Zone1 There is no "GOD", deal with it!

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Only in your donkey-ding brain am I suffering through life, more than you. You're projecting yourself on me, that's your problem. Go see a psychiatrist.
It's obvious that you are. Why else would you be doing this? You're unhappy. These aren't the behaviors of a person who is at peace with themselves. It should be self evident that people who are looking for fights are looking for fights to vent their anger and frustration.

What you intend for evil, God is using for good.
No. In actuality. The only thing you have in this life that can't be taken away from you is your good name. That... you have to give away. And you are demonstrating perfectly how that is done by acting like an ass. Only you can harm yourself. And you are doing an excellent job of it. Behaviors are like light switches. They can't be easily turned on and off.

Actually it is relevant if it is the root cause of your anger towards Christians which you seem to have fixated your rage upon.

I do hope you are being honest about that because if you are not you have just caused yourself great harm by denying the essence of who you are. Despite what some may believe I'm not a monster. I actually do care for the welfare of others. Help me help you.
He is just like the Marxist Joe Stalin who spent his life at war with Christianity and then died with his fists raised in anger toward the sky at God.

Imagine, his whole life he fought what he said did not really exist.

It would be akin to Stalin fighting the Spaghetti monster his whole life.

It's obvious that you are. Why else would you be doing this? You're unhappy. These aren't the behaviors of a person who is at peace with themselves. It should be self evident that people who are looking for fights are looking for fights to vent their anger and frustration.

What you intend for evil, God is using for good.
There is no God, deal with it and move on.
There is. And because there is, perhaps you need to consider your own advice and move on from spending so much time trying to convince people of His non-existence.
Save yourself and enjoy whatever you have left of this life, even if you're living the last chapter or even the last sentence of your life. Live it to the fullest. Stop believing in ghosts and goblins and believe in yourself and only what is real and relevant to your present life, the only life you have and most likely will ever have. Don't be manipulated by anyone, think for yourself, and fear nothing but ignorance and stupidity.
No one should be under the impression that people of faith do not enjoy life? Not only do we enjoy it, we take joy in it. Consider, perhaps, that life without God cannot be lived to the fullest, and that is why much of what you say has no impact.

What kind of experiences did you have in your own religious upbringing? Were you among the minority who were taught every word in scripture should be taken literally?
He is just like the Marxist Joe Stalin who spent his life at war with Christianity and then died with his fists raised toward the sky at God.

Imagine, his whole life he fought what he said did not really exist.

It would be akin to Stalin fighting the Spaghetti monster his whole life.

If it wasn't for Stalin you'd be speaking German and saluting a flag with a Swastika on it.
If it wasn't for Stalin you'd be speaking German and saluting a flag with a Swastika on it.
If it was not for Stalin, Hitler more than likely would not have invaded Poland like he did, since Stalin became his ally and helped him conquer and divide Poland. Hitler was scared of opening up two fronts at one time.

There is. And because there is, perhaps you need to consider your own advice and move on from spending so much time trying to convince people of His non-existence.

No one should be under the impression that people of faith do not enjoy life? Not only do we enjoy it, we take joy in it. Consider, perhaps, that life without God cannot be lived to the fullest, and that is why much of what you say has no impact.

What kind of experiences did you have in your own religious upbringing? Were you among the minority who were taught every word in scripture should be taken literally?

Present the evidence for your Christian god and dogma.
Maybe there is life after death, but don't dwell on that, focus on this life and let the "afterlife" take care of itself.
That is exactly what most people of faith do. Our faith helps us live this life to its fullest. The afterlife will indeed take care of itself. Ask yourself why you are not willing to live this life to its fullest potential.
Present the evidence for your Christian god and dogma.
Just as soon as you prove that Marxism does not murder and oppress hundreds of millions of people in the past and will do so in the future.


The burden of proof is upon YOU!
There is no debate. It's called Faith for a reason. You go your way I'll go mine.
No, it does not work that way.

He will raise a government and create an army to send you to death for believing in a God other than the Marxist state.
He is just like the Marxist Joe Stalin who spent his life at war with Christianity and then died with his fists raised in anger toward the sky at God.

Imagine, his whole life he fought what he said did not really exist.

It would be akin to Stalin fighting the Spaghetti monster his whole life.
Yep. It's kind of sad. I feel sorry for him.
Yep. It's kind of sad. I feel sorry for him.
We are all looking for redemption. I've posted this before.

