There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

Dr Morbius' denial is more like the denial of the filthy Democrats in Chicago who think their strict gun control laws will magically stop crime.
Why do you harp on Chicago when there are 24 worse cities in the U.S. for gun deaths?

Because every year there are almost 1,000 gun deaths in a city with the strictest gun control laws in the country. It is the poster child for the failure of gun control laws and the pandering by the liberal Democrats to the demographics that are the by far main perpetrators of crimes.

However, if your point is that Chicago is not the only Democrat run big city shithole in the US then you are correct. Just look at an election result map from 2016 and the blue splotches are where most of the gun crimes take place. .
Passing really strict gun laws that can be enforced is not possible in this country because people support them about the way people supported Prohibition.

Secondly, the 2nd amendment and various court interpretation prevent the closure of loopholes in the laws. There's a video running on the net by the maker of a gun kit that proudly announces they are able get around serializing their guns since the final construction is by the buyer. So the police will not be able to trace them. Wow, what a boon for the gangs. Then there are the plastic guns that can fool metal detectors.

Lastly, we are a violent society. We claim to hate it but in fact we thrive on, whether it's the latest school shooting, cop shooting, or mass suicide we just can't get enough of it. It's glamorized in movies, books, and TV. Kids have been so desensitized to violence that the most terrible crimes makes no impression on them at all.

330 million people in this country. That includes a lot of nutcases.

Taking rights away from the great majority of the people in this country will do nothing to stop the nut jobs but will greatly damage Liberty.
We don't need take rights away from anybody to make our schools more secure.

I know of 17 dead bodies that say you're wrong
Doctor Grump likes to pretend everyone lives a small population homogeneous country with no international borders like he does. I mean, what works in Mayberry RFD will work everywhere, right?

He's not interested at all in learning anything about the United States and how it's different than New Zealand. Just lecturing us how they do it and assuming it would work here

Posted by a friend of mine in Sydney, who is a New Yorker. He wondered in his post that maybe the reason wasn't guns, maybe it was the water....


Yeah, but our mass murderers kill a lot fewer people than the leftist mass murderers like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Mussolini, Chavez, Castro, ... do.

And guns are one of the reasons why. Your country is very homogeneous, you have no borders, you have a tiny population compared to ours, you aren't importing murderers and criminals without checking them out like we are, you have the ability to lock up the mentally ill like we don't.

There are so many differences and yet all you do to address any of that is throw out insightful statistics.

What is clear in shooting after shooting is that our gun laws work, the victims aren't armed. Good job on that
Well, Americans have always had access to weapons and mass shootings are a relatively recent problem, so access to firearms is not the underlying issue. There IS an underlying issue though, obviously.

That's a great point, Chris
If that were to be the case....the news rooms across the country would be busy all night scrubbing all of their video and coverage of this shooting........

Left is going to use this shooting (just like any other) to push for anti-gun narrative. Before they do, they should remember that they are the ones who radicalized people like this.

When all the smoke clears, I'm betting that the shooter is once again found to have ties with and or alliances with the democratic party, Obama supporter, or his parents are. These people never turn out to be moral, upstanding, conservatives. As to other countries, what they don't have is American Common Core Public Schools turning out violent kids looking to come back to "get even" with all of their dysfunctional teachers and classmates who put this need to murder in their minds.

WHEN will schools finally be held accountable for not protecting these kids by locking the doors, having metal detectors and having teachers and guards throughout the school who are well-armed and well-trained with firearms? The problem is obviously NOT THE GUNS, but our unfamiliarity with them anymore by a liberal culture trying to remove them from people's lives. WE have created a generation of defenseless people who know nothing but how to hide in terror under a desk.
Oh, get serious. This kid didn't go on a shooting rampage because he supported Obama or because he hated Trump, or he was seeking 47 virgins in paradise.

Never said he did. All bullshit leftist data posted by others aside, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE SCHOOL SHOOTINGS has had a liberal influence in the family. Not one of them was from a strong, moral, conservative upbringing. If there are a few white supremacists out there committing crimes, their numbers pale in comparison and hardly make the news. There is something about liberal upbringing that makes people crazy. Normal people don't go out doing this stuff. Liberals are the Antifa who run around in black masks beating up women and knocking down statues of dead soldiers and traveling the country looking for fights to start, tearing up campuses, breaking windows, stomping police cars, rioting in cities, trying to put men in girls bathrooms, attacking their own country and going berserk because some sensible person comes to their campus to give some different views to hear and think about. Liberals are crazy. Liberals are intolerant. They are mental defects. Liberals are liars who punish kids for playing cops and robbers now and we didn't have this national problem until liberals got a hold of controlling our media and our schools. Look at liberals now: When GW Bush was in, they went berserk with vitriol at the man! Now that another non-Leftist is in the WH, they deny he is even President, try to block his administration as if it were Satan incarnate and are trying to get the man impeached on any phony charge they can dream up in their little minds. Good God, he's just a businessman who cared enough to put his life aside to try to help fix the country.

