There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

Josh Duggar is a Christian and no Christian has said or even inferred that what he did was not wrong. Here are some excerpts from articles I have read. See if you can put aside your blatant bigotry and see where a lot of what is being said is by the anti-Christian atheists, agnostics gays and just plain asshole is not a bunch of bullshit. You fit in their somewhere.

"The Kelly File" confirmed that an Arkansas judge has sided with the Duggars on the question of whether a juvenile police record should have been released. The release by Springdale, Ark., police triggered the explosive report that detailed child molestation committed by Josh Duggar when he was a teen. Megyn Kelly reported that juvenile court Judge Stacey Zimmerman has ruled that the records should not have been released under the Freedom of Information law. Zimmerman ordered police to destroy any remaining copies.

On the other side, the Springdale city attorney, who authorized the release, told Kelly that the release was lawful.
Ernest B. Cate said in a statement that Josh Duggar was a minor when he committed the acts, but he was 18 when the police department investigated it.

“We sealed the records of juveniles in this country, because we made a policy decision that we’re not going to hold their acts against them, unless a judge says we can release them, or they commit a felony for which they’re charged as an adult. Neither of which happened here; that’s the bottom line.”

Springdale City Attorney Ernest Cate tells TMZ, the case file was never sealed. The reason — the police report wasn't filed until 2006, 4 years after the molestations began. When the police report was filed, Josh Duggar was 18 ... an adult suspect, and therefore there was no basis for sealing the case.
Cate says he got a Freedom of Information request from a media outlet, and since it was a non-sealed case he was required to release it under the Freedom of Information Act. The names of the minor victims in the police report narrative were redacted.

I've seen it over and over on this thread that many Duggar supporters, most of who profess to be Christians, that Josh's behavior was equivalent to a child playing "doctor".

And you don't call that denial of the seriousness of this sexual assault?

What do you think should be done to Josh Duggar? All that has been done so far is to sensationalize what he did to his sisters when the intent of the law is for juvenile records to be sealed to avoid exactly what is being done to these victims of his conduct. I find that just as disgusting as what he did.
I think you're lying. You simply want to defend the child molester.

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I think you are a pretend Christian and wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the ass.

I guess we could say the same of you.

I guess you could, but I would prefer my supposed lie be refuted rather than calling me a liar.
I would expect many....and carry that til they die under the current system. Many are being registered for Sexting these days....look it up.

You Communists are FAR worse than the Victorians ever were - because the whole thing is a farce. People are branded with the scarlet letter for pissing off the side of the road.
Only a jerk would want to sensationalize what happened to 5 year old girls 12 years ago. The only one being harmed are the victims who are now teenagers and subjected to scrutiny and humiliation by assholes like you. In case you didn't notice, the Duggars have been widely discussed in the media.

These are demagogues - they care about political impact - nothing else.
Josh has already admitted what he did was wrong to his parents and to the cops. What is the reason for further investigation other than to embarrass and publicly humiliate the INNOCENT victims. Nothing legally can be done to Josh Duggar. Even convicted felons are given a second chance after serving their time. Why not give a Christian a second chance?
Before you answer, I will tell you the answer. Because he is publicly opposed to same sex marriage.

Statistically, sex offenders continue to re-offend. That is why sex offenders are registered and face penalties for failing to do so. Josh has not been convicted, but his admission to having committed sex offenses as a youth is a strong indication that he may suffer and be subject to the same kind of illness other sex offenders have. The only way to insure he does not is by professional evaluation. Hence the only way to insure the safety of children around Josh is to make an evaluation so as to know what protective, if any, steps have to be taken. His unwillingness to be evaluated is suspicious, selfish and unreasonable. He himself has admitted to having experienced a problem that experts agree may be controlled, but in many cases, not cured. He needs to show that he is cured or that his illness can be controlled by professional assistance.
You bring up an excellent point...people have had to register as sex offenders for less than what he did...for streaking, for example.

