There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws

And each County Commissioner is a republican...wonder how that happened. Wonder how Dan Patrick (TEA Party darlin) came about from the Blue county?

Oh well, it's your fantasy...someday it will meet reality.

"blue" people committ murders and you look around for a republican to blame for it all

ur a damn comical loser

And of course, I haven't done any such thing. Only pointed out to you that red states and blue states have roughly the same crime rate as is proven time and again.


And you turned it into some sort of race-based scoring system that only a Conservative would endorse or pretend to understand.

That is the true sadness of your pathetic see only race where I see humans. Humans are faulty beings but you cite blacks and Hispanics as the pathetic.

I point out where Conservative law-enforcement officials are elected and re-elected but your claim is that they have no bearing on the crime if they are innocent bystanders. I don't blame them wholly but somehow you exonerate them...wholly.

I'm sure you'll continue to call me names; it's your only weaponry after all.

Not that I'm saying it means anything per se, but i thought it was interesting to note: of the 18 cities actually named on that map 17 have a democrat for a mayor:

Detroit - Mike Duggan (D)
Portland - Charlie Hales (D)
San Francisco - Ed Lee (D)
San Jose - Chuck Reed (D)
Los Angeles - Eric Garcetti (D)
San Diego - Ed Harris (D)
Phoenix - Greg Stanton (D)
Minneapolis - Betsy Hodges (DFL)
Chicago - Rahm Emanuel (D)
Austin - Lee Leffingwell (D)
Houston - Annise Parker (D)
New Orleans - Mitch Landrieu (D)
Miami - Tomás P. Regalado ( R)
Atlanta - Muhammad Kasim Reed (D)
Baltimore - Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake (D)
New York - Bill de Blasio (D)
Boston - Marty Walsh (D)
Buffalo - Byron Brown (D)

Also interesting on that map they are comparing the homicide rate with a firearm of an entire nation to the homicide rate in urban centers in the USA. Urban centers are obviously going to have a rate higher than their nation's as a general rule. So we ought to probably compare similar stats to each other instead right?

These numbers are from this report compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime:

Homicide rate per 100,000 people including all intentional homicides: 4.7
Percentage of homicides commited using a firearm: 60%
Extrapolated homicide rate per 100,000 using a firearm: 2.82

Homicide rate per 100,000 people including all intentional homicides: 90.4
Percentage of homicides commited using a firearm: 84%
Extrapolated homicide rate per 100,000 using a firearm: 75.9

These next numbers are interesting too. They come from here: All countries compared for Crime > Violent crime > Gun crime > Guns per 100 residents

Guns per 100 residents: 88.8

Guns per 100 residents: 6.2

Now, I might be missing it, but I'm not seeing the direct correlation between the number of guns and the number of homicides. There must be something else going on here.
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Guns don't kill people......People with guns kill people

People with anything including their bare hands kill people. That you liberals have fixated on an item because you believe that item is for killing. Intent is on the user, not the object. That you believe this shows what liberals truly are - violent sociopaths. I view a firearms as an item of protection, that can be used nefarious like any other item.

It's what separates logical people from liberals. Your assignment of intent on the object only shows what you apparently would do with one, or fear you might.


Guns are used in two out of three murders. When bare hands become the number one form of murder, we will have the lowest murder rate on the planet

If guns made a society safer, we'd have the safest society on earth since, by far, we have the most guns. Instead, we have the most dangerous society in terms of gun violence in the civilized world.

It's very easy to see that guns do not make one safer. Quite the opposite.

The new liberal call to arms --

err --

The new liberal battle cry --

err --

the new lolberal "demand" is "Repeal the Second Amendment."

That oughta have a lot of traction.
"blue" people committ murders and you look around for a republican to blame for it all

ur a damn comical loser

And of course, I haven't done any such thing. Only pointed out to you that red states and blue states have roughly the same crime rate as is proven time and again.


And you turned it into some sort of race-based scoring system that only a Conservative would endorse or pretend to understand.

