There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP

1. Voter suppression

2. Gerrymandering

3. Enormous transfer of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% (see Bush Tax Cuts for the rich, the current 600 billion tax cut plan for billionaires)

4. Racism

5. GOP litmus test on many issues

6. The embrace of Fascism.

7. The threat to women's rights

8. The anti middle class judiciary

9. Anti science

10. Disregard for the constitution

11. Donald Trump
a. Some Mexicans don't rape, a Mexican can't be a judge and similar racist statements.

b. More pro Russia than the Kremlin

c. Incompetence

d. Disregard for the constitution

You can flesh out any of these topics. There is simply an overwhelming amount of material and facts that the GOP is America's greatest threat. Russia is probably second, and North Korea a distant third.

And the list of who the GOP hates seems to grow daily.

Top Ten:

1. Gays
2. Blacks
3. Muslims
4. Jews
5. Hispanics
6. Liberals
7. Women's rights
8. Atheists
9. Reporters
10. College professors and scientists

And Trump's followers are so bold. No longer hiding in the shadow's. But bold, front and center:

LOL, you're on heroin.



Does all this compensating leave you exhausted, Snowflake?
See what you are doing there, Useful Toddster?

You have spent decades tarring your opposition with the "Soft on the Russkies" thing......Now that ACTUAL COLLUSION is involved, you are all, like, "Kumbaya! Pass the Babka."

See what you are doing there,

Mocking fake Dem outrage about Russia.

Now that ACTUAL COLLUSION is involved,

But enough about Teddy Kennedy offering to work with Russia to beat Reagan.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Links? Sounds serious!!

if not, why are you averting your eyes?

I'm not averting my eyes, I'm pointing and laughing.
But you DIDN'T read it, did you?

Averting his/her eyes...dang you're good. Next stop celebrity physic.
You find it unreasonable to assume that he would have addressed the content, rather than limiting himself exclusively to the headline, if he hadn't averted them?

Averting can refer to eyes or thoughts, you post specified eyes. Not quite sure how you could tell they averted their eyes.
Because, unless he was taking the text subcutaneously, he would have to employ his fucking eyes....

This really isn't all that hard.
'No Bigger Threat...'

How many people have died due to Obama's decisions / actions and his administration's failures?

3 - Boston Marathon Terrorist Bombing

4 - Benghazi

7 - Terrorist in Ca to whom Obama gave a visa

500+ (4 Americans) - Fast and Furious gun deaths

1 American (at least) / 117 Civilians - Obama Personal Drone Assassination Program
** Drone strikes under Obama killed up to 117 civilians, intelligence report claims

121 Americans killed by Released illegals
- Convicted, Released Illegals Committed 121 Murders During Obama Years

2500 - Americans killed in Afghanistan & Iraq
** 2,500 Soldiers Have Died in Afghanistan and Iraq Under Obama
'No Bigger Threat...'

How many people have died due to Obama's decisions / actions and his administration's failures?

3 - Boston Marathon Terrorist Bombing

4 - Benghazi

7 - Terrorist in Ca to whom Obama gave a visa

500+ (4 Americans) - Fast and Furious gun deaths

1 American (at least) / 117 Civilians - Obama Personal Drone Assassination Program
** Drone strikes under Obama killed up to 117 civilians, intelligence report claims

121 Americans killed by Released illegals
- Convicted, Released Illegals Committed 121 Murders During Obama Years

2500 - Americans killed in Afghanistan & Iraq
** 2,500 Soldiers Have Died in Afghanistan and Iraq Under Obama
500+ (4 Americans) - Fast and Furious gun deaths

In your own words - exactly what are you accusing the administration of in this instance?
500+ (4 Americans) - Fast and Furious gun deaths
In your own words - exactly what are you accusing the administration of in this instance?

If you need it spelled out - Providing thousands of automatic weapons, rifles, pistols, and hand grenades to Mexican Drug Dealers without the ability to track the weapons once in the criminals' hands resulting in not only the failed Fast and Furious 'sting' operation but also the needless deaths of supposedly over 500 people, to include 4 US citizens.

The idea of conducting this operation was brought to President Bush, but he refused to allow it to happen because of the fact that once the weapons were in the hands of Drug cartels they could not adequately be tracked.