How many teenagers are registered as sex offenders?
I would expect many....and carry that til they die under the current system. Many are being registered for Sexting these days....look it up.

Not good enough. You made the accusation, you furnish the link.
I just typed "Teenagers Registered Sex Offenders" and got it. Don't you have Google skills?
I would expect many....and carry that til they die under the current system. Many are being registered for Sexting these days....look it up.

You Communists are FAR worse than the Victorians ever were - because the whole thing is a farce. People are branded with the scarlet letter for pissing off the side of the road.
All your little mind can do is label people.
So, Tall, you don't consider what Duggar did to be assault?

Here is what the state of AZ considers to be child molestation:

Molestation of a Child, ARS 13-1410:

  • “A person commits molestation of a child by intentionally or knowingly engaging in or causing a person to engage in sexual contact, except sexual contact with the female breast, with a child under fifteen years of age.”
Child molestation charges may result from the direct or indirect sexual touching or contact of a child under the age of 15. The offense may apply if the child touches the adult or if the adult touches the child.

  • Minimum: 10 years prison
  • Maximum: 24 years prison
  • Class 2 felony
  • Note: no “gain” time; sentences are day-to-day
  • Lifetime sexual offender registration requirement
  • Permanent criminal record
Great stigma is attached to child abuse charges of any kind. Even the mere accusation of child molestation charges will affect the way that others look at the accused. Our criminal justice system is based upon the principle of “innocent until proven guilty,” but in highly charged child molestation cases people tend to rush to judgment and assume the worst – even before hearing the facts of the case. Phoenix sex offense attorney Jeremy Geigle understands the innate fears that can affect people and he utilizes this knowledge to his client’s benefit in a most skillful manner in both pretrial and courtroom proceedings. Attorney Geigle’s calmness and straightforward manner affects people in a positive manner. A successful sex offense attorney must be able to relate to people in this way for effective representation.

Please note that the penalty is 10 TO 20 YEARS IN PRISON!
And you think sanduskys records should have been sealed for the same reason

I didn't follow what started the Sandusky case, but didn't one or more his victims sue him? Sandusky was not a minor so sealing his records is absurd.
Nor was Duggar when the investigation started.

Duggar was not arrested, charged with a crime or sued by anyone. The statute of limitations has expired and all you bigots are doing is hurting several innocent victims for no other reason than you hate Christians.

We aren't doing anything but discussing this on a public forum. Your concern for the victims is shallow. If you were really concerned for the victims, you'd be wondering why his parents swept this under the rug, and never got Josh any professional help from a licensed therapist. And stop with your whiny victim BS.

Only a jerk would want to sensationalize what happened to 5 year old girls 12 years ago. The only one being harmed are the victims who are now teenagers and subjected to scrutiny and humiliation by assholes like you. In case you didn't notice, the Duggars have been widely discussed in the media.
Like you give a damn about the girls.....having your fits over people wanting Josh Duggar to have CONSEQUENCES for his pervert actions.
Is it really appropriate to have someone who has something like this in their past, running an organization that is supposed to promote family values?
Statistically, sex offenders continue to re-offend. That is why sex offenders are registered and face penalties for failing to do so. Josh has not been convicted, but his admission to having committed sex offenses as a youth is a strong indication that he may suffer and be subject to the same kind of illness other sex offenders have. The only way to insure he does not is by professional evaluation. Hence the only way to insure the safety of children around Josh is to make an evaluation so as to know what protective, if any, steps have to be taken. His unwillingness to be evaluated is suspicious, selfish and unreasonable. He himself has admitted to having experienced a problem that experts agree may be controlled, but in many cases, not cured. He needs to show that he is cured or that his illness can be controlled by professional assistance.
You bring up an excellent point...people have had to register as sex offenders for less than what he did...for streaking, for example.

How many teenagers are registered as sex offenders?
I would expect many....and carry that til they die under the current system. Many are being registered for Sexting these days....look it up.

