There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.

What a fantastical little dipshit you are...
Sounds like you are very upset that Trump is a big fat loser, just like you.

No, I'm simply smart enough to understand that Covid was going to happen regardless of who was President or what was done.

Even if the Almighty of the Left, Barack Obama, had been in office, we were gonna' be fucked...
COVID would have happened...

But any leader from either party would have done better than Trump. He was the worst man at the worst time to lead us through a crisis
History will condemn him for it

What should he have done that someone else would've done? What would Hillary have done? Trump wanted to ban travel from China and liberal retards lost their fucking minds, Whatever he did, the retarded left was going to fault him for it...
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
Trump has a superb legacy of vast achievements

I will name a few

Foreign policy
Obliterated Isis
Stood up to China
Massive peace deals in the Middle East
Zero fake wars

Has finished half the wall
Best economy of all time before the China virus
Operation warp speed
Prison reform
Lower drug Costs
New trade deals and New NAFTA

I would say T has many great achievements
More than anything else, it's a huge relief to know that we're better than this.

Sadly, we are not better than this.

We knew exactly what Trump was. He did not change.
We deserve what we got for electing him
And Trump was merely a symptom of that disease – Trump may soon be gone but the malignancy remains.

What "disease" are you referring to? That an ordinary Joe like Donald John Trump would have the cojones to actually challenge the Deep State Elite of both political parties? A modern day Wat Tyler leading the peasants of our day (now called Deplorable Chumps) ?

Trump isn't going anywhere, he will still be rallying against the Fake Biden Presidency from Day One.

Trump? Ordinary? You're kidding, right? That spoiled pig was born rich and has been pampered all his life. Having to wait 10 seconds for the door on his stretch limo to be opened for him is his idea of roughing it.
Now they think Trump is an ordinary Joe.

You can't make this up. This is a fantasy world.
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.

Future historians will laugh at you people, when the final numbers of the excess deaths are calculated and cleaned up of your side's bullshit.
He's also going to be the only US president that founded a terrorist movement.

Let me guess, you're just fine with the fact that the Democrats started the KKK, right?
Ancient history. Right now the haters love your president like no other American politician since George Wallace. Your president loves them too. After he is out of office watch him surround himself with open white supremacists. Pretty sure this will not be a deal breaker with you.

THe haters, on the right anyway, are an irrelevant fringe.

Trump has denounced them over and over again.

That you have to lie about that, shows that you know you have nothing but bullshit.

Because you led with the bullshit. You yourself believe that is the best you've got.
He's also going to be the only US president that founded a terrorist movement.

Let me guess, you're just fine with the fact that the Democrats started the KKK, right?
Ancient history. Right now the haters love your president like no other American politician since George Wallace. Your president loves them too. After he is out of office watch him surround himself with open white supremacists. Pretty sure this will not be a deal breaker with you.

THe haters, on the right anyway, are an irrelevant fringe.
They are Trump's most ardent supporters. Remember how insanely pissed the right became over the removal or confederate monuments? That's their influence in the party.
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
More than anything else, it's a huge relief to know that we're better than this.

I was worried there for a while.
I am still worried. We only beat that piece of ahit by a few percentage points and let's face it just can't get more stupid.
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
More than anything else, it's a huge relief to know that we're better than this.

I was worried there for a while.
I am still worried. We only beat that piece of ahit by a few percentage points and let's face it just can't get more stupid.
Me too. This buffoon should never have come anywhere near the White House. We need to honestly and carefully examine a culture and society that allowed that to happen. And I think both ends of the spectrum need to look in the mirror.

Will that happen? Nope. And that's what worries me.
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA.

And there no doubt that YOUR legacy in the history of usmessageboard is sealed.

You will be known as the idiot asshole who probably holds Jonas Salk responsible for polio.
Actually, you people were eagerly anticipating 2 million dead Americans, remember?

Two million was an estimate if we did nothing.

The estimate I remember was zero deaths from Trump himself.

So you admit instead of 2 million, we have 250,000. Trump saved 1.75 million lives.

Thank you Donald John Trump!

------ for?

He didn't do a goddam thing except call it a hoax, diss his own medical experts, tell people to inject bleach and light, keep it under wraps until he couldn't cover it up any more, hold superspreader events, goad extremist weirdos to storm their own state capitals with guns, and of course, disband the whole task force that was already assembled and in place exactly for this sort of thing.

Fuck him and the orange he rode in on. Good riddance, don't let the door hitchya in the ass and DON"T COME BACK.
He's also going to be the only US president that founded a terrorist movement.

Let me guess, you're just fine with the fact that the Democrats started the KKK, right?
Ancient history. Right now the haters love your president like no other American politician since George Wallace. Your president loves them too. After he is out of office watch him surround himself with open white supremacists. Pretty sure this will not be a deal breaker with you.

THe haters, on the right anyway, are an irrelevant fringe.
They are Trump's most ardent supporters. Remember how insanely pissed the right became over the removal or confederate monuments? That's their influence in the party.

1. They are an insignificant fringe and you focus on them to smear and marginalize Traditional Americans, because you are too cowardly to argue issues honestly.

2. Far more than ws are outraged by the removal of confederate monuments. you filthy liar.

3.They have no influence in the republican party and never had. This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks, since YOUR party flipped on the issue, back in the early 60s.