Children are perceptive. They have an intuition about what's bull and what is not. We are forcing kids into these insane asylums we call "schools" now where everyday the system sets up a conflict of irrational restrictions, rules and unfair punishments, and it builds up in these kids and they internalize it until finally, one of them snaps, gets a hold of a gun somewhere, and wants nothing more than to come back and blow away the very people who have tormented their lives.

Guns are not the problem and no gun law in the world will ever solve anything. There are MILLIONS of guns everywhere and people are not going to turn them in and the people will not stand for having their Constitution turned on its head and even if you turn this country into a police state where every home is broken down and searched and every gun is confiscated by force, a solution far worse than the problems sought solved, people will still hide a lot of the guns and all of the criminals will still have guns and millions more guns will be snuck back into the country and all of the elite will still have theirs and all you will do is escalate this country into a police state where everyone fears and mistrusts their neighbor, crime will soar and kids will still find a new way of taking it out on those they hate.

If you want to solve the school problem, you NEED TO CHANGE THE SCHOOLS and you need to change society to get all of this mind numbing PC bullshit out of our culture. We never had this problem until liberalism ran rampant to where it cripples every industry and aspect of our country now, to where states and cities now even fight to oppose their own government to oppose enforcing laws on rounding up CRIMINALS from other countries.

If you want to see why these kids are shooting up schools, if you are a liberal, go put down your computer for a minute right now, walk to the nearest mirror and LOOK RIGHT AT THE PROBLEM.
It is not about liberal upbringing vs. conservative upbringing. It's not a political or right/left thing. You aren't wrong that a stable family is pretty important to kids, but you're totally wrong to politicize who is "right" and who is "wrong."

No...actually, it is about fathers in the homes......single mothers, especially young teenage had that dynamic in Sandy Hook, Vegas, and this one.......
Of course there is. There are more and more gun laws, and more and more shooters with no one shooting back.

So seriously, if your kids were in that school, you'd be glued to the live TV reporting saying, I hope no one else has a gun, I hope no one else has a gun, I hope no one else has a gun, I hope no one else has a gun ...

I'd be saying, I hope someone wastes the little prick

No, I'm thinking "I don't have to worry about that shit where I live."

Then why are you posting across the pond that we should just disarm our honest citizens and die?
Doctor Grump likes to pretend everyone lives a small population homogeneous country with no international borders like he does. I mean, what works in Mayberry RFD will work everywhere, right?

He's not interested at all in learning anything about the United States and how it's different than New Zealand. Just lecturing us how they do it and assuming it would work here

Posted by a friend of mine in Sydney, who is a New Yorker. He wondered in his post that maybe the reason wasn't guns, maybe it was the water....

Yeah, but our mass murderers kill a lot fewer people than the leftist mass murderers like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Mussolini, Chavez, Castro, ... do.

And guns are one of the reasons why. Your country is very homogeneous, you have no borders, you have a tiny population compared to ours, you aren't importing murderers and criminals without checking them out like we are, you have the ability to lock up the mentally ill like we don't.

There are so many differences and yet all you do to address any of that is throw out insightful statistics.

What is clear in shooting after shooting is that our gun laws work, the victims aren't armed. Good job on that

No our country is not homogenous. I live in Australia but am from NZ. Neitehr country is homogenous at all. My son's last school in NZ there were 42 different nationalities there. NZ hasn't been homongenous since the 1970s.

stat after stat after stat shows that US born citizens are more likely to commit crimes than either legal or illegal immigrants. Immigrants being the bane of US crime is a myth.

It would be a better job if you didn't have access to assault rifles. And no, I don't give a shit if I have misused the term. You know exactly what I mean by that.
The US has a higher incarceration rate than you do

The US has more crime than you do.

Oh my fing God, that's brilliant. You're a genius. Our countries are not the same. Damn, I wish I'd realized that. Oh wait, I did. You didn't know that ...

It wasn't an insight. I was asked a question and answered it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The US has shit drug and prostitution laws for a start. Get those sorted and your incarceration rate would halve. And the tax bill associated with that. THen again, you have private prisons, so there is a driver right there for people to be incarcerated. Especially if you are a shareholder in that prison company and you give judges back handers.
The US has a higher incarceration rate than you do

The US has more crime than you do.

Oh my fing God, that's brilliant. You're a genius. Our countries are not the same. Damn, I wish I'd realized that. Oh wait, I did. You didn't know that ...

It wasn't an insight. I was asked a question and answered it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The US has shit drug and prostitution laws for a start. Get those sorted and your incarceration rate would halve. And the tax bill associated with that. THen again, you have private prisons, so there is a driver right there for people to be incarcerated. Especially if you are a shareholder in that prison company and you give judges back handers.

