Zone1 There is no "GOD", deal with it!

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We don't know if that is the case, but whatever happens after our bodily death, assuming anything happens at all, is irrelevant to our lives now. We are alive now so let's cherish every moment of life that we have.

You're an adult, as I am, and we have to come to terms with reality and make the best of it. As cliche and hoaky as it might sound, it's nonetheless true that all we have is each other. Humanity has to rely on itself for "salvation". The only hope we have of living in "paradise" forever, or at least dying when we are ready to die (as a choice rather than being forced to die), is science and technology, with plenty of civility and empathy. Being civil and smart, scientific, is salvation for humanity. We will probably not live to see humanity eliminate scarcity and hunger, disease and death, but we can work towards that and give this gift to our children. We will live in them, even if we're not conscious.

Maybe there is life after death, but don't dwell on that, focus on this life and let the "afterlife" take care of itself. In a way, this life took care of itself, didn't it? You live on a planet with an atmosphere that you breathe, you have the ground beneath your feet, a body, with a beating heart, and you have others that are human like you, living with you in a human society that is hopefully humane, and civil. This life has its "system" and infrastructure and if there is life after death, then that other life or state of existence will also have its own system and infrastructure. So don't dwell on an "afterlife" that you don't have now, but rather focus on your responsibilities and obligations here in the life you actually have.

So embrace Marx who's theories have resulted in tens of Millions of deaths, thus having people finally figure out the great question.....

People who don't believe in some form of judgement after death are basically held to zero standards. If you don't think you will be punished for bad behavior, what's the reason to not behave bad? This doubles down with Dem policies that reduce punishments for bad behavior in THIS life due to the deluded belief that the system is at fault, and not the assholes being criminals.
You're delusional.
Says an ignorant fool that denies God.

Funny all is proceeding as prophesied. Jews are in their land, one world govt waits in the wings and your ability to buy and sell can disappear without any effort at all.
There is no God, deal with it and move on. Save yourself and enjoy whatever you have left of this life, even if you're living the last chapter or even the last sentence of your life. Live it to the fullest. Stop believing in ghosts and goblins and believe in yourself and only what is real and relevant to your present life, the only life you have and most likely will ever have. Don't be manipulated by anyone, think for yourself, and fear nothing but ignorance and stupidity.

Sounds like manipulation. Some people believe; some do not. Deal with it.
Where's the evidence of the lack of one?

I am a lapsed Catholic at best, and even I recognize the strength in faith.

Without faith in something larger than you, you fall prey to faith in something where you become the focus. It's what we see in the narcissism of collectivism.

Where is the evidence for Santa Clause? Do you believe in the existence of Santa Clause with his flying reindeer?

Did Joe Biden eat cheesecake today? Do you believe that Joe Biden ate cheesecake today? I don't affirm or believe that Joe Biden ate cheesecake today. If you claim that he did, provide the evidence. I don't have to present evidence that disproves that Joe Biden ate cheesecake today. If you are asserting that Joe Biden ate cheesecake today, then provide evidence of him eating cheesecake, today.

So that's exactly what you do. You send me a link to a video of President Joe Biden with his security team, walking into the Cheesecake Factory in Washington DC, and buying cheesecakes, today. There is footage of him walking into the cheesecake factory, that bakery, and buying the cheesecake, opening the box of the cheesecake and his hand is moving towards the cheesecake and then the video cuts off right at that moment. This isn't 100% evidence that he ate some cheesecake today, but darn, that's pretty good evidence that he did eat a piece of that cheesecake. So I now believe that he ate a piece of cheesecake today. I didn't believe it earlier, before you provided me with that video, but now I do believe he ate some cheesecake today.

You believe in an omnipotent, omniscience, omnipresent, sky daddy that loves you and will give you eternal life in paradise, if you become a Catholic and attend mass, and receive communion. All of that stuff. You're going to live forever, in heaven, with your celestial, divine daddy. This is so good, so comforting, so nice, this heartwarming, it makes you feel great. I don't blame you for feeling that way.........

