Zone1 There is no "GOD", deal with it!

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"Whereas Marx and Engels had assumed that religion would wither away of its own accord once the socio-economic conditions changed (see Radical Hegelianism), many Bolscheviks supposed that an aggressive antireligious struggle would nevertheless be necessary. Echoing Lenin, the Marxist philosopher Bucharin (1888-1938), for example, in his ABC of Communism (1919) stated unreservedly that religion and communism were in theory and practice irreconcilable.[1]The antireligious movement in the USSR seems to have lost much of its impetus by the early 1930s, and during the second world war the USSR closed the Association of Militant Atheists (1941) so as not to risk division among the people against the common German enemy.[2] However, in 1955/6 militant atheism in the USSR was once more actively promoted, with the establishment of a Chair for Scientific Atheism in Moscow in 1963.[3] This trend was also reflected in policies in the Eastern Bloc and China."

[1]↑ Georges Minois, Histoire de L'atheisme (La Fleche: Fayard, 1998), 520.
[2]↑ Ibid., 526.
[3]↑ Ibid.

Marxism - Investigating Atheism

The Soviet Union had millions of Eastern Orthodox Christians and Muslims. Yeah? There were plenty of god-believers in the USSR, and also plenty of atheists as well. So my point still stands, that there are atheists in foxholes.
'New Atheism'
Over the past couple of years there has been an unexpected revival of strident atheism of a sort not seen in Europe or America for over half a century. Despite the claims of historians that that the old days of militant atheism are over and the previously sharp distinction between atheist and believer can be expected to be effaced still further in the postmodern climate of general relativism and indifferentism, [1]

[1]↑ See, for example, Georges Minois, Histoire de L'atheisme (La Fleche: Fayard, 1998).

Current Controversies - Investigating Atheism

Your Christianity is the epidemy of "relativism". Who made your bible the inerrant, word of an almighty god-entity? You? Your fellow Christians? Why is the true-god Christian, and not Muslim, Hindu, or Zoroastrian? Why don't you convert to Islam or become a Hare Krishna? You're an atheist when it comes to all of these other gods, but a theist when it comes to the Christian god. Why is your faith so arbitrary and relative?
The Soviet Union had millions of Eastern Orthodox Christians and Muslims. Yeah? There were plenty of god-believers in the USSR, and also plenty of atheists as well. So my point still stands, that there are atheists in foxholes.
"...The vast majority of people in the Russian Empire were, at the time of the revolution, religious believers, whereas the communists aimed to break the power of all religious institutions and eventually replace religious belief with atheism. "Science" was counterposed to "religious superstition" in the media and in academic writing. The main religions of pre-revolutionary Russia persisted throughout the entire Soviet period, but they were only tolerated within certain limits. Generally, this meant that believers were free to worship in private and in their respective religious buildings (churches, mosques, synagogues etc.), but public displays of religion outside of such designations were prohibited. In addition, religious institutions were not allowed to express their views in any type of mass media, and many religious buildings were demolished or used for other purposes. In the long run, state atheism failed to convert many people. Religion strengthened underground and was revived to help fight the Second World War. It flourished after the fall of Communism..."

Your Christianity is the epidemy of "relativism". Who made your bible the inerrant, word of an almighty god-entity? You? Your fellow Christians? Why is the true-god Christian, and not Muslim, Hindu, or Zoroastrian? Why don't you convert to Islam or become a Hare Krishna? You're an atheist when it comes to all of these other gods, but a theist when it comes to the Christian god. Why is your faith so arbitrary and relative?
The Khmer Rouge abolished all religion and dispersed minority groups, forbidding them to speak their languages or to practice their customs. These policies had been implemented in less severe forms for many years prior to the Khmer Rouge's taking power.
"Marxism is materialism. As such, it is as relentlessly hostile to religion..." Vladimir Lenin
Where's your evidence of self-aware life springing from from a blob of primordial protoplasm?
Actually I'm more interested in how the blob of primorbial protoplasm even became a blob of primorbial protoplasm. Some Godless blob please explain it to me.
Why does the life choice of others bother you so? You seem almost absurdly obsessed with beliefs of others. Why is that?

