There Is No "Far Right" In This Country

There Is No "Far Right" In This Country

Not anymore. Now they are the secret arm of al Qaeda and Isis, doing the work those organizations aren't big enough to do. And considering the damage, the GOP is very, very successful.
Prove it.

Prove that you are different from those on the far right.
I agree with somethings and disagree with others, it's called being an American.

So you don't agree with everything the far right believes, but you concede that the OP is a fucking moron for her imbecilic claim that the far right doesn't exist.

Duly noted. Paying attention, PoliticalChic?
You have not answered may ?
What do you do for a living??

I'm retired on two nice pensions. Why is that your business, and/or why did you ask?
Curious, were you given those pensions or were they earned??

What? You are flailing to change the subject.
Prove it.

Prove that you are different from those on the far right.
I agree with somethings and disagree with others, it's called being an American.

So you don't agree with everything the far right believes, but you concede that the OP is a fucking moron for her imbecilic claim that the far right doesn't exist.

Duly noted. Paying attention, PoliticalChic?

Ny did you fall down the


You claim you're to the left of the far right, but now you agree with OP that there is no far right.

That leaves you at the farthest right position on the spectrum. That makes you the far right that PC says doesn't exist.
You'll find I don't fit in any "category"...

That would be only in a world where there's no such thing as liberal or conservative or anything in between.

Where is that planet?
I agree with somethings and disagree with others, it's called being an American.

So you don't agree with everything the far right believes, but you concede that the OP is a fucking moron for her imbecilic claim that the far right doesn't exist.

Duly noted. Paying attention, PoliticalChic?
You have not answered may ?
What do you do for a living??

I'm retired on two nice pensions. Why is that your business, and/or why did you ask?
Curious, were you given those pensions or were they earned??

What? You are flailing to change the subject.
No, answer the question
So you don't agree with everything the far right believes, but you concede that the OP is a fucking moron for her imbecilic claim that the far right doesn't exist.

Duly noted. Paying attention, PoliticalChic?
You have not answered may ?
What do you do for a living??

I'm retired on two nice pensions. Why is that your business, and/or why did you ask?
Curious, were you given those pensions or were they earned??

What? You are flailing to change the subject.
No, answer the question

I earned my pensions with 45 years of work. Are you through running away from the topic?
I agree with somethings and disagree with others, it's called being an American.

So you don't agree with everything the far right believes, but you concede that the OP is a fucking moron for her imbecilic claim that the far right doesn't exist.

Duly noted. Paying attention, PoliticalChic?

Ny did you fall down the


You claim you're to the left of the far right, but now you agree with OP that there is no far right.

That leaves you at the farthest right position on the spectrum. That makes you the far right that PC says doesn't exist.
You'll find I don't fit in any "category"...

That would be only in a world where there's no such thing as liberal or conservative or anything in between.

Where is that planet?
I am an Indian who grew up on the res, joined the military when I was old enough, built three businesses out of nothing, debt free all my adult life, never claimed anything off insurance in my life, wife and two daughters, no trust in the federal government whatsoever, libertarian to the core, go to church every Sunday and bible study every Wednesday...
Name the category
You have not answered may ?
What do you do for a living??

I'm retired on two nice pensions. Why is that your business, and/or why did you ask?
Curious, were you given those pensions or were they earned??

What? You are flailing to change the subject.
No, answer the question

I earned my pensions with 45 years of work. Are you through running away from the topic?
Ok, you earned them and they were not given... That's why they mean something.
The point is you can't prove your point...
"[Liberal judicial activism] and "The brief writer’s version mean the same thing you imbecile.

My bracketing simply obviated having to read the entire speech.

QED....I never lie.

Judges do not write briefs for a case. They write the decisions for cases which are decided based on those briefs written by lawyers and their arguments, idiot!

The unedited Rehnquist quote began, "The brief writer’s version seems instead to be based upon..." but you changed the first four words referring to LAWYERS to, "[Liberal judicial activism] seems instead to be based upon..." referring to JUDGES, all to change the context to your liking.

