There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws

There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

the catastrophe already happened that is why you are seeing a push back

on the progressive anti gun laws
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Churches? Are you referring to racists? What does that have to do with "Christian extremists?"

Abortion Clinics - Your best example, happened primarily in the 90s and most of it was against property. Even among extreme Christians they are considered nut jobs. This is a very specific case. It's a data point, but way short of supporting your sweeping statement.

Government buildings - McVay wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion. So you are referring to what exactly?

Schools - I'm only aware of Muslims doing this, you're going to have to be more specific.

Youre playing dirty, Kaz. Confronting him with facts? Way below the belt.

Liberals commit more assaults and violence than Christians do

Liberals commit more mass murders and spree killings than Conservatives.
So he gave a bunch of weapons to guys like Bin Laden, and they turned around and stung us on our dicks.

As has been pointed out repeatedly to you, the Reagan Administration did not arm bin Laden or any of the other Arabs in Afghanistan. You're a lying puppet and I hope you do not have a firearm, for you're the type of nut who'd use it against innocent people. :cuckoo:
So he gave a bunch of weapons to guys like Bin Laden, and they turned around and stung us on our dicks.

As has been pointed out repeatedly to you, the Reagan Administration did not arm bin Laden or any of the other Arabs in Afghanistan. You're a lying puppet and I hope you do not have a firearm, for you're the type of nut who'd use it against innocent people. :cuckoo:

That's the lie you swallowed eh? Interesting.
9/11 was not ghastly enough to justify the limitation of religious rights.
Quite frankly? The LEFT fears Islam...and why they won't say anything. Christians and Jews are softer targets to them.

No, we just don't think it's terribly relevent, being that less than .8% of the population of the US is Islamic.

The only reason we have a "problem" with the Islamic World is because we keep sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.

Case in point. 9/11. Which happened because the Soviets wanted to teach girls how to read in Afghanistan and your boy Ronnie Ray-gun wanted to fuck with them.

So he gave a bunch of weapons to guys like Bin Laden, and they turned around and stung us on our dicks.

The Soviets wanted to teach girls how to read??? WTF? Where did you get that little nugget of nonsense? Care to provide any evidence? or shall we just chalk it up as another JoeB lie? I guess the Soviet paratroopers were just getting there early to build schools? lmao
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So he gave a bunch of weapons to guys like Bin Laden, and they turned around and stung us on our dicks.

As has been pointed out repeatedly to you, the Reagan Administration did not arm bin Laden or any of the other Arabs in Afghanistan. You're a lying puppet and I hope you do not have a firearm, for you're the type of nut who'd use it against innocent people. :cuckoo:

Um, yeah, he did.

Bin Laden comes home to roost | NBC News

As his unclassified CIA biography states, bin Laden left Saudi Arabia to fight the Soviet army in Afghanistan after Moscow’s invasion in 1979. By 1984, he was running a front organization known as Maktab al-Khidamar - the MAK - which funneled money, arms and fighters from the outside world into the Afghan war.

What the CIA bio conveniently fails to specify (in its unclassified form, at least) is that the MAK was nurtured by Pakistan’s state security services, the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI, the CIA’s primary conduit for conducting the covert war against Moscow’s occupation.

Yet the CIA, concerned about the factionalism of Afghanistan made famous by Rudyard Kipling, found that Arab zealots who flocked to aid the Afghans were easier to “read” than the rivalry-ridden natives. While the Arab volunteers might well prove troublesome later, the agency reasoned, they at least were one-dimensionally anti-Soviet for now. So bin Laden, along with a small group of Islamic militants from Egypt, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria and Palestinian refugee camps all over the Middle East, became the “reliable” partners of the CIA in its war against Moscow.

In fact, while he returned to his family’s construction business, bin Laden had split from the relatively conventional MAK in 1988 and established a new group, al-Qaida, that included many of the more extreme MAK members he had met in Afghanistan.

The Soviets wanted to teach girls how to read??? WTF? Where did you get that little nugget of nonsense? Care to provide any evidence? or shall we just chalk it up as another JoeB lie? I guess the Soviet paratroopers were just getting there early to build schools? lmao

The Soviets wanted to bring Afghanistan into the modern age. Sadly, a bunch of ignorant assholes wanted to keep them barefoot, pregnant and weearing Burkas.

