There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

The gun culture cohort in the US is like Dr Morbius in The Forbidden Planet. The monster is in his mind and a machine is manifesting it in reality. Even when the thing is melting through the foot thick door to his lab he can't accept it is him that is responsible for killing all these people.

Dr Morbius' denial is more like the denial of the filthy Democrats in Chicago who think their strict gun control laws will magically stop crime.
Why do you harp on Chicago when there are 24 worse cities in the U.S. for gun deaths?

Because every year there are almost 1,000 gun deaths in a city with the strictest gun control laws in the country. It is the poster child for the failure of gun control laws and the pandering by the liberal Democrats to the demographics that are the by far main perpetrators of crimes.

However, if your point is that Chicago is not the only Democrat run big city shithole in the US then you are correct. Just look at an election result map from 2016 and the blue splotches are where most of the gun crimes take place. .
Passing really strict gun laws that can be enforced is not possible in this country because people support them about the way people supported Prohibition.

Secondly, the 2nd amendment and various court interpretation prevent the closure of loopholes in the laws. There's a video running on the net by the maker of a gun kit that proudly announces they are able get around serializing their guns since the final construction is by the buyer. So the police will not be able to trace them. Wow, what a boon for the gangs. Then there are the plastic guns that can fool metal detectors.

Lastly, we are a violent society. We claim to hate it but in fact we thrive on, whether it's the latest school shooting, cop shooting, or mass suicide we just can't get enough of it. It's glamorized in movies, books, and TV. Kids have been so desensitized to violence that the most terrible crimes makes no impression on them at all.

"paper weights" is what 80 - 90% blank actions are commonly called. I've got them in AR-10's and AR-15's... A milling machine is ideal for completing them but I have friends that have used a hand drill in a press. If you ever want to sell them they can be serialized...
sad part is this guy was already identified as a problem but left un checked

A teacher at the school told the Miami Herald that Cruz, 19, had been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past.

What would you propose they do? Lop off his head?

why so dramatic

have him evaluated could have barred him from ownership

Have him evaluated for what? Being an asshole? What law did he break to warrant a mental health evaluation? There aren't enough prisons in the US to hold all of the Democrats we would need to lock up!

We can start by tracking down all these idiot Moon Bats that put on pink pussy hats and went rioting in the streets after Trump was elected. Those are the ones that need to be locked up for mental disorders.
So, the women marchers rioted, did they?

There were a lot of rioting. Some building burned down. Some police officers harmed. Pretty much acting like butt hurt assholes, Weren't they?

Of course to put on a pink pussy hat and go out in the street to protest Trump trying to make this country great again is a great indication of being inflicted with a mental disorder. Stupid and bat shit crazy Libtard Moon Bats that want this country to be a socialist shithole are not exactly the most trust worthy people in our society, are they?
:eusa_dance: It's a fun experiment - replace the word 'government' with 'We, The People' in reading and conversation....

We, The People already limit hardware and access. We're just doing a piss-poor job because We've been hamstrung by industry using the politics of fear to maintain a cash flow flowing just the way it is.

Profit from gun sales is the only reason that I can think of why We, The People can't restrict ownership of AR-15's to people who hold concealed carry permits and have been vetted by their state.


Who exactly do you think is trying to exploit a policy of fear to achieve their aspirations ... Captain Obvious?


Duh... The gun industry.

Combine NRA politics with a gun industry marketing jam of "Buy now while it's still legal" and rivers of cash begin to flow.

It was widely reported yesterday his Facebook page showed such. Today, since this came out, the major media which had it yesterday, have changed their stories today. I hate it is so easy for them to do such, rather than issue a correction, showing the original. That is crap. Guess we have to screen shot everything.
Who is Nikolas Cruz, accused gunman in Florida high school attack?

First victim of Florida school shooting named

Police are looking through Cruz’s social media and the websites he visited. “Some of the things that have come mind are very, very disturbing,” the sheriff said.

Fox News reports that the suspect was a member of “Resistance” groups on Facebook, including “Syrian Resistance groups and fighter groups out of Iraq”.