I find this Obama administration program, and its outcome, especially ironic since about the time this program began Obama brought the President of Mexico to the US. allowing him to lecture the people of the United states from the floor of Congress. In that speech he rebuked the US, declaring this nation did not have the right to enforce its existing Immigration policy AND ALSO talked about how many of the deaths of civilians - murders - in his country were due to guns smuggled in from the US...and it turns out the man who invited him to the US - Obama - was the main 'smuggler' / 'arms dealer' for Mexican Drug Cartels at the time. :p
Last edited:
500+ (4 Americans) - Fast and Furious gun deaths
In your own words - exactly what are you accusing the administration of in this instance?

If you need it spelled out - Providing thousands of automatic weapons, rifles, pistols, and hand grenades to Mexican Drug Dealers without the ability to track the weapons once in the criminals' hands resulting in not only the failed Fast and Furious 'sting' operation but also the needless deaths of supposedly over 500 people, to include 4 US citizens.
Never happened....

You have NO IDEA what you are re-bleating...

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

It will demand a bit of time........and I know how you Snowflakes prefer slogans, memes, and Drudge headlines....
500+ (4 Americans) - Fast and Furious gun deaths
In your own words - exactly what are you accusing the administration of in this instance?

If you need it spelled out - Providing thousands of automatic weapons, rifles, pistols, and hand grenades to Mexican Drug Dealers without the ability to track the weapons once in the criminals' hands resulting in not only the failed Fast and Furious 'sting' operation but also the needless deaths of supposedly over 500 people, to include 4 US citizens.
Never happened....

You have NO IDEA what you are re-bleating...

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

It will demand a bit of time........and I know how you Snowflakes prefer slogans, memes, and Drudge headlines....

Yeah, Uh-Huh...'never happened'.

That's why Obama cited 'Executive Privilege' and refused to release documents, and US AG Holder, after committing Perjury in an attempt to cover up the scandal and was protected by Obama from prosecution, became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress - the 1st US AG to ever be CENSURED, by a bi-partisan Congress, for his crimes.

"The Jacob Chambers Case began in October 2009 and eventually became known in February 2010 as "Operation Fast and Furious" after agents discovered Chambers and the other suspects under investigation belonged to a car club.[1]

The stated goal of allowing these purchases was to continue to track the firearms as they were transferred to higher-level traffickers and key figures in Mexican cartels, with the expectation that this would lead to their arrests and the dismantling of the cartels.
[6][8][9] The tactic was questioned during the operations by a number of people, including ATF field agents and cooperating licensed gun dealers.[10][11][12][13][14] During Operation Fast and Furious, the largest "gunwalking" probe, the ATF monitored the sale of about 2,000[1]:203[15] firearms, of which only 710 were recovered as of February 2012[update].[1]:203 A number of straw purchasers have been arrested and indicted; however, as of October 2011, none of the targeted high-level cartel figures had been arrested.[6]

Guns tracked by the ATF have been found at crime scenes on both sides of the
Mexico–United States border, and the scene where United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed December 2010. The "gunwalking" operations became public in the aftermath of Terry's murder.[2] Dissenting ATF agents came forward to Congress in response.[16][17] According to Humberto Benítez Treviño, former Mexican Attorney General and chair of the justice committee in the Chamber of Deputies, related firearms have been found at numerous crime scenes in Mexico where at least 150 Mexican civilians were maimed or killed.[18] Revelations of "gunwalking" led to controversy in both countries, and diplomatic relations were damaged."

"As a result of a dispute over the release of Justice Department documents related to the scandal, Attorney General Eric Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress on June 28, 2012.[19][20] Earlier that month, President Barack Obama had invoked executive privilege for the first time in his presidency over the same documents.[21][22]"

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia
500+ (4 Americans) - Fast and Furious gun deaths
In your own words - exactly what are you accusing the administration of in this instance?

If you need it spelled out - Providing thousands of automatic weapons, rifles, pistols, and hand grenades to Mexican Drug Dealers without the ability to track the weapons once in the criminals' hands resulting in not only the failed Fast and Furious 'sting' operation but also the needless deaths of supposedly over 500 people, to include 4 US citizens.
Never happened....