Which was just fine with Ronnie Ray-Gun. Because they was Communists. And we know that Communists are bad.

Seems to me that the Jihadists are giving us more problems than the Communists did.
Be honest

If you want to kill a bunch of people in a movie theater or 20 or so six year olds, which do you prefer.....a nice Bushmaster or a propane tank?

To be honest, how would gun laws have stopped the guy from stealing his mothers guns and killing those kids?

Responsible Gun Ownership is the key, not a bunch of Laws no one adheres to anyway.

The kid was fucking crazy. Any house with a kid like that should not have guns in it

Gun nuts still insist on keeping their arsenal

So aside from mandatory psych evals, the subpoenaing of private records and violating the 4th amendment how do you propose guns be kept out of the hands of crazy people?
To be honest, how would gun laws have stopped the guy from stealing his mothers guns and killing those kids?

Responsible Gun Ownership is the key, not a bunch of Laws no one adheres to anyway.

The kid was fucking crazy. Any house with a kid like that should not have guns in it

Gun nuts still insist on keeping their arsenal

So aside from mandatory psych evals, the subpoenaing of private records and violating the 4th amendment how do you propose guns be kept out of the hands of crazy people?

Good question..

Primarily with the psychiatric community sharing information with the police. People on certain medications are prohibited from driving. Same should apply to people on psychotic medications. If you are hearing voices, you should not be able to go to the local gun shop and buy an AR-15. Same goes for depression. If you suffer from depression, having guns around is not a good idea

More importantly, Gun owners and their families need to start showing some common sense. If your own kid scares you, you should not be buying him a gun for his birthday. If your husband beats you, you should refuse to go back to the house if there are guns in it. If your husband has bouts of depression, hide the guns

I would also like to see gun shop owners show some responsibility. If the guy creeps you out, you should refuse to sell him a gun. Bartenders will cut off a guy who appears intoxicated, gun dealers should show similar discretion
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To be honest, how would gun laws have stopped the guy from stealing his mothers guns and killing those kids?

Responsible Gun Ownership is the key, not a bunch of Laws no one adheres to anyway.

The kid was fucking crazy. Any house with a kid like that should not have guns in it

Gun nuts still insist on keeping their arsenal

So aside from mandatory psych evals, the subpoenaing of private records and violating the 4th amendment how do you propose guns be kept out of the hands of crazy people?

Seeing as how most of the mass killing and crazy shootings are done by young men under that age of 30, how about we make a law that says no man under that age of 30 can own a gun. For any reason. Get caught with one, go to jail till you are 30 or longer.

There is a reason that the military (which is full of young men under 30) has the guns locked up on the military base. Why do you think that is?
The kid was fucking crazy. Any house with a kid like that should not have guns in it

Gun nuts still insist on keeping their arsenal

So aside from mandatory psych evals, the subpoenaing of private records and violating the 4th amendment how do you propose guns be kept out of the hands of crazy people?

Seeing as how most of the mass killing and crazy shootings are done by young men under that age of 30, how about we make a law that says no man under that age of 30 can own a gun. For any reason. Get caught with one, go to jail till you are 30 or longer.

There is a reason that the military (which is full of young men under 30) has the guns locked up on the military base. Why do you think that is?

So violate the rights of more than 99% of men under 30 to possibly prevent less than one percent of all gun murders.
The kid was fucking crazy. Any house with a kid like that should not have guns in it

Gun nuts still insist on keeping their arsenal

So aside from mandatory psych evals, the subpoenaing of private records and violating the 4th amendment how do you propose guns be kept out of the hands of crazy people?

Good question..

Primarily with the psychiatric community sharing information with the police. People on certain medications are prohibited from driving. Same should apply to people on psychotic medications. If you are hearing voices, you should not be able to go to the local gun shop and buy an AR-15. Same goes for depression. If you suffer from depression, having guns around is not a good idea

More importantly, Gun owners and their families need to start showing some common sense. If your own kid scares you, you should not be buying him a gun for his birthday. If your husband beats you, you should refuse to go back to the house if their are guns in it. If your husband has bouts of depression, hide the guns

I would also like to see gun shop owners show some responsibility. If the guy creeps you out, you should refuse to sell him a gun. Bartenders will cut off a guy who appears intoxicated, gun dealers should show similar discretion

Gun store owners should also show some common sense. Like when Lanza's mom went in the gun store to buy her son a weapon for "target practice", why didn't the gun store salesman suggest that they buy a single shot .22?