That is the true sadness of your pathetic see only race where I see humans. Humans are faulty beings but you cite blacks and Hispanics as the pathetic.

I point out where Conservative law-enforcement officials are elected and re-elected but your claim is that they have no bearing on the crime if they are innocent bystanders. I don't blame them wholly but somehow you exonerate them...wholly.

I'm sure you'll continue to call me names; it's your only weaponry after all.

Not that I'm saying it means anything per se, but i thought it was interesting to note: of the 18 cities actually named on that map 17 have a democrat for a mayor:

Detroit - Mike Duggan (D)
Portland - Charlie Hales (D)
San Francisco - Ed Lee (D)
San Jose - Chuck Reed (D)
Los Angeles - Eric Garcetti (D)
San Diego - Ed Harris (D)
Phoenix - Greg Stanton (D)
Minneapolis - Betsy Hodges (DFL)
Chicago - Rahm Emanuel (D)
Austin - Lee Leffingwell (D)
Houston - Annise Parker (D)
New Orleans - Mitch Landrieu (D)
Miami - Tomás P. Regalado ( R)
Atlanta - Muhammad Kasim Reed (D)
Baltimore - Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake (D)
New York - Bill de Blasio (D)
Boston - Marty Walsh (D)
Buffalo - Byron Brown (D)

Also interesting on that map they are comparing the homicide rate with a firearm of an entire nation to the homicide rate in urban centers in the USA. Urban centers are obviously going to have a rate higher than their nation's as a general rule. So we ought to probably compare similar stats to each other instead right?

These numbers are from this report compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime:

Homicide rate per 100,000 people including all intentional homicides: 4.7
Percentage of homicides commited using a firearm: 60%
Extrapolated homicide rate per 100,000 using a firearm: 2.82

Homicide rate per 100,000 people including all intentional homicides: 90.4
Percentage of homicides commited using a firearm: 84%
Extrapolated homicide rate per 100,000 using a firearm: 75.9

These next numbers are interesting too. They come from here: All countries compared for Crime > Violent crime > Gun crime > Guns per 100 residents

Guns per 100 residents: 88.8

Guns per 100 residents: 6.2

Now, I might be missing it, but I'm not seeing the direct correlation between the number of guns and the number of homicides. There must be something else going on here.

Two things;

Again, not that it matters but for over a decade, NYC was run by republican mayors not Democrats. As I recall, the current mayor was elected recently.

Also, comparing the cities to the nations is helpful when you consider patrolling the geography of a nation is quite difficult compared to an urban metropolis where you can install cameras, have vehicles patrolling, street lights, communication, etc...

Wouldn't you think that with all of the technology, the presence of the constabulary by the local, county, and state police, the tabs we keep on criminals, and the simple publicity that murders get through our mass media that our death-by-gun rate would be lower?
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws


There is also no catastrophe so ghastly that the left will not use to try to strip our rights away

i dont remember it just being the left who passed the Patriot act....It seems 3000 people dying in an attack was enough to remove some of our rights.
Class romm full of 6 year olds? Fuck'em, it was all a hoax anyways right?

Next time there is an attack and people die, The president should just say "fuck'em, you can't stop crazy people"

The new liberal call to arms --

err --

The new liberal battle cry --

err --

the new lolberal "demand" is "Repeal the Second Amendment."

That oughta have a lot of traction.

Not my battle cry...dunno about others.
My thing would be to tax the crap out of guns and eventually you dry up the demand and when that happens, you dry up the supply because they won't make guns they can't sell.

As for this thread, Rightwinger has admitted that we won't get any traction toward reforming our gun crazy culture. I chimed in with "....until a very powerful politician is directly affected by one of these crimes AND we have a democrat in the oval office" nothing will change.