So you want chaois in America, why?
Of course there is. There are more and more gun laws, and more and more shooters with no one shooting back.

So seriously, if your kids were in that school, you'd be glued to the live TV reporting saying, I hope no one else has a gun, I hope no one else has a gun, I hope no one else has a gun, I hope no one else has a gun ...

I'd be saying, I hope someone wastes the little prick

No, I'm thinking "I don't have to worry about that shit where I live."

Then why are you posting across the pond that we should just disarm our honest citizens and die?

Because I don't have to worry about this shit and it would be great if you didn't have to either.
Left is going to use this shooting (just like any other) to push for anti-gun narrative. Before they do, they should remember that they are the ones who radicalized people like this.

When all the smoke clears, I'm betting that the shooter is once again found to have ties with and or alliances with the democratic party, Obama supporter, or his parents are. These people never turn out to be moral, upstanding, conservatives. As to other countries, what they don't have is American Common Core Public Schools turning out violent kids looking to come back to "get even" with all of their dysfunctional teachers and classmates who put this need to murder in their minds.

WHEN will schools finally be held accountable for not protecting these kids by locking the doors, having metal detectors and having teachers and guards throughout the school who are well-armed and well-trained with firearms? The problem is obviously NOT THE GUNS, but our unfamiliarity with them anymore by a liberal culture trying to remove them from people's lives. WE have created a generation of defenseless people who know nothing but how to hide in terror under a desk.
Oh, get serious. This kid didn't go on a shooting rampage because he supported Obama or because he hated Trump, or he was seeking 47 virgins in paradise.

Never said he did. All bullshit leftist data posted by others aside, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE SCHOOL SHOOTINGS has had a liberal influence in the family. Not one of them was from a strong, moral, conservative upbringing. If there are a few white supremacists out there committing crimes, their numbers pale in comparison and hardly make the news. There is something about liberal upbringing that makes people crazy. Normal people don't go out doing this stuff. Liberals are the Antifa who run around in black masks beating up women and knocking down statues of dead soldiers and traveling the country looking for fights to start, tearing up campuses, breaking windows, stomping police cars, rioting in cities, trying to put men in girls bathrooms, attacking their own country and going berserk because some sensible person comes to their campus to give some different views to hear and think about. Liberals are crazy. Liberals are intolerant. They are mental defects. Liberals are liars who punish kids for playing cops and robbers now and we didn't have this national problem until liberals got a hold of controlling our media and our schools. Look at liberals now: When GW Bush was in, they went berserk with vitriol at the man! Now that another non-Leftist is in the WH, they deny he is even President, try to block his administration as if it were Satan incarnate and are trying to get the man impeached on any phony charge they can dream up in their little minds. Good God, he's just a businessman who cared enough to put his life aside to try to help fix the country.

Children are perceptive. They have an intuition about what's bull and what is not. We are forcing kids into these insane asylums we call "schools" now where everyday the system sets up a conflict of irrational restrictions, rules and unfair punishments, and it builds up in these kids and they internalize it until finally, one of them snaps, gets a hold of a gun somewhere, and wants nothing more than to come back and blow away the very people who have tormented their lives.

Guns are not the problem and no gun law in the world will ever solve anything. There are MILLIONS of guns everywhere and people are not going to turn them in and the people will not stand for having their Constitution turned on its head and even if you turn this country into a police state where every home is broken down and searched and every gun is confiscated by force, a solution far worse than the problems sought solved, people will still hide a lot of the guns and all of the criminals will still have guns and millions more guns will be snuck back into the country and all of the elite will still have theirs and all you will do is escalate this country into a police state where everyone fears and mistrusts their neighbor, crime will soar and kids will still find a new way of taking it out on those they hate.

If you want to solve the school problem, you NEED TO CHANGE THE SCHOOLS and you need to change society to get all of this mind numbing PC bullshit out of our culture. We never had this problem until liberalism ran rampant to where it cripples every industry and aspect of our country now, to where states and cities now even fight to oppose their own government to oppose enforcing laws on rounding up CRIMINALS from other countries.

If you want to see why these kids are shooting up schools, if you are a liberal, go put down your computer for a minute right now, walk to the nearest mirror and LOOK RIGHT AT THE PROBLEM.
It is not about liberal upbringing vs. conservative upbringing. It's not a political or right/left thing. You aren't wrong that a stable family is pretty important to kids, but you're totally wrong to politicize who is "right" and who is "wrong."

No...actually, it is about fathers in the homes......single mothers, especially young teenage had that dynamic in Sandy Hook, Vegas, and this one.......

