There is no bigger threat to American Democracy than the GOP

See what you are doing there, Useful Toddster?

You have spent decades tarring your opposition with the "Soft on the Russkies" thing......Now that ACTUAL COLLUSION is involved, you are all, like, "Kumbaya! Pass the Babka."

See what you are doing there,

Mocking fake Dem outrage about Russia.

Now that ACTUAL COLLUSION is involved,

But enough about Teddy Kennedy offering to work with Russia to beat Reagan.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Links? Sounds serious!!

if not, why are you averting your eyes?

Averting his/her eyes...dang you're good. Next stop celebrity physic.
You find it unreasonable to assume that he would have addressed the content, rather than limiting himself exclusively to the headline, if he hadn't averted them?
See what you are doing there,

Mocking fake Dem outrage about Russia.

Now that ACTUAL COLLUSION is involved,

But enough about Teddy Kennedy offering to work with Russia to beat Reagan.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Links? Sounds serious!!

if not, why are you averting your eyes?

Averting his/her eyes...dang you're good. Next stop celebrity physic.
You find it unreasonable to assume that he would have addressed the content, rather than limiting himself exclusively to the headline, if he hadn't averted them?

Averting can refer to eyes or thoughts, you post specified eyes. Not quite sure how you could tell they averted their eyes.
That makes no sense.

Dems have been sucking Russian dick since 1917.
It's what they do.
When did Russia become bad?
See what you are doing there, Useful Toddster?

You have spent decades tarring your opposition with the "Soft on the Russkies" thing......Now that ACTUAL COLLUSION is involved, you are all, like, "Kumbaya! Pass the Babka."

See what you are doing there,

Mocking fake Dem outrage about Russia.

Now that ACTUAL COLLUSION is involved,

But enough about Teddy Kennedy offering to work with Russia to beat Reagan.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Links? Sounds serious!!

if not, why are you averting your eyes?

I'm not averting my eyes, I'm pointing and laughing.
There is no bigger threat to the American Republic than stupidity (we're not a democracy dumdum) and fake news like yours.

You Libs were already in a panic before the guy even did one thing. The DNC has you all programmed like perfect little Alinskian Robots.
Read that again, Hoss.....

You had never heard the name "Alinsky" before you were ordered to believe that he was Obama's Sensei......

and fyi, I've known Trump since he blew up in the mid 80s.....he is everything his critics say....and less.
And we should take your word for it beause? You obviously have a grossly overinflated opinion of yourself, but we already knew that.

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I wouldn't say that the GOP is trying to destroy Democracy...exactly....

I think the GOP is desperately trying to reverse advances in the democratic system. Basically, they'd like to revert to a variation of the original Constitution where only land owning males above 25 were allowed to vote.

The difference is that what the GOP wants is for only Extremely wealthy White males to vote...probably somewhat older than 18.

they won't say it, but that's what they seem to be working toward.

CA is considering lowering the age to vote to 17, a time when most CA high school students will be enrolled in Civics. The premise behind this movement is to get more citizens involved in a process which will impact them directly.
The real purpose is to get more ignorant brainwashed dumbasses to vote. They are sure to vote Democrat.
Point by point:
  • I have empathy, you are a callous conservative, thus
  • I have values, you are at best amoral
  • "You're on heroin" is an idiot-gram, a single sentence or phrase used by those who cannot articulate a substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking argument/rebuttal
  • I'm not stupid
  • I admit to a bias, most like you are intolerable
  • Yep, I can afford to be arrogant, as does a one eyed man in the company of the blind.
I have empathy, and you are a butt-hurt loser lib.

Double fault: ^^^ an idiot-gram wrapped in an ad hominem.

Hey Popeye, were you schooled by PoliticalChic?
ahhhhhh, the wittle guy got butt-hurt further. The OP was hilarious. try to stay on topic.

Hey, your idiot-gram framed in an ad hominem was not on topic, so try not to be so self righteous.
still off topic. The OP was fking hilarious. provide evidence of any of it. come on now.

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There is no bigger threat to the American Republic than stupidity (we're not a democracy dumdum) and fake news like yours.

You Libs were already in a panic before the guy even did one thing. The DNC has you all programmed like perfect little Alinskian Robots.
Read that again, Hoss.....

You had never heard the name "Alinsky" before you were ordered to believe that he was Obama's Sensei......

and fyi, I've known Trump since he blew up in the mid 80s.....he is everything his critics say....and less.