Meanwhile, we'll just have to accept that a crowd about the size of those watching Miami-Indy tonight will be shot dead this year and 1/2 the country will insist that there is nothing we can do to stop it.
how come you never here from left-wing nutjobs until these tragedies happen; and not the everyday carnage of much greater proportion that happens on the streets of liberal cities every day?

is it because those murderers and victims are Black and Hispanic?

idiots and hypocrites

how come you want to see nothing done about those either, but are perfectly willing to use them for a political football?
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

Yup, the nuts are running the nut house:
This asshole was placed on administrative leave. Oh my, that'll teach him.

Report: Officer Arrested After Holding Gun To 5 Year Old’s Head
Report: Officer Arrested After Holding Gun To 5 Year Old?s Head |

"""Adcock was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, possession of a firearm while intoxicated, reckless conduct with a firearm, felonious pointing a firearm and child endangerment, according to the Sequoyah County Sheriff’s Office. Adcock’s wife Tabatha was also arrested. She faces charges of failure to protect a child, child endangerment, possession of a firearm while intoxicated and reckless conduct with a firearm."""

It's really simple. People are too stupid to own guns. That's what many First World countries have realized. This one hasn't.
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Americans love our guns...

Nothing can change that

We had JFK, RFK, MLK, Reagan shot and we just sighed and said too bad
We had Columbine, Aurora, Virginia Tech and finally Newton and we did nothing
Our murder rate is triple of that in similar countries...we do nothing

We have our second amendment and are willing to put up with some bloodshed. It is the price of freedom

It's different with kids. Especially with daughters. Murdered in cold blood. Any politician who has that happen to them thinks twice about taking that check from the NRA. And then you start to see the shift. understand the level of disconnect coming from the OP, just watch this vid >>>

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]
People with anything including their bare hands kill people. That you liberals have fixated on an item because you believe that item is for killing. Intent is on the user, not the object. That you believe this shows what liberals truly are - violent sociopaths. I view a firearms as an item of protection, that can be used nefarious like any other item.

It's what separates logical people from liberals. Your assignment of intent on the object only shows what you apparently would do with one, or fear you might.


Guns are used in two out of three murders. When bare hands become the number one form of murder, we will have the lowest murder rate on the planet

If guns made a society safer, we'd have the safest society on earth since, by far, we have the most guns. Instead, we have the most dangerous society in terms of gun violence in the civilized world.

It's very easy to see that guns do not make one safer. Quite the opposite.

That would require believing every gun death was a violent murder. I don't know the stats or even care to waste time with a link because it won't matter to you anti-gun bed wetters.

It's probably been pointed out ad nausem and fallen on blind eyes, (or dead brains) but not all gun deaths are crimes.

It's also been pointed out the most dangerous cities are the ones with the most restrictive laws. Again, no brains, no headaches.

There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

There's an obvious solution to this. One that ALL OF US would probably welcome including life NRA members. All we gotta do is to turn the Psychology profession into a REAL science. With means of MEASURING and DETECTING threats like all those mass murderers were.

When we have the tools to accurately restrict their freedom in the greater interest of society and they MEET OR EXCEED scientific scrutiny --- then we can reduce "these ghastly events".. Good news is -- neuroscience is working on those tools right now.

But in no way do I trust current metrics for commitment and reporting. They are TOTALLY inadequate and likely to VASTLY infringe on peoples reputations and rights.

The NRA will be right there endorsing the plan the day the means exist to isolate these threats.
And of course, I haven't done any such thing. Only pointed out to you that red states and blue states have roughly the same crime rate as is proven time and again.


And you turned it into some sort of race-based scoring system that only a Conservative would endorse or pretend to understand.

That is the true sadness of your pathetic see only race where I see humans. Humans are faulty beings but you cite blacks and Hispanics as the pathetic.

I point out where Conservative law-enforcement officials are elected and re-elected but your claim is that they have no bearing on the crime if they are innocent bystanders. I don't blame them wholly but somehow you exonerate them...wholly.

I'm sure you'll continue to call me names; it's your only weaponry after all.

