There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Because every year there are almost 1,000 gun deaths in a city with the strictest gun control laws in the country. It is the poster child for the failure of gun control laws and the pandering by the liberal Democrats to the demographics that are the by far main perpetrators of crimes.

However, if your point is that Chicago is not the only Democrat run big city shithole in the US then you are correct. Just look at an election result map from 2016 and the blue splotches are where most of the gun crimes take place. .

Right. Because those are WHERE PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIVE.

Chicago doesn't have strict gun laws. We haven't since 2010 when the Heller and McDonald decisions overturned our gun laws.

Yes....they have strict gun control laws......and it isn't law abiding gun owners doing the shooting in is teenagers who can't buy, own or carry guns who are doing the gun stores, no gun ranges in Chicago...also, Baltimore has even more extreme gun control and has a higher murder rate than even New York City with a tiny, tiny population...
Politically, strong gun control laws are just not in cards and neither is arming teachers. What is doable, if we want to commit the resources is keeping guns out the schools. It would require metal detectors, and additions security at the schools. The cost would be in billions but we are spending about 10 billion dollars a year trying secure our airports.

I've taught in public schools and worked in school administration and can tell you, school security is a joke. Signs say, "visitors must report the office" or "visitor permit required". I've entered hundreds of schools and have never been asked for a permit and or even questioned in anyway. Retail stores have better security than most schools.

We can start by locking the doors and knowing who exactly is supposed to be in the building.. It seems to me these people who shoot up schools just walk in undetected.
Loving the role of Capt. Obvious here I'll point out that We already limit hardware.

You can waive your copy of The Second in the face of any legal dealer of arms (and there are PLENTY) and you still can't buy a tank, no matter how many pennies you saved up for the transaction.

It is not unconstitutional for Us to limit access to hardware, We already do. Next is to refine the list.

I don't need a tank for my personal defense, if the shit is hitting the fan that badly I pay taxes to rely on The US Marines for that kind of conflict.

Because I'm lucky enough to have been born in America, I don't need an AR-15 for my personal defense. The AR-15 is strictly an offensive weapon and there is no reason We The People should not restrict access to it.

In this particular shooting, the fact of young Mr Cruz having access to ANY weapons is the "Shame on Us" moment, but his choice of weapon IS relevant to the body count.


You aren't the People ... You are a person Captain Obvious ... :thup:
I don't think the People have any doubt you want to grant the federal government the power to further disarm the citizenry.

My guess is that it will be too late before your recognize your folly ... Captain Obvious.

"The left demands compelte background searches and multiple layers of permits and licenses to purchase a firearm but says asking voters to show their driver’s license is racist" - Jack Posobiec
Jack Posobiec (/pəˈsoʊbɪk/ pə-SOW-bik; born 1985) is an American alt-right[1][2][3] internet activist, conspiracy theorist,[4][5] and self-described journalist, known primarily for his controversial and pro-Donald Trump comments on Twitter.

None of which reduces the role of We, the People in allowing the transaction resulting in that crazy young fucker owning an AR-15 and all the ammo he can carry.

Nor does it reduce in any way the sadness. :(

You do realize that an AR is a semi-auto like most deer rifles?

Whatever. I know what it's used for. I can't remember the last mass shooting that didn't involve an AR-15.

I like my guns... as long as I can maintain my license from the People of Florida to carry one, I will have a 9mm on my hip... but I see no use for an AR-15 other than play and assault.

I can appreciate the desire to play with one, I've shot one and had fun, but there is no reason that access can't be restricted to folks who can pass a concealed carry license at minimum.

Florida vetted me pretty hard when I was granted my CC permit. There's no reason that access to some weapons and accessories couldn't be limited to CC holders.

None of which reduces the role of We, the People in allowing the transaction resulting in that crazy young fucker owning an AR-15 and all the ammo he can carry.

Nor does it reduce in any way the sadness. :(

You do realize that an AR is a semi-auto like most deer rifles?

Whatever. I know what it's used for. I can't remember the last mass shooting that didn't involve an AR-15.

I like my guns... as long as I can maintain my license from the People of Florida to carry one, I will have a 9mm on my hip... but I see no use for an AR-15 other than play and assault.

I can appreciate the desire to play with one, I've shot one and had fun, but there is no reason that access can't be restricted to folks who can pass a concealed carry license at minimum.

Florida vetted me pretty hard when I was granted my CC permit. There's no reason that access to some weapons and accessories couldn't be limited to CC holders.


That's worth discussing.
Loving the role of Capt. Obvious here I'll point out that We already limit hardware.