Couldn't be because the single shot .22 sold for 150 dollars and the Bushmaster sold for what, 900 dollars. Nah greed has nothing to do with it. Why the salesman didn't ask WHY you need that type (assault rifle) of weapon is something that salesman asks himself daily.
The kid was fucking crazy. Any house with a kid like that should not have guns in it

Gun nuts still insist on keeping their arsenal

So aside from mandatory psych evals, the subpoenaing of private records and violating the 4th amendment how do you propose guns be kept out of the hands of crazy people?

Good question..

Primarily with the psychiatric community sharing information with the police. People on certain medications are prohibited from driving. Same should apply to people on psychotic medications. If you are hearing voices, you should not be able to go to the local gun shop and buy an AR-15. Same goes for depression. If you suffer from depression, having guns around is not a good idea

And how is a gun dealer to know who is suffering from depression? Not every depressed person sees a shrink.

More importantly, Gun owners and their families need to start showing some common sense. If your own kid scares you, you should not be buying him a gun for his birthday. If your husband beats you, you should refuse to go back to the house if their are guns in it. If your husband has bouts of depression, hide the guns

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts etc.

I would also like to see gun shop owners show some responsibility. If the guy creeps you out, you should refuse to sell him a gun. Bartenders will cut off a guy who appears intoxicated, gun dealers should show similar discretion

You don't know if some gun shop owners do that already do you? And even an experienced bartender can over serve people on occasion.

All that aside these mass killing account for less than 1% of all gun murders. So violating the rights of people who would never be involved in a such a crime doesn't sit well with me.
So aside from mandatory psych evals, the subpoenaing of private records and violating the 4th amendment how do you propose guns be kept out of the hands of crazy people?

Seeing as how most of the mass killing and crazy shootings are done by young men under that age of 30, how about we make a law that says no man under that age of 30 can own a gun. For any reason. Get caught with one, go to jail till you are 30 or longer.

There is a reason that the military (which is full of young men under 30) has the guns locked up on the military base. Why do you think that is?

So violate the rights of more than 99% of men under 30 to possibly prevent less than one percent of all gun murders.

I can tell you are a business owner. Yea, that's what I am saying. And tell the truth, if the under 30 men didn't have such easy access to weapons, you have no idea how low the murder rate by guns could drop to.

Tell the truth, you couldn't know because it hasn't been done. Are you under 30 skull? I doubt it. So it wouldn't affect you now would it?

Or would you just feel bad for all those missed sales in the gun stores?
So aside from mandatory psych evals, the subpoenaing of private records and violating the 4th amendment how do you propose guns be kept out of the hands of crazy people?

Good question..

Primarily with the psychiatric community sharing information with the police. People on certain medications are prohibited from driving. Same should apply to people on psychotic medications. If you are hearing voices, you should not be able to go to the local gun shop and buy an AR-15. Same goes for depression. If you suffer from depression, having guns around is not a good idea

And how is a gun dealer to know who is suffering from depression? Not every depressed person sees a shrink.

More importantly, Gun owners and their families need to start showing some common sense. If your own kid scares you, you should not be buying him a gun for his birthday. If your husband beats you, you should refuse to go back to the house if their are guns in it. If your husband has bouts of depression, hide the guns

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts etc.

I would also like to see gun shop owners show some responsibility. If the guy creeps you out, you should refuse to sell him a gun. Bartenders will cut off a guy who appears intoxicated, gun dealers should show similar discretion

You don't know if some gun shop owners do that already do you? And even an experienced bartender can over serve people on occasion.

All that aside these mass killing account for less than 1% of all gun murders. So violating the rights of people who would never be involved in a such a crime doesn't sit well with me.

I know, I know

Move along, nothing to see here

Same old response...There is nothing we can do about gun violence, so don't even try
Seeing as how most of the mass killing and crazy shootings are done by young men under that age of 30, how about we make a law that says no man under that age of 30 can own a gun. For any reason. Get caught with one, go to jail till you are 30 or longer.

There is a reason that the military (which is full of young men under 30) has the guns locked up on the military base. Why do you think that is?

So violate the rights of more than 99% of men under 30 to possibly prevent less than one percent of all gun murders.

I can tell you are a business owner. Yea, that's what I am saying. And tell the truth, if the under 30 men didn't have such easy access to weapons, you have no idea how low the murder rate by guns could drop to.