Not good enough. You made the accusation, you furnish the link.
I just typed "Teenagers Registered Sex Offenders" and got it. Don't you have Google skills?

I sure do and I even know how to post the link. Apparently you don't.
I didn't follow what started the Sandusky case, but didn't one or more his victims sue him? Sandusky was not a minor so sealing his records is absurd.
Nor was Duggar when the investigation started.

Duggar was not arrested, charged with a crime or sued by anyone. The statute of limitations has expired and all you bigots are doing is hurting several innocent victims for no other reason than you hate Christians.

We aren't doing anything but discussing this on a public forum. Your concern for the victims is shallow. If you were really concerned for the victims, you'd be wondering why his parents swept this under the rug, and never got Josh any professional help from a licensed therapist. And stop with your whiny victim BS.

Only a jerk would want to sensationalize what happened to 5 year old girls 12 years ago. The only one being harmed are the victims who are now teenagers and subjected to scrutiny and humiliation by assholes like you. In case you didn't notice, the Duggars have been widely discussed in the media.
Like you give a damn about the girls.....having your fits over people wanting Josh Duggar to have CONSEQUENCES for his pervert actions.

Only a real dipshit would not care about the girls. That would be you!
Josh has already admitted what he did was wrong to his parents and to the cops. What is the reason for further investigation other than to embarrass and publicly humiliate the INNOCENT victims. Nothing legally can be done to Josh Duggar. Even convicted felons are given a second chance after serving their time. Why not give a Christian a second chance?
Before you answer, I will tell you the answer. Because he is publicly opposed to same sex marriage.

That's rich coming from the side who hates and refuses to accept LGBT's, even those hundreds of miles OUTSIDE their religious circles. They just want to get married but the Christian's not only won't let them, but they pass laws specifically to /stop/ them from being happy.

Gee, I wonder why Dugger isn't getting any "sympathy" from the LGBT camp and those who might support their quest for freedom from religious dogma??

Damn skippy! Welcome to persecution, you know that thing you've been doing to the LGBT community for over two thousand years. Ya'll gotten what, maybe 10 years of it, and you're already sick of it? Karma's funny huh?

Then there's those of us who just think child molestation is wrong and find it disgusting that the church hides that kind of shit for their people and all they have to do is "ask forgiveness." Kind of makes us wonder what else ya'll are hiding for people who ask forgiveness.

I'm more angry at the religious leaders than ya'll sheep though honestly. They're the ones who capitalized on homophobia in an attempt to keep their flocks full in the US, a place where their religious persecution of other religions, races, and people in general have caused most "free thinkers" to lose interest in the oft extreme's of their religious leaders. They stupidly imo got overzealous and tried to use the constitution to legalize their persecution (again), this time they forgot that at the same time they argued FOR religious freedom, they would have to DEFY the same - because a few lines in the bible is the ONLY thing they have against LGBT besides the "eww" factor - turns out "eww" doesn't stand up in court as valid.

Hopefully the rest of the religious leaders in the US step in line with the rest of the first world power countries religious leaders on the planet and realize that their religious power base in the US isn't worth destroying over what happens in someone, who is outside the church's, personal life. If they are not willing to do that, then frankly I hope their numbers dwindle to nothing in this country. Someone else's religion should never be used to dictate how one lives in America, period.
I'd really like to know how Josh "the child molester" Duggar got punished. Anyone?

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His parents took his pussy away.


He's got a 5 year old daughter. :( He and his wife say they're planning on having as many children as Gawd will allow.
Carla, while I am repulsed by what Josh did , I do not believe he was or is a pedophile. A pervert, yets, a pedophile no. I don't think he is sexually attracted to prepubescent children, and I don't think he's a danger to any children now.

Not all child molesters are pedophiles. Some are just opportunistic assholes. Josh is an adult now and can find his opportunities elsewhere.

I base this opinion on the fact that we haven't heard about any recent or even relatively recent cases of Josh molesting children, and if he were a pedophile he wouldn't be able to help himself, and those cases would have emerged by now.

