There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

the fact he is hated by both partys is a sign he was for the country and not china like the bidens and so many of both partys are,,,
"Charles Manson was hated by both sides so maybe he should have been president" - Fucking Moron, on the internet
we can always count on you for a stupid comment,,,
You can always count on me to quote and reply to the stupid comments, yes.
the fact he is hated by both partys is a sign he was for the country and not china like the bidens and so many of both partys are,,,
"Charles Manson was hated by both sides so maybe he should have been president" - Fucking Moron, on the internet
we can always count on you for a stupid comment,,,
You can always count on me to quote and reply to the stupid comments, yes.
nice spin to bad it failed,,,
He's also going to be the only US president that founded a terrorist movement.

Let me guess, you're just fine with the fact that the Democrats started the KKK, right?
Conservatives and Southern Hicks started the KKK.

Actually, it was the Democrat party. Still is:
Were those old Democrats who started the KKK Conservatives or Liberals?

This is your honesty test. I predict you will fail.
they were democrats like the one joe biden eulogized and hilary spoke so well of,,,
I asked if they were conservatives or liberals, not if they were Democrats.

Why don't you just shut the fuck up for a while? You're an America-hating asshole and no one wants to hear your Nazi opinions, traitor.
He's also going to be the only US president that founded a terrorist movement.

Let me guess, you're just fine with the fact that the Democrats started the KKK, right?
Conservatives and Southern Hicks started the KKK.

Actually, it was the Democrat party. Still is:
Were those old Democrats who started the KKK Conservatives or Liberals?

This is your honesty test. I predict you will fail.
they were democrats like the one joe biden eulogized and hilary spoke so well of,,,
I asked if they were conservatives or liberals, not if they were Democrats.

Why don't you just shut the fuck up for a while? You're an America-hating asshole and no one wants to hear your Nazi opinions, traitor.
now thats some funny shit coming from someone thats spent their life defending fascist ideology,,,
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
next dems will be taking credit for operation warp speed ......... and you will fall in line with that falsehood .

It was originally created in 1918 by a Democrat President for the Spanish Flu. It was the Military that was able to get the vaccines and medical supplies to the nation on roads that weren't able to be driven by the Civilians even to the Rural Areas. Harley Davidson donated a few hundred Motorcycles so that the backwater places with little or no roads could receive supplies. And it's been used more than once since then.

And it's been used globally for many different catastrophes. You Rump Humpers want a win? Try something else.
He's also going to be the only US president that founded a terrorist movement.

Let me guess, you're just fine with the fact that the Democrats started the KKK, right?
Conservatives and Southern Hicks started the KKK.

Actually, it was the Democrat party. Still is:
Were those old Democrats who started the KKK Conservatives or Liberals?

This is your honesty test. I predict you will fail.
they were democrats like the one joe biden eulogized and hilary spoke so well of,,,
I asked if they were conservatives or liberals, not if they were Democrats.

Why don't you just shut the fuck up for a while? You're an America-hating asshole and no one wants to hear your Nazi opinions, traitor.
now thats some funny shit coming from someone thats spent their life defending fascist ideology,,,
Learn the definition of Fascism, retard.
He's also going to be the only US president that founded a terrorist movement.

Let me guess, you're just fine with the fact that the Democrats started the KKK, right?
Conservatives and Southern Hicks started the KKK.

Actually, it was the Democrat party. Still is:
Were those old Democrats who started the KKK Conservatives or Liberals?

This is your honesty test. I predict you will fail.
they were democrats like the one joe biden eulogized and hilary spoke so well of,,,
I asked if they were conservatives or liberals, not if they were Democrats.

Why don't you just shut the fuck up for a while? You're an America-hating asshole and no one wants to hear your Nazi opinions, traitor.
now thats some funny shit coming from someone thats spent their life defending fascist ideology,,,
Learn the definition of Fascism, retard.
I know it well sweetie,,,

and thats democrat to a tee,,,

tell me how do you feel knowing bidens son works for the chinese government???
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
Not so fast...Trump has four more years....

At where, Attica?
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
Not so fast...Trump has four more years....

At where, Attica?
Trump will pardon himself before he leaves office or step down and have Pence do it...and nothing the state of NY or NYC has on Trump from what I've read is a jailing offense....fines and possible they won't waste their time....but that was funny...Attica lol...
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.

What a fantastical little dipshit you are...
Sounds like you are very upset that Trump is a big fat loser, just like you.
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.

What will be remembered are the caterwauling lies and hate thrown at Trump, on everything he does.

The laughable bogus impeachment over a legal phone call, the one where BOTH Prime Ministers of Ukraine and the Ambassador publicly stated they were NEVER pressured on.

The stupid Russian election interference claims that Mueller ultimately failed to find by posting several DECLINATIONS that absolves the Trump team.

The vicious lies that leftists and the Media continually post about COVID-19 handling by the Trump administration, despite that the states Governors were the ones who did most of the work. The top four Leftist states had by far the highest death rate per capita, in fact New Jersey and New York have the WORDLS two highest per capita death rate!

