There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws

Yup. Guns don't kill people. PEOPLE kill people.

Anyone wanting to kill will get a gun despite all the gun laws currently on the books and there are tons of gun laws on the books.

If you take the guns they will still find guns on the blackmarket, street corners or anywhere else. Someone will always be selling guns to those who want to buy them.

You can blame guns all you want but its the people using the guns who are at fault. A gun is an inanimate object until someone picks it up and uses it.


End of story.

People with guns kill people

30 people in England killed with guns vs 8800 in the US

Disgraceful: 30 Murders by Guns in England 2012 vs. 8,855 in U.S. | Alternet

Shouldn't that be 0 people in England? No? Then the laws you demand don't really stop violence?????

I would be happy if we could get our gun murders down to 30

Why wouldn't you?
People with guns kill people

30 people in England killed with guns vs 8800 in the US

Disgraceful: 30 Murders by Guns in England 2012 vs. 8,855 in U.S. | Alternet

Shouldn't that be 0 people in England? No? Then the laws you demand don't really stop violence?????
People die even thou we have healthcare so maybe we should abolish healthcare. :cuckoo:

Perhaps you should sit down and wait until an adult can interpret the posts for you.
People with guns kill people

30 people in England killed with guns vs 8800 in the US

Disgraceful: 30 Murders by Guns in England 2012 vs. 8,855 in U.S. | Alternet

Shouldn't that be 0 people in England? No? Then the laws you demand don't really stop violence?????

I would be happy if we could get our gun murders down to 30

Why wouldn't you?

Because the issue isn't how people are killing other people. The issue is that people don't value the lives of their neighbors and are using all sorts of instruments to kill others. You don't even attempt to address that, you only act as if people who have been shot to death are more dead than anyone else. THAT'S why I can't take you or any who wish to control guns seriously.
Is it just murder by gun that the libbies here wish to make the test case for jettisoning the Constitution?

OR, are there other unfortunate consequences that sometimes flow from the fact that our Constitution specifically enumerates some of our rights?

Like, for instance, that whole "free speech" thing can get pretty messy sometimes. Should we jettison the First Amendment when folks abuse it by saying unpleasant shit?

No, we just write a law that highly modifies it and goes against what it actually says, just like most of the other Amendments, including the one you pray to, the Second.

^ not a model of clarity in thinking or in communication.

Laws, PickYourNose, do not "modify" the Constitution. By definition, they cannot.

An Amendment might work.

So, what YOU are now proposing is that we cobble together some AMENDMENT to the Constitution to re-draft the SECOND AMENDMENT to the Constitution?
Really, tell me then, where in this Constitution does it say you aren't allowed to yell fire in a crowded theater when there isn't one? Is that in the 10,876th Amendment, or is that some other kind of law that just happens to go exactly against what the First Amendment says?
Is it just murder by gun that the libbies here wish to make the test case for jettisoning the Constitution?

OR, are there other unfortunate consequences that sometimes flow from the fact that our Constitution specifically enumerates some of our rights?

Like, for instance, that whole "free speech" thing can get pretty messy sometimes. Should we jettison the First Amendment when folks abuse it by saying unpleasant shit?

No, we just write a law that highly modifies it and goes against what it actually says, just like most of the other Amendments, including the one you pray to, the Second.

Oh crap, Joe. I forgot to put this id on ignore. Please don't bother responding to me, I won't see your response.
Fine by me. I know that most children are comforted by hiding from the truth. I wouldn't want to upset you before nap-time.
PickHisNose thinks that it's "common sense" to jettison the Constitution when the going gets rough. :cuckoo:
Only the parts of it that no longer manage to protect 30,000 American citizens a year, every year, year, after year, after year. You could say I'm Pro-Life eh?

Ah. I see. So, in YOUR view, the Constitution has a JOB to do and it is the JOB of the Constitution to protect citizens?

Let's recap: The Constitution can "cause" difficulties and to the extent it "causes" such difficulties, it should, bit by bit, be closely re-examined and jettisoned when it no longer suits YOUR view of things?
There's no need to throw the whole out, although we certainly could, just your favorite part of it. For you it's all or nothing. The Founders disagreed. So sad for you eh?
No, we just write a law that highly modifies it and goes against what it actually says, just like most of the other Amendments, including the one you pray to, the Second.

^ not a model of clarity in thinking or in communication.

Laws, PickYourNose, do not "modify" the Constitution. By definition, they cannot.

An Amendment might work.

So, what YOU are now proposing is that we cobble together some AMENDMENT to the Constitution to re-draft the SECOND AMENDMENT to the Constitution?
Really, tell me then, where in this Constitution does it say you aren't allowed to yell fire in a crowded theater when there isn't one? Is that in the 10,876th Amendment, or is that some other kind of law that just happens to go exactly against what the First Amendment says?

The person has to first actually yell "FIRE" in the theater and people have to suffer some form of arm. Your method of not allowing people to have guns at all is like gagging every person who walks into the theater due to the "chance" of one of them yelling FIRE.

