there is nothing wrong or racist about being proud of being white !

all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

more HATE and SWITCH from the right.

You are correct. There is nothing wrong with being proud of being white.

But THAT is NOT the issue.

What we have going on is actual WHITE SUPREMACISTS who believe THEY are SUPERIOR to everyone else and who want TOTAL CONTROL of the government and system of laws.

These PROUD white boys you are not ashamed of enjoy discussing denying rights to others, deporting their enemies, and gosh darn it, just lynchng and shooting some of them just for the fun of it.

So fuk you and your proud white boy fascist nazi murderous cult.

want to know who is REALLY proud?


I'm white
I'm agnostic/atheist
I get along with everyone
and I am not a white racist piece of nazi crap
nah you an antifa pussy terrified of the truth !!! you are ashamed of being white !
I find it absurd to be proud of your own race. It has nothing to do with your accomplishment. Whether you are white, brown black or yellow, you are what you are. Pride is doing something that you have accomplished and you are satisfied with the results.

You can be proud of finishing school, getting degrees and a perfect driving record, but not fo being white, black or purple.
tell that to Ayanna Pressley and she and her leftwing constituents will call you a racist !
"You are a racist!" is the new "I know you are what am I!".
I find it absurd to be proud of your own race. It has nothing to do with your accomplishment. Whether you are white, brown black or yellow, you are what you are. Pride is doing something that you have accomplished and you are satisfied with the results.

You can be proud of finishing school, getting degrees and a perfect driving record, but not fo being white, black or purple.
tell that to Ayanna Pressley and she and her leftwing constituents will call you a racist !
"You are a racist!" is the new "I know you are what am I!".
dont you get sick and tired of an entire political party calling conservatives racist ?
You had a list of inventions not invented by white people and listed “religion” and “Christianity”.
Yes, that's true.

I asked you if Christianity was a religion ...
That's right, you did.
... since you basically stated the same thing twice.
I don't understand what you are trying to say with that sentence. Can you take your thumb out of your butt hole so you can speak clearly, please?
Man you’re dumb.
Why? Because ........ I "basically stated the same thing twice"? What exactly did I "basically" state twice? If you speak another language better than English maybe we can try that one instead.

LMAO you’re so dumb. It would be like me saying they didn’t invent footwear and sneakers. Sneakers are a form of footwear. Dummy.
No, that's not right. Your way of thinking would be saying that you can get credit for inventing walking but you won't get any extra credit later if you also invent running. Who's the dummy now?

Correct. If you invent walking then running is basically walking very fast. LOL. You're still the dummy.
"Basically" has nothing to do with it. You are clearly not mature enough for this discussion.

Just admit you repeated yourself
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .
What did you do personally to achieve your whiteness that you`re so proud of? You`re proud of being born? You get 1 (one) attaboy!
Another thing white people came up with is the central idea of a Triune God in the Christian religion.

The Bible itself does not mention the Trinity as such. It was white people (Aryans) who insisted upon a Trinity in the Apostles' Creed and in the Nicene Creed to express a faith in one God in three persons, namely Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Egyptians are not black.
That's like saying American Indians are not "red". Egypt was invaded by the Arabs just as the Americas were invaded by the whites. Nubians are black.
Nubia is not Egypt and they do not reside in Egypt proper Nubia is south of Egypt.
The ignorant often conflate the social construct of topography with the cold, hard reality of geography. Few amongst them can grasp the reality of Mediterranean cultures, and their European origins. We even recently had one dumb mother fucker of a poster try to tell the board that Cleopatra was a filthy negro. Despite her documented heritage as a Macedonian Greek!? Yes... Most of them truly are this ignorant,...
Egyptians are not black.
That's like saying American Indians are not "red". Egypt was invaded by the Arabs just as the Americas were invaded by the whites. Nubians are black.
Nubia is not Egypt and they do not reside in Egypt proper Nubia is south of Egypt.
The ignorant often conflate the social construct of topography with the cold, hard reality of geography. Few amongst them can grasp the reality of Mediterranean cultures, and their European origins. We even recently had one dumb mother fucker of a poster try to tell the board that Cleopatra was a filthy negro. Despite her documented heritage as a Macedonian Greek!? Yes... Most of them truly are this ignorant,...
Yep, dumb as a fence post.
I think that it would be appropriate to boil down the OP to the basic premise.

A white man walked on the moon. Therefor, I am proud that my race is superior to others.

It doesn't have anything to do with my accomplishments, or lack thereof.
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

I simply don't see the point of this. Just because I am descended from people from Europe and have light skin and blue eyes does not allow me to bootstrap on the accomplishments of people like the Wright Brothers or Albert Einstein or Jonas Salk or the men and women who produced the phenomenon of putting a human being on the moon. One has to gain one's importance based on one's own individual accomplishments.

These people who treat skin color, ethnicity, sex, religion, or any other personal characteristic as a competition are full of shit. They are trying to steal somebody else's thunder to make themselves feel important without actually accomplishing anything.

Read like a commercial for Virtue Signaler, the exciting new product form the folks who brought us the social justice warrior cross and self-martyrization kit one can use to nail oneself to it.
all we here from the left is how evil and cruel the white race is ........race shaming against whites has gone into overdrive ......while is see no problem with black or Latino or asians being proud of who they are it is somehow against the rules to have pride in white accomplishments .... so in this thread i will be posting things that make me proud of white my race has accomplished ....i encourage other Caucasians to post what they are proud of .

Well played indeed.

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