On Instagram, Cruz flaunted his passion for guns and weapons, posting images of his “arsenal” and a meme about shooting being “group therapy”.


20 hours ago · #Parkland shooting suspect Cruz followed all types of gun groups as well as resistance groups on social media including the Syrian resistance & Iraqi fighters. Cruz apparently was told last ...
Nikolas Cruz Twitter Searches Surge For Shooter: 'Pro-Trump, Antifa, Mexican, Illegal Immigrant, Syrian, DACA' - The Inquisitr › News › Crime

5 hours ago · #Parkland shooting suspect Cruz followed all types of gun groups as well as resistance groups on social media including the Syrian resistance & Iraqi fighters. Cruz apparently was told last ...
17 Dead in Shooting at Florida High School, Former Student in Custody – College Media Network › ...

21 hours ago · Multiple sources have identified the gunman as 19-year-old former student Nikolas Cruz, who was ... followed all types of gun groups as well as resistance groups on social media including the Syrian .
On his Facebook he followed Syrian and Iraqi groups.

That's another unsubstantiated rumor that nobody has provided any proof for.
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Duh... The gun industry.

Combine NRA politics with a gun industry marketing jam of "Buy now while it's still legal" and rivers of cash begin to flow.
They would not be able to exploit that fear if there were no actual videos of leftists stating their intent to ban and confiscate.

The left could do MUCH more to ease fears on that topic. But, they won't even admit that we have an individual right to bear arms, so there is zero trust and much fear.
I am going to speculate this is Islamic terrorism. Parkland Florida has a large Muslim population.

Yeah, you assclowns speculate that every single time and then when it usually turns out to be another white guy you crawl back into your holes not to be heard from.
Look at the facts. What else would you think? You are the assKlown here, and I am hardly in a hole here.

Gonna admit you were wrong now or are you crawling back into your hole?

Florida school shooting suspect linked to white supremacist group: ADL
I'm just waiting to hear that he's DACA kid.

If that were to be the case....the news rooms across the country would be busy all night scrubbing all of their video and coverage of this shooting........

Left is going to use this shooting (just like any other) to push for anti-gun narrative. Before they do, they should remember that they are the ones who radicalized people like this.

When all the smoke clears, I'm betting that the shooter is once again found to have ties with and or alliances with the democratic party, Obama supporter, or his parents are. These people never turn out to be moral, upstanding, conservatives. As to other countries, what they don't have is American Common Core Public Schools turning out violent kids looking to come back to "get even" with all of their dysfunctional teachers and classmates who put this need to murder in their minds.

WHEN will schools finally be held accountable for not protecting these kids by locking the doors, having metal detectors and having teachers and guards throughout the school who are well-armed and well-trained with firearms? The problem is obviously NOT THE GUNS, but our unfamiliarity with them anymore by a liberal culture trying to remove them from people's lives. WE have created a generation of defenseless people who know nothing but how to hide in terror under a desk.
Oh, get serious. This kid didn't go on a shooting rampage because he supported Obama or because he hated Trump, or he was seeking 47 virgins in paradise.

Never said he did. All bullshit leftist data posted by others aside, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE SCHOOL SHOOTINGS has had a liberal influence in the family. Not one of them was from a strong, moral, conservative upbringing. If there are a few white supremacists out there committing crimes, their numbers pale in comparison and hardly make the news. There is something about liberal upbringing that makes people crazy. Normal people don't go out doing this stuff. Liberals are the Antifa who run around in black masks beating up women and knocking down statues of dead soldiers and traveling the country looking for fights to start, tearing up campuses, breaking windows, stomping police cars, rioting in cities, trying to put men in girls bathrooms, attacking their own country and going berserk because some sensible person comes to their campus to give some different views to hear and think about. Liberals are crazy. Liberals are intolerant. They are mental defects. Liberals are liars who punish kids for playing cops and robbers now and we didn't have this national problem until liberals got a hold of controlling our media and our schools. Look at liberals now: When GW Bush was in, they went berserk with vitriol at the man! Now that another non-Leftist is in the WH, they deny he is even President, try to block his administration as if it were Satan incarnate and are trying to get the man impeached on any phony charge they can dream up in their little minds. Good God, he's just a businessman who cared enough to put his life aside to try to help fix the country.