Unfortunately, even if both parents are physically there, that doesn't mean they are really "there" for their kids. I think a lot of people just have kids because it's a status symbol or just something that is expected of them, and the kids are more like objects than people. I was just looking at a video on another thread where a little boy freaked out screaming on an 8-hour airplane flight. The mother had absolutely NO control over this child. She wanted to rely on the iPad to do her child rearing for her. Instead of sitting that child down and disciplining him properly, she wanted to just occupy his attention with something instead of using it as a teaching/learning experience for the child, and that is BIG problem I think.
If you are a single parent, but you are an attentive parent and you know your child and you know how to discipline your child and what works, then you can be raise children who are successful and happy. Children are not objects or status symbols, they are human beings.
I went to Grammar School in the early 60s
We had Air Raid Drills and Fire Drills

Today they have Active Shooter Drills

I'd rather worry about the nukes
I'm just waiting to hear that he's DACA kid.

If that were to be the case....the news rooms across the country would be busy all night scrubbing all of their video and coverage of this shooting........

Left is going to use this shooting (just like any other) to push for anti-gun narrative. Before they do, they should remember that they are the ones who radicalized people like this.

When all the smoke clears, I'm betting that the shooter is once again found to have ties with and or alliances with the democratic party, Obama supporter, or his parents are. These people never turn out to be moral, upstanding, conservatives. As to other countries, what they don't have is American Common Core Public Schools turning out violent kids looking to come back to "get even" with all of their dysfunctional teachers and classmates who put this need to murder in their minds.

WHEN will schools finally be held accountable for not protecting these kids by locking the doors, having metal detectors and having teachers and guards throughout the school who are well-armed and well-trained with firearms? The problem is obviously NOT THE GUNS, but our unfamiliarity with them anymore by a liberal culture trying to remove them from people's lives. WE have created a generation of defenseless people who know nothing but how to hide in terror under a desk.
Oh, get serious. This kid didn't go on a shooting rampage because he supported Obama or because he hated Trump, or he was seeking 47 virgins in paradise.

Never said he did. All bullshit leftist data posted by others aside, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE SCHOOL SHOOTINGS has had a liberal influence in the family. Not one of them was from a strong, moral, conservative upbringing. If there are a few white supremacists out there committing crimes, their numbers pale in comparison and hardly make the news. There is something about liberal upbringing that makes people crazy. Normal people don't go out doing this stuff. Liberals are the Antifa who run around in black masks beating up women and knocking down statues of dead soldiers and traveling the country looking for fights to start, tearing up campuses, breaking windows, stomping police cars, rioting in cities, trying to put men in girls bathrooms, attacking their own country and going berserk because some sensible person comes to their campus to give some different views to hear and think about. Liberals are crazy. Liberals are intolerant. They are mental defects. Liberals are liars who punish kids for playing cops and robbers now and we didn't have this national problem until liberals got a hold of controlling our media and our schools. Look at liberals now: When GW Bush was in, they went berserk with vitriol at the man! Now that another non-Leftist is in the WH, they deny he is even President, try to block his administration as if it were Satan incarnate and are trying to get the man impeached on any phony charge they can dream up in their little minds. Good God, he's just a businessman who cared enough to put his life aside to try to help fix the country.

Children are perceptive. They have an intuition about what's bull and what is not. We are forcing kids into these insane asylums we call "schools" now where everyday the system sets up a conflict of irrational restrictions, rules and unfair punishments, and it builds up in these kids and they internalize it until finally, one of them snaps, gets a hold of a gun somewhere, and wants nothing more than to come back and blow away the very people who have tormented their lives.

Guns are not the problem and no gun law in the world will ever solve anything. There are MILLIONS of guns everywhere and people are not going to turn them in and the people will not stand for having their Constitution turned on its head and even if you turn this country into a police state where every home is broken down and searched and every gun is confiscated by force, a solution far worse than the problems sought solved, people will still hide a lot of the guns and all of the criminals will still have guns and millions more guns will be snuck back into the country and all of the elite will still have theirs and all you will do is escalate this country into a police state where everyone fears and mistrusts their neighbor, crime will soar and kids will still find a new way of taking it out on those they hate.

If you want to solve the school problem, you NEED TO CHANGE THE SCHOOLS and you need to change society to get all of this mind numbing PC bullshit out of our culture. We never had this problem until liberalism ran rampant to where it cripples every industry and aspect of our country now, to where states and cities now even fight to oppose their own government to oppose enforcing laws on rounding up CRIMINALS from other countries.

If you want to see why these kids are shooting up schools, if you are a liberal, go put down your computer for a minute right now, walk to the nearest mirror and LOOK RIGHT AT THE PROBLEM.

Where ? I don't see it and never had a gun pulled on me or was shot.
Lucky you. And the 17 dead in Florida? 50 odd dead in Las Vegas. 30 plus dead in Virginia Tech. I would list them all but I want to get to bed at a decent hour tonight...

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