There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

Oh, surely that makes everything just hunky-dory!

I think we should make sure those girls are thoroughly humiliated and the world reminded on a daily basis that they were felt up by their brother 12 years ago. Don't you agree?
Who cares what the world thinks?

The Duggar sisters have to live in this world, so there are two people who care what the people in their world think. They probably don't really care what bigoted assholes like you think of them.
Why did they go on TV and expose themselves?

And let's not forget, Josh Duggar himself has not appeared on TV. Mommy and Daddy spoke for him because, you know, he's only 27.

Oh, and let's not forget, 3 of AT LEAST 5 victims have not spoken out. That is actually far more telling that those who have. On FOX. In a cushy, "we love you, say whatever you want" softball interview.

Some people must absolutely defend the indefensible, no matter what.

And some people forgive wrongdoing, Christian hating bigots don't. If the shoe fits, wear it!
I think we should make sure those girls are thoroughly humiliated and the world reminded on a daily basis that they were felt up by their brother 12 years ago. Don't you agree?
Who cares what the world thinks?

The Duggar sisters have to live in this world, so there are two people who care what the people in their world think. They probably don't really care what bigoted assholes like you think of them.
Why did they go on TV and expose themselves?

And let's not forget, Josh Duggar himself has not appeared on TV. Mommy and Daddy spoke for him because, you know, he's only 27.

Oh, and let's not forget, 3 of AT LEAST 5 victims have not spoken out. That is actually far more telling that those who have. On FOX. In a cushy, "we love you, say whatever you want" softball interview.

Some people must absolutely defend the indefensible, no matter what.

And some people forgive wrongdoing, Christian hating bigots don't. If the shoe fits, wear it!

People who are railing on their stunning lack or morals or ethics are not "Christian hating bigots". Quit hiding behind your religion to justify something as gross and non-halakhic as sexual abuse. Real Christians are reaming this family a new asshole, and it deserves one, too. Real Christians are not putting up with this nonsense.
Oh, surely that makes everything just hunky-dory!

I think we should make sure those girls are thoroughly humiliated and the world reminded on a daily basis that they were felt up by their brother 12 years ago. Don't you agree?
Who cares what the world thinks?

The Duggar sisters have to live in this world, so there are two people who care what the people in their world think. They probably don't really care what bigoted assholes like you think of them.
Why did they go on TV and expose themselves?

They went on TV to defend themselves and let bigots like you know they forgave their brother.
Defend themselves? The only defense they needed was against their brother.

If being against pedos is bigotry I'm a happy bigot.
Are we done throwing rocks at the Christian Conservative Duggar Family yet?

Would we be having this discussion if they were anything but Conservative?

Would we be having this discussion if they were anything but Christian?


Why should we care?

How much is enough?

How long do we beat this Dead Horse before we tire of it?

Should we find some Liberal Sexual Perverts to beat-up on, next?

Lord knows, there's plenty to choose from.
I think we should make sure those girls are thoroughly humiliated and the world reminded on a daily basis that they were felt up by their brother 12 years ago. Don't you agree?
Who cares what the world thinks?

The Duggar sisters have to live in this world, so there are two people who care what the people in their world think. They probably don't really care what bigoted assholes like you think of them.
Why did they go on TV and expose themselves?

And let's not forget, Josh Duggar himself has not appeared on TV. Mommy and Daddy spoke for him because, you know, he's only 27.

Oh, and let's not forget, 3 of AT LEAST 5 victims have not spoken out. That is actually far more telling that those who have. On FOX. In a cushy, "we love you, say whatever you want" softball interview.

Some people must absolutely defend the indefensible, no matter what.

And some people forgive wrongdoing, Christian hating bigots don't. If the shoe fits, wear it!
AFTER the law has been applied you can do all of your "rw jesus forgives you" nonsense :talktothehand:
Are we done throwing rocks at the Christian Conservative Duggar Family yet?

Would we be having this discussion if they were anything but Conservative?

Would we be having this discussion if they were anything but Christian?


Why should we care?

How much is enough?

How long do we beat this Dead Horse before we tire of it?

Should we find some Liberal Sexual Perverts to beat-up on, next?

Lord knows, there's plenty to choose from.
we should care because the family has been raking in MILLIONS from the rw rubes out there whilst hiding a heinous un-christian secret.
Are we done throwing rocks at the Christian Conservative Duggar Family yet?

Would we be having this discussion if they were anything but Conservative?

Would we be having this discussion if they were anything but Christian?


Why should we care?

How much is enough?

How long do we beat this Dead Horse before we tire of it?

Should we find some Liberal Sexual Perverts to beat-up on, next?

Lord knows, there's plenty to choose from.
we should care because the family has been raking in MILLIONS from the rw rubes out there whilst hiding a heinous un-christian secret.
Sexuality (and related deviancy and aberration and perverseness) is a human condition, not a religious one, nor a sectarian one.

