There is no longer any doubt, America is now a Plutocracy

You are an unabashed liar.
That is the ultimate compliment coming from a pathological liar. When a pathological liar calls someone a "liar", that means that someone is telling the truth. It's like a double-negative. :laugh:

When a person says "we don't got nothing" that literally means they have something. When someone who embraces lies is calling someone a liar, it's because that person is telling the truth!

You're nuts.
That is the ultimate compliment coming from a LWNJ. When a LWNJ calls someone "nuts", that means that someone is the sane person. It's like a double-negative. :laugh:

I appreciate your agreement, admitting you are an unabashed liar is the first step. Your lesson today is too type on your screen, "I will lie no more", 500 times.

Print it out, read it everyday while you strive to complete the Second Step and restore your sanity.
You are an unabashed liar.
That is the ultimate compliment coming from a pathological liar. When a pathological liar calls someone a "liar", that means that someone is telling the truth. It's like a double-negative. :laugh:

When a person says "we don't got nothing" that literally means they have something. When someone who embraces lies is calling someone a liar, it's because that person is telling the truth!

You're nuts.
That is the ultimate compliment coming from a LWNJ. When a LWNJ calls someone "nuts", that means that someone is the sane person. It's like a double-negative. :laugh:
I appreciate your agreement, admitting you are an unabashed liar is the first step.
How can I admit something which has never occurred? You once again just proved why you have 0 credibility on this board and in life. Thank you!
You are an unabashed liar.
That is the ultimate compliment coming from a pathological liar. When a pathological liar calls someone a "liar", that means that someone is telling the truth. It's like a double-negative. :laugh:

When a person says "we don't got nothing" that literally means they have something. When someone who embraces lies is calling someone a liar, it's because that person is telling the truth!

You're nuts.
That is the ultimate compliment coming from a LWNJ. When a LWNJ calls someone "nuts", that means that someone is the sane person. It's like a double-negative. :laugh:
I appreciate your agreement, admitting you are an unabashed liar is the first step.
How can I admit something which has never occurred? You once again just proved why you have 0 credibility on this board and in life. Thank you!

Another lie. I do wonder: Do you believe anything you post is grounded in reality?
you just figured out that the wealthy call all the shots? Where have you been? it was founded by plutocrats. SLAVE OWNING PLUTOCRATS.
you just figured out that the wealthy call all the shots? Where have you been? it was founded by plutocrats. SLAVE OWNING PLUTOCRATS.

I actually wasn't around 240 years ago, but given the Bill of Rights I can infer that the Wealthy - which most of those at the Constitutional Convention were - gave a damn about the common people, though they had a respectful fear of the masses.

Today's Plutocrat blames the poor for being poor, funded the effort to bring CU v. FEC and McCutcheon before the Supreme Court, and supported repealing the Voting Rights Act. Successful efforts to put nails into the coffin of Democracy in America.
That is the ultimate compliment coming from a pathological liar. When a pathological liar calls someone a "liar", that means that someone is telling the truth. It's like a double-negative. :laugh:

When a person says "we don't got nothing" that literally means they have something. When someone who embraces lies is calling someone a liar, it's because that person is telling the truth!

You're nuts.
That is the ultimate compliment coming from a LWNJ. When a LWNJ calls someone "nuts", that means that someone is the sane person. It's like a double-negative. :laugh:
I appreciate your agreement, admitting you are an unabashed liar is the first step.
How can I admit something which has never occurred? You once again just proved why you have 0 credibility on this board and in life. Thank you!

Another lie. I do wonder: Do you believe anything you post is grounded in reality?
Guy Catcher, this thread is in black & white for everyone to see. You just stated that I admitted to "lying" when I did no such thing. And everyone can see it.

Which is why you have 0 credibility in life and on this board. That's what happens when you lie to everyone all the time. People stop listening to what you have to say. You did it to yourself.

You idiots only get your panties in a bunch when it isn't a democrat in office. When they do it? Meh, politics as usual.