First of all, my name is not Hoss, you jackass, and if you can't give respect to others then don't expect any in return. Second, you haven't a damned idea what I know and don't know so don't try to put words in my mouth. Third, you don't know jack about president Trump, my uncle was VP of one of the outside companies that supplied materials and services to him in the late '70's and '80's when he was building in NYC and a more reputable and sincere man you will never find. And that comes from a man who has sat right across the table from, ate with, and did face-to-face business with Mr. Trump.
CA is considering lowering the age to vote to 17, a time when most CA high school students will be enrolled in Civics. The premise behind this movement is to get more citizens involved in a process which will impact them directly.
Speaking as a father of an 18yo and 22yo with lots of friends, today's kids 'know more than us adults', and the sources of their 'knowledge / brilliance' are primarily anything posted by friends / anyone on Facebook, Tumblr, SnapChat, Twitter, Whisper, etc...not Civics class or any other factual, educational / informational sources.

Add to this the fact that public schools and colleges, as demonstrated by Berkley and other colleges recently, have become little more than 'Indoctrination Camps', and the actual 'danger' this country is in from the immature, 'uneducated', 'programmed' children who are supposed to be our 'Future' is, IMO, very real and growing.

Although being somewhat facetious, I would almost recommend / hope to see the voting age be RAISED to 21 (for 'maturity' sake) and have a mandatory IQ test voters must pass before they are allowed to vote (something simple, such as if you can not name the current VP by name you probably aren't smart enough to vote). [emoji14] .

If there were to have been and IQ test to vote in Nov. 2016, Trump would have lost the Electoral College Vote too.
Snowflakes think they are smart.

Isn't that a hoot?

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Please explain why Trump met with the Russian Ambassador and Russian Minister the other day.

Probably for the same reason Obama met with Russian Ambassadors and Representatives in the past when he was President. I posted an article and photos of Obama meeting with a Russian Ambassador during his Presidency the other day. Why are snowflakes trying to make it seem like ordinary acts done by previous Presidents is now 'unprecedented' because Trump is following suit?

Q. Was the American Press allowed into the oval along with TASS?
A. No

Q. Was TASS allowed to being a camera into the oval when Obama met with the Russian Ambassador?
A. I doubt it. And I doubt he would have met with the equivalent of our Sect of State (the Russian Foreign Minister) at that time.
Did the American press try to embarras and denigrate Obama at every opportunity? Why no, they sucked Obama's dick.

Do you understand why they weren"t invited now?

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The great thing about snowflakes is shine a little sunshine on them and they all melt.
There is not one drop of logic (or truth) in that entire post. Not surprised it was so well received.
"We're liberals, we're smarter than you!"
"We're conservatives, we're smarter than you!"
Neither one of you is smarter than the other. What you are is a couple of friggin' clown trains fixing to crash into each other and explode. And I can't wait to see it happen.
And who are you, the dumb fuck standing on the train tracks?

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That's your best shot?
Russia doesn't care. They will take in Republicans, I'm pretty sure. After all, they didn't help Democrats get elected. That's why they are in the Oval Office celebrating while Americans are barred.
The Lame Stream Media with all their propaganda about the ex vagina candidate didn't help the Democrats get elected either. And to think that at one time the "News Orgs" were considered the 4th estate, but now are the 5th column. Pravda would be proud(if it was still around) how much of Commies the Liberal media is.
The Fourth Estate (or fourth power) is a societal or political force or institution whose influence is not consistently or officially recognized. "Fourth Estate" most commonly refers to the news media, especially print journalism or "the press".
Fourth Estate - Wikipedia

A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group—such as a nation or a besieged city—from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organized actions by military personnel.
Fifth column - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You want Pravda? I think they are in the Oval office taking this picture and yukking it up:

You didn't have an issue when Obama was yukking it up back before Obama was re-elected. Did you start feeling hatred to the Russians when the Ruskies proved that Obama was a pansy ass, gilry pants, wearing fagot?
You left out the n word. Let it all out. Don't hold back.
Go ahead, say it Dean, you know you want to use that word, like the old Southern White Democrats of old. Yep, once a racist always a racist, right Dean?
The operative word - "old". So old in fact, back then Democrats were old, white, confederate conservatives. Now we call those "Republicans".
1. Voter suppression

2. Gerrymandering

3. Enormous transfer of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% (see Bush Tax Cuts for the rich, the current 600 billion tax cut plan for billionaires)

4. Racism

5. GOP litmus test on many issues

6. The embrace of Fascism.

7. The threat to women's rights

8. The anti middle class judiciary

9. Anti science

10. Disregard for the constitution

11. Donald Trump
a. Some Mexicans don't rape, a Mexican can't be a judge and similar racist statements.

b. More pro Russia than the Kremlin

c. Incompetence

d. Disregard for the constitution

You can flesh out any of these topics. There is simply an overwhelming amount of material and facts that the GOP is America's greatest threat. Russia is probably second, and North Korea a distant third.