If such an episode had occurred in either your family or mine, would you (or I) have covered it up? I believe that the likely answer is: "Yes, of course."

Can it be said that, after such an unfortunate incident, that the teen-offender (Josh) had straightened-out, and was no longer likely to offend? Probably.

Can it be said that - once the offending teen had been straightened out - that they were once again, worthy spokespeople? I dunno. Maybe.

Can one offend - or be associated by blood ties with an offender - and have a change-of-heart and mind - and become worthy to speak on such? Maybe.

There's no escaping the fact that the kid phukked up.

There's also no escaping the fact that the Mainstream Media has turned the thing into a shark-like feeding frenzy and greatly harmed the family.

Rather like taking a rusty serrated steak-knife and slicing down the middle of an old scar - just to discredit and embarrass a family that had already suffered and had managed to heal and get past the pain for the most part and moved on with their lives.

Beyond the ghost of the 14-year-old offending teen - locked away in the mists of time - I blame the goddamned media for this particular feeding frenzy.

As well as the Liberals who are positively gushing with orgasmic delight over the distress of this family.

Mind you, Conservatives are capable of doing much the same thing, when the opportunity presents itself.

All of which speaks volumes as to the draconian manner in which we Americans have divided ourselves into two camps of similarly deluded plebians.
you failed to put all that word salad in context. The crime was perpetrated by a rw fundie family member, currently held up as a paragon of rw SOCON virtue, and subsequently "hushed-up" as money was involved akin to Payland Enterprises in Alaska

The context is that you Communists are the most prudish and sexually repressive scum in history.

Because you are fakers of reality reason has no impact on you. Using sexual repression for political gain is just another weapon in your war on liberty and American culture. And of course the double standard is fully used - you would happily kill Josh Duggar for inappropriately expressing sexual curiosity, whilst you pin a medal on Leena Dunham while you burned the boy at the stake, for her "bravery" in molesting her 1 year old sister.

There is no logic, there is no reason, there is only party to you sociopaths.

What is the appropriate response to a boy touching his sisters naughty bits? Counseling. What was the outcome with Duggar? He went to counseling.

YOU and your fellow Communists want to kill Duggar, not for what he did, but because your party bosses think that he can be used in the war to destroy America that you wage.

You ARE the Khmer Rouge reborn, and this case proves it. Your acts, your insanely out of proportion response, appear to be the acts of the severely mentally ill, but that isn't it - you and your party are simply evil. You have a goal of establishing an authoritarian dictatorship and you will crush ANYONE in your way. Savaging this boy to further your agenda of evil is just the way you leftists are.
Are we done throwing rocks at the Christian Conservative Duggar Family yet?

Would we be having this discussion if they were anything but Conservative?

Would we be having this discussion if they were anything but Christian?


Why should we care?

How much is enough?

How long do we beat this Dead Horse before we tire of it?

Should we find some Liberal Sexual Perverts to beat-up on, next?

Lord knows, there's plenty to choose from.
we should care because the family has been raking in MILLIONS from the rw rubes out there whilst hiding a heinous un-christian secret.
Sexuality (and related deviancy and aberration and perverseness) is a human condition, not a religious one, nor a sectarian one.

If such an episode had occurred in either your family or mine, would you (or I) have covered it up? I believe that the likely answer is: "Yes, of course."

Can it be said that, after such an unfortunate incident, that the teen-offender (Josh) had straightened-out, and was no longer likely to offend? Probably.

Can it be said that - once the offending teen had been straightened out - that they were once again, worthy spokespeople? I dunno. Maybe.

Can one offend - or be associated by blood ties with an offender - and have a change-of-heart and mind - and become worthy to speak on such? Maybe.

There's no escaping the fact that the kid phukked up.

There's also no escaping the fact that the Mainstream Media has turned the thing into a shark-like feeding frenzy and greatly harmed the family.

Rather like taking a rusty serrated steak-knife and slicing down the middle of an old scar - just to discredit and embarrass a family that had already suffered and had managed to heal and get past the pain for the most part and moved on with their lives.

Beyond the ghost of the 14-year-old offending teen - locked away in the mists of time - I blame the goddamned media for this particular feeding frenzy.

As well as the Liberals who are positively gushing with orgasmic delight over the distress of this family.

Mind you, Conservatives are capable of doing much the same thing, when the opportunity presents itself.

All of which speaks volumes as to the draconian manner in which we Americans have divided ourselves into two camps of similarly deluded plebians.
you failed to put all that word salad in context. The crime was perpetrated by a rw fundie family member, currently held up as a paragon of rw SOCON virtue, and subsequently "hushed-up" as money was involved akin to Payland Enterprises in Alaska

The context is that you Communists are the most prudish and sexually repressive scum in history.

