There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool


So why did you buy one?


None of your fucking business Moon Bat.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms and has no qualifications to it like having to justify it to you stupid pussy Moon Bats.

I have 27 AR-15s. If you don't like it then you can kiss my Cracker ass.

27 of them.

Oh no, you don't have any mental issues.

That alone should fail your background clearance.

Sorry Moon Bat but I have held Top Secret and "Q" government security clearances. Those are real serious "background checks". The government trusted me with nuclear weapons technology so they have no problem with me owing .223 caliber pea shooters.

Good thing about Liberty. We don't have to justify our Constitutional rights to stupid and confused Moon Bats like you.

So why did you buy one?


None of your fucking business Moon Bat.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms and has no qualifications to it like having to justify it to you stupid pussy Moon Bats.

I have 27 AR-15s. If you don't like it then you can kiss my Cracker ass.

27 of them.

Oh no, you don't have any mental issues.

That alone should fail your background clearance.

For practicing his Constitutional rights? Fug off you pathetic worm

In fact YOU should be denied buying a firearm, your comments reveal you're nuts

It is legal to own sex toys. If someone came into your home & found out you had 27 vibrators, what would they think of you?

So why did you buy one?


None of your fucking business Moon Bat.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms and has no qualifications to it like having to justify it to you stupid pussy Moon Bats.

I have 27 AR-15s. If you don't like it then you can kiss my Cracker ass.

27 of them.

Oh no, you don't have any mental issues.

That alone should fail your background clearance.

For practicing his Constitutional rights? Fug off you pathetic worm

In fact YOU should be denied buying a firearm, your comments reveal you're nuts

It is legal to own sex toys. If someone came into your home & found out you had 27 vibrators, what would they think of you?

That may very well be the stupidest thing you've ever posted....and that's considering you say a lot of stupid shit

So why did you buy one?


None of your fucking business Moon Bat.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms and has no qualifications to it like having to justify it to you stupid pussy Moon Bats.

I have 27 AR-15s. If you don't like it then you can kiss my Cracker ass.

27 of them.

Oh no, you don't have any mental issues.

That alone should fail your background clearance.

Sorry Moon Bat but I have held Top Secret and "Q" government security clearances. Those are real serious "background checks". The government trusted me with nuclear weapons technology so they have no problem with me owing .223 caliber pea shooters.

Good thing about Liberty. We don't have to justify our Constitutional rights to stupid and confused Moon Bats like you.

I am 15 feet tall & shoot lightning bolts out my eyes.

So why did you buy one?


None of your fucking business Moon Bat.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms and has no qualifications to it like having to justify it to you stupid pussy Moon Bats.

I have 27 AR-15s. If you don't like it then you can kiss my Cracker ass.

27 of them.

Oh no, you don't have any mental issues.

That alone should fail your background clearance.

Sorry Moon Bat but I have held Top Secret and "Q" government security clearances. Those are real serious "background checks". The government trusted me with nuclear weapons technology so they have no problem with me owing .223 caliber pea shooters.

Good thing about Liberty. We don't have to justify our Constitutional rights to stupid and confused Moon Bats like you.

I am 15 feet tall & shoot lightning bolts out my eyes.

More like 5'2" and glitter out your ass

So why did you buy one?


None of your fucking business Moon Bat.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms and has no qualifications to it like having to justify it to you stupid pussy Moon Bats.

I have 27 AR-15s. If you don't like it then you can kiss my Cracker ass.

27 of them.

Oh no, you don't have any mental issues.

That alone should fail your background clearance.

For practicing his Constitutional rights? Fug off you pathetic worm

In fact YOU should be denied buying a firearm, your comments reveal you're nuts

It is legal to own sex toys. If someone came into your home & found out you had 27 vibrators, what would they think of you?
Well Real Dumb, they might think that person reads you!

So why did you buy one?


None of your fucking business Moon Bat.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms and has no qualifications to it like having to justify it to you stupid pussy Moon Bats.

I have 27 AR-15s. If you don't like it then you can kiss my Cracker ass.

27 of them.

Oh no, you don't have any mental issues.

That alone should fail your background clearance.

Sorry Moon Bat but I have held Top Secret and "Q" government security clearances. Those are real serious "background checks". The government trusted me with nuclear weapons technology so they have no problem with me owing .223 caliber pea shooters.

Good thing about Liberty. We don't have to justify our Constitutional rights to stupid and confused Moon Bats like you.

I am 15 feet tall & shoot lightning bolts out my eyes.

We don't need gun control.

We need mental health control.

We can start by investigating all these bat shit crazy Moon Bats that put on pink pussy hats and went rioting in the streets after Trump was elected. They are the crazy mutherfuckers in this country.
I'm just waiting to hear that he's DACA kid.

He was adopted by an older couple. His Dad died when he was younger and Mom died recently.

