There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws

So many false assumptions, so little time.

So i guess you avoid police officers as well?

No, As a matter of fact, I am a uniformed Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer.

Now, what was it that you were saying about assumptions?

So you get to keep your gun, and I would have to give up mine. I figured you were a cop, guns for thee and not for me.

I assume if comprehensive gun control were passed, you would lock your gun up in the precinct every night when you went home, right?

Man, Your assumptions just keep getting deeper and deeper in the hole, pal. SAV people do NOT carry guns. we carry radios. Deputies carry guns. And nobody wants to take your gun away from you.

Any more assumptions?
So many false assumptions, so little time.

So i guess you avoid police officers as well?

No, As a matter of fact, I am a uniformed Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer.

Now, what was it that you were saying about assumptions?


Ok that explains it.

Vandalshit "thinks" he'll be able to drag us off to camps without opposition.

Good luck with that.

Pete, I'll tell you what. I am going to put you on "ignore" until you grow up, and can carry on an adult conversation. I'll check back in about 4 or 5 years.
No, As a matter of fact, I am a uniformed Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer.

Now, what was it that you were saying about assumptions?


Ok that explains it.

Vandalshit "thinks" he'll be able to drag us off to camps without opposition.

Good luck with that.

Pete, I'll tell you what. I am going to put you on "ignore" until you grow up, and can carry on an adult conversation. I'll check back in about 4 or 5 years.

You're breaking my heart asswipe.

Unfortunately, RW'er, your OP is absolutely correct. No tragedy is enough to change the minds of those that believe that guns are good for America. That is why I don't bother to argue with them anymore about it. I just keep my distance from those that insist on packing heat, just to make a statement. I prefer to deal with people who live in the real world, rather than go through life pretending that they are Rambo.

So many false assumptions, so little time.

So i guess you avoid police officers as well?

No, As a matter of fact, I am a uniformed Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer.

Now, what was it that you were saying about assumptions?

Oh God!! One of those huh? I've known a few,and I'll just say ....nah,I wont say anything. I'm sure most know where I'm going with it anyhow.
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

The gun laws don't need to be reformed. Violent criminals need to be left to rot in prison.
It is well documented that 8% of the criminal population commits 80% of the violent crime.

Why do you keep letting them out?
No, we just write a law that highly modifies it and goes against what it actually says, just like most of the other Amendments, including the one you pray to, the Second.

^ not a model of clarity in thinking or in communication.

Laws, PickYourNose, do not "modify" the Constitution. By definition, they cannot.

An Amendment might work.

So, what YOU are now proposing is that we cobble together some AMENDMENT to the Constitution to re-draft the SECOND AMENDMENT to the Constitution?

Really, tell me then, where in this Constitution does it say you aren't allowed to yell fire in a crowded theater when there isn't one? Is that in the 10,876th Amendment, or is that some other kind of law that just happens to go exactly against what the First Amendment says?

Wow. Your level of childish ignorance is profound.

It does NOT "say" in the Constitution that one may not yell "fire" in a crowded theater.

That was a SCOTUS interpretation of what the CONSTITUTION does forbid under the freedom of speech clause of the 1st Amendment.

No other Amendment is required unless you want to CHANGE what the First Amendment explicitly prohibits.

And the SCOTUS interpretation does NOT, as you ignorantly and erroneously claim, "go exactly against what the First Amendment says?"

Freedom of speech was instituted by the Founders and Framers to address a very specific concern. What they were attempting to secure was the ability of the PEOPLE to engage in free unfettered political speech. There was not a man-jack ONE of them who wouldn't be shocked and appalled to discover that later generations interpreted their language in such facile absolutist terms that freedom of speech was deemed to encompass glossy pictures of naked titties and the burning of the flag. Not ONE of them would be even slightly bothered by the notion that it is NOT seen to encompass making an irresponsible false claim in a setting where it would be likely to cause a panic, a stampeded and public injuries.

As I say, your ignorance is truly profound.

But I gather you WOULD endorse some law of a new Amendment to limit the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment?
Unfortunately, RW'er, your OP is absolutely correct. No tragedy is enough to change the minds of those that believe that guns are good for America. That is why I don't bother to argue with them anymore about it. I just keep my distance from those that insist on packing heat, just to make a statement. I prefer to deal with people who live in the real world, rather than go through life pretending that they are Rambo.
You don't live in the real world. Evidence of that is that you believe it is the gun that is the problem. But by all means, stay away. That's the 'brave' thing to do.
Unfortunately, RW'er, your OP is absolutely correct. No tragedy is enough to change the minds of those that believe that guns are good for America. That is why I don't bother to argue with them anymore about it. I just keep my distance from those that insist on packing heat, just to make a statement. I prefer to deal with people who live in the real world, rather than go through life pretending that they are Rambo.
You don't live in the real world. Evidence of that is that you believe it is the gun that is the problem. But by all means, stay away. That's the 'brave' thing to do.