You can waive your copy of The Second in the face of any legal dealer of arms (and there are PLENTY) and you still can't buy a tank, no matter how many pennies you saved up for the transaction.

It is not unconstitutional for Us to limit access to hardware, We already do. Next is to refine the list.

I don't need a tank for my personal defense, if the shit is hitting the fan that badly I pay taxes to rely on The US Marines for that kind of conflict.

Because I'm lucky enough to have been born in America, I don't need an AR-15 for my personal defense. The AR-15 is strictly an offensive weapon and there is no reason We The People should not restrict access to it.

In this particular shooting, the fact of young Mr Cruz having access to ANY weapons is the "Shame on Us" moment, but his choice of weapon IS relevant to the body count.
You aren't the People ... You are a person Captain Obvious ... :thup:
I don't think the People have any doubt you want to grant the federal government the power to further disarm the citizenry.

My guess is that it will be too late before your recognize your folly ... Captain Obvious.

:eusa_dance: It's a fun experiment - replace the word 'government' with 'We, The People' in reading and conversation....

We, The People already limit hardware and access. We're just doing a piss-poor job because We've been hamstrung by industry using the politics of fear to maintain a cash flow flowing just the way it is.

Profit from gun sales is the only reason that I can think of why We, The People can't restrict ownership of AR-15's to people who hold concealed carry permits and have been vetted by their state.

He was expelled from one school in the district, rumors of it having to do with a weapon, yet sent to another within the same district. Supposedly there was also a mental health referral. Friends of the mother said she had struggled with him for years.
This is how I feel after reading this whole thread:


Yep. You have a bunch of hyper partisan people talking about the wrong issue.

Everybody knew the kid was a violent whack job, and it is likely he had been a violent whack job for quite some time. Out of the stupid need to be "inclusionary" the school system just kept passing him through with no regards to the effects he was having on everybody else.

The issue here is the identification and treatment of mental illness, along with a dysfunctional system that not only refuses to treat the mental illness, but mainstreams the mentally ill because of bureaucratic mandates instead of common sense.

Seems to be common

So many of these shooters are looked at as "creepy" by everyone who knows them, yet we have no way to keep guns out of their hands

A bartender can look at a patron and say he has had too much to drink and refuse to serve him

Yet a gun dealer can't look at one of these kids and say he is too freak'n creepy to sell a gun to
Being creepy isn't illegal. He passed the background checks when he bought his guns didn't he?

He most certainly did.....and was able to buy the weapon he needed to shoot up a school
Cruz complained often about bullying on campus and "had beef with one kid."

Watford's older brother, Mike, who graduated from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in 2016, told BuzzFeed News that Cruz often said "how tired he was of everyone picking on him and the staff doing nothing about it."

Instead of zeroing in on what actually motivates these shooters time and again.....'bullying'....the mainstream media just wants to harp about gun control....why are schools not held accountable for all the bullying that goes is not like the teachers do not know about it.....they simply ignore it. Why is that the case?
:eusa_dance: It's a fun experiment - replace the word 'government' with 'We, The People' in reading and conversation....

We, The People already limit hardware and access. We're just doing a piss-poor job because We've been hamstrung by industry using the politics of fear to maintain a cash flow flowing just the way it is.

Profit from gun sales is the only reason that I can think of why We, The People can't restrict ownership of AR-15's to people who hold concealed carry permits and have been vetted by their state.


Who exactly do you think is trying to exploit a policy of fear to achieve their aspirations ... Captain Obvious?

Heck, when I was in school every truck in the school parking lot had a gun rack, most with rifles on them. No problem with school shootings. No one breaking into the trucks to steal the rifles. We did have 4h clubs, which taught gun safety and responsibility.
Think about this. The NRA & dumbass Trumpettes want to pass out silencers & make concealed carry permits no longer needed.

How many of more of those school students would be dead if the shooter utilized a silencer?

Hundred? Two Hundred?

Yet this is what the NRA & the stupid Trumpettes want.

Pass out guns at the door, rig them with silencers & if a shooter enters the building, we can have 1800 untrained idiots armed to the teeth. That is the NRA plan.

Not too terribly long ago when I was in high school it wasn't uncommon for people to have firearms in their vehicles.
Shit ... It wasn't uncommon to get out of school and go hunting.

Yeah dumbass ... There were students with guns all over the place and people weren't getting shot.
Ask yourself what changed ... Stupid, nit-wit, snowflake Progressive policies changed the children ... They didn't change the guns.

