Zone1 There is no "GOD", deal with it!

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You are the one who made the claim there is no God. So make your case. I'd love to hear you prove something doesn't exist.

Maybe you should research the concept of falsifiability and what that means for your claim.

There is no reason to believe in your god if you don't provide evidence. Assertions without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. That dismissal can express itself as a negative statement, the opposite of the original assertion. You're making the assertion that a god-being exists, then present your evidence or we can assume that he doesn't, without evidence as well.
There is no reason to believe in your god if you don't provide evidence. Assertions without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. That dismissal can express itself as a negative statement, the opposite of the original assertion. You're making the assertion that a god-being exists, then present your evidence or we can assume that he doesn't, without evidence as well.
That's not how you prove your claim. Prove God does not exist. Where is your evidence. Make your case.
That's not how you prove your claim. Prove God does not exist. Where is your evidence. Make your case.
Assertions without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You're affirming the positive without evidence, so I don't have to dismiss or affirm the negative with evidence. I know you're too "ding donkey" to grasp that, so I'll give you a break.
Arrogant Atheists are a special breed of Arrogant, pretending to surely know the answer to a question no one has the answer to.
Anyone who is either sure there are gods or sure there aren't can be accused of arrogance.

The truth is we have no real proof either way.
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Anyone who is either sure there are gods or sure there aren't can be accused of arrogant.

The truth is we have no real proof either way.

I'm not absolutely sure about anything but my own existence. Based upon the evidence presented by Christians, I don't believe in the existence of their Christian version of god. I'm not convinced.
I'm not absolutely sure about anything but my own existence. Based upon the evidence presented by Christians, I don't believe in the existence of their Christian version of god. I'm not convinced.
That is my take on it too.

If gods exist I don't think they are anything like the gods portrayed in the New Testament, the Old Testament or the Koran.

In fact I really don't think they would care about us mortals at all.
They aren't sure, they take it on faith.
Again that is no less arrogant than the other position especially when that faith leads them to believe they are somehow better people than those who disagree with them
Assertions without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You're affirming the positive without evidence, so I don't have to dismiss or affirm the negative with evidence. I know you're too "ding donkey" to grasp that, so I'll give you a break.
That's why I have dismissed your assertion. I have evidence. You don't.
Again that is no less arrogant than the other position especially when that faith leads them to believe they are somehow better people than those who disagree with them

It is far less arrogant because it requires something besides the proof of your own eyes, something Atheists reference repeatedly.

And as for thinking one is better, the left has the current stranglehold on that, extending it to them not only being better, but them forcing you to be "better" like them on pain of punishment.
The truth is we really don't know but we humans have a hard time admitting we don't know something don't don't we?
It really comes down to each person's subjective definition of "god".
I find "god" to be a useful tool to deny the claims of ownership over people via government or communistic dogma.
It is far less arrogant because it requires something besides the proof of your own eyes, something Atheists reference repeatedly.

And as for thinking one is better, the left has the current stranglehold on that, extending it to them not only being better, but them forcing you to be "better" like them on pain of punishment.

I don't see it that way.

Really how is it any different than an atheist? You are both professing to know something is absolute and neither of you have any proof.

OK the next time some religious people claim the moral high ground you make sure to tell them they have no claim on it.
I don't see it that way.

Really how is it any different than an atheist? You are both professing to know something is absolute and neither of you have any proof.

The Atheist acts without faith, with only belief in their own observations, and most of them are far more rigid in their denial of the existence of God than a believers faith in the existence of god.

I'm talking Atheists, not agnostics.
The Atheist acts without faith, with only belief in their own observations, and most of them are far more rigid in their denial of the existence of God than a believers faith in the existence of god.

I'm talking Atheists, not agnostics.
So what?

Doctors only act by their own observations and not what they wish for.

Would you rather a Dr wave a rattle over your kids to cure cancer because he has faith in his rattle?
The Atheist acts without faith, with only belief in their own observations, and most of them are far more rigid in their denial of the existence of God than a believers faith in the existence of god.

I'm talking Atheists, not agnostics.
And I'm saying there isn't as much difference between atheists and believers as you like to think
I don't see it that way.

Really how is it any different than an atheist? You are both professing to know something is absolute and neither of you have any proof.

OK the next time some religious people claim the moral high ground you make sure to tell them they have no claim on it.
Creation is proof.
That's why I have dismissed your assertion. I have evidence. You don't.

You're making the positive assertion that the Christian deity created the universe and all you have provided so far as "evidence" is the big bang theory and cosmic microwave background energy. That's not evidence proving the Christian god created the universe, any more than it is evidence for Allah, Krishna, or Zeus creating the universe. Your ding-donkey brain unfortunately doesn't realize that. If you're making the positive claim that the Christian god created the universe with that "evidence", it's essentially no evidence at all, so I can dismiss it, asserting the negative, without evidence.
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