I gotta wonder if anyone at the school bothered to get the counseling this kid clearly needed or if they just "washed their hands of him" by expelling him. :/

The sicko mentality of those running the schools are major parts of the problem in the first place.

How do you figure that?

So why did you buy one?


None of your fucking business Moon Bat.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms and has no qualifications to it like having to justify it to you stupid pussy Moon Bats.

I have 27 AR-15s. If you don't like it then you can kiss my Cracker ass.

27 of them.

Oh no, you don't have any mental issues.

That alone should fail your background clearance.

For practicing his Constitutional rights? Fug off you pathetic worm

In fact YOU should be denied buying a firearm, your comments reveal you're nuts

It is legal to own sex toys. If someone came into your home & found out you had 27 vibrators, what would they think of you?

Unless you can kill 17 people in less than 5 minutes with vibrators, then the only thing I'd think of her is that she's a dedicated nymphomaniac with an admirable collection of....silver bullets.

So why did you buy one?


None of your fucking business Moon Bat.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms and has no qualifications to it like having to justify it to you stupid pussy Moon Bats.

I have 27 AR-15s. If you don't like it then you can kiss my Cracker ass.

27 of them.

Oh no, you don't have any mental issues.

That alone should fail your background clearance.

For practicing his Constitutional rights? Fug off you pathetic worm

In fact YOU should be denied buying a firearm, your comments reveal you're nuts

It is legal to own sex toys. If someone came into your home & found out you had 27 vibrators, what would they think of you?

Unless you can kill 17 people in less than 5 minutes with vibrators, then the only thing I'd think of her is that she's a dedicated nymphomaniac with an admirable collection of....silver bullets.

I'm wondering now many silver bullets Real Dumb has? A lot given he's perpetually butt hurt
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What would you propose they do? Lop off his head?

why so dramatic

have him evaluated could have barred him from ownership

Have him evaluated for what? Being an asshole? What law did he break to warrant a mental health evaluation? There aren't enough prisons in the US to hold all of the Democrats we would need to lock up!
None of your fucking business Moon Bat.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms and has no qualifications to it like having to justify it to you stupid pussy Moon Bats.

I have 27 AR-15s. If you don't like it then you can kiss my Cracker ass.

27 of them.

Oh no, you don't have any mental issues.

That alone should fail your background clearance.

For practicing his Constitutional rights? Fug off you pathetic worm

In fact YOU should be denied buying a firearm, your comments reveal you're nuts

It is legal to own sex toys. If someone came into your home & found out you had 27 vibrators, what would they think of you?

Unless you can kill 17 people in less than 5 minutes with vibrators, then the only thing I'd think of her is that she's a dedicated nymphomaniac with an admirable collection of....silver bullets.

I'm wondering now many silver bullets Real Dumb has? A lot given he's perpetually butt hurt

Eh, I'd rather not tell sexually oriented jokes on a thread like this, but if he's shoving them all up the only hole he has down there, of course he's butt hurt.
27 of them.

Oh no, you don't have any mental issues.

That alone should fail your background clearance.

For practicing his Constitutional rights? Fug off you pathetic worm

In fact YOU should be denied buying a firearm, your comments reveal you're nuts

It is legal to own sex toys. If someone came into your home & found out you had 27 vibrators, what would they think of you?

Unless you can kill 17 people in less than 5 minutes with vibrators, then the only thing I'd think of her is that she's a dedicated nymphomaniac with an admirable collection of....silver bullets.

I'm wondering now many silver bullets Real Dumb has? A lot given he's perpetually butt hurt

Eh, I'd rather not tell sexually oriented jokes on a thread like this, but if he's shoving them all up the only hole he has down there, of course he's butt hurt.

This thread went to hell in a hand basket on about page 3
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What would you propose they do? Lop off his head?

why so dramatic

have him evaluated could have barred him from ownership

Have him evaluated for what? Being an asshole? What law did he break to warrant a mental health evaluation? There aren't enough prisons in the US to hold all of the Democrats we would need to lock up!

We can start by tracking down all these idiot Moon Bats that put on pink pussy hats and went rioting in the streets after Trump was elected. Those are the ones that need to be locked up for mental disorders.
The gun culture cohort in the US is like Dr Morbius in The Forbidden Planet. The monster is in his mind and a machine is manifesting it in reality. Even when the thing is melting through the foot thick door to his lab he can't accept it is him that is responsible for killing all these people.

Dr Morbius' denial is more like the denial of the filthy Democrats in Chicago who think their strict gun control laws will magically stop crime.
Why do you harp on Chicago when there are 24 worse cities in the U.S. for gun deaths?

Because every year there are almost 1,000 gun deaths in a city with the strictest gun control laws in the country. It is the poster child for the failure of gun control laws and the pandering by the liberal Democrats to the demographics that are the by far main perpetrators of crimes.