Children are perceptive. They have an intuition about what's bull and what is not. We are forcing kids into these insane asylums we call "schools" now where everyday the system sets up a conflict of irrational restrictions, rules and unfair punishments, and it builds up in these kids and they internalize it until finally, one of them snaps, gets a hold of a gun somewhere, and wants nothing more than to come back and blow away the very people who have tormented their lives.

Guns are not the problem and no gun law in the world will ever solve anything. There are MILLIONS of guns everywhere and people are not going to turn them in and the people will not stand for having their Constitution turned on its head and even if you turn this country into a police state where every home is broken down and searched and every gun is confiscated by force, a solution far worse than the problems sought solved, people will still hide a lot of the guns and all of the criminals will still have guns and millions more guns will be snuck back into the country and all of the elite will still have theirs and all you will do is escalate this country into a police state where everyone fears and mistrusts their neighbor, crime will soar and kids will still find a new way of taking it out on those they hate.

If you want to solve the school problem, you NEED TO CHANGE THE SCHOOLS and you need to change society to get all of this mind numbing PC bullshit out of our culture. We never had this problem until liberalism ran rampant to where it cripples every industry and aspect of our country now, to where states and cities now even fight to oppose their own government to oppose enforcing laws on rounding up CRIMINALS from other countries.

If you want to see why these kids are shooting up schools, if you are a liberal, go put down your computer for a minute right now, walk to the nearest mirror and LOOK RIGHT AT THE PROBLEM.

So why did you buy one?


None of your fucking business Moon Bat.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms and has no qualifications to it like having to justify it to you stupid pussy Moon Bats.

I have 27 AR-15s. If you don't like it then you can kiss my Cracker ass.

27 of them.

Oh no, you don't have any mental issues.

That alone should fail your background clearance.

For practicing his Constitutional rights? Fug off you pathetic worm

In fact YOU should be denied buying a firearm, your comments reveal you're nuts

It is legal to own sex toys. If someone came into your home & found out you had 27 vibrators, what would they think of you?

Besides envy? :lol:
The gun culture cohort in the US is like Dr Morbius in The Forbidden Planet. The monster is in his mind and a machine is manifesting it in reality. Even when the thing is melting through the foot thick door to his lab he can't accept it is him that is responsible for killing all these people.

Dr Morbius' denial is more like the denial of the filthy Democrats in Chicago who think their strict gun control laws will magically stop crime.
Why do you harp on Chicago when there are 24 worse cities in the U.S. for gun deaths?

Because every year there are almost 1,000 gun deaths in a city with the strictest gun control laws in the country. It is the poster child for the failure of gun control laws and the pandering by the liberal Democrats to the demographics that are the by far main perpetrators of crimes.

However, if your point is that Chicago is not the only Democrat run big city shithole in the US then you are correct. Just look at an election result map from 2016 and the blue splotches are where most of the gun crimes take place. .
Passing really strict gun laws that can be enforced is not possible in this country because people support them about the way people supported Prohibition.

Secondly, the 2nd amendment and various court interpretation prevent the closure of loopholes in the laws. There's a video running on the net by the maker of a gun kit that proudly announces they are able get around serializing their guns since the final construction is by the buyer. So the police will not be able to trace them. Wow, what a boon for the gangs. Then there are the plastic guns that can fool metal detectors.

Lastly, we are a violent society. We claim to hate it but in fact we thrive on, whether it's the latest school shooting, cop shooting, or mass suicide we just can't get enough of it. It's glamorized in movies, books, and TV. Kids have been so desensitized to violence that the most terrible crimes makes no impression on them at all.

"paper weights" is what 80 - 90% blank actions are commonly called. I've got them in AR-10's and AR-15's... A milling machine is ideal for completing them but I have friends that have used a hand drill in a press. If you ever want to sell them they can be serialized...