Because you are fakers of reality reason has no impact on you. Using sexual repression for political gain is just another weapon in your war on liberty and American culture. And of course the double standard is fully used - you would happily kill Josh Duggar for inappropriately expressing sexual curiosity, whilst you pin a medal on Leena Dunham while you burned the boy at the stake, for her "bravery" in molesting her 1 year old sister.

There is no logic, there is no reason, there is only party to you sociopaths.

What is the appropriate response to a boy touching his sisters naughty bits? Counseling. What was the outcome with Duggar? He went to counseling.

YOU and your fellow Communists want to kill Duggar, not for what he did, but because your party bosses think that he can be used in the war to destroy America that you wage.

You ARE the Khmer Rouge reborn, and this case proves it. Your acts, your insanely out of proportion response, appear to be the acts of the severely mentally ill, but that isn't it - you and your party are simply evil. You have a goal of establishing an authoritarian dictatorship and you will crush ANYONE in your way. Savaging this boy to further your agenda of evil is just the way you leftists are.
ummm.... because they became millionaires of off rw rubes such as yourself while living a lie. Yeah. It irks me they cashed-in on being something they weren't
Dude. I get it. You think incestuous pedophilia is normal.

I think you're a sick fucking prude who makes Queen Victoria look enlightened.

Little boys are curious about the parts on little girls. We don't condone it, we don't permit it, but we do take it in proportion.

You don't - because you seek to slander and libel enemies of the party. You scumbags DAMAGED the victims, but you don't give a fuck - it's ONLY about attacking the enemy of the party.

essa Seewald came to the defense of her oldest brother, Josh Duggar, on Friday in an interview with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly.

“I do want to speak up in his defense against people who are calling him a child molester or a pedophile or a rapist,” Seewald said, “I’m like that is so overboard and a lie really. I mean people get mad at me for saying that, but I can say this because I was one of the victims.”}

Jill Jessa say the release of Josh Duggar s police report is a re-victimization - The Washington Post

See Rati, you're a pile of shit - really you are. You don't care who you hurt, just as long as you can further the agenda of evil of your filthy party.
that wall of text you just posted SOCON Apoligist
That wall of text was merely an articulation of personal opinion.

The only link that exists is the one leading to that post.

I would have thought that that was clearly understood by any reasonably discerning and perceptive mind.

Also, I have no idea what a SOCON is, never mind being an Apoligist for same.

Is that shorthand for Southern Conservative?

Oh, and, by the way, I'm not apologizing for anyone, including the Duggars, whom I'd never even heard of, before this broke recently.
ummm.... because they became millionaires of off rw rubes such as yourself while living a lie. Yeah. It irks me they cashed-in on being something they weren't

Prior to you little Goebbels savaging these people, I had never heard of them. I have no reason to believe the claims of a demagogue on anything - nor do I believe anything you or your fellow sociopaths post absent independent verification.

You are merely a drone, the hate sites told you to attack, so you attack. That is all there is to it. Soros controls you absolutely.
The progs like to keep the Duggar story alive because it's all they got and it feeds on their hatred and bigotry. Why else punish a 30 year old man for a mistake he made when he was 14 if it's not about bigotry and hatred? If you want to dig up examples of hypocrisy that are far more important than a kid who made a mistake you need to examine the background of the democrat candidate for president who who pretends to support women's rights and yet was a world class enabler for her husband's abuse of women.
The way resident rw'ers are falling over themselves w/ their "yabut" apologist statements is cringe worthy in itself
The way resident rw'ers are falling over themselves w/ their "yabut" apologist statements is cringe worthy in itself

The way you Khmer Rouge scum defend Dunham?

The passages cited include one that describes an incident when Dunham was seven and her sister was one and playing on the driveway. Dunham writes that “curiosity got the best” of her and she opened her sister’s vagina only to call for her mother when she found the toddler had “six or seven pebbles in there”.

“My mother didn’t bother asking why I had opened Grace’s vagina,” Dunham wrote. “This was within the spectrum of things that I did.”

In another passage that has attracted critics she describes trying to persuade her sister to “kiss her on the lips for five seconds” by offering gifts of sweets or coins. “Basically, anything a sexual predator might do to woo a small suburban girl, I was trying,” wrote Dunham.}

Lena Dunham apologises after critics accuse her of sexually molesting sister Culture The Guardian

Yabut she's a LESBIAN, so she is a hero....
Are we done throwing rocks at the Christian Conservative Duggar Family yet?

Would we be having this discussion if they were anything but Conservative?

Would we be having this discussion if they were anything but Christian?


Why should we care?

How much is enough?

How long do we beat this Dead Horse before we tire of it?

Should we find some Liberal Sexual Perverts to beat-up on, next?