Since the dawn of time, man has struggled to find redemption from the pain and suffering and death in this present world, and through this struggle, various philosophies have arisen to try and find this redemption. There are religious philosophies that place God at the center of our redemption, and there are secular human philosophies that reject God entirely. Two of the most famous and influential secular philosophies were that of Karl Marx and Frederick Nietzsche. The philosophies of both Marx and Nietzsche have created their own gospels of redemption.

Marx is by far the most famous and influential secular philosopher. “Marx envisions a society that needs to be transformed from a stratified society to an egalitarian one.” The method of redemptions not a spiritual transformation. Instead, it is a transformation through materialism. The redemption of Marx can only be realized if the proletariat, or workers, provoke a revolution to restructure society in the name of equality and justice. “Julius Carlebach examines the claim that Marx was a ‘secular nineteenth-century version of an Old Testament prophet’, and concludes that Marx’s passionate devotion to the proletariat is a displacement of the chosen people’ and that Communism is nothing more than a reconstruction of Judaism with Marx’s theories: The equality of men as a matter of right and not of grace. Justice as a matter of principle and not convenience. Reason based on learning as a virtue and a duty, and this-worldliness which demanded the search for perfection on earth.” In short, the masses became their own deity, and in the glow of their redemption, they are enlightened and ennobled by their own divine purpose. In fact, Marx does not object to the ideals of religion as much as to the manipulations in the hands of the privileged classes, much like Christ standing up to the religious leaders and privileged classes of his day, and later crucified for it. But unlike Christ, Marx completely rejects the need for a God to find redemption from these oppressors. Instead, redemption will be achieved with world-wide socialism where everyone’s equal, but primarily equal through material equality which will bring about societal happiness and utopia. Marx’s redemption must be universal and not merely redemption on an individual basis. Either society as a whole is redeemed, or it is damned to an everlasting hell on earth, thus it must also be worldwide. This is unlike Nietzsche who preached that redemption can be found on an individual basis, and is not held hostage by the universal masses.

Like Marx, Nietzsche sought to restore humans to their true divinity. This is because Nietzsche concluded that there are those who are not worthy of his enlightened message, as well as those unable to cognitively even grasp it. “Some human beings, Nietzsche holds, are nobler than others and should serve as models for humanity, and it is these free spirits who are able to overcome themselves and rise above the all-too-human mass”. In other words, redemption comes from a small group of spiritual elites, with Nietzsche, of course, leading the charge.

The philosophies of both Marx and Nietzsche were influential due to the fact that they helped form the basis of world governments. Two of the most famous world governments heavily influenced by them were the former Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Marx influenced both Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin as they preached redemption through the Soviet revolution of 1917. Conversely, Adolph Hitler and the Nazi regime were heavily influenced by Nietzsche. This can be seen as Hitler and his elites did not come to be by revolution, but through the appointment of Hitler and the democratic votes that later elected other Nazis. They then stood out to the populace as the ideal model to be emulated. Luckily, the Nazi regime was later vanquished after World War 2 due to the evils it inflicted on the entire world, however, the Soviet regime remained and seemed to grow with more worldwide Marxist influence.

It is understandable why the Nietzsche influenced Nazi model of government fell out of favor. It was both evil and corrupt and lost a major world war. But why did the Marx counterpart seem to flourish? Was it any less evil and corrupt? No if you consider that Stalin murdered millions more human beings than Hitler, and the fact that Marxism that later spread across the world in places like Red China and Cambodia oppressed and murdered hundreds of millions more. In fact, today those labeled a Nazi are automatically viewed worldwide as a villain, however, those who call themselves Marxists seem to be revered the world over as on the cutting edge of enlightenment and social justice. Black Lives Matter is one such organization that self identifies as Marxists as corporations all around the world sing their praise and pour millions of dollars into their organization. However, do they know that Marx himself was an ardent racist against blacks? In a letter Marx wrote to his friend Friedrich Engels in1866, Marx writes that his black acquaintance Tremaux “proved that the common Negro type is the degenerate form of a much higher one”. So are the Marxists of today willing to ignore the pain and misery their ideology has inflicted upon mankind that is steeped in systemic racism so that they can try and attain his long term goal in mind of universal secular redemption, or are they simply unaware of it? It is hard to say. But the question must be asked, can redemption really be found in an ideology of Marxism that has already taken humanity to the lowest depths of hell?
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