You have NO IDEA what you are re-bleating...

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

It will demand a bit of time........and I know how you Snowflakes prefer slogans, memes, and Drudge headlines....

Yeah, Uh-Huh...'never happened'.

That's why Obama cited 'Executive Privilege' and refused to release documents, and US AG Holder, after committing Perjury in an attempt to cover up the scandal and was protected by Obama from prosecution, became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress - the 1st US AG to ever be CENSURED, by a bi-partisan Congress, for his crimes.

"The Jacob Chambers Case began in October 2009 and eventually became known in February 2010 as "Operation Fast and Furious" after agents discovered Chambers and the other suspects under investigation belonged to a car club.[1]

The stated goal of allowing these purchases was to continue to track the firearms as they were transferred to higher-level traffickers and key figures in Mexican cartels, with the expectation that this would lead to their arrests and the dismantling of the cartels.
[6][8][9] The tactic was questioned during the operations by a number of people, including ATF field agents and cooperating licensed gun dealers.[10][11][12][13][14] During Operation Fast and Furious, the largest "gunwalking" probe, the ATF monitored the sale of about 2,000[1]:203[15] firearms, of which only 710 were recovered as of February 2012[update].[1]:203 A number of straw purchasers have been arrested and indicted; however, as of October 2011, none of the targeted high-level cartel figures had been arrested.[6]

Guns tracked by the ATF have been found at crime scenes on both sides of the
Mexico–United States border, and the scene where United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed December 2010. The "gunwalking" operations became public in the aftermath of Terry's murder.[2] Dissenting ATF agents came forward to Congress in response.[16][17] According to Humberto Benítez Treviño, former Mexican Attorney General and chair of the justice committee in the Chamber of Deputies, related firearms have been found at numerous crime scenes in Mexico where at least 150 Mexican civilians were maimed or killed.[18] Revelations of "gunwalking" led to controversy in both countries, and diplomatic relations were damaged."

"As a result of a dispute over the release of Justice Department documents related to the scandal, Attorney General Eric Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress on June 28, 2012.[19][20] Earlier that month, President Barack Obama had invoked executive privilege for the first time in his presidency over the same documents.[21][22]"

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia
You are going to retreat further into your hidey hole in an effort to avoid reading that citation, aren't you...

The issue is NOT whether or not Holder was cited....we are trying to find any FACTS which support your version of events...

You're still looking...
The Lame Stream Media with all their propaganda about the ex vagina candidate didn't help the Democrats get elected either. And to think that at one time the "News Orgs" were considered the 4th estate, but now are the 5th column. Pravda would be proud(if it was still around) how much of Commies the Liberal media is.
You want Pravda? I think they are in the Oval office taking this picture and yukking it up:

You didn't have an issue when Obama was yukking it up back before Obama was re-elected. Did you start feeling hatred to the Russians when the Ruskies proved that Obama was a pansy ass, gilry pants, wearing fagot?
You left out the n word. Let it all out. Don't hold back.
Go ahead, say it Dean, you know you want to use that word, like the old Southern White Democrats of old. Yep, once a racist always a racist, right Dean?
The operative word - "old". So old in fact, back then Democrats were old, white, confederate conservatives. Now we call those "Republicans".
Stupid people do things like that. Fact is the dems died out and the repubs grew in strength because the dems starting going further left. And have continued to do so. So the further left you dimwits go the farther the right looks to you.
You have NO IDEA what you are re-bleating...

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

It will demand a bit of time........and I know how you Snowflakes prefer slogans, memes, and Drudge headlines....

At first I thought you knew something......then it became apparent you don't.
Your programming is are a political zombie elitist tool.....and have no clue.

btw..."Snowflake" is categorically a definition of someone leaning hard LEFT. Just as "Teabilly" is someone on the right.
Or shall we start calling leftards Teabillys also?
What a confused, illiterate. zombie programmed bunch many on the left are. wow.
Last edited:
You have NO IDEA what you are re-bleating...

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

It will demand a bit of time........and I know how you Snowflakes prefer slogans, memes, and Drudge headlines....