What is the evidence, that we have a heavenly daddy, that loves us and created this universe and is going to give us eternal life in paradise, if we convert to Christianity or perform good deeds? Where is the evidence for the existence of this all powerful SKY-DAD, and that we survive the death of our physical bodies?
Where is the evidence for the lack of Santa Clause? Do you believe in the existence of Santa Clause with his flying reindeer?

Did Joe Biden eat cheesecake today? Do you believe that Joe Biden ate cheesecake today? I don't affirm or believe that Joe Biden ate cheesecake today. If you claim that he did, provide the evidence. I don't have to present evidence that disproves that Joe Biden ate cheesecake today. If you are asserting that Joe Biden ate cheesecake today, then provide the evidence of him eating cheesecake, today.

So that's exactly what you do. You send me a link to a video of President Joe Biden with his security team, walking into the Cheesecake Factory in Washington DC, and buying cheesecakes, today. There is footage of him walking into the cheesecake factory, that bakery, and buying the cheesecake, opening the box of the cheesecake and his hand is moving towards the cheesecake and then the video cuts off right at that moment. This isn't 100% evidence that he ate some cheesecake today, but darn, that's pretty good evidence that he did eat a piece of that cheesecake. So I now believe that he ate a piece of cheesecake today. I didn't believe it earlier, before you provided me with that video, but now I do believe he ate some cheesecake today.

You believe in an omnipotent, omniscience, omnipresent, sky daddy that loves you and will give you eternal life in paradise, if you become a Catholic and attend mass, and receive communion. All of that stuff. You're going to live forever, in heaven, with your celestial, divine daddy. This is so good, so comforting, so nice, this heartwarming, it makes you feel great. I don't blame you for feeling that way.........

What is the evidence, that we have a heavenly daddy, that loves us and created this universe and is going to give us eternal life in paradise, if we convert to Christianity or perform good deeds? Where is the evidence for the existence of this all powerful SKY-DAD, and that we survive the death of our physical bodies?

I've found out in my life that there are no atheists in a foxhole. Ask any combat veteran.
So embrace Marx who's theories have resulted in tens of Millions of deaths, thus having people finally figure out the great question.....

People who don't believe in some form of judgement after death are basically held to zero standards. If you don't think you will be punished for bad behavior, what's the reason to not behave bad? This doubles down with Dem policies that reduce punishments for bad behavior in THIS life due to the deluded belief that the system is at fault, and not the assholes being criminals.

We can open another thread and debate Marxism, Socialism and we can present our evidence, as to which socioeconomic system has more dead bodies, capitalism or socialism. We can debate history and economics. But the topic of this thread is the belief in god/s.

Our morality should not be based on whether we're going to live forever in heaven or not, or go to hell after we die. There are many other reasons to be civil and good, like survival and the fact that we are oriented towards being social, interacting, cooperating, and collaborating with other human beings. We are intelligent social animals, predisposed and oriented towards patterns of thought and behavior that contribute to our survival.

If you want to start robbing banks and murdering people, you can do that, but you will most likely pay a hefty price for your crimes. Most criminals don't fare too well. Are you a gambler? Morality is a human construct, created to establish order and increase our chances of survival in a universe that wants to kill us.
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I've found out in my life that there are no atheists in a foxhole. Ask any combat veteran.
There are plenty of atheists in foxholes. Many of those communists you were fighting in Vietnam, were atheists. Many of the Soviet soldiers of the Red Army, who fought the Nazis, were atheists. I'm not a combat veteran, but I am a veteran, who served in the US Army as a supply specialist, attached to a combat-arms unit and I met plenty of atheists, and irreligious soldiers, some were my friends. So you apparently don't know what you're talking about. Maybe your unit was a Chaplin unit, full of Christian Evangelicals?
We can open another thread and debate Marxism, Socialism and we can present our evidence, as to which socioeconomic system has more dead bodies, capitalism or socialism. We can debate history and economics. But the topic of this thread is the belief in god/s.