In other words you lied then and now you have lied two more times; once by editing what C.J. Rehnquist actually wrote to what you wanted it to say by changing the entire context. Then a second time about using the brackets to, "...simply obviated having to read the entire speech." by cutting the word count from 4 all the way down to 3 and the letter count from 24 to 23. Not only are you a liar, but a stupid liar to top it! You just keep lying. Then you have the bloody gall to call me an imbecile, you lying ignorant twit.

The to top it off, you once again make that stupid, stupid boast that you NEVER LIE! Guess everyone needs to be reminded yet again.


You even lie about never lying, Chica! You don't have an honest bone in your body!

In your post #436 above [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 44 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ], you cited this quote from

"[Liberal judicial activism] seems instead to be based upon the proposition that federal judges, perhaps judges as a whole, have a role of their own,
quite independent of popular will, to play in solving society’s problems."
But you didn't faithfully reproduce the quote which actually read:
"The brief writer’s version seems instead to be based upon the proposition that federal judges, perhaps judges as a whole, have a role of their own, quite independent of popular will, to play in solving society’s problems."

The underlined portions in both quotes above display the difference. In the original, in blue font, the author was speaking about the case brief's written by LAWYERS. But that didn't jive with your desired narrative so you edited, read that as LIED, it to shift the subject from LAWYERS to JUDGES, with your bracketed "Liberal judicial activism". That is changing truth to falsehood or in common English, LYING! You altered Rehnquist's entire meaning and intent to play the alter quote into your game by LYING. That is not only lying, but truly despicable dishonesty and conduct.

I understand why you didn't respond to my post #441 [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 45 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ] which disclosed this same dishonest conduct. I would have let it go until I read the post to which I'm responding [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 45 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum post #448 ] proclaiming that you "never lie". You are an utterly disgustingly flawed person. Oh and you can expect to see this post showing up each and every time you claim that you "never lie", LIAR!


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See how the far left acts when they can not back up their religious dogma?

This is what makes the far left religion more dangerous than ISIS!

So you're a centrist, the kind of fence sitter all of the conservatives hate.

See how the far left will continue to rant and never prove their religious dogma..

Lol he's thrashing like a fish out of water.

Now that I've proven you're a centrist, how is that going to work with the conservatives around here?

You're out of their club.

Notice how they have used many of far left drone distraction tactics..

Yet they can not list one member of Congress that is "far right"..

I list you as far right and so far you refuse to deny it.

Case closed.

In fact, PolitcalChic is far right and she doesn't deny it.

There is no Far Right in this nation.
It's funny how the bleeding hearts think taking then giving is the answer to this country's problems.
Just look at most of the Indian reservations, that Is what happens when giving handouts as opposed to earning ones own way.

Are you on the far right, or are you some sort of moderate?
Notice how they have used many of far left drone distraction tactics..

Yet they can not list one member of Congress that is "far right"..

I list you as far right and so far you refuse to deny it.

Case closed.

In fact, PolitcalChic is far right and she doesn't deny it.

Yes we know that the far left drones never have any facts to back up their religious dogma!

I've proven you're a centrist. The far right hates you.

Libertarians are on the far right.

There is no Far Right in this nation....only a Far Left that hated America.
Raise your paw.

Libertarians are on the far right.
Na, not really.
You need to look it up again.

Prove it.

Prove that you are different from those on the far right.
I agree with somethings and disagree with others, it's called being an American.

So you don't agree with everything the far right believes, but you concede that the OP is a fucking moron for her imbecilic claim that the far right doesn't exist.

Duly noted. Paying attention, PoliticalChic?

There is no Far Right in this nation.
Libertarians are on the far right.
Na, not really.
You need to look it up again.

Prove it.

Prove that you are different from those on the far right.
I agree with somethings and disagree with others, it's called being an American.

So you don't agree with everything the far right believes, but you concede that the OP is a fucking moron for her imbecilic claim that the far right doesn't exist.

Duly noted. Paying attention, PoliticalChic?

There is no Far Right in this nation.
PropagandaChic continues to peddle her garbage. There is a far right, far left, center left, center right and the dumb like you in every society on Earth.

