Zone1 There is no "GOD", deal with it!

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That is naught but your opinion and as I said an atheist can acknowledge he is part of the larger human community and part of the universe without having to believe gods exist.

It is you who think that a god and the worshipping of a god is necessary and you are projecting your beliefs and needs onto other people.

It's what I see when I interact with Atheists. Again, Atheists, not agnostics.
Hitler explicitly identified himself as a Christian.

He also swore he wouldn't invade the rest of Czechoslovakia after taking the Sudetenland, or he wouldn't re-arm, or wouldn't re-militarize the Rhineland.

He also had a non aggression pact against the Russians.

Yep, he's a real truth teller.....
It's what I see when I interact with Atheists. Again, Atheists, not agnostics.
so it's anecdotal and it's still your opinion based on an extremely small sample

I know religious people that were some of the most awful people I have ever met and I know atheists who have been some of the most kind and giving people I have ever met.

Neither of those is enough evidence to paint ALL religious people or ALL atheists with the same broad brush. It's that whole judge not thing.
He also swore he wouldn't invade the rest of Czechoslovakia after taking the Sudetenland, or he wouldn't re-arm, or wouldn't re-militarize the Rhineland.

He also had a non aggression pact against the Russians.

Yep, he's a real truth teller.....

I'm just applying your disingenuous method of critique and rhetoric. Hitler identified himself explicitly as a Christian, hence he was a Christian. Deal with it. How about that? Like that? You resort to cheap death toll arguments. As if violence and death disqualify a religion, philosophy, or economic system, by default. It doesn't. You're just a cheap capitalist propagandist and polemicist. The topic of this thread is the existence of the Christian god, and you're debating socialism and capitalism. Open a new thread and I'll kick your ass over there, on that issue. Do you want to debate communism vs capitalism? Open a thread and invite me. I'll kick your ass. I dare you, do it.

The topic of this thread is the existence of the Christian deity, not communism vs capitalism.
so it's anecdotal and it's still your opinion based on an extremely small sample

I know religious people that were some of the most awful people I have ever met and I know atheists who have been some of the most kind and giving people I have ever met.

Neither of those is enough evidence to paint ALL religious people or ALL atheists with the same broad brush. It's that whole judge not thing.

It's my opinion.

And again most of the judgement these days comes from the left, well at least the follow through attempts at punishment for wrongthink.
I'm just applying your disingenuous method of critique and rhetoric. Hitler identified himself explicitly as a Christian, hence he was a Christian. Deal with it. How about that? Like that? You resort to cheap death toll arguments. As if violence and death disqualify a religion, philosophy, or economic system, by default. It doesn't. You're just a cheap capitalist propagandist and polemicist. The topic of this thread is the existence of the Christian god, and you're debating socialism and capitalism. Open a new thread and I'll kick your ass over there, on that issue. Do you want to debate communism vs capitalism? Open a thread and invite me. I'll kick your ass. I dare you, do it.

The topic of this thread is the existence of the Christian deity, not communism vs capitalism.

Nazism was moving to neo-paganism with Hitler replacing God if they managed to continue or even win the war. I suggest on reading up on the practices of the SS, as close to a priesthood as the Nazis had dealing with their hatred of Christianity.

You picked the Commie name, you deal with the commie critique.

Plus your glossing over of Stalin is just sealing your fate as being taken as a poster not worth believing about anything.
Nazism was moving to neo-paganism with Hitler replacing God if they managed to continue or even win the war. I suggest on reading up on the practices of the SS, as close to a priesthood as the Nazis had dealing with their hatred of Christianity.

You picked the Commie name, you deal with the commie critique.

Plus your glossing over of Stalin is just sealing your fate as being taken as a poster not worth believing about anything.
Most of what you've heard about Stalin from Russian revisionist and Western sources is bullshit. I can provide you with the evidence for that. There are some very good books debunking most of the Russian revisionist and Western propaganda against Stalin. I will even go further and say that much of what is believed about Hitler is bullshit. There's a lot of propaganda, and fabrications, directed at both Stalin and Hitler. I've studied this, you really don't want to debate me on this topic. I'll embarrass you. Open a thread and we'll jump into the ring.
Most of what you've heard about Stalin from Russian revisionist and Western sources is bullshit. I can provide you with the evidence for that. There are some very good books debunking most of the Russian revisionist and Western propaganda. against Stalin. I will even go further and say that much of what is believed about Hitler is bullshit. There's a lot of propaganda, and fabrications, directed at both Stalin and Hitler. I've studied this, you really don't want to debate me on this topic. I'll embarrass you. Open a thread and we'll jump into the ring.

You can provide me with revisionist history redwashed agitprop, and that's about it.

Probably some holocaust denial thrown in, because that's what I get from your posting.
reported for being naughty in Zone 1.
Learn to play by the rules, or relegate yourself to the rubber room.
Take your bullshit about communism somewhere else, this is a thread examining the evidence for the Christian deity, not a communism vs capitalism debate.
Learn to play within the rules.

You were getting beat in a structured argument, and you lashed out, about what I expected from you.

Only in your deluded little mind were you beating anyone on this thread. Open another thread if you want to discuss the history of communism vs capitalism. This is my thread, so leave if you can't stay on topic.
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