Lord knows, there's plenty to choose from.
we should care because the family has been raking in MILLIONS from the rw rubes out there whilst hiding a heinous un-christian secret.
Sexuality (and related deviancy and aberration and perverseness) is a human condition, not a religious one, nor a sectarian one.

If such an episode had occurred in either your family or mine, would you (or I) have covered it up? I believe that the likely answer is: "Yes, of course."

Can it be said that, after such an unfortunate incident, that the teen-offender (Josh) had straightened-out, and was no longer likely to offend? Probably.

Can it be said that - once the offending teen had been straightened out - that they were once again, worthy spokespeople? I dunno. Maybe.

Can one offend - or be associated by blood ties with an offender - and have a change-of-heart and mind - and become worthy to speak on such? Maybe.

There's no escaping the fact that the kid phukked up.

There's also no escaping the fact that the Mainstream Media has turned the thing into a shark-like feeding frenzy and greatly harmed the family.

Rather like taking a rusty serrated steak-knife and slicing down the middle of an old scar - just to discredit and embarrass a family that had already suffered and had managed to heal and get past the pain for the most part and moved on with their lives.

Beyond the ghost of the 14-year-old offending teen - locked away in the mists of time - I blame the goddamned media for this particular feeding frenzy.

As well as the Liberals who are positively gushing with orgasmic delight over the distress of this family.

Mind you, Conservatives are capable of doing much the same thing, when the opportunity presents itself.

All of which speaks volumes as to the draconian manner in which we Americans have divided ourselves into two camps of similarly deluded plebians.

Family loyalty is a natural thing, but harboring the secrets of a child molester makes a parent a co-conspirator.
I would think finding out such a devastating fact would cause a parent to descend into the depths of depression surrounded by waves of guilt, wondering what they could have done to prevent such an egregious act.
Are we done throwing rocks at the Christian Conservative Duggar Family yet?

Would we be having this discussion if they were anything but Conservative?

Would we be having this discussion if they were anything but Christian?


Why should we care?

How much is enough?

How long do we beat this Dead Horse before we tire of it?

Should we find some Liberal Sexual Perverts to beat-up on, next?

Lord knows, there's plenty to choose from.
we should care because the family has been raking in MILLIONS from the rw rubes out there whilst hiding a heinous un-christian secret.
Sexuality (and related deviancy and aberration and perverseness) is a human condition, not a religious one, nor a sectarian one.

If such an episode had occurred in either your family or mine, would you (or I) have covered it up? I believe that the likely answer is: "Yes, of course."

Can it be said that, after such an unfortunate incident, that the teen-offender (Josh) had straightened-out, and was no longer likely to offend? Probably.

Can it be said that - once the offending teen had been straightened out - that they were once again, worthy spokespeople? I dunno. Maybe.

Can one offend - or be associated by blood ties with an offender - and have a change-of-heart and mind - and become worthy to speak on such? Maybe.

There's no escaping the fact that the kid phukked up.

There's also no escaping the fact that the Mainstream Media has turned the thing into a shark-like feeding frenzy and greatly harmed the family.

Rather like taking a rusty serrated steak-knife and slicing down the middle of an old scar - just to discredit and embarrass a family that had already suffered and had managed to heal and get past the pain for the most part and moved on with their lives.

Beyond the ghost of the 14-year-old offending teen - locked away in the mists of time - I blame the goddamned media for this particular feeding frenzy.

As well as the Liberals who are positively gushing with orgasmic delight over the distress of this family.

Mind you, Conservatives are capable of doing much the same thing, when the opportunity presents itself.

All of which speaks volumes as to the draconian manner in which we Americans have divided ourselves into two camps of similarly deluded plebians.

Family loyalty is a natural thing, but harboring the secrets of a child molester makes a parent a co-conspirator.
I would think finding out such a devastating fact would cause a parent to descend into the depths of depression surrounded by waves of guilt, wondering what they could have done to prevent such an egregious act.

Not only is the perpetrator's life being altered, but the victim's life is also being turned upside down and the act could possibly cause the victim to spiral out of control if left unattended.

Who's to say what the parent should do first. I would think seeking immediate counseling from a reputable psychiatrist would help the parent(s) to navigate their way through a murky, heartbreaking situation.
If the perpetrator continues molesting, I think it would be advisable to remove him/her from the home in order to provide a safe environment while the victim's receive counseling for healing.
It's quite a conundrum as to whether the parent(s) should take the perpetrator to the police because he/she then will be a number in the juvenile courts. If the parent(s) have the finances to send the perpetrator away to
a reputable rehab facility, perhaps that should be an option. At least while the perpetrator is away, the specialists will have an opportunity to evaluate the perpetrator and advise if the authorities should be called in.

The above only refers to inside family molestations. I would think if the perpetrator molested a child from outside the family, that victim's family has the right to call the police immediately. I would, wouldn't you?

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