The thing is, we don't know if Josh has molested more children than what's been reported. People tend to hide these things. What we do know that that his family in not cooperating with a new investigation. Why is that?

I could be wrong, but I have a feeling more is going to come to light.

Duggar Family Reportedly Under New Investigation By Arkansas Department Of Human Services

Oh, we'd know by now. You just want to believe he's a pedophile, for whatever reason.
That's a stretch of the imagination.

The truth is we have absolutely no idea what that child molester did or didn't do. Dennis Hastert has managed to keep his deep seated perversion hidden for decades. It's only now coming to light and your ilk is also engaging in defending him.

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Last edited:
Homosexuality today is all about glamorizing sexual enjoyment/fulfillment... Dugger's problem seems to have been straightened out and not dwelled on, accepted, or normalized. I am sure he would be the first one to admit he had a problem. Not many homosexuals are willing today to admit they are hooked or have an issue. The only reason Duggar was "outed" was to discredit his family which is a thorn in the side of today's "new normal." Fortunately, Duggar isn't what he was at 14 or 15 ---- Unfortunately, most 'gays' may never grow up.
Apparently, whacked out RWNJS, for the most part, are going to defend sexual pervert Josh Duggar to the very end. Josh is a "Christian" and can therefore do no wrong. And quite apparently, influential "Christians" can go on national TV and lie out their asses about just every single aspect of this gross and sordid series of multiple sexual crimes, but it's OK if you are among the "King's Kids".

What in the world ever happened to Christianity in America? Are the lives of little girls so worthless that sexual abuse is what they deserve, or what?

Is there not even one single Rightie Christian here who is willing to call out this horrible perversion of his religion for what it is, senza deflection, senza tu quoque?

Guess not...

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Josh Duggar is a Christian and no Christian has said or even inferred that what he did was not wrong. Here are some excerpts from articles I have read. See if you can put aside your blatant bigotry and see where a lot of what is being said is by the anti-Christian atheists, agnostics gays and just plain asshole is not a bunch of bullshit. You fit in their somewhere.

"The Kelly File" confirmed that an Arkansas judge has sided with the Duggars on the question of whether a juvenile police record should have been released. The release by Springdale, Ark., police triggered the explosive report that detailed child molestation committed by Josh Duggar when he was a teen. Megyn Kelly reported that juvenile court Judge Stacey Zimmerman has ruled that the records should not have been released under the Freedom of Information law. Zimmerman ordered police to destroy any remaining copies.

On the other side, the Springdale city attorney, who authorized the release, told Kelly that the release was lawful.
Ernest B. Cate said in a statement that Josh Duggar was a minor when he committed the acts, but he was 18 when the police department investigated it.

“We sealed the records of juveniles in this country, because we made a policy decision that we’re not going to hold their acts against them, unless a judge says we can release them, or they commit a felony for which they’re charged as an adult. Neither of which happened here; that’s the bottom line.”

Springdale City Attorney Ernest Cate tells TMZ, the case file was never sealed. The reason — the police report wasn't filed until 2006, 4 years after the molestations began. When the police report was filed, Josh Duggar was 18 ... an adult suspect, and therefore there was no basis for sealing the case.
Cate says he got a Freedom of Information request from a media outlet, and since it was a non-sealed case he was required to release it under the Freedom of Information Act. The names of the minor victims in the police report narrative were redacted.

I've seen it over and over on this thread that many Duggar supporters, most of who profess to be Christians, that Josh's behavior was equivalent to a child playing "doctor".

And you don't call that denial of the seriousness of this sexual assault?

What do you think should be done to Josh Duggar? All that has been done so far is to sensationalize what he did to his sisters when the intent of the law is for juvenile records to be sealed to avoid exactly what is being done to these victims of his conduct. I find that just as disgusting as what he did.
I think you're lying. You simply want to defend the child molester.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I think you are a pretend Christian and wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the ass.
Your posting style doesn't strike me as Christian, more like pagan.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Carla, while I am repulsed by what Josh did , I do not believe he was or is a pedophile. A pervert, yets, a pedophile no. I don't think he is sexually attracted to prepubescent children, and I don't think he's a danger to any children now.