Get it now, Joe?
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.
No, Americans have NOT decided to accept massacres.

They have rightly concluded that the problem is not the gun. Address the 'entitlement' mentality and you will do more to stopping mass shooting than any other causation.
No, we just write a law that highly modifies it and goes against what it actually says, just like most of the other Amendments, including the one you pray to, the Second.

Oh crap, Joe. I forgot to put this id on ignore. Please don't bother responding to me, I won't see your response.
Fine by me. I know that most children are comforted by hiding from the truth. I wouldn't want to upset you before nap-time.

So you admit you are a sock? Eh Joe?
Unfortunately, RW'er, your OP is absolutely correct. No tragedy is enough to change the minds of those that believe that guns are good for America. That is why I don't bother to argue with them anymore about it. I just keep my distance from those that insist on packing heat, just to make a statement. I prefer to deal with people who live in the real world, rather than go through life pretending that they are Rambo.
Unfortunately, RW'er, your OP is absolutely correct. No tragedy is enough to change the minds of those that believe that guns are good for America. That is why I don't bother to argue with them anymore about it. I just keep my distance from those that insist on packing heat, just to make a statement. I prefer to deal with people who live in the real world, rather than go through life pretending that they are Rambo.

So many false assumptions, so little time.

So i guess you avoid police officers as well?
Unfortunately, RW'er, your OP is absolutely correct. No tragedy is enough to change the minds of those that believe that guns are good for America. That is why I don't bother to argue with them anymore about it. I just keep my distance from those that insist on packing heat, just to make a statement. I prefer to deal with people who live in the real world, rather than go through life pretending that they are Rambo.

Yeah, because no guns worked out real good for 12 million German concentration camp victims.

The millions of Ukranians who starved to death during soviet enforced famine or the millions more russian citizens dragged off to die in gulags deserved to die in whatever constitutes your "mind" (I'd bet it also serves as a colon).

It's a good thing the Chi-Coms disarmed their people, or starving and murdering 50 million people might have been more difficult.

Oh yeah, I'm sure you're delighted that the Khmer Rouge had no armed opposition for the systematic slaughter of civilians as well.

I'm sure no guns is working out great in North Korea too, the stories of the delightful utopia where they find unicorns is heartwarming.

You bed wetters really are disgusting servile sacks of shit.

There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.
No, Americans have NOT decided to accept massacres.

They have rightly concluded that the problem is not the gun. Address the 'entitlement' mentality and you will do more to stopping mass shooting than any other causation.

Obamacare causes mass shootings?
Unfortunately, RW'er, your OP is absolutely correct. No tragedy is enough to change the minds of those that believe that guns are good for America. That is why I don't bother to argue with them anymore about it. I just keep my distance from those that insist on packing heat, just to make a statement. I prefer to deal with people who live in the real world, rather than go through life pretending that they are Rambo.

So many false assumptions, so little time.

So i guess you avoid police officers as well?

No, As a matter of fact, I am a uniformed Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer.

Now, what was it that you were saying about assumptions?
Unfortunately, RW'er, your OP is absolutely correct. No tragedy is enough to change the minds of those that believe that guns are good for America. That is why I don't bother to argue with them anymore about it. I just keep my distance from those that insist on packing heat, just to make a statement. I prefer to deal with people who live in the real world, rather than go through life pretending that they are Rambo.

So many false assumptions, so little time.

So i guess you avoid police officers as well?

No brains,

No headaches.

I think that if this country ever decends into the sort of hell hole despotic sociopaths like vandalshit supports, he'll be hiding from police for sure.

I for one won't discharge a single round to defend these mindless parasites.

Unfortunately, RW'er, your OP is absolutely correct. No tragedy is enough to change the minds of those that believe that guns are good for America. That is why I don't bother to argue with them anymore about it. I just keep my distance from those that insist on packing heat, just to make a statement. I prefer to deal with people who live in the real world, rather than go through life pretending that they are Rambo.

So many false assumptions, so little time.

So i guess you avoid police officers as well?

No, As a matter of fact, I am a uniformed Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer.

Now, what was it that you were saying about assumptions?

So you get to keep your gun, and I would have to give up mine. I figured you were a cop, guns for thee and not for me.

I assume if comprehensive gun control were passed, you would lock your gun up in the precinct every night when you went home, right?
Unfortunately, RW'er, your OP is absolutely correct. No tragedy is enough to change the minds of those that believe that guns are good for America. That is why I don't bother to argue with them anymore about it. I just keep my distance from those that insist on packing heat, just to make a statement. I prefer to deal with people who live in the real world, rather than go through life pretending that they are Rambo.

So many false assumptions, so little time.

So i guess you avoid police officers as well?

No, As a matter of fact, I am a uniformed Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer.

Now, what was it that you were saying about assumptions?


Ok that explains it.

Vandalshit "thinks" he'll be able to drag us off to camps without opposition.

Good luck with that.

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