Our morality should not be based on whether we're going to live forever in heaven or not, or go to hell after we die. There are many other reasons to be civil and good, like survival and the fact that we are oriented towards being social, interacting, cooperating, and collaborating with other human beings. We are intelligent social animals, predisposed and oriented towards patterns of thought and behavior that contribute to our survival.

If you want to start robbing banks and murdering people, you can do that, but you will most likely pay a hefty price for your crimes. Most criminals don't fare too well. Are, you a gambler? Morality is a human construct, created to establish order and increase our chances of survival in a universe that wants to kill us.

Capitalism had bodies due to side effects, Communism had them due to intent. The purpose of the bad sides of Capitalism is to exploit, the purpose of Marxism in general is to control, and dead bodies cannot be exploited, but they sure don't need to be controlled anymore.

The thing is you remove a deity from the equation people look for something else, which is why we see the almost religious belief in AGW and gender theory.

People need a godhead, and ignoring an actual supernatural one, will find a replacement.

Right now criminals aren't paying as much as they used to, brought to you by the same people trashing religion.

No temporal punishment, no spiritual punishment, what's to stop those who don't give a damn from gunning for others for their own benefit?
There is no God
Actually there is – religion and ‘god’ are creations of man; but there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

There is no omnipotent extraterrestrial deity that hears prayers, intercedes on the behalf of humans, and issues edicts of religious dogma that must be obeyed lest transgressors are cosigned to eternal damnation – that ‘god’ doesn’t exist.
Don't be manipulated by anyone, think for yourself, and fear nothing but ignorance and stupidity.
Why does the life choice of others bother you so? You seem almost absurdly obsessed with beliefs of others. Why is that?
Actually there is – religion and ‘god’ are creations of man; but there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

There is no omnipotent extraterrestrial deity that hears prayers, intercedes on the behalf of humans, and issues edicts of religious dogma that must be obeyed lest transgressors are cosigned to eternal damnation – that ‘god’ doesn’t exist.

And you have zero proof of that.

At least theists admit they have zero proof FOR It, hence the concept of faith.
The thing is you remove a deity from the equation people look for something else, which is why we see the almost religious belief in AGW and gender theory.
People need a godhead, and ignoring an actual supernatural one, will find a replacement.
Right now criminals aren't paying as much as they used to, brought to you by the same people trashing religion.

Where the influence of God, and the belief therein is driven out, Satan fills the void. We have certainly seen this demonstrated and proven, over and over and over again, have we not?
Actually there is – religion and ‘god’ are creations of man; but there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

There is no omnipotent extraterrestrial deity that hears prayers, intercedes on the behalf of humans, and issues edicts of religious dogma that must be obeyed lest transgressors are cosigned to eternal damnation – that ‘god’ doesn’t exist.
So it's just a coincidence the universe popped into existence in an unnatural manner being implausibly hardwired to produce life and intelligence?
Where is the evidence for a personal god/sky daddy? You're asserting that a god entity exists, and it is particularly the Christian deity. Prove your case, the burden is upon you, not me.
We need not prove a thing, you, you must prove your claim, after all its your neurotic claim, which is absent a jot of supporting evidence, its just you raging at your lousy life!

Usually, the radical kooks like yourself, hating on God and Christianity, or any religious belief, usually its been my experience, such folk are homosexuals absolutely filled to brim with self-loathing, sound familiar??? :eek-52:
Where the influence of God, and the belief therein is driven out, Satan fills the void. We have certainly seen this demonstrated and proven, over and over and over again, have we not?

Again, as a lapsed Catholic at best, I am ill equipped to answer that question. What I can say is Atheists have an unfounded certainty in their viewpoint, considering they deny the existence of the concept we see as faith.
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