little and the boy who cried “Wolf!”. Trump’s most loyal supporters.

Trump says there’s always a crisis an enemy and an emergency.

And he alone can fix it.
Just another little fact. San Antonio has barred Chik Fil A from its airport. These little things are adding up for Christians. The wolf thing has validity for those concerned.

Hate Chicken is the best chicken.
Here is the attack plan The Left and The Globalists allied with Islam have come up with.

1.) Infiltrate The US and Saturate it with Refugees who hold foreign ideologies opposed to The Idea of America and opposed to the US Constitution, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Right to Bear Arms etc.

2.) Continually undermine individual liberties in our courts. Challenge existing legislation, executive orders that promote individual liberties, and the right of sovereignty on every occasion possible.

3.) Break down The Rule of Law by overwhelming it. Use our Democracy against US, and Grant Foreign Peoples the right to vote, especially if they oppose the ideas of Freedom as granted by The Constitution.

4.) Place in office, people who do not love America, and are opposed to The Christian Judea ethic, and have them work legislatively to undermine the progress we have made for the last 250 Years.

5.) Squash Free Speech, by bludgeoning all people you do not agree with, with a false accusation of racism, or any ism necessary to defame them and undermine them.

What is occurring now, is a forerunner of what is to come. And what is to come will be exponentially worse than what is occurring now.

From the Book of Daniel Chapter 7

21 As I watched, this horn was waging war against the saints and prevailing against them,

24 And the ten horns are ten kings who will rise from this kingdom. After them another king, different from the earlier ones, will rise and subdue three kings.

25 He will speak out against the Most High and oppress the saints of the Most High, intending to change the set times and laws, and the saints will be given into his hand for a time, and times, and half a time.
The phrase “god of this world” (or “god of this age”) indicates that
Satan is the major influence on the ideals, opinions, goals,
hopes and views of the majority of people.

His influence also encompasses
the world’s philosophies, education, and commerce.
The thoughts, ideas, speculations and false religions of the world
are under his control and have sprung from his lies and deceptions.

View attachment 251511
The United States is under attack from within and without. We are in real danger of everything this country stands for. We are being attacked on three fronts. It has always been there but now they are bringing to right out in the open and under political correctness they will lead us right down the path to conquest.

God some people are such puss drama queens. We live in pretty easy times . Settle down beavis .
And yet you seem to complain an awful lot

It’s my duty as an American..

Americans never used to be whining pantywaists
The United States is under attack from within and without. We are in real danger of everything this country stands for. We are being attacked on three fronts. It has always been there but now they are bringing to right out in the open and under political correctness they will lead us right down the path to conquest.

God some people are such puss drama queens. We live in pretty easy times . Settle down beavis .
And yet you seem to complain an awful lot

It’s my duty as an American..

Americans never used to be whining pantywaists
Paul Harvey was Prophetic. This was years and years ago.

Here is the attack plan The Left and The Globalists allied with Islam have come up with.

1.) Infiltrate The US and Saturate it with Refugees who hold foreign ideologies opposed to The Idea of America and opposed to the US Constitution, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Right to Bear Arms etc.

2.) Continually undermine individual liberties in our courts. Challenge existing legislation, executive orders that promote individual liberties, and the right of sovereignty on every occasion possible.

3.) Break down The Rule of Law by overwhelming it. Use our Democracy against US, and Grant Foreign Peoples the right to vote, especially if they oppose the ideas of Freedom as granted by The Constitution.

4.) Place in office, people who do not love America, and are opposed to The Christian Judea ethic, and have them work legislatively to undermine the progress we have made for the last 250 Years.

5.) Squash Free Speech, by bludgeoning all people you do not agree with, with a false accusation of racism, or any ism necessary to defame them and undermine them.

What is occurring now, is a forerunner of what is to come. And what is to come will be exponentially worse than what is occurring now.

From the Book of Daniel Chapter 7

21 As I watched, this horn was waging war against the saints and prevailing against them,

24 And the ten horns are ten kings who will rise from this kingdom. After them another king, different from the earlier ones, will rise and subdue three kings.

25 He will speak out against the Most High and oppress the saints of the Most High, intending to change the set times and laws, and the saints will be given into his hand for a time, and times, and half a time.
The phrase “god of this world” (or “god of this age”) indicates that
Satan is the major influence on the ideals, opinions, goals,
hopes and views of the majority of people.

His influence also encompasses
the world’s philosophies, education, and commerce.
The thoughts, ideas, speculations and false religions of the world
are under his control and have sprung from his lies and deceptions.

View attachment 251511
Traitors! Mongrel races! Alien infestation! We must take up arms, go into their mosques, and mow them down!

"And now a message from an adult diaper company..."
I agree. Blow all the mosques to hell.
The real danger is rigid ideology. If you're not willing to compromise with the other side, you are attacking the Republic.
Compromise is how we got here. The boomers compromised for the past 50 years and where has that gotten us? Well it got THEM a bunch of free shit and the subsequent generations a big gaping ass ache in the form of trillions in unfunded liabilities and cultural relativism.
No...there needs to be no more compromise. Boomer ideals need to hit the road. REAL conservatives need to come to the front and actually stand for something.
So what are ya waiting for?
You greedy old bastards to get your ultimate wish and be raptured up to Jesus.
Fortunately for me, there is no Jesus and there is no rapture. What else ya got?
Well then I guess you will visiting old scratch gramps...happy trails.
See ya there.

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