Heck, when I was in school every truck in the school parking lot had a gun rack, most with rifles on them. No problem with school shootings. No one breaking into the trucks to steal the rifles. We did have 4h clubs, which taught gun safety and responsibility.
Think about this. The NRA & dumbass Trumpettes want to pass out silencers & make concealed carry permits no longer needed.

How many of more of those school students would be dead if the shooter utilized a silencer?

Hundred? Two Hundred?

Yet this is what the NRA & the stupid Trumpettes want.

Pass out guns at the door, rig them with silencers & if a shooter enters the building, we can have 1800 untrained idiots armed to the teeth. That is the NRA plan.

Not too terribly long ago when I was in high school it wasn't uncommon for people to have firearms in their vehicles.
Shit ... It wasn't uncommon to get out of school and go hunting.

Yeah dumbass ... There were students with guns all over the place and people weren't getting shot.
Ask yourself what changed ... Stupid, nit-wit, snowflake Progressive policies changed the children ... They didn't change the guns.


The liberals and the mainstream media contribute to the problem and in fact are part of the problem....they definitely are not the part of any solution. By failing to zero in on what motivates these shooters they do their best to distract the public by putting out the red herring of gun control simply because that is part of the liberal agenda and thus the real problem gets ignored. Time and again we see this....thus no progress to prevent these incidents is made and this epidemic of shooting at schools will therefore continue unabated.

What needs to be done: Institute a vigorous policy in our public schools of identyfing bullying and who the perps are....once the bullys are identified their parents should be notified and they should be required to attend a meeting at the public school with their bully kid and a psychologist and school officials should educate them on what bullying is and how their kid has been bullying other kids....a rigorous policy should be put in place to make sure the bullying stops aka suspension of bullys or if required to kick them out of school and possibly make it a criminal offense if the bully continues such behavior.
None of which reduces the role of We, the People in allowing the transaction resulting in that crazy young fucker owning an AR-15 and all the ammo he can carry.

Nor does it reduce in any way the sadness. :(

You do realize that an AR is a semi-auto like most deer rifles?
OMG Here we go,. A pretend gun expert is ging to make this stuipid argument once again.

I have hunting rifles. They do not come with the option of a 150 round magazine & are not semi automatic.
Shooter Belonged to White Supremacist Group
February 15, 2018 at 1:13 pm EST
“Nikolas Cruz, the alleged gunman who killed 17 people at a Florida high school on Wednesday, trained with a white-supremacist group,” its leader told the Daily Beast.
Said Jordan Jereb, captain of the Republic of Florida: “He probably used that training to do what he did yesterday. Nobody I know told him to do that, he just freaked out.”
Just read where the hooter was a member of a white Supremacist group & trained with them
I'm just waiting to hear that he's DACA kid.

If that were to be the case....the news rooms across the country would be busy all night scrubbing all of their video and coverage of this shooting........

Left is going to use this shooting (just like any other) to push for anti-gun narrative. Before they do, they should remember that they are the ones who radicalized people like this.

When all the smoke clears, I'm betting that the shooter is once again found to have ties with and or alliances with the democratic party, Obama supporter, or his parents are. These people never turn out to be moral, upstanding, conservatives. As to other countries, what they don't have is American Common Core Public Schools turning out violent kids looking to come back to "get even" with all of their dysfunctional teachers and classmates who put this need to murder in their minds.

WHEN will schools finally be held accountable for not protecting these kids by locking the doors, having metal detectors and having teachers and guards throughout the school who are well-armed and well-trained with firearms? The problem is obviously NOT THE GUNS, but our unfamiliarity with them anymore by a liberal culture trying to remove them from people's lives. WE have created a generation of defenseless people who know nothing but how to hide in terror under a desk.
Oh, get serious. This kid didn't go on a shooting rampage because he supported Obama or because he hated Trump, or he was seeking 47 virgins in paradise.

This kid had serious problems and they had little to do with politics. He was held back two grades in school and had been expelled from school. He had lost his brother, his mother had died only a few months ago, and he was living with a foster family. School administrators barred him from bringing a backpack to school because he was selling knifes to other kids.

A Mississippi bail bondsman said he notified the FBI last year about a comment under a video by someone named "nikolas cruz" that said, "I'm going to be a professional school shooter." Fellow students say he talked constantly about guns. Cruz "threatened to bring the guns to school multiple times," senior Eddie Bonilla said. Other students, he said, "threw jokes around that he'd be the one to shoot up the school."

No one in the school seem to be shocked that he did this.