The lies by the leftist media about what Trump says on just about anything, they were so common and stupid, yet we have many here still claiming Trump says go drink bleach to the public. The lies are so blatant, that I think leftists are mentally ill, because sane people would never go that deep into hate of a man.
You are an embarrassment. How fricking stupid can people be?
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.

What a fantastical little dipshit you are...
Sounds like you are very upset that Trump is a big fat loser, just like you.

No, I'm simply smart enough to understand that Covid was going to happen regardless of who was President or what was done.

Even if the Almighty of the Left, Barack Obama, had been in office, we were gonna' be fucked...
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
the fact he is hated by both partys is a sign he was for the country and not china like the bidens and so many of both partys are,,,
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :thankusmile:

best damn post on this thread. That is Trumps legacy. The million dollar question this troll SHOULD be asking is will the deep state pull off another november 22nd 1963 when the greatest president of the 20th century also stepped on some powerful toes in washington and paid the deadly price for it trying to get rid of the evil CIA,signing an executive order that had he lived,would have banned the evil fed, but most importantly,was returning us to the constitution of the united states where the PEOPLE controlled the government instead of these corporations that do now.

the majority of americans are seeing that he is also trying to get rid of the deep state and understand that is why both parties hate him which is why same as kennedy,he has crowds unlike any other president ever same he did.i just hope because of that he does not also suffer the same fate that out last great president we had did the fact he is also stepping on some powerful tows in washington that want him out.
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
Not so fast...Trump has four more years....

At where, Attica?
Trump will pardon himself before he leaves office or step down and have Pence do it...and nothing the state of NY or NYC has on Trump from what I've read is a jailing offense....fines and possible they won't waste their time....but that was funny...Attica lol...

Forget about the Emulment clause, forget about the other things done as President. You can bet that Rump broke more than one Federal Financial Law and more than a few State Fraud Laws as well. Had he been reelected, they would have timed out and no prosecution could have been done. But he's inside the window now and he can be sued and charged at the state level. He may not end up doing much time but he'll be lucky to have enough funds to buy pencils to sell on 5th avenue. 5th avenue forgets it's own very, very quickly.
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.

Actually, you people were eagerly anticipating 2 million dead Americans, remember? Trump prevented that by instituting travel bans early, while JoeXi Biden called them racist and xenophobic, and Nancy Pelosi told people to visit their local Chinatown to prove they weren't racist.

Then the Democrats disobeyed their own fascist lockdown restrictions while they laughed their asses off at you for hiding under your bed, and their economies imploded. THAT'S how history will remember this.

Throughout this pandemic, one this has not changed: the surest way to die from Covid is to live in a place run by Democrats.
i noticed you hurt the feelings of a certain troll for telling the truth there so he tried to laugh it off while
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
Not so fast...Trump has four more years....

At where, Attica?
Trump will pardon himself before he leaves office or step down and have Pence do it...and nothing the state of NY or NYC has on Trump from what I've read is a jailing offense....fines and possible they won't waste their time....but that was funny...Attica lol...

Forget about the Emulment clause, forget about the other things done as President. You can bet that Rump broke more than one Federal Financial Law and more than a few State Fraud Laws as well. Had he been reelected, they would have timed out and no prosecution could have been done. But he's inside the window now and he can be sued and charged at the state level. He may not end up doing much time but he'll be lucky to have enough funds to buy pencils to sell on 5th avenue. 5th avenue forgets it's own very, very quickly.
I can bet that Trump broke federal laws?...take that to court and see how far you need something like know what Muller never had....stop following the nuts down the rabbit hole of get Trump....its not gonna happen....
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.

What a fantastical little dipshit you are...
Sounds like you are very upset that Trump is a big fat loser, just like you.

No, I'm simply smart enough to understand that Covid was going to happen regardless of who was President or what was done.

Even if the Almighty of the Left, Barack Obama, had been in office, we were gonna' be fucked...
That is true, Trump did not cause COVID but he did mishandle how to deal with it by not taking it head on.
He thought magic would make it go away. He could not have been more wrong.
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.

What a fantastical little dipshit you are...
Sounds like you are very upset that Trump is a big fat loser, just like you.

No, I'm simply smart enough to understand that Covid was going to happen regardless of who was President or what was done.

Even if the Almighty of the Left, Barack Obama, had been in office, we were gonna' be fucked...
COVID would have happened...

But any leader from either party would have done better than Trump. He was the worst man at the worst time to lead us through a crisis
History will condemn him for it
More than anything else, it's a huge relief to know that we're better than this.

Sadly, we are not better than this.

We knew exactly what Trump was. He did not change.
We deserve what we got for electing him
And Trump was merely a symptom of that disease – Trump may soon be gone but the malignancy remains.

What "disease" are you referring to? That an ordinary Joe like Donald John Trump would have the cojones to actually challenge the Deep State Elite of both political parties? A modern day Wat Tyler leading the peasants of our day (now called Deplorable Chumps) ?

Trump isn't going anywhere, he will still be rallying against the Fake Biden Presidency from Day One.

Trump? Ordinary? You're kidding, right? That spoiled pig was born rich and has been pampered all his life. Having to wait 10 seconds for the door on his stretch limo to be opened for him is his idea of roughing it.

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