At first I thought you knew something......then it became apparent you don't.
Your programming is are a political zombie elitist tool.....and have no clue.

btw..."Snowflake" is categorically a definition of someone leaning hard LEFT. Just as "Teabilly" is someone on the right.
Or shall we start calling leftards Teabillys also?
What a confused, illiterate. zombie programmed bunch the left is. wow.
Hey, kitty....why don't you take your pathetic game somewhere else?

If you have something you want to add to the exhaustive description offered by Fortune, please proceed.

And I know a fucking Snowflake when I see one....
500+ (4 Americans) - Fast and Furious gun deaths
In your own words - exactly what are you accusing the administration of in this instance?

If you need it spelled out - Providing thousands of automatic weapons, rifles, pistols, and hand grenades to Mexican Drug Dealers without the ability to track the weapons once in the criminals' hands resulting in not only the failed Fast and Furious 'sting' operation but also the needless deaths of supposedly over 500 people, to include 4 US citizens.
Never happened....

You have NO IDEA what you are re-bleating...

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

It will demand a bit of time........and I know how you Snowflakes prefer slogans, memes, and Drudge headlines....

Yeah, Uh-Huh...'never happened'.

That's why Obama cited 'Executive Privilege' and refused to release documents, and US AG Holder, after committing Perjury in an attempt to cover up the scandal and was protected by Obama from prosecution, became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress - the 1st US AG to ever be CENSURED, by a bi-partisan Congress, for his crimes.

"The Jacob Chambers Case began in October 2009 and eventually became known in February 2010 as "Operation Fast and Furious" after agents discovered Chambers and the other suspects under investigation belonged to a car club.[1]

The stated goal of allowing these purchases was to continue to track the firearms as they were transferred to higher-level traffickers and key figures in Mexican cartels, with the expectation that this would lead to their arrests and the dismantling of the cartels.
[6][8][9] The tactic was questioned during the operations by a number of people, including ATF field agents and cooperating licensed gun dealers.[10][11][12][13][14] During Operation Fast and Furious, the largest "gunwalking" probe, the ATF monitored the sale of about 2,000[1]:203[15] firearms, of which only 710 were recovered as of February 2012[update].[1]:203 A number of straw purchasers have been arrested and indicted; however, as of October 2011, none of the targeted high-level cartel figures had been arrested.[6]

Guns tracked by the ATF have been found at crime scenes on both sides of the
Mexico–United States border, and the scene where United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed December 2010. The "gunwalking" operations became public in the aftermath of Terry's murder.[2] Dissenting ATF agents came forward to Congress in response.[16][17] According to Humberto Benítez Treviño, former Mexican Attorney General and chair of the justice committee in the Chamber of Deputies, related firearms have been found at numerous crime scenes in Mexico where at least 150 Mexican civilians were maimed or killed.[18] Revelations of "gunwalking" led to controversy in both countries, and diplomatic relations were damaged."

"As a result of a dispute over the release of Justice Department documents related to the scandal, Attorney General Eric Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress on June 28, 2012.[19][20] Earlier that month, President Barack Obama had invoked executive privilege for the first time in his presidency over the same documents.[21][22]"

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia
You are going to retreat further into your hidey hole in an effort to avoid reading that citation, aren't you...

The issue is NOT whether or not Holder was cited....we are trying to find any FACTS which support your version of events...

You're still looking...

Holder was caught dead-to-rights lying his ass off under oath about the scandal. His previous comments were read back to him after he said something new in the testimony at the time. He was caught perpetrating multiple counts of Felony Perjury. Obama protected his ass from prosecution, giving a bi-partisan Congress no other option but to Censure him, making him the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress.

While Obama was bashing the NRA and lecturing Americans for their 'love for guns' he was running guns to Mexican Drug cartels (...and the Muslim Brotherhood, and to Al Qaeda, and to ISIS...).
500+ (4 Americans) - Fast and Furious gun deaths
In your own words - exactly what are you accusing the administration of in this instance?

If you need it spelled out - Providing thousands of automatic weapons, rifles, pistols, and hand grenades to Mexican Drug Dealers without the ability to track the weapons once in the criminals' hands resulting in not only the failed Fast and Furious 'sting' operation but also the needless deaths of supposedly over 500 people, to include 4 US citizens.
Never happened....