Not that I'm saying it means anything per se, but i thought it was interesting to note: of the 18 cities actually named on that map 17 have a democrat for a mayor:

Detroit - Mike Duggan (D)
Portland - Charlie Hales (D)
San Francisco - Ed Lee (D)
San Jose - Chuck Reed (D)
Los Angeles - Eric Garcetti (D)
San Diego - Ed Harris (D)
Phoenix - Greg Stanton (D)
Minneapolis - Betsy Hodges (DFL)
Chicago - Rahm Emanuel (D)
Austin - Lee Leffingwell (D)
Houston - Annise Parker (D)
New Orleans - Mitch Landrieu (D)
Miami - Tomás P. Regalado ( R)
Atlanta - Muhammad Kasim Reed (D)
Baltimore - Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake (D)
New York - Bill de Blasio (D)
Boston - Marty Walsh (D)
Buffalo - Byron Brown (D)

Also interesting on that map they are comparing the homicide rate with a firearm of an entire nation to the homicide rate in urban centers in the USA. Urban centers are obviously going to have a rate higher than their nation's as a general rule. So we ought to probably compare similar stats to each other instead right?

These numbers are from this report compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime:

Homicide rate per 100,000 people including all intentional homicides: 4.7
Percentage of homicides commited using a firearm: 60%
Extrapolated homicide rate per 100,000 using a firearm: 2.82

Homicide rate per 100,000 people including all intentional homicides: 90.4
Percentage of homicides commited using a firearm: 84%
Extrapolated homicide rate per 100,000 using a firearm: 75.9

These next numbers are interesting too. They come from here: All countries compared for Crime > Violent crime > Gun crime > Guns per 100 residents

Guns per 100 residents: 88.8

Guns per 100 residents: 6.2

Now, I might be missing it, but I'm not seeing the direct correlation between the number of guns and the number of homicides. There must be something else going on here.

Two things;

Again, not that it matters but for over a decade, NYC was run by republican mayors not Democrats. As I recall, the current mayor was elected recently.

Also, comparing the cities to the nations is helpful when you consider patrolling the geography of a nation is quite difficult compared to an urban metropolis where you can install cameras, have vehicles patrolling, street lights, communication, etc...

Wouldn't you think that with all of the technology, the presence of the constabulary by the local, county, and state police, the tabs we keep on criminals, and the simple publicity that murders get through our mass media that our death-by-gun rate would be lower?

Actually it isn't helpful at all to compare a city in one country to an entire other country. A city is an entirely different thing than a country. Just look at the huge difference between one urban center in the US compared to the US itself. New Orleans' firearm homicide rate per your map was over 60 per 100,000. The US's rate is 2.8 per 100,000. Obviosuly population centers must not be so much easier to control crime in after all.

If the percentage of people who own guns is really the problem, then why does Wyoming have the highest gun ownership percentage and one of the lowest gun homicide rates? And why does Louisiana (which has the highest gun homicide rate) not even break top ten in gun ownership percentage?

Must be something else going on again.

Gun violence in the United States by state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia understand the level of disconnect coming from the OP, just watch this vid >>>

Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube

1:33 was as far as I could go.

Stupidity that intense is actually painful to hear.

If I ever see that faggot getting stabbed to death I'll keep my gun holstered and call the cops.
Very Pro-Life of you.

When have I ever said I was "pro-life"? I'm all for preserving human life. Liberals don't count.

In fact I think that if the moonbat messiah's EPA can regulate CO2, which all humans exhale as a pollutant the next republican's HHS secretary should regulate that all liberal semen is bio hazardous waste and must be disposed of in latex and flushed.

Since liberal semen obviously causes severe birth defects, it's a completely plausible solution. understand the level of disconnect coming from the OP, just watch this vid >>>

Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube

1:33 was as far as I could go.

Stupidity that intense is actually painful to hear.

If I ever see that faggot getting stabbed to death I'll keep my gun holstered and call the cops.

That's the way all these gun grabber nuts think man:D:D:D......I could list them but they stick out like a sore thumb.

I disagree that they think.

They're incapable of thinking. The only reason these sorry pieces of shit even exist is because of redundant safety precautions, otherwise they never would have survived childhood.


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