And the list of who the GOP hates seems to grow daily.

Top Ten:

1. Gays
2. Blacks
3. Muslims
4. Jews
5. Hispanics
6. Liberals
7. Women's rights
8. Atheists
9. Reporters
10. College professors and scientists

And Trump's followers are so bold. No longer hiding in the shadow's. But bold, front and center:

You hit the nail on the head, my friend.
1. Voter suppression

2. Gerrymandering

3. Enormous transfer of wealth from the Middle Class to the top 1% (see Bush Tax Cuts for the rich, the current 600 billion tax cut plan for billionaires)

4. Racism

5. GOP litmus test on many issues

6. The embrace of Fascism.

7. The threat to women's rights

8. The anti middle class judiciary

9. Anti science

10. Disregard for the constitution

11. Donald Trump
a. Some Mexicans don't rape, a Mexican can't be a judge and similar racist statements.

b. More pro Russia than the Kremlin

c. Incompetence

d. Disregard for the constitution

You can flesh out any of these topics. There is simply an overwhelming amount of material and facts that the GOP is America's greatest threat. Russia is probably second, and North Korea a distant third.

And the list of who the GOP hates seems to grow daily.

Top Ten:

1. Gays
2. Blacks
3. Muslims
4. Jews
5. Hispanics
6. Liberals
7. Women's rights
8. Atheists
9. Reporters
10. College professors and scientists

And Trump's followers are so bold. No longer hiding in the shadow's. But bold, front and center:

LOL, you're on heroin.


There is no bigger threat to the American Republic than stupidity (we're not a democracy dumdum) and fake news like yours.

You Libs were already in a panic before the guy even did one thing. The DNC has you all programmed like perfect little Alinskian Robots.
Read that again, Hoss.....

You had never heard the name "Alinsky" before you were ordered to believe that he was Obama's Sensei......

and fyi, I've known Trump since he blew up in the mid 80s.....he is everything his critics say....and less.
And we should take your word for it beause? You obviously have a grossly overinflated opinion of yourself, but we already knew that.

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You had no idea that T-rump flamed out in the late 80s, did you.....
There is no bigger threat to the American Republic than stupidity (we're not a democracy dumdum) and fake news like yours.

You Libs were already in a panic before the guy even did one thing. The DNC has you all programmed like perfect little Alinskian Robots.
Read that again, Hoss.....

You had never heard the name "Alinsky" before you were ordered to believe that he was Obama's Sensei......

and fyi, I've known Trump since he blew up in the mid 80s.....he is everything his critics say....and less.

First of all, my name is not Hoss, you jackass, and if you can't give respect to others then don't expect any in return. Second, you haven't a damned idea what I know and don't know so don't try to put words in my mouth. Third, you don't know jack about president Trump, my uncle was VP of one of the outside companies that supplied materials and services to him in the late '70's and '80's when he was building in NYC and a more reputable and sincere man you will never find. And that comes from a man who has sat right across the table from, ate with, and did face-to-face business with Mr. Trump.
Take your anecdote and fuck off, Snowflake.....Trump's record as a douche is Indisputable.

Tell everyone why T-rump can't go to US public markets for capital, leaving him to wander the globe for financing.
Please explain why Trump met with the Russian Ambassador and Russian Minister the other day.

Probably for the same reason Obama met with Russian Ambassadors and Representatives in the past when he was President. I posted an article and photos of Obama meeting with a Russian Ambassador during his Presidency the other day. Why are snowflakes trying to make it seem like ordinary acts done by previous Presidents is now 'unprecedented' because Trump is following suit?

Q. Was the American Press allowed into the oval along with TASS?
A. No

Q. Was TASS allowed to being a camera into the oval when Obama met with the Russian Ambassador?
A. I doubt it. And I doubt he would have met with the equivalent of our Sect of State (the Russian Foreign Minister) at that time.
Did the American press try to embarras and denigrate Obama at every opportunity? Why no, they sucked Obama's dick.

Do you understand why they weren"t invited now?

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You lyimng imbecile...

On what have you been gorging for the past 8 years?

Infotainment and memes....

Which goes a long way towards explaining your conical ignorance.

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