However, if your point is that Chicago is not the only Democrat run big city shithole in the US then you are correct. Just look at an election result map from 2016 and the blue splotches are where most of the gun crimes take place. .
Passing really strict gun laws that can be enforced is not possible in this country because people support them about the way people supported Prohibition.

Secondly, the 2nd amendment and various court interpretation prevent the closure of loopholes in the laws. There's a video running on the net by the maker of a gun kit that proudly announces they are able get around serializing their guns since the final construction is by the buyer. So the police will not be able to trace them. Wow, what a boon for the gangs. Then there are the plastic guns that can fool metal detectors.

Lastly, we are a violent society. We claim to hate it but in fact we thrive on, whether it's the latest school shooting, cop shooting, or mass suicide we just can't get enough of it. It's glamorized in movies, books, and TV. Kids have been so desensitized to violence that the most terrible crimes makes no impression on them at all.

So why did you buy one?


None of your fucking business Moon Bat.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms and has no qualifications to it like having to justify it to you stupid pussy Moon Bats.

I have 27 AR-15s. If you don't like it then you can kiss my Cracker ass.
My goodness....that's a lot of over compensation.
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What would you propose they do? Lop off his head?

why so dramatic

have him evaluated could have barred him from ownership

Have him evaluated for what? Being an asshole? What law did he break to warrant a mental health evaluation? There aren't enough prisons in the US to hold all of the Democrats we would need to lock up!

We can start by tracking down all these idiot Moon Bats that put on pink pussy hats and went rioting in the streets after Trump was elected. Those are the ones that need to be locked up for mental disorders.
So, the women marchers rioted, did they?
Because every year there are almost 1,000 gun deaths in a city with the strictest gun control laws in the country. It is the poster child for the failure of gun control laws and the pandering by the liberal Democrats to the demographics that are the by far main perpetrators of crimes.

However, if your point is that Chicago is not the only Democrat run big city shithole in the US then you are correct. Just look at an election result map from 2016 and the blue splotches are where most of the gun crimes take place. .

Right. Because those are WHERE PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIVE.

Chicago doesn't have strict gun laws. We haven't since 2010 when the Heller and McDonald decisions overturned our gun laws.

Yes....they have strict gun control laws......and it isn't law abiding gun owners doing the shooting in is teenagers who can't buy, own or carry guns who are doing the gun stores, no gun ranges in Chicago...also, Baltimore has even more extreme gun control and has a higher murder rate than even New York City with a tiny, tiny population...
Politically, strong gun control laws are just not in cards and neither is arming teachers. What is doable, if we want to commit the resources is keeping guns out the schools. It would require metal detectors, and additions security at the schools. The cost would be in billions but we are spending about 10 billion dollars a year trying secure our airports.

I've taught in public schools and worked in school administration and can tell you, school security is a joke. Signs say, "visitors must report the office" or "visitor permit required". I've entered hundreds of schools and have never been asked for a permit and or even questioned in anyway. Retail stores have better security than most schools.

We can start by locking the doors and knowing who exactly is supposed to be in the building.. It seems to me these people who shoot up schools just walk in undetected.
Some do but unfortunately, many are students. The problem with locking doors is students in the school will open them. If you try lock them so they can't be opened from the inside, the fire dept will be after you.
The gun culture cohort in the US is like Dr Morbius in The Forbidden Planet. The monster is in his mind and a machine is manifesting it in reality. Even when the thing is melting through the foot thick door to his lab he can't accept it is him that is responsible for killing all these people.

Dr Morbius' denial is more like the denial of the filthy Democrats in Chicago who think their strict gun control laws will magically stop crime.
Why do you harp on Chicago when there are 24 worse cities in the U.S. for gun deaths?

Because every year there are almost 1,000 gun deaths in a city with the strictest gun control laws in the country. It is the poster child for the failure of gun control laws and the pandering by the liberal Democrats to the demographics that are the by far main perpetrators of crimes.

However, if your point is that Chicago is not the only Democrat run big city shithole in the US then you are correct. Just look at an election result map from 2016 and the blue splotches are where most of the gun crimes take place. .
Passing really strict gun laws that can be enforced is not possible in this country because people support them about the way people supported Prohibition.

Secondly, the 2nd amendment and various court interpretation prevent the closure of loopholes in the laws. There's a video running on the net by the maker of a gun kit that proudly announces they are able get around serializing their guns since the final construction is by the buyer. So the police will not be able to trace them. Wow, what a boon for the gangs. Then there are the plastic guns that can fool metal detectors.

Lastly, we are a violent society. We claim to hate it but in fact we thrive on, whether it's the latest school shooting, cop shooting, or mass suicide we just can't get enough of it. It's glamorized in movies, books, and TV. Kids have been so desensitized to violence that the most terrible crimes makes no impression on them at all.

330 million people in this country. That includes a lot of nutcases.

Taking rights away from the great majority of the people in this country will do nothing to stop the nut jobs but will greatly damage Liberty.

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