Parkland shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz joked about guns, students say
What needs to be done: Institute a vigorous policy in our public schools of identyfing bullying and who the perps are....once the bullys are identified their parents should be notified and they should be required to attend a meeting at the public school with their bully kid and a psychologist and school officials should educate them on what bullying is and how their kid has been bullying other kids....a rigorous policy should be put in place to make sure the bullying stops aka suspension of bullys or if required to kick them out of school and possibly make it a criminal offense if the bully continues such behavior.

We had bullies in school when we had guns available in vehicles ... That isn't the problem ... :thup:

We made connections with our peers ... Devised ways to manage our encounters with bullies.
We developed a stronger sense of community ... And were able to turn popular opinion against the bullies.
We used social and cultural constructs to ostracize and temper the bullies.
We learned to work together towards a common goal ... Made sacrifices that better suited our desires.

We did not surrender to an all powerful authority with the hopes they could save us.
That authority doesn't deserve the power ... And was incapable of doing what we could accomplish better by our own design.

Bullies have always existed. We survived. Social media and culture today helps them to be worse. Maybe it’s time we stress self esteem is not about what others say and think. Yes, if bullies are caught, something should be done by the parents. Unfortunately, today, so many parents are either unaware and disengaged, afraid to discipline their children as they know it can result in being investigated, want to be their friend, rather than parent, or have no coping skills themselves. And the role of parent is more and more taken over by schools, govt, etc, absolving parents of their responsibilities. The answer to that, in most instances is difficult to to solve.
Heck, when I was in school every truck in the school parking lot had a gun rack, most with rifles on them. No problem with school shootings. No one breaking into the trucks to steal the rifles. We did have 4h clubs, which taught gun safety and responsibility.
Think about this. The NRA & dumbass Trumpettes want to pass out silencers & make concealed carry permits no longer needed.

How many of more of those school students would be dead if the shooter utilized a silencer?

Hundred? Two Hundred?

Yet this is what the NRA & the stupid Trumpettes want.

Pass out guns at the door, rig them with silencers & if a shooter enters the building, we can have 1800 untrained idiots armed to the teeth. That is the NRA plan.

Not too terribly long ago when I was in high school it wasn't uncommon for people to have firearms in their vehicles.
Shit ... It wasn't uncommon to get out of school and go hunting.

Yeah dumbass ... There were students with guns all over the place and people weren't getting shot.
Ask yourself what changed ... Stupid, nit-wit, snowflake Progressive policies changed the children ... They didn't change the guns.


The liberals and the mainstream media contribute to the problem and in fact are part of the problem....they definitely are not the part of any solution. By failing to zero in on what motivates these shooters they do their best to distract the public by putting out the red herring of gun control simply because that is part of the liberal agenda and thus the real problem gets ignored. Time and again we see this....thus no progress to prevent these incidents is made and this epidemic of shooting at schools will therefore continue unabated.

What needs to be done: Institute a vigorous policy in our public schools of identyfing bullying and who the perps are....once the bullys are identified their parents should be notified and they should be required to attend a meeting at the public school with their bully kid and a psychologist and school officials should educate them on what bullying is and how their kid has been bullying other kids....a rigorous policy should be put in place to make sure the bullying stops aka suspension of bullys or if required to kick them out of school and possibly make it a criminal offense if the bully continues such behavior.
What needs to be done: Institute a vigorous policy in our public schools of identyfing bullying and who the perps are....once the bullys are identified their parents should be notified and they should be required to attend a meeting at the public school with their bully kid and a psychologist and school officials should educate them on what bullying is and how their kid has been bullying other kids....a rigorous policy should be put in place to make sure the bullying stops aka suspension of bullys or if required to kick them out of school and possibly make it a criminal offense if the bully continues such behavior.

We had bullies in school when we had guns available in vehicles ... That isn't the problem ... :thup:

We made connections with our peers ... Devised ways to manage our encounters with bullies.
We developed a stronger sense of community ... And were able to turn popular opinion against the bullies.
We used social and cultural constructs to ostracize and temper the bullies.

We did not surrender to an all powerful authority with the hopes they could save us.
That authority doesn't deserve the power ... And was incapable of doing what we could accomplish better by our own design.


The "authority" is the exact reason for the 2nd
Everyone that owns or wants to buy an assault type rifle needs to undergo extensive mental testing.

What is your mental deficiency that made you want this weapon?

Anybody that votes for a Democrat needs to undergo a very thorough mental examination. Democrats are by far the most destructive force in the US. What is the mental deficiency to think that those butt pirates should hold elected office?

Anybody that stupid that they don't understand the Constitutional right to keep and bear needs to get the hell out of this country. America doesn't need assholes that like that.


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