Not all child molesters are pedophiles. Some are just opportunistic assholes. Josh is an adult now and can find his opportunities elsewhere.

I base this opinion on the fact that we haven't heard about any recent or even relatively recent cases of Josh molesting children, and if he were a pedophile he wouldn't be able to help himself, and those cases would have emerged by now.

The thing is, we don't know if Josh has molested more children than what's been reported. People tend to hide these things. What we do know that that his family in not cooperating with a new investigation. Why is that?

I could be wrong, but I have a feeling more is going to come to light.

Duggar Family Reportedly Under New Investigation By Arkansas Department Of Human Services

Oh, we'd know by now. You just want to believe he's a pedophile, for whatever reason.

I'm not so sure that we'd know... I mean, we've got the church sweeping it under the run so it didn't ruin reputations, and it seems like the cop they talked to might have blown off the incident a bit as well, then we've got a judge destroying the paperwork /after/ information was legally requested (though as I understand it the files they destroyed were the minor victims "complaints" and not viewable, correct me if I'm wrong on that, but why have them destroyed THEN?), we've got the guy they had sent him to for "help" in jail for child molestation, and now the parents are having police called in because they are refusing to see DHS about another complaint.

That's an awful lot of suspicious shit to be going on if you ask me. I mean I can buy a couple, even a few, "quirks" in a situation, but at some point it starts to smell...

(Though I would not be surprised if someone asshole just made the recent report to harass them, still, the /correct/ thing to do is let DHS talk to the kid(s), not refuse to let them speak to the kid(s) and have to get the police involved - and isn't this the /second/ time the parents have basically ignored (legally authorized) people worried about their kids as well? Didn't they blow off some meeting with Josh?)

Josh has already admitted what he did was wrong to his parents and to the cops. What is the reason for further investigation other than to embarrass and publicly humiliate the INNOCENT victims. Nothing legally can be done to Josh Duggar. Even convicted felons are given a second chance after serving their time. Why not give a Christian a second chance?
Before you answer, I will tell you the answer. Because he is publicly opposed to same sex marriage.

Statistically, sex offenders continue to re-offend. That is why sex offenders are registered and face penalties for failing to do so. Josh has not been convicted, but his admission to having committed sex offenses as a youth is a strong indication that he may suffer and be subject to the same kind of illness other sex offenders have. The only way to insure he does not is by professional evaluation. Hence the only way to insure the safety of children around Josh is to make an evaluation so as to know what protective, if any, steps have to be taken. His unwillingness to be evaluated is suspicious, selfish and unreasonable. He himself has admitted to having experienced a problem that experts agree may be controlled, but in many cases, not cured. He needs to show that he is cured or that his illness can be controlled by professional assistance.
Very well said Camp.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
What do you think should be done to Josh Duggar? All that has been done so far is to sensationalize what he did to his sisters when the intent of the law is for juvenile records to be sealed to avoid exactly what is being done to these victims of his conduct. I find that just as disgusting as what he did.
And you think sanduskys records should have been sealed for the same reason

I didn't follow what started the Sandusky case, but didn't one or more his victims sue him? Sandusky was not a minor so sealing his records is absurd.
Nor was Duggar when the investigation started.

Duggar was not arrested, charged with a crime or sued by anyone. The statute of limitations has expired and all you bigots are doing is hurting several innocent victims for no other reason than you hate Christians.

We aren't doing anything but discussing this on a public forum. Your concern for the victims is shallow. If you were really concerned for the victims, you'd be wondering why his parents swept this under the rug, and never got Josh any professional help from a licensed therapist. And stop with your whiny victim BS.
He's not fooling anyone. Neither him nor his fellow radical reactionary rightwing choir members.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The thing is, we don't know if Josh has molested more children than what's been reported. People tend to hide these things. What we do know that that his family in not cooperating with a new investigation. Why is that?