Tell the truth, you couldn't know because it hasn't been done. Are you under 30 skull? I doubt it. So it wouldn't affect you now would it?

Or would you just feel bad for all those missed sales in the gun stores?

If you want to raise the age of majority to 30 then feel free to try.

You'd probably stop a lot of deaths caused by drunk drivers too not to mention if no one under 30 could drive you'd stop the majority of all car accidents because we all know that men under 25 are the worst drivers

If you can't see the reason why passing laws that violate other people's rights simply because they don't violate your rights is a bad idea then we really have nothing more to argue about on this topic do we?
Good question..

Primarily with the psychiatric community sharing information with the police. People on certain medications are prohibited from driving. Same should apply to people on psychotic medications. If you are hearing voices, you should not be able to go to the local gun shop and buy an AR-15. Same goes for depression. If you suffer from depression, having guns around is not a good idea

And how is a gun dealer to know who is suffering from depression? Not every depressed person sees a shrink.

I would also like to see gun shop owners show some responsibility. If the guy creeps you out, you should refuse to sell him a gun. Bartenders will cut off a guy who appears intoxicated, gun dealers should show similar discretion

You don't know if some gun shop owners do that already do you? And even an experienced bartender can over serve people on occasion.

All that aside these mass killing account for less than 1% of all gun murders. So violating the rights of people who would never be involved in a such a crime doesn't sit well with me.

I know, I know

Move along, nothing to see here

Same old response...There is nothing we can do about gun violence, so don't even try

There really is nothing we can do about violence period.

People are violent always have been always will be.

People kill people always have always will.

These are immutable truths proven by our history.
And how is a gun dealer to know who is suffering from depression? Not every depressed person sees a shrink.

You don't know if some gun shop owners do that already do you? And even an experienced bartender can over serve people on occasion.

All that aside these mass killing account for less than 1% of all gun murders. So violating the rights of people who would never be involved in a such a crime doesn't sit well with me.

I know, I know

Move along, nothing to see here

Same old response...There is nothing we can do about gun violence, so don't even try

There really is nothing we can do about violence period.

People are violent always have been always will be.

People kill people always have always will.

These are immutable truths proven by our history.

Move along, nothing to see here
I know, I know

Move along, nothing to see here

Same old response...There is nothing we can do about gun violence, so don't even try

There really is nothing we can do about violence period.

People are violent always have been always will be.

People kill people always have always will.

These are immutable truths proven by our history.

Move along, nothing to see here

As far as the law goes that seems to be true doesn't it?

The law cannot protect you from random violence.

All you can do is act to stack the odds in your favor and the best way to do that is to learn to defend yourself and maintain a high level of situational awareness.
The kid was fucking crazy. Any house with a kid like that should not have guns in it

Gun nuts still insist on keeping their arsenal

So aside from mandatory psych evals, the subpoenaing of private records and violating the 4th amendment how do you propose guns be kept out of the hands of crazy people?

Good question..

Primarily with the psychiatric community sharing information with the police. People on certain medications are prohibited from driving. Same should apply to people on psychotic medications. If you are hearing voices, you should not be able to go to the local gun shop and buy an AR-15. Same goes for depression. If you suffer from depression, having guns around is not a good idea

More importantly, Gun owners and their families need to start showing some common sense. If your own kid scares you, you should not be buying him a gun for his birthday. If your husband beats you, you should refuse to go back to the house if their are guns in it. If your husband has bouts of depression, hide the guns

I would also like to see gun shop owners show some responsibility. If the guy creeps you out, you should refuse to sell him a gun. Bartenders will cut off a guy who appears intoxicated, gun dealers should show similar discretion

Primarily with the psychiatric community sharing information with the police

i would say more importantly the courts i favor due process and then i would agree

People on certain medications are prohibited from driving. Same should apply to people on psychotic medications.

again due process through the courts many folks are on psychotropic medications

for various reasons other then for violent reasons

If you suffer from depression, having guns around is not a good idea

again due process

More importantly, Gun owners and their families need to start showing some common sense.

the vast majority do

If your husband beats you, you should refuse to go back to the house if their are guns in it

maybe she should not go back in the house at all

whether he has guns or not

on the other hand

maybe she needs the gun to stop the violent husband

why leave a 110 pound gal defenseless

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