It is quite sad that PropagandaChic tries to undermine the United States daily. As a North Korean I suppose she has no choice other than to make it her job.
So you're a centrist, the kind of fence sitter all of the conservatives hate.

See how the far left will continue to rant and never prove their religious dogma..

Lol he's thrashing like a fish out of water.

Now that I've proven you're a centrist, how is that going to work with the conservatives around here?

You're out of their club.

Notice how they have used many of far left drone distraction tactics..

Yet they can not list one member of Congress that is "far right"..

I list you as far right and so far you refuse to deny it.

Case closed.

In fact, PolitcalChic is far right and she doesn't deny it.

There is no Far Right in this nation.

Of course there is. The most conservative Americans are the far right. That's how the political spectrum works.
Libertarians are on the far right.
Na, not really.
You need to look it up again.

Prove it.

Prove that you are different from those on the far right.
I agree with somethings and disagree with others, it's called being an American.

So you don't agree with everything the far right believes, but you concede that the OP is a fucking moron for her imbecilic claim that the far right doesn't exist.

Duly noted. Paying attention, PoliticalChic?

There is no Far Right in this nation.

Prove it. You can start by proving that the Army of God, the radical Christian anti-abortion group, is not on the far right.

Prove they are somewhere else on the political spectrum.
Na, not really.
You need to look it up again.

Prove it.

Prove that you are different from those on the far right.
I agree with somethings and disagree with others, it's called being an American.

So you don't agree with everything the far right believes, but you concede that the OP is a fucking moron for her imbecilic claim that the far right doesn't exist.

Duly noted. Paying attention, PoliticalChic?

There is no Far Right in this nation.
PropagandaChic continues to peddle her garbage. There is a far right, far left, center left, center right and the dumb like you in every society on Earth.

It is quite sad that PropagandaChic tries to undermine the United States daily. As a North Korean I suppose she has no choice other than to make it her job.

Note that she never really made a coherent argument to support her claim.
PropagandaChic continues to peddle her garbage. There is a far right, far left, center left, center right and the dumb like you in every society on Earth.

It is quite sad that PropagandaChic tries to undermine the United States daily. As a North Korean I suppose she has no choice other than to make it her job.

The chic thing isn't from North Korea but the Ayn Rand paradise of Somalia

Prove it.

Prove that you are different from those on the far right.
I agree with somethings and disagree with others, it's called being an American.

So you don't agree with everything the far right believes, but you concede that the OP is a fucking moron for her imbecilic claim that the far right doesn't exist.

Duly noted. Paying attention, PoliticalChic?

There is no Far Right in this nation.
PropagandaChic continues to peddle her garbage. There is a far right, far left, center left, center right and the dumb like you in every society on Earth.

It is quite sad that PropagandaChic tries to undermine the United States daily. As a North Korean I suppose she has no choice other than to make it her job.

Note that she never really made a coherent argument to support her claim.
Exactly. PropagandaChic
PropagandaChic continues to peddle her garbage. There is a far right, far left, center left, center right and the dumb like you in every society on Earth.

It is quite sad that PropagandaChic tries to undermine the United States daily. As a North Korean I suppose she has no choice other than to make it her job.

The chic thing isn't from North Korea but the Ayn Rand paradise of Somalia


She is a self-identified Korean immigrant. Applying her reasoning, she may have fled the Communist regime in SOUTH Korea,

when the liberals (which according to her are all communists) were in power.
PropagandaChic continues to peddle her garbage. There is a far right, far left, center left, center right and the dumb like you in every society on Earth.

It is quite sad that PropagandaChic tries to undermine the United States daily. As a North Korean I suppose she has no choice other than to make it her job.

The chic thing isn't from North Korea but the Ayn Rand paradise of Somalia


She is a self-identified Korean immigrant. Applying her reasoning, she may have fled the Communist regime in SOUTH Korea,

when the liberals (which according to her are all communists) were in power.
Well she is constantly defaming our presidents so she can go back to North Korea.

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