I could be wrong, but I have a feeling more is going to come to light.

Duggar Family Reportedly Under New Investigation By Arkansas Department Of Human Services

Oh, we'd know by now. You just want to believe he's a pedophile, for whatever reason.

I'm not so sure that we'd know... I mean, we've got the church sweeping it under the run so it didn't ruin reputations, and it seems like the cop they talked to might have blown off the incident a bit as well, then we've got a judge destroying the paperwork /after/ information was legally requested (though as I understand it the files they destroyed were the minor victims "complaints" and not viewable, correct me if I'm wrong on that, but why have them destroyed THEN?), we've got the guy they had sent him to for "help" in jail for child molestation, and now the parents are having police called in because they are refusing to see DHS about another complaint.

That's an awful lot of suspicious shit to be going on if you ask me. I mean I can buy a couple, even a few, "quirks" in a situation, but at some point it starts to smell...

(Though I would not be surprised if someone asshole just made the recent report to harass them, still, the /correct/ thing to do is let DHS talk to the kid(s), not refuse to let them speak to the kid(s) and have to get the police involved - and isn't this the /second/ time the parents have basically ignored (legally authorized) people worried about their kids as well? Didn't they blow off some meeting with Josh?)

Josh has already admitted what he did was wrong to his parents and to the cops. What is the reason for further investigation other than to embarrass and publicly humiliate the INNOCENT victims. Nothing legally can be done to Josh Duggar. Even convicted felons are given a second chance after serving their time. Why not give a Christian a second chance?
Before you answer, I will tell you the answer. Because he is publicly opposed to same sex marriage.

Statistically, sex offenders continue to re-offend. That is why sex offenders are registered and face penalties for failing to do so. Josh has not been convicted, but his admission to having committed sex offenses as a youth is a strong indication that he may suffer and be subject to the same kind of illness other sex offenders have. The only way to insure he does not is by professional evaluation. Hence the only way to insure the safety of children around Josh is to make an evaluation so as to know what protective, if any, steps have to be taken. His unwillingness to be evaluated is suspicious, selfish and unreasonable. He himself has admitted to having experienced a problem that experts agree may be controlled, but in many cases, not cured. He needs to show that he is cured or that his illness can be controlled by professional assistance.

Show me the statistics of teenagers that are non-violent sex offenders that re-offend since I believe it is a very low percentage. It seems after 12 years, a marriage and three children, if Josh was a repeat sex offender he would have been, at the very least, been accused of something. He has shown that he is cured by his actions.
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Homosexuality today is all about glamorizing sexual enjoyment/fulfillment... Dugger's problem seems to have been straightened out and not dwelled on, accepted, or normalized. I am sure he would be the first one to admit he had a problem. Not many homosexuals are willing today to admit they are hooked or have an issue. The only reason Duggar was "outed" was to discredit his family which is a thorn in the side of today's "new normal." Fortunately, Duggar isn't what he was at 14 or 15 ---- Unfortunately, most 'gays' may never grow up.

Just out of curiosity when were you homosexual and when did you "grow out of it"? Since you know what it's "all about"...
Is it really appropriate to have someone who has something like this in their past, running an organization that is supposed to promote family values?
No, not one bit. Absolutely not. Josh Duggar's name is mud hence forward.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I never said he was a pedophile. I said he is a pervert. I don't know why you think we know all there is to know. His parents have tried very hard to sweep this whole thing under the rug, starting with not reporting it from the beginning.

If not, you are the only one trolling the thread on behalf of Soros who hasn't.

I'm not going to go back and check, you drooling morons got boring a long time ago. But the hate site script that most of you mindless fools are reciting does include calling Duggar a pedophile.

Hey, slander and libel are the only things your party has to offer the nation.

WTF is this useless blabber?

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