I have four completed 80% AR lowers. To get the four to turn out right I had to practice with six. I used a drill press. It would have been better to have used a mill.
Heck, when I was in school every truck in the school parking lot had a gun rack, most with rifles on them. No problem with school shootings. No one breaking into the trucks to steal the rifles. We did have 4h clubs, which taught gun safety and responsibility.
Think about this. The NRA & dumbass Trumpettes want to pass out silencers & make concealed carry permits no longer needed.

How many of more of those school students would be dead if the shooter utilized a silencer?

Hundred? Two Hundred?

Yet this is what the NRA & the stupid Trumpettes want.

Pass out guns at the door, rig them with silencers & if a shooter enters the building, we can have 1800 untrained idiots armed to the teeth. That is the NRA plan.

Not too terribly long ago when I was in high school it wasn't uncommon for people to have firearms in their vehicles.
Shit ... It wasn't uncommon to get out of school and go hunting.

Yeah dumbass ... There were students with guns all over the place and people weren't getting shot.
Ask yourself what changed ... Stupid, nit-wit, snowflake Progressive policies changed the children ... They didn't change the guns.


The liberals and the mainstream media contribute to the problem and in fact are part of the problem....they definitely are not the part of any solution. By failing to zero in on what motivates these shooters they do their best to distract the public by putting out the red herring of gun control simply because that is part of the liberal agenda and thus the real problem gets ignored. Time and again we see this....thus no progress to prevent these incidents is made and this epidemic of shooting at schools will therefore continue unabated.

What needs to be done: Institute a vigorous policy in our public schools of identyfing bullying and who the perps are....once the bullys are identified their parents should be notified and they should be required to attend a meeting at the public school with their bully kid and a psychologist and school officials should educate them on what bullying is and how their kid has been bullying other kids....a rigorous policy should be put in place to make sure the bullying stops aka suspension of bullys or if required to kick them out of school and possibly make it a criminal offense if the bully continues such behavior.

And then....?

Come on... You can get there.....

There it is! And then use that information to keep certain individuals from obtaining guns and other dangerous toys.

This isn't rocket science, it just takes a willingness to give to come up with something that ends up restricting the rights of some people to own guns, because, some people, people like Nicolas Cruz, should be denied access.

No matter how you slice it, big brother needs a data base.

Remember... You only truly control what You own.
The shooter in Florida passed a Federal background check. Just another great example of how worthless background checks are.

Stupid Liberal idea that never works.

Liberals never get anything right.
every day, on average, 7 children and teens are killed by guns. firearms are the leading cause of death of children under 19.

American teens are 20 times more likely to die from gun violence than their peers in other high-income countries.

each individual death is experienced as a family tragedy that ripples through a community but the sum total barely earns a national shrug.

So why did you buy one?


None of your fucking business Moon Bat.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms and has no qualifications to it like having to justify it to you stupid pussy Moon Bats.

I have 27 AR-15s. If you don't like it then you can kiss my Cracker ass.

27 of them.

Oh no, you don't have any mental issues.

That alone should fail your background clearance.


The Orlando shooter only had one. At 19, living with his relatives, a loner, bad luck with girls, weird behavior, "Make America Great Again" hat wearer, treated for mental illness, depressed because his mother recently died, yeah and he bought the gun legally.

In this era of so much cultish gun worship, his relatives didn't even wonder wtf this young AR-15 owner needed a military assault style rifle.

On a world that cares about school kids and movie goers and open air concert goers right to live a full life that kid gets no where near owning an assault rifle and extra clips.

I wonder if his rejatives learned anything from this experience.

Whoever manufactured this weapon and the train of organizations that profited off legally selling it to him should start paying a tax to cover all the deaths and injury. And they should be sued and start paying directly for the injuries this young gun cult murderer caused.

And our 27 AR-15 owning cracker probably should get checked or watched by authorities. Seriously soon if he has a hard time keeping a meaningful relationship with a woman or any other normal people that have not armed themselves for war,
I am going to speculate this is Islamic terrorism. Parkland Florida has a large Muslim population.

Yeah, you assclowns speculate that every single time and then when it usually turns out to be another white guy you crawl back into your holes not to be heard from.
Look at the facts. What else would you think? You are the assKlown here, and I am hardly in a hole here.

Gonna admit you were wrong now or are you crawling back into your hole?