You seem obsessed with other people's lifestyles and what is attached to their uteruses. You pretend to be the champions of "good, wholesome living", while defunding government programs that help the poor (including single mothers). You vote for laws that exclude American companies from getting US government contracts unless they declare their allegiance to the Jewish state of Israhell. Many Americans have been discriminated against, having their rights violated by Zionist - Evangelicals who worship Jewish people as the "chosen ones", granting their unconditional support to a foreign power.

There are many good reasons to challenge the cherished, irrational, religious assertions of Christians. Christians challenge eveyrone's beliefs, all of the time. I live in New York City and a few days ago I visited time-square and there were several street preachers shouting a bunch of shit at people as they walked by.

"Repent, you're all going to hell! Believe in Jesus or you're damned to hell"

What is their obsession? What's their problem? I'm not exaggerating, that's exactly what they were shouting. Last summer, I witnessed an extremely heated debate in time square between Evangelical preachers and a group of Muslims. I had an information booth, promoting a product, and these preachers started shouting about Muhammad being a pedophile. They almost threw some fists, got into a fist fight. Why do Evangelicals do that?

So boohoo, if you don't like atheists challenging you holy-rollers. Too bad, deal with it.

Where is the evidence for a personal god/sky daddy?
Right in front of you right this very second closer to you right now than your own nose. Just open your eyes and look.

You're asserting that a god entity exists, Prove your case.
No, YOU are asserting the laughable idea that all of the infinite cosmic phenomenal universe alive right now could exist WITHOUT there being a supreme original cause!

YOU prove your case! :1peleas:
"...The vast majority of people in the Russian Empire were, at the time of the revolution, religious believers, whereas the communists aimed to break the power of all religious institutions and eventually replace religious belief with atheism. "Science" was counterposed to "religious superstition" in the media and in academic writing. The main religions of pre-revolutionary Russia persisted throughout the entire Soviet period, but they were only tolerated within certain limits. Generally, this meant that believers were free to worship in private and in their respective religious buildings (churches, mosques, synagogues etc.), but public displays of religion outside of such designations were prohibited. In addition, religious institutions were not allowed to express their views in any type of mass media, and many religious buildings were demolished or used for other purposes. In the long run, state atheism failed to convert many people. Religion strengthened underground and was revived to help fight the Second World War. It flourished after the fall of Communism..."

There is plenty of cold war anti-communist propaganda on the internet. Straight from the horses' mouth:

Would the American Evangelicals, you Christians, give a shit about communists getting rounded up and thrown into prison or a concentration camp? You wouldn't give a rats ass, if we communists and atheists were sent to Guantanamo, or kicked out of America. You would love it, be honest. You bible-thumping holy-rollers would love it, so why pretend that it's immoral or an atrocious act or atrocity, grave injustice that atheists, especially communists, don't like you self-righteous, deluded, brainwashed religious folks? We don't like each other. You don't like us and we don't like you. Yeah?

Christians of the Russian "white army" were fighting the communists of the Bolshevic red army. The US invaded Russia after WW1 with 14 other countries, in support of the white army, which was comprised of Christians and Right-Wing capitalist defenders. Those who were defending the monarchy and ruling class of Russia. Churches were burned down, Christians were killed by communists, and many of those communists were atheists. Yeah so what? It's called war. People die in a war. Boohoo.

Capitalism has plenty of dead victims, a mountain of rotting corpses. You have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point your crooked feculent finger at us communists and atheists. You religious folks are just as violent, if not more so, than us.