The distinction however is that the elites who supported Obama were ok with raising taxes on the more wealthy to provide gummit benefits to those with less wealth. The forces coming to bear on Trump are the reverse of Robin Hood, and that ain't what he promised in the campaign.
Thread is a fail since Pluto isn't even a planet any longer

You're nuts.
That is the ultimate compliment coming from a LWNJ. When a LWNJ calls someone "nuts", that means that someone is the sane person. It's like a double-negative. :laugh:
I appreciate your agreement, admitting you are an unabashed liar is the first step.
How can I admit something which has never occurred? You once again just proved why you have 0 credibility on this board and in life. Thank you!

Another lie. I do wonder: Do you believe anything you post is grounded in reality?
Guy Catcher, this thread is in black & white for everyone to see. You just stated that I admitted to "lying" when I did no such thing. And everyone can see it.

Which is why you have 0 credibility in life and on this board. That's what happens when you lie to everyone all the time. People stop listening to what you have to say. You did it to yourself.

I don't believe everyone will see it, you must be on ignore as there are regulars who see through you for what you are, i.e. a dishonest troll.

That said I have no one on ignore, I learned long ago I could learn things from the mentally ill, the ignorant, the dishonest and maybe someday from you.
Here is the fall down hilarious part about Wry Catcher's whining: we warned him about the dangers of shredding the U.S. Constitution. He spit in our face and insisted that a totalitarian regime (under Barack Insane Obama, of course) was the key to a utopian society.

Now he's whining 24x7 like a little toddler who needs a nap. Guess what snowflake - if the federal government had been restricted to the 18 enumerated powers required by law, it wouldn't even matter if it really had morphed into a "plutocracy". Your life wouldn't be effected one damn bit by their restricted 18 enumerated powers such as the Post Office and the Patent Office.

You get the government you deserve. Eat it bitch. You built it out of greed and desire to control others - now you can be controlled by the wealthy. It's your own damn fault.

This is not news, it's been going on for decades. Where have you been? And welcome back to the USA.

You idiots only get your panties in a bunch when it isn't a democrat in office. When they do it? Meh, politics as usual.

The distinction however is that the elites who supported Obama were ok with raising taxes on the more wealthy to provide gummit benefits to those with less wealth. The forces coming to bear on Trump are the reverse of Robin Hood, and that ain't what he promised in the campaign.

Actually those supporting Obama were Ok with raising taxes to fund an even larger federal bureaucracy, giving cushy jobs to some of our less productive citizens. "Helping" the poor is just a side benefit to them.

Indeed. How many clintonista's do you want to be running this country? Boooshes? Seems to me that if you actually believed the bullshit you peddle you would be applauding the trump win. But, you only care about it when YOUR oligarchs lose.

Which makes you a liar.

Herein are three things to consider for those who believe calling me a liar is a substantive and thoughtful post:
  • Shelby County v. Holder, 570 U.S. 2 (2013)
  • Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission 558 U.S. 310 (2010)
  • McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, 572 U.S. ___ (2014)
These are in addition to the three links in the OP.

The reason why I call you a liar is because you ignore the sins of the left and only consider the sins of the right. Both sides are equally to blame for this sad state of affairs but you don't care. Thus your well earned appellation of liar.

That's fair enough, would you like me to include chapters on each era of world history, or simply the economic history of the US? I've taken courses in both subject areas at the U. including the History of Labor and The Diplomatic History of the US (a study on each Sect. of State)

Lies by omission is a fair comment, it simply does not apply on a topical issue which herein is what Trump has brought to the table. That you do not see a difference today, from all of yesterdays, puts you squarely in the camp of the Ostrich Party.

You idiots only get your panties in a bunch when it isn't a democrat in office. When they do it? Meh, politics as usual.

The distinction however is that the elites who supported Obama were ok with raising taxes on the more wealthy to provide gummit benefits to those with less wealth. The forces coming to bear on Trump are the reverse of Robin Hood, and that ain't what he promised in the campaign.

Actually those supporting Obama were Ok with raising taxes to fund an even larger federal bureaucracy, giving cushy jobs to some of our less productive citizens. "Helping" the poor is just a side benefit to them.

Marty, we all get it. You have no clue and persist in proving it.

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