Florida school shooting suspect linked to white supremacist group: ADL
I never said I was right. Do you know what speculate means? Is there a special hole for people who attack with no idea of what they are saying because they lack reading comprehension skills, or do they make them mods?
every day, on average, 7 children and teens are killed by guns. firearms are the leading cause of death of children under 19.

American teens are 20 times more likely to die from gun violence than their peers in other high-income countries.

each individual death is experienced as a family tragedy that ripples through a community but the sum total barely earns a national shrug.
Appeals to emotion are not solutions.

We get it.

What's the solution that is not a covert attempt to ban all guns and confiscate?

You can't come up with one, so the best solution is to shoot back. Arm everyone and no shooting goes unchallenged.
The shooter in Florida passed a Federal background check. Just another great example of how worthless background checks are.

Stupid Liberal idea that never works.

Liberals never get anything right.

So your remedy is what? No background checks. Big on calling liberals stupid, but small on any solutions of your own.

Make these assault rifles hard as hell to get and we won't have to worry if a background check fails.
And all those criminals will willingly submit to registering their illegal guns in that database.
Got a real nice bridge to sell anyone believing more gun laws will work, with a real nice view I’d like ya to see. And it’s cheap...
Heck, when I was in school every truck in the school parking lot had a gun rack, most with rifles on them. No problem with school shootings. No one breaking into the trucks to steal the rifles. We did have 4h clubs, which taught gun safety and responsibility.
Think about this. The NRA & dumbass Trumpettes want to pass out silencers & make concealed carry permits no longer needed.

How many of more of those school students would be dead if the shooter utilized a silencer?

Hundred? Two Hundred?

Yet this is what the NRA & the stupid Trumpettes want.

Pass out guns at the door, rig them with silencers & if a shooter enters the building, we can have 1800 untrained idiots armed to the teeth. That is the NRA plan.

Not too terribly long ago when I was in high school it wasn't uncommon for people to have firearms in their vehicles.
Shit ... It wasn't uncommon to get out of school and go hunting.

Yeah dumbass ... There were students with guns all over the place and people weren't getting shot.
Ask yourself what changed ... Stupid, nit-wit, snowflake Progressive policies changed the children ... They didn't change the guns.


The liberals and the mainstream media contribute to the problem and in fact are part of the problem....they definitely are not the part of any solution. By failing to zero in on what motivates these shooters they do their best to distract the public by putting out the red herring of gun control simply because that is part of the liberal agenda and thus the real problem gets ignored. Time and again we see this....thus no progress to prevent these incidents is made and this epidemic of shooting at schools will therefore continue unabated.

What needs to be done: Institute a vigorous policy in our public schools of identyfing bullying and who the perps are....once the bullys are identified their parents should be notified and they should be required to attend a meeting at the public school with their bully kid and a psychologist and school officials should educate them on what bullying is and how their kid has been bullying other kids....a rigorous policy should be put in place to make sure the bullying stops aka suspension of bullys or if required to kick them out of school and possibly make it a criminal offense if the bully continues such behavior.

And then....?

Come on... You can get there.....

There it is! And then use that information to keep certain individuals from obtaining guns and other dangerous toys.

This isn't rocket science, it just takes a willingness to give to come up with something that ends up restricting the rights of some people to own guns, because, some people, people like Nicolas Cruz, should be denied access.

No matter how you slice it, big brother needs a data base.

Remember... you only truly control what you own.
Everyone that owns or wants to buy an assault type rifle needs to undergo extensive mental testing.

What is your mental deficiency that made you want this weapon?

Anybody that votes for a Democrat needs to undergo a very thorough mental examination. Democrats are by far the most destructive force in the US. What is the mental deficiency to think that those butt pirates should hold elected office?

Anybody that stupid that they don't understand the Constitutional right to keep and bear needs to get the hell out of this country. America doesn't need assholes that like that.


This is the worst kind of troll that there is. Broad generalizations sweeping a cloud of boring across a floor sticky with dull, recycled bullet points. (No pun intended)

In the future, please include some content relevant to the conversation and, if you simply must be a dick about things, try to make the flames funny.

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