You have NO IDEA what you are re-bleating...

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

It will demand a bit of time........and I know how you Snowflakes prefer slogans, memes, and Drudge headlines....

Yeah, Uh-Huh...'never happened'.

That's why Obama cited 'Executive Privilege' and refused to release documents, and US AG Holder, after committing Perjury in an attempt to cover up the scandal and was protected by Obama from prosecution, became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress - the 1st US AG to ever be CENSURED, by a bi-partisan Congress, for his crimes.

"The Jacob Chambers Case began in October 2009 and eventually became known in February 2010 as "Operation Fast and Furious" after agents discovered Chambers and the other suspects under investigation belonged to a car club.[1]

The stated goal of allowing these purchases was to continue to track the firearms as they were transferred to higher-level traffickers and key figures in Mexican cartels, with the expectation that this would lead to their arrests and the dismantling of the cartels.
[6][8][9] The tactic was questioned during the operations by a number of people, including ATF field agents and cooperating licensed gun dealers.[10][11][12][13][14] During Operation Fast and Furious, the largest "gunwalking" probe, the ATF monitored the sale of about 2,000[1]:203[15] firearms, of which only 710 were recovered as of February 2012[update].[1]:203 A number of straw purchasers have been arrested and indicted; however, as of October 2011, none of the targeted high-level cartel figures had been arrested.[6]

Guns tracked by the ATF have been found at crime scenes on both sides of the
Mexico–United States border, and the scene where United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed December 2010. The "gunwalking" operations became public in the aftermath of Terry's murder.[2] Dissenting ATF agents came forward to Congress in response.[16][17] According to Humberto Benítez Treviño, former Mexican Attorney General and chair of the justice committee in the Chamber of Deputies, related firearms have been found at numerous crime scenes in Mexico where at least 150 Mexican civilians were maimed or killed.[18] Revelations of "gunwalking" led to controversy in both countries, and diplomatic relations were damaged."

"As a result of a dispute over the release of Justice Department documents related to the scandal, Attorney General Eric Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress on June 28, 2012.[19][20] Earlier that month, President Barack Obama had invoked executive privilege for the first time in his presidency over the same documents.[21][22]"

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia
You are going to retreat further into your hidey hole in an effort to avoid reading that citation, aren't you...

The issue is NOT whether or not Holder was cited....we are trying to find any FACTS which support your version of events...

You're still looking...

Holder was caught dead-to-rights lying his ass off under oath about the scandal. His previous comments were read back to him after he said something new in the testimony at the time. He was caught perpetrating multiple counts of Felony Perjury. Obama protected his ass from prosecution, giving a bi-partisan Congress no other option but to Censure him, making him the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress.

While Obama was bashing the NRA and lecturing Americans for their 'love for guns' he was running guns to Mexican Drug cartels (...and the Muslim Brotherhood, and to Al Qaeda, and to ISIS...).
I didn't ask for more of your uninformed Narrative.......

I've provided you with the information you need to clear your head of the crap you've convinced yourself to believe...

The Administration DID NOT "provide weapons" to Mexican cartels....
I didn't ask for more of your uninformed Narrative.......
I've provided you with the information you need to clear your head of the crap you've convinced yourself to believe...
The Administration DID NOT "provide weapons" to Mexican cartels....

I provided the definition and description of the Fast and Furious program, the list of weapons provided to the Mexican Drug cartels, and some of the results (murders) of the failed program. You provided your false narrative.

I provided you with the FACT of how Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress as a result of trying to cover up the scandal, how Obama protected him from prosecution, and how Obama claimed Executive Privilege at the same time to prevent having to release documents regarding the failed program. (So much for 'most transparent administration evuh'!)

Technically you are correct - Obama did not 'give' the weapons to the Mexican Drug cartels - he SOLD the weapons to them. (Where did that money go? Hmm...)
I didn't ask for more of your uninformed Narrative.......
I've provided you with the information you need to clear your head of the crap you've convinced yourself to believe...
The Administration DID NOT "provide weapons" to Mexican cartels....