If you lived in my community, and were in need of help, my duty as a sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteer would probably make me one of the first responders to you home. My job would be to secure the scene while the deputies clear the call in your house. I wear the same uniform they do, which means that I would be a target for any nut on a shooting rampage at your home, and I am not even armed. Are you brave enough to take my place? BTW, I don't get paid for this. Go back to playing '"Bang", Your dead!"' with you friends, Dark.
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People with guns kill people

30 people in England killed with guns vs 8800 in the US

Disgraceful: 30 Murders by Guns in England 2012 vs. 8,855 in U.S. | Alternet

Shouldn't that be 0 people in England? No? Then the laws you demand don't really stop violence?????

I would be happy if we could get our gun murders down to 30

Why wouldn't you?

80% of those are gang related and let's not fall into the trap of comparing absolute numbers when we have 7 times the population of the UK.
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

The gun laws don't need to be reformed. Violent criminals need to be left to rot in prison.
It is well documented that 8% of the criminal population commits 80% of the violent crime.

Why do you keep letting them out?

The only law we need is one that mandates life in federal prison with no chance of parole for any and all crimes committed with a gun even if that gun was not discharged.
Unfortunately, RW'er, your OP is absolutely correct. No tragedy is enough to change the minds of those that believe that guns are good for America. That is why I don't bother to argue with them anymore about it. I just keep my distance from those that insist on packing heat, just to make a statement. I prefer to deal with people who live in the real world, rather than go through life pretending that they are Rambo.

So many false assumptions, so little time.

So i guess you avoid police officers as well?

No, As a matter of fact, I am a uniformed Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer.

Now, what was it that you were saying about assumptions?

There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

The gun laws don't need to be reformed. Violent criminals need to be left to rot in prison.
It is well documented that 8% of the criminal population commits 80% of the violent crime.

Why do you keep letting them out?

The only law we need is one that mandates life in federal prison with no chance of parole for any and all crimes committed with a gun even if that gun was not discharged.
Okay, but boy would that soldier in Mexico be screwed eh?
And THAT'S what shows what a giant wussy-boi you are.

Great idea, lets make someone who's life is in danger think about whether they can un-holster their weapon, with the consequences being between injury or 25 years in prison.


No you fucking idiot; you brandish a weapon during the commission a crime you get 25 years no parole--no need to fire it.

next time be more clear you fucking dolt. Also knowing you gun grabber assholes you would then make being in possession of a gun when getting a parking ticket a crime. You can't be trusted just to stop at criminals, you feel a need to get us ALL disarmed.

Or here's an idea, stay out of conversations that you don't understand. That will limit your participation to zero but it will save you further embarrassment.
Any recommendations?

I got some. Commit a crime with a gun? 25 Years no parole. Commit murder with a gun? Death sentence.

I just want to be clear since candy actually agreed with me. Which may be a first.

When I say "Commit a crime with a gun" I mean robbing a liquor store and such. Not brandishing a weapon to scare of a criminal. Which you shouldnt do anyway,go ahead and kill em.
And when I say "Commit murder with a gun" I'm not referring to a homeowner or citizen protecting himself with a firearm.

Anybody with 2 brain cells knew what we meant.

My point is this; if you stick your finger (making it look like a gun--gotta explain everything to some) under your shirt and say that you have a gun, the person you're pointing it at may not know any better. To me, that is a crime worthy of 25 years, no parole. If you show a's the same thing as saying you've got a gun when you're committing a crime.

If you use the gun, I am comfortable with upping it to 35 for wounding someone or attempting to wound someone.

Murder--life in prison; no parole.
sad, pathetic hypocritical loser

'shit happens" is what you morons say when you are confronted with the record welfare and food stamps on your watch; and the every day gun carnage on the streets of liberal cities

Houston has a murder rate equal to El Salvador. I think Phoenix has one equal to Honduras. Liberal cities? Hardly. Of course don't let facts stand in your way; you never do.

I wonder what those areas have in common???

Any Guesses??

Buehler? Buehler?


They're big cities in red states where conservatives swear that the fact that the states are run by republicans is not to be considered when evaluating public safety?

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