Zone1 There is no "GOD", deal with it!

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I never said that. You started this thread claiming that THERE IS NO GOD. You don't know shit. You can't prove shit. Now you are running from your own words crapping yourself with your tail between your legs.


That was clearly a response to the claim that there is one, you dumb ass. Why should anyone believe in the god of the bible if there is no evidence for his existence other than a book and Christian assholes like you claiming he exists? Present the evidence or there's no reason to believe in your bullshit.

Assertions without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
I have my anti-capitalist propaganda.

No one is going to watch Michael Moore at a hot dog eating contest...

Where's your evidence of self-aware life springing from from a blob of primordial protoplasm?

We have plenty of evidence that life existed in a very basic state, then went through a cataclysmic event or series of events that nearly wiped it all out. At the beginning basic life didn't even use oxygen... it had to develop to get to that stage.

What we haven't proven, yet, is that there's such thing as sentient life. We might not actually be sentient, we just assume we are.
There is no God, deal with it and move on. Save yourself and enjoy whatever you have left of this life, even if you're living the last chapter or even the last sentence of your life. Live it to the fullest. Stop believing in ghosts and goblins and believe in yourself and only what is real and relevant to your present life, the only life you have and most likely will ever have. Don't be manipulated by anyone, think for yourself, and fear nothing but ignorance and stupidity.
Thank you for the PSA. Finally the debate since the beginning of time is settled... *picks up bible, just in case*....
We might not actually be sentient, we just assume we are.

Since sentience is a subjective definition (one that we humans created ourselves) if we believe ourselves to be sentient, then we are.

cogito, ergo sum
There is no God, deal with it and move on. Save yourself and enjoy whatever you have left of this life, even if you're living the last chapter or even the last sentence of your life. Live it to the fullest. Stop believing in ghosts and goblins and believe in yourself and only what is real and relevant to your present life, the only life you have and most likely will ever have. Don't be manipulated by anyone, think for yourself, and fear nothing but ignorance and stupidity.
I am a Christian so of course I believe in God.

You don’t and that’s your choice and you are entitled to your opinion.

If you are right when I die, I will just die. So will you. No big deal.

If however I am right when you die you may wish you had believed in God.

There is no God, deal with it and move on. Save yourself and enjoy whatever you have left of this life, even if you're living the last chapter or even the last sentence of your life. Live it to the fullest. Stop believing in ghosts and goblins and believe in yourself and only what is real and relevant to your present life, the only life you have and most likely will ever have. Don't be manipulated by anyone, think for yourself, and fear nothing but ignorance and stupidity.

There is no God, deal with it and move on. Save yourself and enjoy whatever you have left of this life, even if you're living the last chapter or even the last sentence of your life. Live it to the fullest. Stop believing in ghosts and goblins and believe in yourself and only what is real and relevant to your present life, the only life you have and most likely will ever have. Don't be manipulated by anyone, think for yourself, and fear nothing but ignorance and stupidity.
Thier is no form of communism that works

The only thing communism is good for is mass murder and destruction of the natural environment

Eat your bugs no faggit
Thier is no form of communism that works

The only thing communism is good for is mass murder and destruction of the natural environment

Eat your bugs no faggit

If you want to debate communism vs capitalism, open a new thread and I'll kick your ass over there. This thread is about the silly god belief.
I am a Christian so of course I believe in God.

You don’t and that’s your choice and you are entitled to your opinion.

If you are right when I die, I will just die. So will you. No big deal.

If however I am right when you die you may wish you had believed in God.

View attachment 763556

That's not very convincing. You just see god as an insurance plan? You're good out of fear of being tortured in hell for all eternity? Is that really what it means to be moral?

Why the heck would you worship, and pledge your allegiance to an entity that tortures human beings in hell for all eternity because they didn't convert to some silly religion? Can you enjoy yourself in heaven while your loved ones and friends are being tortured in hell for all eternity by this big bully you worship? Any god that tortures people in a hell, because they didn't believe in a set of religious dogmas, isn't worthy of my worship or allegiance. If you want to worship your heavenly terrorist god, go right ahead, I stand with humanity, not divine despots/tyrants.
There is no God, deal with it and move on. Save yourself and enjoy whatever you have left of this life, even if you're living the last chapter or even the last sentence of your life. Live it to the fullest. Stop believing in ghosts and goblins and believe in yourself and only what is real and relevant to your present life, the only life you have and most likely will ever have. Don't be manipulated by anyone, think for yourself, and fear nothing but ignorance and stupidity.


Weren't you the one on here just a bit ago believing some Hebrew Messiah or something?

Yes, that was you?
You have your anti-communist propaganda, and I have my anti-capitalist propaganda. How about that? That's all you and I are proving on this thread when discussing socialism and capitalism. You have your propaganda, and I have mine. Now can we get back on the topic of this thread, which is the existence of a god being, particularly the biblical one?
I am on topic. The topic is atheism. You say anti-communism propaganda. I say anti-atheism propaganda. But then again they go hand in hand.

"Communism is naturalized humanism." Karl Marx
"The propaganda of atheism is necessary for our programs." Vladimir Lenin
"Marxism is materialism. As such, it is as relentlessly hostile to religion..." Vladimir Lenin
We have plenty of evidence that life existed in a very basic state, then went through a cataclysmic event or series of events that nearly wiped it all out. At the beginning basic life didn't even use oxygen... it had to develop to get to that stage.

What we haven't proven, yet, is that there's such thing as sentient life. We might not actually be sentient, we just assume we are.
There have been five stages of the evolution of space and time; cosmic, stellar, chemical, biological and consciousness. Every stage before consciousness made a leap as space and time continued to complexify. I don't know why consciousness would be the exception.
That's not very convincing. You just see god as an insurance plan? You're good out of fear of being tortured in hell for all eternity? Is that really what it means to be moral?

Why the heck would you worship, and pledge your allegiance to an entity that tortures human beings in hell for all eternity because they didn't convert to some silly religion? Can you enjoy yourself in heaven while your loved ones and friends are being tortured in hell for all eternity by this big bully you worship? Any god that tortures people in a hell, because they didn't believe in a set of religious dogmas, isn't worthy of my worship or allegiance. If you want to worship your heavenly terrorist god, go right ahead, I stand with humanity, not divine despots/tyrants.
There's no evidence you will accept. It's a fools game you are playing.

Weren't you the one on here just a bit ago believing some Hebrew Messiah or something?

Yes, that was you?

Not really, it was perhaps for the sake of argument, I took the Jewish position vs Christianity to show Christians how even within their own bible, they don't have much evidence for their religious beliefs. I do the same with Jews and Muslims in their forums. Arguing within their religion, to expose their false beliefs. But anyways that's all irrelevant. Are you now resorting to an ad hominem attack? Let's assume that whatever you're now accusing me of is correct, how does that invalidate anything that I've said here on this thread? It doesn't. I can change my mind, through study and acquiring new information and whatever position I take now, stands or falls on its own merits, not on whether I held or didn't hold this view in the past.

Think if you can. Reflect.
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