4. You race baiting fucktard.
He's also going to be the only US president that founded a terrorist movement.

Let me guess, you're just fine with the fact that the Democrats started the KKK, right?
Ancient history. Right now the haters love your president like no other American politician since George Wallace. Your president loves them too. After he is out of office watch him surround himself with open white supremacists. Pretty sure this will not be a deal breaker with you.

THe haters, on the right anyway, are an irrelevant fringe.
They are Trump's most ardent supporters. Remember how insanely pissed the right became over the removal or confederate monuments? That's their influence in the party.

1. They are an insignificant fringe and you focus on them to smear and marginalize Traditional Americans, because you are too cowardly to argue issues honestly.

2. Far more than ws are outraged by the removal of confederate monuments. you filthy liar.

3.They have no influence in the republican party and never had. This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks, since YOUR party flipped on the issue, back in the early 60s.

4. You race baiting fucktard.
If there is any distinction between White supremacists and regular everyday Trumpbots you've failed to make it. It's not my job to differentiate between one angry redneck and another. If you are pissed off about this bitch about black people less and save some of your rage for the assholes who make you all look like racists.
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There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
Why does Trump still scare you so? Is it that he is and will continue to be the most powerful man in America?
Why does Trump still scare you so? Is it that he is and will continue to be the most powerful man in America?

He is powerful because he has control over the Deplorables and can use them to Primary any Republican who displeases him.

Because Republicans are so spineless in being unwilling to discard the worst leader in American History ...we are stuck with him
He's also going to be the only US president that founded a terrorist movement.

^^^^ TERRORISM: Any credible threat to Democrats for undercutting their power base.

Meantime, Barack Obumma is the only US president to ever actually find a REAL terror organization, like ISIS, then overlook and underestimate it for two years letting it grow until they killed millions of people and destabilized 1/4 of the world, all so as to not displease Obumma's radical voter base.

Oh BTW: Trump defeated and cleaned up Obumma's ISIS mess as well.

Give Obama some credit..... Osama Bin Ladin was killed thanks to the intel infrastructure built by Bush-Cheney. While Obama “didn’t build that”, he was smart enough not to mess with the intel infrastructure. The closest he ever got to doing that was all of his talk about closing GITMO.
Why does Trump still scare you so? Is it that he is and will continue to be the most powerful man in America?

He is powerful because he has control over the Deplorables and can use them to Primary any Republican who displeases him.

Because Republicans are so spineless in being unwilling to discard the worst leader in American History ...we are stuck with him
So, Trump is powerful because those who disagree with you politically are deplorable and you fear them for it?

What are you going to do? Are you going to send 75 million people to re-education camps?
There is no doubt that Trump's legacy in history is sealed.

He will be known as the President who mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic ending in hundred of thousands of deaths in the USA. The mishandling of the pandemic crushed our economy resulting in a GDP of negative 3.5%.

He will be know as the President who unsuccessfully tried to overturn a valid democratic election. A conservative court system put a stop to his disgusting attempt.

Those who supported Trump will be an embarrassment to their family for generations.
More than anything else, it's a huge relief to know that we're better than this.

I was worried there for a while.
I am still worried. We only beat that piece of ahit by a few percentage points and let's face it just can't get more stupid.
Me too. This buffoon should never have come anywhere near the White House. We need to honestly and carefully examine a culture and society that allowed that to happen. And I think both ends of the spectrum need to look in the mirror.

Will that happen? Nope. And that's what worries me.

It is obvious what happened.
I am more left wing than anyone on this board, and clearly the problem is that ever since the Clintons, the democratic party has become right wing, even more so than Trump.

Examples of that are the fact the dems supported the illegal invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya, the illegal take overs in Egypt and Syria, etc.
The dems support the facist War on Drugs, gun control, and every aspect of right wing authoritarian rule one can imagine.

I would rather have Trump in the Oval office than Hillary after she said we should nuke Iran.
She is more of a hawk than Bolton.
He's also going to be the only US president that founded a terrorist movement.

^^^^ TERRORISM: Any credible threat to Democrats for undercutting their power base.

Meantime, Barack Obumma is the only US president to ever actually find a REAL terror organization, like ISIS, then overlook and underestimate it for two years letting it grow until they killed millions of people and destabilized 1/4 of the world, all so as to not displease Obumma's radical voter base.

Oh BTW: Trump defeated and cleaned up Obumma's ISIS mess as well.

Give Obama some credit..... Osama Bin Ladin was killed thanks to the intel infrastructure built by Bush-Cheney. While Obama “didn’t build that”, he was smart enough not to mess with the intel infrastructure. The closest he ever got to doing that was all of his talk about closing GITMO.

Killing Osama Bin Laden was to prevent us from getting his side of the story, not to accomplish anything.

And GITMO was and is totally illegal.
We illegally took GITMO with an invasion of Cuba after a lie about who sunk the USS Maine.
It is against US and international law to take POWs from Afghanistan to GITMO.
Under the US constitution EVERYONE is entitled to full rights, like a trial, and under international law you not only have to give them trial, but you can not remove them from the country they were captured in.
Being on a military base in Cuba does in no way diminish their rights under the Constitution, just as if they were citizens.

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