I provided the definition and description of the Fast and Furious program, the list of weapons provided to the Mexican Drug cartels, and some of the results (murders) of the failed program. You provided your false narrative.

I provided you with the FACT of how Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress as a result of trying to cover up the scandal, how Obama protected him from prosecution, and how Obama claimed Executive Privilege at the same time to prevent having to release documents regarding the failed program. (So much for 'most transparent administration evuh'!)

Technically you are correct - Obama did not 'give' the weapons to the Mexican Drug cartels - he SOLD the weapons to them. (Where did that money go? Hmm...) are lying....

As the Fortune article explains there was no "providing" ANYONE with guns.......There was a problem with Straw buyers that BATF was anxious to address......but because this impinged on the promiscuous sale of firearms, the NRA and it's flunkies raised hell. The local Federal Prosecutor wasn't co-operating with BATF's efforts to crack down on the practice......

Because you have no idea what you are going on about, you are desperate to stay on script.....but the Narrative you have been fed is entirely inconsistent with The Record.
See what you are doing there,

Mocking fake Dem outrage about Russia.

Now that ACTUAL COLLUSION is involved,

But enough about Teddy Kennedy offering to work with Russia to beat Reagan.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Links? Sounds serious!!

if not, why are you averting your eyes?

I'm not averting my eyes, I'm pointing and laughing.
But you DIDN'T read it, did you?

It made me chuckle.
But you DIDN'T read it, did you?

It made me chuckle.

Never mind that....did you LEARN anything, Toddster?
I didn't ask for more of your uninformed Narrative.......
I've provided you with the information you need to clear your head of the crap you've convinced yourself to believe...
The Administration DID NOT "provide weapons" to Mexican cartels....

I provided the definition and description of the Fast and Furious program, the list of weapons provided to the Mexican Drug cartels, and some of the results (murders) of the failed program. You provided your false narrative.

I provided you with the FACT of how Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress as a result of trying to cover up the scandal, how Obama protected him from prosecution, and how Obama claimed Executive Privilege at the same time to prevent having to release documents regarding the failed program. (So much for 'most transparent administration evuh'!)

Technically you are correct - Obama did not 'give' the weapons to the Mexican Drug cartels - he SOLD the weapons to them. (Where did that money go? Hmm...) are lying....

As the Fortune article explains there was no "providing" ANYONE with guns.......There was a problem with Straw buyers that BATF was anxious to address......but because this impinged on the promiscuous sale of firearms, the NRA and it's flunkies raised hell. The local Federal Prosecutor wasn't co-operating with BATF's efforts to crack down on the practice......

Because you have no idea what you are going on about, you are desperate to stay on script.....but the Narrative you have been fed is entirely inconsistent with The Record.
Hard to get through to a liberal because they have so much shit covering their eyes and ears.

I didn't ask for more of your uninformed Narrative.......
I've provided you with the information you need to clear your head of the crap you've convinced yourself to believe...
The Administration DID NOT "provide weapons" to Mexican cartels....

I provided the definition and description of the Fast and Furious program, the list of weapons provided to the Mexican Drug cartels, and some of the results (murders) of the failed program. You provided your false narrative.

I provided you with the FACT of how Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress as a result of trying to cover up the scandal, how Obama protected him from prosecution, and how Obama claimed Executive Privilege at the same time to prevent having to release documents regarding the failed program. (So much for 'most transparent administration evuh'!)

Technically you are correct - Obama did not 'give' the weapons to the Mexican Drug cartels - he SOLD the weapons to them. (Where did that money go? Hmm...) are lying....

As the Fortune article explains there was no "providing" ANYONE with guns.......There was a problem with Straw buyers that BATF was anxious to address......but because this impinged on the promiscuous sale of firearms, the NRA and it's flunkies raised hell. The local Federal Prosecutor wasn't co-operating with BATF's efforts to crack down on the practice......

Because you have no idea what you are going on about, you are desperate to stay on script.....but the Narrative you have been fed is entirely inconsistent with The Record.
Hard to get through to a liberal because they have so much shit covering their eyes and ears.

View attachment 126251
Remember how badly you embarrassed yourself the LAST time you employed that meme in my vicinity, Meathead?

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