This combat veteran claimed that there aren't any atheists in foxholes. That's absurd, he was fighting the Vietcong and North Vietnamese army, comprised mostly of atheist communists. Grandpa isn't making any sense when he claims there aren't any atheists in foxholes. I respect his service, even if he was killing communists like me. I tip my hat to all war veterans, even those defending capitalism and fighting us communists. It takes courage to fight in combat and it also takes courage to reject your religious delusions.
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There is plenty of cold war anti-communist propaganda on the internet. Straight from the horses' mouth:

Would the American Evangelicals, you Christians give a shit about communists getting rounded up and thrown into prison or a concentration camp? You wouldn't give a rats ass, if us communists and atheists were thrown in a concentration camp or kicked out of America. You would love it, be honest. You bible-thumping holy-rollers would love it, so why pretend that it's immoral or an atrocious act or atrocity, grave injustice that atheists, especially communists, don't like you self-righteous, deluded, brainwashed religious folks? We don't like each other. You don't like us and we don't like you. Yeah?

Christians of the "white army" were fighting the communists of the red army, yeah? The US invaded Russia after WW1 with 14 other countries, in support of the white army, which was comprised of Christians and Right-Wing capitalist defenders. Those who were defending the monarchy and ruling class of Russia. Yeah? Churches were burned down, Christians were killed by communists, and many of those communists were atheists. Yeah? It's called war. People die in a war. Boohoo.

Capitalism has plenty of dead victims, a mountain of rotting corpses. You have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point your crooked feculent finger at us communists and atheists. You religious folks are just as violent, if not more so, than us.

This combat veteran claimed that there aren't any atheists in foxholes. That's absurd, he was fighting the Vietcong and North Vietnamese army, comprised mostly of atheist-communists. Grandpa isn't making any sense.

Right in front of you right this very second closer to you right now than your own nose. Just open your eyes and look.

No, YOU are asserting the laughable idea that all of the infinite cosmic phenomenal universe alive right now could exist WITHOUT there being a supreme original cause!

YOU prove your case! :1peleas:

You don't know if that cause is the god of the bible or a personal god or gods (plural) or Krishna, or YHWH or Allah, or some other thing, process, universe, or whatever. We don't know yet, hence you are unnecessarily injecting the biblical god into that gap. It's called the "god of the gaps". Wherever there is a gap in our present knowledge, religious folks like you show up with their syringes ready to inject YHWH or Allah, Krishna, Zeus, or some other deity, into the gap.

If you are claiming that a personal being is the cause of this universe, then it's incumbent upon you to prove it, not me who doesn't believe what you are asserting. You are asserting that there is a god being that created this universe and if that wasn't enough, this god being is the god of the bible. Prove it.

You have your anti-communist propaganda, and I have my anti-capitalist propaganda. How about that? That's all you and I are proving on this thread when discussing socialism and capitalism. You have your propaganda, and I have mine. Now can we get back on the topic of this thread, which is the existence of a god being, particularly the biblical one?
You don't know if that cause is the god of the bible or a personal god or gods (plural) or Krishna, or YHWH or Allah, or some other thing

Look Moron, first of all, quit telling me what I don't know, and second of all, GET WITH IT.

YOU asserted that there was no God now make your case or STFU. Not only have you utterly failed to do so, now you are running away from it trying to gaslight others into moving the goalpost making them prove there IS a God when it was YOU who made the godless claim.

So--- OUT with it, now, or OFF with you.
Look Moron, first of all, quit telling me what I don't know, and second of all, GET WITH IT.

YOU asserted that there was no God now make your case or STFU. Not only have you utterly failed to do so, now you are running away from it trying to gaslight others into moving the goalpost making them prove there IS a God when it was YOU who made the godless claim.

So--- OUT with it, now, or OFF with you.

You're the one who claims there is a god, who created this universe. Prove it. I don't have to prove the negative. If I believe Santa Clause and his flying reindeer exist, it's not up to you to disprove it, if you believe I'm full of shit. If I'm the one claiming that Santa Clause and his flying reindeer exist, then it's up to me to present the evidence and prove it. If not, I'm just a deluded "moron". You're the one who is moronic because you claim that the god of the bible created this universe, but you haven't presented any evidence to prove it. In other words, you're full of shit, until you prove otherwise by presenting the evidence for your extraordinary claim.

Assertions without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
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You're the one who claims there is a god, who created this universe.
I never said that. You started this thread claiming that THERE IS NO GOD. You don't know shit. You can't prove shit. Now you are running from your own words crapping yourself with your tail between your legs.

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